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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #5114
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sehvoor (Guest)Tue 12-Mar-02 08:57 PM

#5150, "Go, Samar, Grolg, I will refer you to this post in my"


/*This is shortly after I got the job. First time I had a chance to talk with Intronan. I nolonger have the log where I talked with Thror and he told me basically the same kinds of things*/

Intronan whispers 'Greetings.'

<576hp 300m 132mv> tell Sethric At the moment for a short while, Aye.
You tell Sethric 'At the moment for a short while, Aye.'

<576hp 300m 132mv> whois se
<23 Duerg War> Sethric the Gladiator
<9 Human Asn> Senishun the 3rd Black
<18 Human Inv> Sekmetra the Sorcerer
<35 Felar Asn> (PK) Sehvoor the Uki Goshi, General of War

<578hp 316m 167mv> rem spear
You stop using a practice spear.

<578hp 316m 167mv>
Sethric tells you 'Yah, yell me when there's time fer some talkin' eh?'

<578hp 316m 167mv> wear anduril
You wield anduril, Flame of the West.
Anduril, Flame of the West feels like a part of you!

<578hp 316m 167mv>
Intronan whispers 'Tell me... have you spoken with the Captain, and Commander, on how you shall all differ on interviewing applicants?'

<578hp 316m 167mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<578hp 342m 237mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<578hp 342m 237mv> ' I have not yet.
You say 'I have not yet.'

<578hp 342m 237mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 342m 237mv> ' Indeed, I have only seen the Captain for a short time.
You say 'Indeed, I have only seen the Captain for a short time.'

<578hp 342m 237mv>
Intronan whispers 'Best to do so soon. Best that each of you tests a different facet of the applicant.'

<578hp 342m 237mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 342m 237mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 342m 237mv>
You feel less tough.

<578hp 356m 272mv>
Intronan whispers 'Perhaps communicate with scrolls.'

<578hp 356m 272mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 356m 272mv>
Intronan whispers 'Things that must be tested...'

<578hp 356m 272mv>
Intronan whispers 'Are the basic knowledge of the lands...'

<578hp 356m 272mv> emote taps his right fang twice.
Sehvoor taps his right fang twice.

<578hp 356m 272mv> nod

Intronan whispers 'Basic knowledge of the village itself...'
You nod.

<578hp 356m 272mv>
Intronan whispers 'And knowledge of what drives an applicant to seek us'

<578hp 367m 307mv>
Intronan whispers 'If you all focus on a different aspect, all applicants will be well tested indeed'

<578hp 367m 307mv> ' I have also been testing the knowledge of the line between courage and I have seen two Villagers removed from the Village for not knowing.
You say 'I have also been testing the knowledge of the line between courage and I have seen two Villagers removed from the Village for not knowing.'

<578hp 374m 342mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 342mv>
Intronan whispers 'Many villagers are lacking in many areas.'

<578hp 374m 342mv>
You feel less resistant to magic.

<578hp 374m 377mv> emote scratches his neck for a moment.

Intronan whispers 'Too few spend enough time in this room, in study'
Sehvoor scratches his neck for a moment.

<578hp 374m 377mv> whisp You said "Commander", and not "Commanders"....
You whisper 'You said "Commander", and not "Commanders"....'

<578hp 374m 377mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 377mv>
Intronan whispers 'That is correct.'

<578hp 374m 377mv> emote flattens his ears against his head.

Intronan whispers 'Nerylana has perished.'
Sehvoor flattens his ears against his head.

<578hp 374m 412mv> growl

<578hp 374m 412mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 412mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 447mv>
Intronan whispers 'When one leader falls, another must rise.'

<578hp 374m 447mv>
Intronan whispers 'Commander or not, you will be looked to for leadership.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I believe I will not let the Village down.
You say 'I believe I will not let the Village down.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> Intronan whispers 'Do you see the fifth item on the plaque?'

<578hp 374m 467mv> l plaque
Large words have been etched smoothly into the polished surface of the
I: War is a matter of vital importance to the Village; the province of
life and death; the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory that it be
thoroughly studied.

II: The enemies of the village are many and will vary with circumstance.
As the village was formed by betrayal so do they war upon the very essence
of that betrayal. The true mages of Thera, the conjurors, necromancers,
transmuters, invokers and anti-paladins have the taint so deep within them,
that it will lead only to corruption. Death is the only means of cleansing

III: The very source of mana, which are the essence of these wizards,
must be contained in the Skull Throne. The Golden Grimoire, Ebony Sceptre
and Link of the Nexus are to be placed within the Skull Throne at all

IV: Those who dabble in the arts or serve to protect the true magi are
misguided in thought and deed, and are to be pitied. Treat them as
enemies so long as they stand beside the magi; else leave them be, for
they serve only to divide our forces. To disobey this command will result
in immediate exile.

V: Insubordination will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Should
it occur you will be removed from the army and your immediate exile will
result in your death.

VI: Continual defeat only serves to weaken morale. Weakened resolve only
serves to blur the focus of war. Succumb to this and the result will be
your removal from the village.

VII: Heritage is the very foundation of our cause. Let it be a constant
fuel in your desire for war. Let it also not be forgotten lest you forget
our cause and become useless to Battle.

VIII: Courage, wisdom, compassion and confidence are the qualities of a
leader. Men who are victorious alone and undaunted by the overwhelming
odds of war, become commanders of armies.

IX: Let the words in this War Room guide you in your actions. Heed the
words of the Immortals of Battle, your mortal Leader and those marked as
elders above all other duties, for they have been chosen to lead the
village to Victory.

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The moment you see insubordination, you know their is a lack of respect. Always seek to earn that respect, though you have already earned your position.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<578hp 374m 467mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote taps his right fang.
Sehvoor taps his right fang.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Aye.
You say 'Aye.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The villagers owe you obediance. You owe them leadership. You might say, you owe them more than they owe you.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Your missives have been most pleasing so far. Do keep them up.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I have known that there is more responsibility than priviledge in leadership.
You say 'I have known that there is more responsibility than priviledge in leadership.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The recent lack of communication is troubling, in times like these.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote growls lightly.
Sehvoor growls lightly.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Those who fail to understand the value of it... inform the Commander, or Myself.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'We have applicants plenty.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'And there is nothing wrong with cutting a little dead flesh for the greater good of the body.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I count twenty on my personal rolls.
You say 'I count twenty on my personal rolls.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Precisely.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' twenty one counting the one who just spoke to me but has not sent his scroll.
You say 'twenty one counting the one who just spoke to me but has not sent his scroll.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Be stern. Your love of fellow villagers will put you in positions you will not like... but always... the village itself, not the villagers must come first'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'You are about more than the Commander'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Much will rely on you, to discern the problems with the Giant, and the Destructor'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I am about when I can be.
You say 'I am about when I can be.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'All the village must focus on this problem.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Have you any knowledge of their affliction?
You say 'Have you any knowledge of their affliction?'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Knowledge... a bit, yes.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Merely suspicions, however. I will not share them with the village until they are fact.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote moves both of his ears around to point straight at you in total attentiveness.
Sehvoor moves both of his ears around to point straight at you in total attentiveness.

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Understood.

Intronan whispers 'What are your thoughts on the spirit of... brotherhood.. in our village?'
You say 'Understood.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> whois s
< H-Drw > Sakyen the Theurgist
<18 Fire War> Stuca the Dragoon
<23 Duerg War> Sethric the Gladiator
<9 Human Asn> Senishun the 3rd Black
<18 Human Inv> Sekmetra the Sorcerer
<35 Felar Asn> (PK) Sehvoor the Uki Goshi, General of War

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote scratches his neck a slight bit, head cocked to the side.
Sehvoor scratches his neck a slight bit, head cocked to the side.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan raises an eyebrow.

<578hp 374m 467mv> whisp Truth is, from what I have seen, I see more of individual soldiers than a concrete fighting force.
You whisper 'Truth is, from what I have seen, I see more of individual soldiers than a concrete fighting force.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<578hp 374m 467mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Although, this is not for lack of trust in each other...perhaps more an indication of personality.

Intronan whispers 'And what do you think is the cause of that?'

<578hp 374m 467mv> You say 'Although, this is not for lack of trust in each other...perhaps more an indication of personality.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Perhaps so. And to be admired. However...'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' There are many in the Village who have disparate ideals on good and evil...Honor and courage...
You say 'There are many in the Village who have disparate ideals on good and evil...Honor and courage...'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The main point of my question is this... do you embrace your fellow villagers as brother?'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Entirely.
You say 'Entirely.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Perhaps at times that is well. But one who leads must at times separate himself from the common soldier.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
You no longer feel stealthy.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'It is a fine line... to embrace one, then the next moment order him to what could possibly be his death'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Tread that line warily.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' To continue the family analogy...

You are hungry.

<578hp 374m 467mv> You say 'To continue the family analogy...'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Any successful family must have parents, older brothers, and siblings.
You say 'Any successful family must have parents, older brothers, and siblings.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv> get live knapsack
You get a live chicken from a cowhide knapsack.

<578hp 374m 467mv> eat live
You eat a live chicken.
You are full.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'And the parent who is afraid to take his child to the woodshed, will have an unruly child.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote flicks some feathers to the side.
Sehvoor flicks some feathers to the side.

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Much of our leadership has been... soft.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'For lack of a better word.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I can be as hard as required for the Victory of our Village.
You say 'I can be as hard as required for the Victory of our Village.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Then I am satisfied. Many times I have sat in Asgaard... .listening...'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'And was tempted to intervene... and enforce discipline.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'I have no wish to interfere at this time. The village should be self-suffient.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Remember the fine line, and remember that your dedication is the village first... always... and you shall be fine then.'

<578hp 354m 467mv> bow
You bow deeply.

<578hp 354m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Very well. I merely need a few words with you, as I know you little.'

<578hp 354m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'I wish you luck.'

<578hp 354m 467mv>
Intronan nods at you in agreement.

<578hp 354m 467mv>
Intronan leaves in a swirling mist.


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HOT Topic(AUTO) Sehvoor the Crimson-Toothed [View all] , Death_Angel, Fri 08-Mar-02 02:33 AM
Reply As the thread continues to degenerate..., Zulghinlour, 14-Mar-02 05:12 PM, #53
Reply Not with a bang...but a wimper., Sehvoor (Guest), 08-Mar-02 04:11 PM, #1
     Reply Ah, a villager I could trust..., Grollaski (Guest), 09-Mar-02 03:21 PM, #2
     Reply RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper., Nydeikon (Guest), 09-Mar-02 07:31 PM, #3
     Reply RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper., Divox, 09-Mar-02 08:42 PM, #4
     Reply RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper., Nerylana (Guest), 09-Mar-02 11:39 PM, #5
     Reply RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper., Loborguz, 10-Mar-02 12:15 AM, #6
     Reply Found some logs, not the good ones...., Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 07:44 PM, #7
     Reply One of my favorite attempts at solo defending, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 07:52 PM, #8
     Reply I have 14 logs that look almost exactly like this, sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:00 PM, #9
     Reply Edited this one, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:12 PM, #10
     Reply For Grollaski (if too questy, please delete), Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:29 PM, #11
     Reply Sweeeeeeeet!, Grollaski (Guest), 12-Mar-02 10:48 PM, #18
     Reply For Lob, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:40 PM, #12
     Reply Go, Samar, Grolg, I will refer you to this post in my, sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:57 PM #13
     Reply I fail to see any relevance..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 03:45 AM, #39
          Reply RE: I fail to see any relevance..., HammerSong, 14-Mar-02 11:41 AM, #43
               Reply RE: I fail to see any relevance..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:48 PM, #47
                    Reply RE: I fail to see any relevance..., HammerSong, 14-Mar-02 03:30 PM, #50
                         Reply Not Flame. Just a question., Goapa (Guest), 14-Mar-02 04:29 PM, #51
                              Reply RE: Not Flame. Just a question., HammerSong, 14-Mar-02 06:02 PM, #54
     Reply what Lob had me do for induction, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 09:16 PM, #14
     Reply RE: what Lob had me do for induction, Ex BT follower (Guest), 13-Mar-02 07:57 PM, #31
          Reply chuckle, Sehvoor (Guest), 13-Mar-02 09:23 PM, #34
     Reply Role, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 09:27 PM, #15
     Reply Descriptions over time, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 09:29 PM, #16
     Reply some last? words, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 10:29 PM, #17
          Reply Last Words, Goapa (Guest), 13-Mar-02 12:08 PM, #19
          Reply couple things, Sehvoor (Guest), 13-Mar-02 01:30 PM, #20
          Reply bah, never mind., sehvoor (Guest), 13-Mar-02 02:10 PM, #21
          Reply RE: bah, never mind., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 03:17 AM, #38
          Reply Right vs Wrong, HammerSong, 13-Mar-02 02:12 PM, #22
          Reply Situation without flavor., Goapa (Guest), 13-Mar-02 04:01 PM, #26
               Reply RE: Situation without flavor., Vladamir, 13-Mar-02 06:39 PM, #29
                    Reply RE: Situation without flavor., HammerSong, 13-Mar-02 08:38 PM, #32
                         Reply RE: Situation without flavor., Vladamir, 13-Mar-02 11:42 PM, #35
          Reply Ok...., Goapa (Guest), 13-Mar-02 03:02 PM, #23
          Reply Well..., Intronan, 13-Mar-02 03:34 PM, #25
               Reply Well then answer me this:, Goapa (Guest), 13-Mar-02 04:19 PM, #27
               Reply Very well, Intronan, 14-Mar-02 09:23 AM, #41
               Reply RE: Well..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:51 AM, #37
                    Reply Good point but..., Intronan, 14-Mar-02 09:30 AM, #42
                         Reply RE: Good point but..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:35 PM, #46
          Reply Sehvoor right, Goapa wrong, comments enclosed, Nerylana (Guest), 13-Mar-02 07:07 PM, #30
          Reply Orders from a Superior, Uncle Bob, 13-Mar-02 03:18 PM, #24
               Reply a sidenote..., Trezzy (Guest), 13-Mar-02 08:54 PM, #33
          Reply RE: some last? words, Krajus (Guest), 13-Mar-02 06:10 PM, #28
          Reply No..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:13 AM, #36
          Reply well., sehvoor (Guest), 14-Mar-02 06:42 AM, #40
               Reply RE: well., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:29 PM, #45
                    Reply Um, Hello? (Guest), 14-Mar-02 03:05 PM, #48
          Reply One thing I forgot to mention, Sehv (Guest), 14-Mar-02 01:28 PM, #44
               Reply RE: One thing I forgot to mention, Valguarnera, 14-Mar-02 03:28 PM, #49
               Reply RE: One thing I forgot to mention, Zulghinlour, 14-Mar-02 05:12 PM, #52
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