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ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic 'Empowerment and Shaman Path's' a question to the Imms ... [ View all ]AbernyteSat 04-Oct-14 01:18 AM1557
Reply RE: 'Empowerment and Shaman Path's' a question to the I..., Whiysdan, 30-Sep-14 11:03 AM, #5
Reply Thanks for this - has been useful., Abernyte, 04-Oct-14 01:18 AM, #6
Reply RE: 'Empowerment and Shaman Path's' a question to the I..., Daevryn, 27-Sep-14 08:49 AM, #3
Reply Cheers for the response., Abernyte, 27-Sep-14 09:07 AM, #4
Reply My thoughts, Destuvius, 26-Sep-14 06:25 PM, #1
     Reply Thanks, I love your approach and it makes me want to co..., Abernyte, 27-Sep-14 07:49 AM, #2
Topic New player wondering what path to take. [ View all ]Roas-UndeathWed 01-Oct-14 11:02 AM1571
Reply I suggest following combos, DurNominator, 23-Sep-14 12:55 PM, #8
Reply RE: New player wondering what path to take., polmier, 22-Sep-14 06:34 PM, #7
Reply RE: New player wondering what path to take., Ekaerok (Anonymous), 22-Sep-14 01:57 PM, #6
Reply This, -flso, 23-Sep-14 07:55 PM, #9
Reply RE: New player wondering what path to take., Hutto, 22-Sep-14 09:22 AM, #5
Reply RE: New player wondering what path to take., incognito, 20-Sep-14 02:30 PM, #4
Reply I'd go with warrior for your first character, or possib..., KaguMaru, 20-Sep-14 02:03 PM, #3
Reply If you go warrior..., E4rth, 01-Oct-14 11:02 AM, #10
Reply RE: New player wondering what path to take., Zephon, 19-Sep-14 09:45 PM, #2
Reply One possibility., Kalageadon, 19-Sep-14 06:39 PM, #1
Topic A defensive thief? [ View all ]KagaSat 20-Sep-14 02:06 PM1482
Reply Hello., Mendos, 15-Sep-14 12:37 PM, #1
     Reply Hey, think you made a pretty big typo. , Lhydia, 15-Sep-14 04:05 PM, #2
     Reply Thanks for catching that. Exactly what Lhydia's edit s..., Mendos, 16-Sep-14 03:28 AM, #3
     Reply RE: Hello., Kaga, 16-Sep-14 04:11 AM, #4
          Reply Welcome to CF, Amberion, 20-Sep-14 02:06 PM, #5
Topic Saves clarification? [ View all ]CalionThu 18-Sep-14 05:56 PM1144
Reply RE: Saves clarification?, Daevryn, 18-Sep-14 05:56 PM, #1
Topic Character sheets [ View all ]Dan83Thu 28-Aug-14 02:25 PM1209
Reply RE: Character sheets, Umiron, 28-Aug-14 02:25 PM, #1
Topic Nexus RP&PK questions [ View all ]Undecided (Anonymous)Thu 28-Aug-14 10:30 AM1065
Reply RE: Nexus RP&PK questions, Ekaerok (Anonymous), 28-Aug-14 10:30 AM, #1
Locked Topic Looking for a certain person [ View all ]BjornSat 26-Jul-14 08:56 AM1398
Reply Ask Gabe's lawyer, Pendragon_Surtr, 26-Jul-14 08:56 AM, #5
Reply RE: *REreq*, Bjorn, 14-Jul-14 08:11 AM, #1
     Reply RE: *REreq*, Rayihn, 14-Jul-14 09:08 AM, #2
          Reply Bjorn said he tried facebook with no luck. And Pro won..., TMNS, 14-Jul-14 01:25 PM, #3
               Reply Nothing we can do here nt, Rayihn, 14-Jul-14 02:08 PM, #4
Topic posting to the bug forums not allowed? [ View all ]crsweeneyThu 17-Jul-14 09:54 AM1019
Reply Not sure what's up., Valguarnera, 16-Jul-14 07:43 PM, #1
     Reply working now, crsweeney, 17-Jul-14 09:54 AM, #2
Topic QHCF Website [ View all ]Newbie (Anonymous)Sun 29-Jun-14 04:37 AM1547
Reply Should be working now, incognito, 29-Jun-14 04:37 AM, #7
Reply RE: QHCF Website, Qualyn, 08-Jun-14 08:00 AM, #4
Reply RE: QHCF Website, Zarkla, 08-Jun-14 04:32 PM, #5
     Reply Raised this again, incognito, 11-Jun-14 07:09 AM, #6
Reply RE: QHCF Website, incognito, 17-May-14 03:26 PM, #1
     Reply RE: QHCF Website, Zarkla, 17-May-14 06:55 PM, #2
          Reply I've asked people to look into it, incognito, 18-May-14 04:08 AM, #3
Topic Deletion/ re-activation and IC. [ View all ]Newbie (Anonymous)Sat 14-Jun-14 10:08 PM1172
Reply RE: Deletion/ re-activation and IC., Valguarnera, 14-Jun-14 03:59 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Deletion/ re-activation and IC., Newbie (Anonymous), 14-Jun-14 10:08 PM, #2
Topic Any necromancer tips? n/t [ View all ]myx0m0pTue 10-Jun-14 06:52 PM1238
Reply A more specific question might get you better feedback., Valguarnera, 10-Jun-14 06:52 PM, #2
Reply If you're fairly new, don't do necro, Helpful in the know (Anonymous), 09-Jun-14 11:09 PM, #1
Topic How many other users do people usually play with? [ View all ]JaegendarSat 31-May-14 09:37 PM1140
Reply RE: How many other users do people usually play with?, Zarkla, 31-May-14 04:59 PM, #1
     Reply RE: How many other users do people usually play with?, Falstaff, 31-May-14 06:46 PM, #2
          Reply Check the count command. 31 on right now (10:30PM East..., Falstaff, 31-May-14 09:37 PM, #3
Topic Clients [ View all ]JaegendarSat 31-May-14 06:45 PM1176
Reply Suggestion., Kalageadon, 30-May-14 11:53 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Suggestion., Jaegendar, 31-May-14 12:05 AM, #2
          Reply RE: Suggestion., Falstaff, 31-May-14 06:45 PM, #3
Topic Manacles [ View all ]Hopelsss Caster (Anonymous)Thu 15-May-14 10:10 AM1131
Reply You can cast through manacles, incognito, 13-May-14 02:40 AM, #1
     Reply RE: You can cast through manacles, neorek, 13-May-14 08:11 PM, #2
          Reply Not strictly true, incognito, 14-May-14 12:25 AM, #3
               Reply What does an invoker do against a thief or polearm warr..., Polmier (Anonymous), 14-May-14 12:05 PM, #4
                    Reply RE: What does an invoker do against a thief or polearm ..., Daevryn, 14-May-14 01:32 PM, #5
                         Reply This, or, incognito, 15-May-14 10:10 AM, #6
Topic Hit roll question [ View all ]CalionWed 07-May-14 03:37 AM1241
Reply Well, incognito, 07-May-14 03:37 AM, #2
Reply RE: Hit roll question, Zephon, 06-May-14 09:01 PM, #1
Topic Cry of Thunder and Vanguard's Desire [ View all ]wobblyHMon 05-May-14 06:37 PM1260
Reply RE: Cry of Thunder and Vanguard's Desire, Daevryn, 05-May-14 04:14 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Cry of Thunder and Vanguard's Desire, wobblyH, 05-May-14 04:18 PM, #2
          Reply Champion Paladin, Tsunami, 05-May-14 06:37 PM, #3
Topic Unique Race/Class Character [ View all ]Random Questioner #11048 (Anonymous)Sat 03-May-14 06:53 AM1103
Reply RE: Unique Race/Class Character, Teamkiller, 03-May-14 06:53 AM, #1
Topic Edge prereq [ View all ]CalionSat 19-Apr-14 07:03 AM1406
Reply RE: Edge prereq, Daevryn, 17-Mar-14 11:31 AM, #1
     Reply Ah, thanks. A followup question:, Calion, 17-Mar-14 11:44 AM, #2
     Reply RE: Ah, thanks. A followup question:, Daevryn, 17-Mar-14 06:51 PM, #3
          Reply Ok, though would you consider changing that?, Calion, 18-Mar-14 04:18 PM, #4
               Reply I don't think you understand edges, incognito, 18-Apr-14 02:22 PM, #6
                    Reply You don't *have to* tie edges so strictly to stats. n/t, Calion, 19-Apr-14 07:03 AM, #8
     Reply An idea/request for discuss prereq, Calion, 18-Apr-14 08:05 AM, #5
          Reply Good idea. Alternatively , incognito, 19-Apr-14 03:23 AM, #7
Topic Haste ? [ View all ]vorianFri 18-Apr-14 05:17 PM1310
Reply RE: Haste ?, Daevryn, 17-Apr-14 01:32 PM, #2
Reply Follow up Q, Quicker then wind (Anonymous), 17-Apr-14 09:40 PM, #3
Reply RE: Follow up Q, Daevryn, 18-Apr-14 06:56 AM, #4
     Reply bloodlust improves defenses?, incognito, 18-Apr-14 02:24 PM, #5
          Reply RE: bloodlust improves defenses?, Daevryn, 18-Apr-14 05:17 PM, #8
Reply Does it also improve spin, incognito, 18-Apr-14 03:09 PM, #6
     Reply RE: Does it also improve spin, Daevryn, 18-Apr-14 05:13 PM, #7
Reply RE: Haste ?, Risdrin, 17-Apr-14 01:00 PM, #1
Topic Duo Dimension ?s [ View all ]Da Muted_ (Anonymous)Mon 14-Apr-14 03:35 AM1940
Reply RE: Duo Dimension ?s, jalbrin, 15-Dec-13 12:17 PM, #1
     Reply A couple follow up transmuter ?s, Da Muted_ (Anonymous), 05-Jan-14 06:19 PM, #2
     Reply RE: A couple follow up transmuter ?s, sykon, 06-Jan-14 07:34 PM, #3
     Reply RE: A couple follow up transmuter ?s, Daevryn, 06-Jan-14 08:49 PM, #4
     Reply RE: A couple follow up transmuter ?s, Eskelian, 06-Jan-14 10:20 PM, #5
     Reply RE: A couple follow up transmuter ?s, Daevryn, 07-Jan-14 12:27 AM, #6
          Reply Pretty smart. Thanks. n/t, Eskelian, 07-Jan-14 08:58 AM, #7
     Reply A couple add-on's..., TMNS, 14-Jan-14 05:41 PM, #10
          Reply Correction, Moligant, 27-Jan-14 10:10 AM, #11
     Reply Another question about Neuro...?, Da Muted_ (Anonymous), 13-Jan-14 08:57 PM, #8
          Reply RE: Another question about Neuro...?, Eskelian, 13-Jan-14 11:15 PM, #9
     Reply Some misinfo here, KaguMaru, 09-Apr-14 08:53 AM, #12
          Reply More precisely, incognito, 14-Apr-14 03:35 AM, #13
Topic Training assassin kicks [ View all ]terinthMon 07-Apr-14 06:11 PM1364
Reply RE: Training assassin kicks, Grurk Muouk, 13-Mar-14 01:15 PM, #5
Reply This might help:, Tsunami, 13-Mar-14 12:35 PM, #1
     Reply RE: This might help:, terinth, 13-Mar-14 12:41 PM, #2
     Reply Oh, Tsunami, 13-Mar-14 12:45 PM, #3
          Reply RE: Oh, terinth, 13-Mar-14 12:52 PM, #4
               Reply RE: Oh, TJHuron, 13-Mar-14 04:15 PM, #6
                    Reply IME it's better to fight things you can kill that give ..., KaguMaru, 07-Apr-14 06:11 PM, #9
     Reply My method, incognito, 15-Mar-14 04:55 AM, #7
          Reply Maybe it's just confirmation bias, but, terinth, 18-Mar-14 09:35 PM, #8
Topic Conjurer Woes [ View all ]MegucaThu 20-Mar-14 10:38 AM1369
Reply RE: Conjurer Woes, Quarissa (Anonymous), 20-Mar-14 10:38 AM, #6
Reply RE: Conjurer Woes, Daevryn, 18-Mar-14 07:37 PM, #2
Reply RE: Conjurer Woes, Meguca, 18-Mar-14 09:40 PM, #3
Reply Lowbie combat as a mage.., Mendos, 18-Mar-14 06:27 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Lowbie combat as a mage.., Meguca, 18-Mar-14 09:52 PM, #4
          Reply RE: Lowbie combat as a mage.., Daevryn, 18-Mar-14 11:03 PM, #5
Topic If I could find someone who speaks in russian [ View all ]PagroTue 18-Mar-14 04:24 PM1179
Reply RE: If I could find someone who speaks in russian, Murphy, 17-Mar-14 07:32 PM, #3
Reply RE: If I could find someone who speaks in russian, NoobAgain, 17-Mar-14 09:39 PM, #4
     Reply It's in fact one of the most popular IMs here., Murphy, 17-Mar-14 10:09 PM, #5
          Reply GoodFelar?, Tsunami, 17-Mar-14 10:13 PM, #6
Reply Many Russians, Tsunami, 17-Mar-14 02:05 PM, #2
Reply RE: If I could find someone who speaks in russian, LogFiend (Anonymous), 17-Mar-14 12:21 PM, #1
     Reply RE: If I could find someone who speaks in russian, Pagro, 18-Mar-14 04:24 PM, #7
Topic Death-traps... is there a point? [ View all ]FiresongMon 17-Mar-14 03:00 AM1775
Reply 2 cents idea, Newbie101, 16-Mar-14 09:17 AM, #15
Reply Certain death isn't guaranteed, incognito, 17-Mar-14 03:00 AM, #16
Reply Real risk element., Mendos, 15-Mar-14 05:42 PM, #14
Reply RE: Death-traps... is there a point?, Eskelian, 10-Dec-13 05:26 AM, #11
Reply It also helps with PAYING ATTENTION, 1D_rookie, 14-Nov-13 02:50 AM, #10
Reply Very good reasoning., Aereglen, 07-Nov-13 12:32 PM, #8
Reply RE: Very good reasoning., Ekaerok (Anonymous), 07-Nov-13 05:10 PM, #9
Reply They're very useful tactically., Artificial, 12-Oct-13 04:56 PM, #4
Reply Not to mention, incognito, 15-Mar-14 05:03 AM, #12
Reply I have also.., Mendos, 15-Mar-14 05:45 PM, #13
Reply RE: Death-traps... is there a point?, Sertius, 12-Oct-13 03:24 PM, #3
Reply You can quit., Tsunami, 12-Oct-13 02:50 PM, #2
Reply I personally wouldn't mind..., Torak, 12-Oct-13 03:47 AM, #1
     Reply Do you mean....recall?, Twist, 12-Oct-13 07:19 PM, #5
          Reply Yeah I was tired that night..., Torak, 13-Oct-13 12:00 PM, #6
               Reply Pre-10 you can recall through norecall nt, Tac, 13-Oct-13 04:16 PM, #7
Topic Lowbie survival against assassins. [ View all ]MendosWed 12-Mar-14 09:41 PM1187
Reply Terrain, Tsunami, 12-Mar-14 07:32 PM, #1
     Reply Well.., Mendos, 12-Mar-14 09:41 PM, #2
Topic Newbie Necromancer? [ View all ]MegucaTue 11-Mar-14 12:26 PM1174
Reply Here's an idea, TJHuron, 11-Mar-14 10:05 AM, #3
Reply This is a fabulous take/idea. n/t, Grurk Muouk, 11-Mar-14 12:26 PM, #4
Reply Basic advice no matter the class., The_Shark, 11-Mar-14 07:36 AM, #2
Reply RE: Newbie Necromancer?, Daevryn, 11-Mar-14 07:31 AM, #1
Topic Melee vs Conjurer etc [ View all ]VahrniaWed 05-Mar-14 08:53 PM1151
Reply RE: Melee vs Conjurer etc, Daevryn, 05-Mar-14 08:45 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Melee vs Conjurer etc, Vahrnia, 05-Mar-14 08:53 PM, #2
Topic Soothing Demeanor [ View all ]Newbie101 (NOT Ranger)Mon 17-Feb-14 02:07 AM1211
Reply RE: Soothing Demeanor, Rayihn, 14-Jan-14 12:10 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Soothing Demeanor, Newbie101, 17-Feb-14 02:07 AM, #2
Topic Character Stats [ View all ]Statistician (Anonymous)Sun 19-Jan-14 06:41 AM1237
Reply RE: Character Stats, Zephon, 02-Jan-14 10:04 PM, #1
     Reply Wait what, jalbrin, 03-Jan-14 09:57 AM, #2
          Reply Up to your racial max, Rayihn, 03-Jan-14 10:50 AM, #3
               Reply Shifters:, xrus, 19-Jan-14 06:41 AM, #4
Topic The Immortal Thror [ View all ]Newbie Shaman (Anonymous)Tue 14-Jan-14 12:08 PM1074
Reply RE: The Immortal Thror, Whiysdan, 14-Jan-14 12:08 PM, #1