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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AUTO) Sehvoor the Crimson-Toothed
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=5114
5114, (AUTO) Sehvoor the Crimson-Toothed
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Mar 8 2:32:4 2002

Sehvoor the Crimson-Toothed was put to rest.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:54% (closer to 100% is better)

5115, As the thread continues to degenerate...
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is now locked.
5116, Not with a bang...but a wimper.
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Holy cow am I pleasantly surprised that I was above 30%...let alone 50%.

Once I get to my home computer and have time my goodbies will be posted.

I logged EVERYTHING with this character, and I had planned on posting quite a few logs...mostly rp logs of interacting with people (both positive and negative) that would give an insight into what I was trying to do with this character.

Unfortunatly...the 100+ logs that I had, I had on a personal website for safe keeping (moving about a bit, and some problems with unstable home computing lead to that decision).

I guess I should not be surprised, that "Murphy" fellow is a rat bastard. All of them were lost when the website just stopped working one day. No chance for restoring them. I *MIGHT* have one or two on my home computer...and I MIGHT have a copy of my role. If I do, I will post them as well.
5168, Ah, a villager I could trust...
Posted by Grollaski on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you, if you have a log of us talking at the old master cabal,
I would like to see it....
Good job!


5167, RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper.
Posted by Nydeikon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, our early fights taught me alot about fighting with an assassin. Anyhow, thanks for the fun and best of luck on your next one.

That Whil guy.
5166, RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper.
Posted by Divox on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you were part of the assassins guild of Battle. You were not as scary as Loborguz but could put up a fight. Glad to say you were one of the few villagers I actually killed (Go me!). Not meant as an insult but when you die more often then you actually kill makes me feel good.

Also, credit to you for asking me about Nexus and "Why" we actually fought Battle. I think you were one of the few who actually bothered to ask me (shortly after pounding on me of course). Respected you and we did have a few fights.

5165, RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper.
Posted by Nerylana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You came in during like the final week I was alive.

I inducted you.

I recommended you to General.

Flawless RP.

The things I can say about Sehvoor.

Hope this being an autodel doesn't mean you are gone for good. Cf needs good players right now.

5164, RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper.
Posted by Loborguz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quality character. I enjoyed your rp and your constant support. Nobody had my back more than you other than Goapa, and you were more serious than he was, as part of your character. The face chains, the whole early life experience you created, all of it was good stuff. I think you probably didn't get as much chance to talk about it, act it out, as much as you wanted, but I tried as often as I could to weave it into whatever we were doing. And that limp thing near the end of my life was interesting.

Good job all around. I hope you write another note with more details about your life, your motivations, interactions, all of it. I for one would be interested to read it.

Good luck in the future in cf and in life.

5163, Found some logs, not the good ones....
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But may be interesting to some. I will post my goodbies after posting these logs.

/*Background of this one. I have been an applicant for about 4 weeks, about a week ago I finally talked with Lob. I've put about 20 hours into writing the ...8 or so notes that Lob asked (if you have to do something, do it right...) and was only a couple notes in, when Nery asks me if I am willing to come help. Of course I am. I show up, and Thror tells me to build an earth burm to the east so that the fire does not rage out of control...then the fire starts.

I admit, I've never done much emoting with previous characters, so many of you may think you could have handled that situation better...but at least I tried.

So...Here comes the Beginning of the burning, and the start of the Rager Village war.*/

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> emote poors down the earth in a wall to the east.
Sehvoor poors down the earth in a wall to the east.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> e
The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> w
A junction in the dwarf forest

(White Aura) The Ruler of the water elementals.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> emote poors down the earth in a wall to the east.
Sehvoor poors down the earth in a wall to the east.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv>
The smell of oil fills the dwarven forest as shouts rise above the stunted trees.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> e
The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> w
A junction in the dwarf forest

(White Aura) The Ruler of the water elementals.

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv> emote poors down the earth in a wall to the east.
Sehvoor poors down the earth in a wall to the east.

<100%hp 100%m 94%mv> emote clambers over the wall of earth erected to the east
Sehvoor clambers over the wall of earth erected to the east

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv>
The rain stopped.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv>
Ludan Grondhom yells 'Our hearts are right, our arms are strong, the Avatar is with us, our time has come!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

Dwarven songs emerge into the air as the sound of chopping fills your ears.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
You are hungry.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote shifts his armor on his sweating form.
Sehvoor shifts his armor on his sweating form.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> get pie knapsack
You get a berry pie from a cowhide knapsack.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> eat pie
You eat a berry pie.
You are full.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana A trail at the end of the dwarf forest
Gloreinfell A trail at the end of the dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> grumble
You grumble distractedly to yourself.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote removes his armor so he can work faster.
Sehvoor removes his armor so he can work faster.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a glinting ring of silver
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a mantle of water
<worn around neck> a sandy-brown desert cloak
<worn on body> (Glowing) (Humming) plate of protection
<worn on tail> a silver tail band
<worn on legs> midnight dragon leggings
<worn on hindpaws> soft leather shoes
<worn on arms> some black leather sleeves
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> a wide bronze belt
<worn around wrist> an adamantite bracer
<worn around wrist> an onyx bracelet

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The elite dwarven guard has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> rem plate
You stop using plate of protection.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> nod dwarf
You nod at the elite dwarven guard.
The elite dwarven guard seems to be ignoring you.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The elite dwarven guard has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The elite dwarven guard leaves west.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The day has begun.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
You are thirsty.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
Your senses seem duller.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote takes a moment to clamber to the top of the burm to make sure it is tampled down.
Sehvoor takes a moment to clamber to the top of the burm to make sure it is tampled down.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You are full.
You do not feel thirsty.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> detect
Your awareness improves.

<100%hp 98%m 100%mv> You feel more aware of your surroundings.

<100%hp 93%m 100%mv>
Veldrar yells 'By the heat of the forge shall emerge the strength of the forest!'

<100%hp 93%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 93%m 100%mv>
The sun rises in the east.

<100%hp 93%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

Ludan Grondhom yells 'Our hearts are right, our arms are strong, the Avatar is with us, our time has come!'

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv> Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Nerylana musics 'Hoow gooeess thee eeaarthwoorkss SSeehvoooor?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote climbs up a bit of the burm and tosses the earth.
Sehvoor climbs up a bit of the burm and tosses the earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The sound of axes cutting wood begins to echo through the forest.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Veldrar yells 'Strike not with the hammer but the axe!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> y Dirty work...but going well.
You yell 'Dirty work...but going well.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Veldrar yells 'and let faith guide your blade!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
It starts to rain.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote climbs up a bit of the burm and tosses the earth.
Sehvoor climbs up a bit of the burm and tosses the earth.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Veldrar yells 'Heave! Stoke the fires and heat the forge!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
You no longer feel stealthy.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You attempt to hide.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
Moselthrok A trail at the end of the dwarf forest
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor A trail at the end of the dwarf forest
Nerylana A trail at the end of the dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You step out of the shadows.
The darker dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> w
The dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> emote uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.
Sehvoor uses his claws to fill his helmet with earth.

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv>
Veldrar yells 'Heave!'

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv>
The elite dwarven guard yells 'Ho!'

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Ludan Grondhom yells 'HEAVE!'

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ralgor yells 'HO!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Nerylana musics 'Hoo!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> grunt
With nothing better to say, you grunt something vague.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
A storm giant lumberjack yells 'HEAVE!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.
Sehvoor heaves the earth up and over the burm to the west, enlarging the fire break.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ralgor yells 'Ho!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The creaking of a large tree splits the air as it lands to the ground with a thunderous BOOM!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ralicazin has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ralicazin leaves.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
An arial lumberjack yells 'HEAVE!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> y HA! one down!
You yell 'HA! one down!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
Moselthrok The darker dwarf forest
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor A junction in the dwarf forest
Nerylana A trail at the end of the dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> whois r
<11 Felar Asn> Ryzault the Okuiri
<40 Svirf War> Ralgor the Master of Copper, Apprentice to the Hammer

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You attempt to hide.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
Moselthrok A junction in the dwarf forest
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor A junction in the dwarf forest
Nerylana A trail at the end of the dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Lightning flashes in the sky.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.

You feel susceptible to magic again.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.
You have become better at endure!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Holding a tiny torch in the air Veldrar yells, 'Fire is the essence of life, reforging this that is the forest of dwarves!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote pauses a moment to roll his shoulders, stretching muscles unused to this kind of labor.
Sehvoor pauses a moment to roll his shoulders, stretching muscles unused to this kind of labor.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills the helmet with dirt as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Moselthrok's strangulation misses you.
You yell 'Help! I'm being strangled by Moselthrok!'
Moselthrok is in perfect health.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts with feeling as he strains to hurl the earth to the top of the burm.
Moselthrok is in perfect health.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
You step out of the shadows.
You trample around loudly again.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Moselthrok's slash EVISCERATES you!
Moselthrok's stab maims you!
Moselthrok is in perfect health.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Nerylana has arrived.
Moselthrok is in perfect health.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv> kot

The forest erupts in a pillar of fire!
Moselthrok is in perfect health.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Your claw devastates Moselthrok!
Moselthrok parries your claw.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
You dodge Moselthrok's slash.
You dodge Moselthrok's slash.
Moselthrok has a few scratches.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv> You fail to execute kotegaeshi on Moselthrok.
Your kotegaeshi misses Moselthrok.
Moselthrok has a few scratches.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Moselthrok's trip misses you.
Moselthrok has a few scratches.

<80%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Moselthrok parries your claw.
Moselthrok parries your claw.
Moselthrok's slash DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge Moselthrok's stab.
You dodge Moselthrok's slash.
Moselthrok has a few scratches.

<68%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Moselthrok fails to execute a joint lock on you.
Moselthrok's kotegaeshi misses you.
Moselthrok has a few scratches.

<68%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Moselthrok parries your claw.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Moselthrok parries your claw.
You dodge Moselthrok's slash.
Moselthrok's stab maims you!
You dodge Moselthrok's stab.
You dodge Moselthrok's slash.
Moselthrok has a few scratches.

<59%hp 100%m 100%mv> flee
The darker dwarf forest

You flee from combat!

<59%hp 100%m 98%mv> bindw
You bandage your wounds and focus your natural healing.

<67%hp 95%m 98%mv>
Nerylana has arrived.

<67%hp 95%m 98%mv> wear plate

Nerylana now follows you.

<67%hp 95%m 98%mv>
Moselthrok has arrived.

<67%hp 95%m 98%mv> The darker dwarf forest

Nerylana has arrived.

<67%hp 95%m 96%mv> You wear plate of protection on your body.

<67%hp 95%m 96%mv>
Moselthrok has arrived.

<67%hp 95%m 96%mv> e

Nerylana applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<100%hp 95%m 96%mv> The darker dwarf forest

Nerylana has arrived.

<100%hp 95%m 94%mv> wear sword
You wield the ivory-hilted wakizashi.
You feel quite confident with the ivory-hilted wakizashi.

<100%hp 95%m 94%mv> w

Moselthrok has arrived.

<100%hp 95%m 94%mv> The darker dwarf forest

Nerylana has arrived.

<100%hp 95%m 92%mv>
Moselthrok has arrived.

<100%hp 95%m 92%mv> str moselthrok

Moselthrok's trip misses you.
You yell 'Help! Moselthrok just tripped me!'
Moselthrok parries your stab.
Moselthrok dodges your stab.
Moselthrok parries your stab.
Moselthrok's slash MUTILATES you!
You dodge Moselthrok's stab.
You dodge Moselthrok's slash.
Moselthrok has a few scratches.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv> No way! You are still fighting!
Moselthrok has a few scratches.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv> kot
You grab hold of Moselthrok's wrist and twist it violently!
Moselthrok can no longer find the strength to wield a jeweled broadsword.
Your kotegaeshi EVISCERATES Moselthrok!
Moselthrok has some small but disgusting cuts.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv>
Moselthrok parries your stab.
Your claw maims Moselthrok!
Moselthrok parries your claw.
You dodge Moselthrok's punch.
You dodge Moselthrok's stab.
Moselthrok is covered with bleeding wounds.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv>
Fanning out, the lumberjacks continue to chop at the outer edge of the forest.
Moselthrok is covered with bleeding wounds.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv>
Your stab decimates Moselthrok!
Moselthrok parries your claw.
Your claw decimates Moselthrok!
Moselthrok parries your stab.
You parry Moselthrok's punch.
You parry Moselthrok's stab.
You dodge Moselthrok's punch.
Moselthrok is covered with bleeding wounds.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv>
The lightning has stopped.
Moselthrok is covered with bleeding wounds.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv>
Moselthrok leaves east.
Moselthrok has fled!

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv> sweepk

Moselthrok has arrived.
But you aren't fighting anyone!

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv> str moselthrok

Moselthrok leaves north.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv> They aren't here.

<90%hp 95%m 92%mv> n
str moselthrok
The darker dwarf forest

Nerylana has arrived.

<92%hp 97%m 96%mv> They aren't here.

<92%hp 97%m 96%mv> w

Nerylana sings 'We'll sing all night, and drink all day,
And on the girls we'll spend our pay,
And when it's gone, then we'll away,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.'

<92%hp 97%m 96%mv> The dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
Nerylana has arrived.

<92%hp 97%m 94%mv> w
A junction in the dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(White Aura) The Ruler of the water elementals.
Nerylana has arrived.

<92%hp 97%m 93%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Moselthrok The dwarf forest
(PK) Sehvoor A junction in the dwarf forest
Ralgor A trail at the end of the dwarf forest
Nerylana A junction in the dwarf forest

<92%hp 97%m 93%mv> n
The dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
Nerylana has arrived.

<92%hp 97%m 91%mv> n
The dwarf forest

Nerylana has arrived.

<92%hp 97%m 89%mv> n
The dwarf forest

Nerylana has arrived.

<92%hp 97%m 87%mv> str moselthrok

Nerylana leaves south.

<92%hp 97%m 87%mv> The dwarf forest

<92%hp 97%m 85%mv> The dwarf forest

<92%hp 97%m 83%mv> The dwarf forest

A storm giant strolls through the logging camp.

<92%hp 97%m 81%mv> The dwarf forest

A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Flat) A fresh berry pie is sitting here.
(Glowing) (Flat) A white cloak lies here, crackling with positive energy.
(Flat) A plate of barbecued spareribs is resting here.
A hungry arial glides effortlessly through the air.
A slender half-elf wanders among some stumps in the forest.

<92%hp 97%m 79%mv>
The rain stopped.

<92%hp 97%m 79%mv> The large crossroads

<92%hp 97%m 79%mv> They aren't here.

<92%hp 97%m 79%mv> where
People near you:
Dramock Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Moselthrok Along the Eastern Road
Saolo The large crossroads
(PK) Sehvoor The large crossroads

<92%hp 97%m 79%mv> s

Your bandages lose their effectiveness.
You feel ready to bind up more wounds.
Your neck feels better.

<95%hp 99%m 85%mv> The dwarf forest

A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Flat) A fresh berry pie is sitting here.
(Glowing) (Flat) A white cloak lies here, crackling with positive energy.
(Flat) A plate of barbecued spareribs is resting here.
A hungry arial glides effortlessly through the air.
A slender half-elf wanders among some stumps in the forest.

<95%hp 99%m 84%mv> y Bah
The dwarf forest

A storm giant strolls through the logging camp.

<95%hp 99%m 83%mv> The dwarf forest

<95%hp 99%m 81%mv>
Veldrar rises above the dwarves, controlling the fire in an unusual manner.

<95%hp 99%m 81%mv> The dwarf forest

<95%hp 99%m 80%mv> The dwarf forest

<95%hp 99%m 79%mv> The dwarf forest

<95%hp 99%m 77%mv> You yell 'Bah'

<95%hp 99%m 77%mv> rem sword
You stop using the ivory-hilted wakizashi.

<95%hp 99%m 77%mv> The dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.

<95%hp 99%m 76%mv> A junction in the dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(White Aura) The Ruler of the water elementals.

<95%hp 99%m 75%mv> e
The dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.

<95%hp 99%m 73%mv>
Nerylana musics 'Coontiinuuee SSeehvoooor.'

<95%hp 99%m 73%mv>
The clouds disappear.

<95%hp 99%m 73%mv> emote gets back to work with his helmet
Sehvoor gets back to work with his helmet

<95%hp 99%m 73%mv> y Back on it already1
You yell 'Back on it already1'

<98%hp 100%m 79%mv>
An arial lumberjack yells 'Ho! There, she's a fallin!'

<98%hp 100%m 79%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor A junction in the dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<98%hp 100%m 79%mv>
Nerylana has arrived.

<98%hp 100%m 79%mv>
Nerylana applies a field dressing to your wounds.

<100%hp 100%m 79%mv>
Nerylana leaves west.

<100%hp 100%m 79%mv> rep
You say 'I am in good shape, alert and able to travel.'

<100%hp 100%m 79%mv>
Moselthrok tells you 'nice of your friends to keep you alive.'

<100%hp 100%m 79%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.

Another thunderous crack fills the air as a tree comes crashing to the ground...KABOOM!

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv> Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv>
The sun slowly disappears in the west.

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv>
Veldrar yells 'Heave! Stoke the fires and heat the forge!'

<100%hp 100%m 86%mv>
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv>
A half-elven lumberjack yells 'Incoming!'

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

The night has begun.
The sky is getting cloudy.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv>
A smouldering tree collides against a smaller oak!

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana A trail at the end of the dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 92%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv>
A storm giant lumberjack yells 'HEAVE!'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv>
Ralgor yells 'Ho!'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana A trail at the end of the dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The elite dwarven guard yells 'HEAVE!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.

Ludan Grondhom yells 'Our hearts are right, our arms are strong, the Avatar is with us, our time has come!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Nerylana musics 'SSwiing yeer aaxeess wiith miight laadss!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ludan Grondhom yells 'Keep choppin' yer filthy lumberjacks!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote climbs up the burm to tamp it down.
Sehvoor climbs up the burm to tamp it down.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Veldrar yells 'Worry not of the flames, they will not harm those who have the faith of the HammerSong!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote scurries down the burm to resume digging.
Sehvoor scurries down the burm to resume digging.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ludan Grondhom yells 'HEAVE YER BASTARDS!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The elite dwarven guard yells 'HO! YER FILTHY DOGS!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
A storm giant lumberjack yells 'HEAVE!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
A thin column of smoke begins to rise between Hamsah Mu'tazz and Galadon.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote pauses to wipe earth from his eyes.
Sehvoor pauses to wipe earth from his eyes.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralicazin The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Another renderous sound fills the air as smouldering trees come crashing to the ground!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ralgor yells 'Help! I've been ambushed by Bastier!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralicazin The dwarf forest
Bastier The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> growl

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> whisp Can't let the fire through...
You whisper 'Can't let the fire through...'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth west and skyward to the top of the burm.
Nerylana yells 'Heelp! II'vee beeeen aambuussheed by SSuuiilvaanuum!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Suilvanum The dwarf forest
Ralicazin The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Nerylana musics 'BRIING YEER WAAR!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ralgor yells 'Help! I've been ambushed by Bastier!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote clambers over the burm to see if he can help
Sehvoor clambers over the burm to see if he can help

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> A junction in the dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(White Aura) The Ruler of the water elementals.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> w
A trail at the end of the dwarf forest

A small crate.
(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(White Aura) An old strong-looking dwarf in golden plate barks orders to those
around him.
(White Aura) An enormous giant points across the chamber, directing the other smiths.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv> e
A junction in the dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(White Aura) The Ruler of the water elementals.

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> n

Ralgor yells 'Help! I've been ambushed by Bastier!'

<100%hp 100%m 96%mv> The dwarf forest

(White Aura) Bastier is here, fighting Ralgor.
Ralgor is here, fighting Bastier.
(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.

<100%hp 100%m 95%mv>
Ralgor tries to disarm Bastier, but fails.

<100%hp 100%m 95%mv>
Ralgor's cleave mauls Bastier.

<100%hp 100%m 95%mv> whois bas

Bastier's hunger grazes him.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> <35 Cloud Ran> Bastier the Keeper

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Ralgor delivers a blow of deadly force!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Bastier leaves.
Bastier has fled!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> growl

Suilvanum has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where

Bastier has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Grrrrrrrrrr...

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> The dwarf forest

The corpse of the tiny forest guardian is lying here.
Nerylana is here.
A storm giant patrols the logging camp, alert for any sign of attack.
Ralgor yells 'Help! I've been ambushed by Bastier!'

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv>
Nerylana looks tougher.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> s

Nerylana scans north.
Nerylana scans south.
Nerylana scans east.
Nerylana scans west.
Nerylana scans up.
Nerylana scans down.

<100%hp 100%m 98%mv> The dwarf forest

(White Aura) Bastier is here, fighting Ralgor.
Ralgor is here, fighting Bastier.
(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
Nerylana has arrived.
Suilvanum steps out from his cover.
Suilvanum's surprise attack *** DEVASTATES *** Nerylana!
Nerylana yells 'Heelp! II'vee beeeen aambuussheed by SSuuiilvaanuum!'

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Suilvanum tries to attack some empty air near Nerylana.
Suilvanum tries to attack some empty air near Nerylana.
Ralgor's cleave mauls Bastier.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Suilvanum The dwarf forest
Yailausnat The dwarf forest
Bastier The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Nerylana sings 'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice is also great
And would suffice.'
Nerylana's fiery doom >>> ANNIHILATES <<< Suilvanum!
Nerylana's fiery doom *** DEVASTATES *** the elite dwarven guard!
Suilvanum tries to attack some empty air near Nerylana.
Bastier's frigid chop MUTILATES Ralgor!
Ralgor's cleave misses Bastier.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
The day has begun.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Bastier darts past Ralgor's defenses, attempting a serpent strike!
Bastier's serpent strike devastates Ralgor!

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Suilvanum calls a cabal power onto some thin air near Nerylana.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Ralgor tries to strike the same place with both his swords.
Ralgor's thrust devastates Bastier!
Ralgor's thrust devastates Bastier!
Suilvanum thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
Suilvanum's immolation scratches him.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
The elite dwarven guard's pierce decimates Nerylana!

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Yailausnat has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Bastier darts past Ralgor's defenses, attempting a serpent strike!
Bastier's serpent strike devastates Ralgor!

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Suilvanum leaves.
Suilvanum has fled!

<100%hp 100%m 97%mv>
Your senses seem duller.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
Bastier's hunger grazes him.
Nerylana bats vainly at the biting insects.
Nerylana's swarm of insects hits her.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Suilvanum has arrived.
Bastier's frigid chop DISMEMBERS Ralgor!
Ralgor's cleave devastates Bastier!
Ralgor's cleave misses Bastier.
Ralgor delivers a blow of deadly force!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Suilvanum thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
Suilvanum's immolation scratches him.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Suilvanum leaves.
Veldrar yells 'HEAVE!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> detect

Nerylana sings 'Come hither, child, and see the strange doings
Of the Trojans and the Achaeans;
Till now they have been warring on the plain,
Mad with lust of battle,
But now they have left off fightings,
And are leaning upon their shields,
Sitting still with their spears planted beside them.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You peer intently at the shadows, but they are unrevealing.

<100%hp 99%m 100%mv> You feel more aware of your surroundings.

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Bastier darts past Ralgor's defenses, attempting a serpent strike!
Bastier's serpent strike EVISCERATES Ralgor!

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Ralgor's cleave mauls Bastier.
Nerylana's flaming bite decimates the elite dwarven guard!

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Ralgor looks tougher.

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Nerylana sings 'Come hither, child, and see the strange doings
Of the Trojans and the Achaeans;
Till now they have been warring on the plain,
Mad with lust of battle,
But now they have left off fightings,
And are leaning upon their shields,
Sitting still with their spears planted beside them.'

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Bastier attempts a serpent strike, but misses entirely!
Bastier's serpent strike misses Ralgor.
Ralgor's cleave decimates Bastier!
Nerylana's flaming bite devastates the elite dwarven guard!

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Ralgor leaves north.
Ralgor has fled!

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Nerylana sings 'Come hither, child, and see the strange doings
Of the Trojans and the Achaeans;
Till now they have been warring on the plain,
Mad with lust of battle,
But now they have left off fightings,
And are leaning upon their shields,
Sitting still with their spears planted beside them.'

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Nerylana's flaming bite EVISCERATES the elite dwarven guard!

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv> where

Bastier leaves.

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Ralgor has arrived.

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Yailausnat The dwarf forest
Ralgor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Ralgor leaves south.

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Ludan Grondhom yells 'GET ON THEM MEN! '

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Bastier has arrived.

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Nerylana sings 'Come hither, child, and see the strange doings
Of the Trojans and the Achaeans;
Till now they have been warring on the plain,
Mad with lust of battle,
But now they have left off fightings,
And are leaning upon their shields,
Sitting still with their spears planted beside them.'

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv>
Bastier leaves.

<100%hp 94%m 100%mv> n
The dwarf forest

The corpse of the tiny forest guardian is lying here.
A storm giant strolls through the logging camp.
Nerylana has arrived.

<100%hp 94%m 98%mv> where
People near you:
Dramock The dwarf forest
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Yailausnat The dwarf forest
Bastier The Grand Gate of Thalos
Ralgor A back alley
Nerylana The dwarf forest
Nerylana applies a field dressing to her wounds.

<100%hp 94%m 98%mv>
The elite dwarven guard has arrived.

<100%hp 94%m 98%mv>
Nerylana stops following you.

<100%hp 94%m 98%mv> whisp So the fighting starts
You whisper 'So the fighting starts'

<100%hp 94%m 98%mv> People near you:
Dramock The dwarf forest
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Yailausnat The dwarf forest
Nerylana The dwarf forest

<100%hp 94%m 98%mv> s
The dwarf forest

Yailausnat is here.
(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.

<100%hp 94%m 97%mv> A junction in the dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(White Aura) The Ruler of the water elementals.

<100%hp 94%m 95%mv> In a Stunted Forest

<100%hp 94%m 94%mv> whisp back to the burm
You whisper 'back to the burm'

<100%hp 94%m 94%mv> e

The sun rises in the east.

<100%hp 94%m 94%mv> where
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<100%hp 94%m 94%mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor In a Stunted Forest

<100%hp 94%m 94%mv> n
A junction in the dwarf forest

Nerylana is here.
(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.
(White Aura) The Ruler of the water elementals.
Nerylana bats vainly at the biting insects.
Nerylana's swarm of insects hits her.
The elite dwarven guard has arrived.

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv>
Nerylana leaves south.

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv>
The elite dwarven guard yells 'Who's far fightin while wera cuttin!?'

<100%hp 97%m 100%mv> e
The dwarf forest

(White Aura) A dangerous looking dwarf dressed in ornate armor guards
his post without regard to life.

<100%hp 97%m 98%mv> where
People near you:
Dramock The dwarf forest
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Yailausnat The dwarf forest
Bastier A Side Street
Nerylana A junction in the dwarf forest

<100%hp 97%m 98%mv> whois d
<9 D-Elf War> Dolgum the Fencer
<4 W-Elf War> Dalgerg the Fighter
<25 Cloud Ran> (PK) Deuras the Warder
<1 Elf War> Delaryn the Swordpupil
<12 Human Inv> Dramock the Magician
<39 Arial Asn> Duvan the Master of Nage Waza
<2 H-Drw Inv> Dracian the Advanced Spell Student
<7 Human Thi> Daeneras the Cut-Purse

<100%hp 97%m 98%mv>
Ludan Grondhom yells 'Fire an Flame! '

<100%hp 97%m 98%mv>
The column of smoke grows thicker and begins to drift northward over Tar Valon.

<100%hp 97%m 98%mv> emote returns with a healthy grunt to the earthwork.
Sehvoor returns with a healthy grunt to the earthwork.

<100%hp 97%m 98%mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Someone yells 'wut goin' on here!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote mutters about burning flames as he hurls the earth up to the burm.
Sehvoor mutters about burning flames as he hurls the earth up to the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Someone yells 'them bastards are choppin dem forrest.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote mutters about burning flames as he hurls the earth up to the burm.
Sehvoor mutters about burning flames as he hurls the earth up to the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Someone yells 'stop dem fires'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
Smoke begins to choke your senses, flames licking at the dwarven trees.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.

Veldrar yells 'Heave! Stoke the fires and heat the forge!'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> cough
Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> where
People near you:
Yailausnat A trail at the end of the dwarf forest
Dramock A trail at the end of the dwarf forest
(PK) Sehvoor The dwarf forest
Nerylana The Grand Gate of Thalos

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote mutters about burning flames as he hurls the earth up to the burm.
Sehvoor mutters about burning flames as he hurls the earth up to the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Yailausnat yells 'Whaatss cooookiing ?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv>
The smoke begins to rise more rapidly, as though the whole forest was on fire.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth to the burm.

***** REBOOT IN 3 MINUTES *****

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth to the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.
Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth to the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth to the burm.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote fills his helmet as fast as he can.

Yailausnat has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> Sehvoor fills his helmet as fast as he can.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv> emote grunts loudly as he hurls the earth to the burm.
Sehvoor grunts loudly as he hurls the earth to the burm.
The c
5162, One of my favorite attempts at solo defending
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<810/826hp 312mn 630mv> <2 PM new indoor> reply Going to cower behind a fire giant mage?
You step out of the shadows.
You tell Moselthrok 'Going to cower behind a fire giant mage?'
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.
a massive giant: Alas, my life has come to an end...

<810/826hp 312mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 50 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 36 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 36 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 4 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 2 hours.
Skill: 'bind wounds' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -38 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -19 for 0 hours.

<810/826hp 312mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> sneak

You feel ready to bind up more wounds.
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<826/826hp 329mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> You attempt to move silently.

<826/826hp 329mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> You attempt to hide.

<826/826hp 329mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> You attempt to hide.

<826/826hp 329mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> You attempt to move silently.

<826/826hp 329mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Karel Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Moselthrok Before a fortified hillock

<826/826hp 329mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor>
Moselthrok tells you 'nope, I asked you to duel'

<826/826hp 329mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> call spell
You step out of the shadows.
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> You attempt to hide.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> You attempt to hide.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> You attempt to move silently.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Karel Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Moselthrok Before a fortified hillock

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 51 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 35 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 35 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 12 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 3 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 3 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> end
You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Karel Blood Square
(PK) Moselthrok Blood Square

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> scan e
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Moselthrok is here.
(Translucent) Karel is here.

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor>
Karel has arrived.
Karel yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'
the Destructor: Intruder! Intruder! Karel is raiding the Cabal!
The Destructor mauls Karel.
Moselthrok has arrived.
Moselthrok yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'
the Destructor: Intruder! Intruder! Moselthrok is raiding the Cabal!
The Destructor *** DEMOLISHES *** Moselthrok!

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor>
Moselthrok's cleave decimates the Destructor!
The Destructor's slash mauls Karel.
The Destructor tries to disarm Karel, but fails.
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
Karel's pendant glows with a sickly light!

<826/826hp 279mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor> blind
You step out of the shadows.
A cloud of dust fills in the room.
Moselthrok yells 'Help! Sehvoor just threw dust in my eyes!'
You failed to blind Moselthrok.
You parry Moselthrok's cleave.
Karel yells 'Help! Sehvoor just threw dust in my eyes!'
You failed to blind Karel.
You parry Karel's flaming bite.
Moselthrok has some small but disgusting cuts.

<826/826hp 259mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor>
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
You trample around loudly again.
Moselthrok parries your acidic bite.
Moselthrok parries your claw.
Moselthrok parries your acidic bite.
Moselthrok parries your claw.
Moselthrok's cleave EVISCERATES the Destructor!
Moselthrok's cleave MUTILATES the Destructor!
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from Karel's weapon.
Karel's ghostly flame EVISCERATES the Destructor!
Moselthrok has some small but disgusting cuts.

<826/826hp 259mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor>
A cloud of dust fills the room.
Your acidic bite DISMEMBERS Moselthrok!
Your claw MANGLES Moselthrok!
Moselthrok parries your claw.
The Destructor appears to be blinded.
Moselthrok is covered with bleeding wounds.

<826/826hp 259mn 630mv> <3 PM new indoor>
Karel sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Karel's bash grazes you.
You yell 'Help! Karel is bashing me!'
Moselthrok is covered with bleeding wounds.

<821/826hp 259mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor> blind

You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Moselthrok parries your acidic bite.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Moselthrok dodges your acidic bite.
Moselthrok dodges your acidic bite.
Moselthrok's cleave maims the Destructor!
Moselthrok's cleave DISMEMBERS the Destructor!
The Destructor's slash MANGLES Moselthrok!
The Destructor's slash decimates Karel!
The Destructor jabs its sword at Karel, getting through his defenses.
The Destructor's jab mauls Karel.
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
Moselthrok is gushing blood.

<821/826hp 259mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.
Moselthrok is gushing blood.

<821/826hp 259mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Moselthrok!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Moselthrok dodges your acidic bite.
Moselthrok's cleave maims the Destructor!
Moselthrok's cleave EVISCERATES the Destructor!
The Destructor tries to strike the same place with both its swords.
The Destructor's thrust MUTILATES Karel!
The Destructor's thrust maims Karel!
Karel's pendant glows with a sickly light!
Moselthrok is gushing blood.

<821/826hp 259mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!
Moselthrok is gushing blood.

<826/826hp 272mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Moselthrok parries your acidic bite.
Moselthrok deflects your claw with his shield.
You dodge Moselthrok's cleave.
You step inside Moselthrok's cleave with a quick backfist.
Your claw MANGLES Moselthrok!
The Destructor's slash mauls Karel.
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
Karel executes the form Parting the Silk!
Karel's flaming bite *** DEVASTATES *** the Destructor!
Moselthrok is writhing in agony.

<826/826hp 272mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel leaves east.
Karel has fled!
Moselthrok fails to perform a joint lock on you.
Moselthrok's kansetsuwaza misses you.
Moselthrok is writhing in agony.

<826/826hp 272mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Moselthrok parries your acidic bite.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
Moselthrok dodges your acidic bite.
You step inside Moselthrok's cleave with a quick backfist.
Your claw MASSACRES Moselthrok!
You have become better at backfist!
You step inside Moselthrok's cleave with a quick backfist.
Your claw DISMEMBERS Moselthrok!
Moselthrok is convulsing on the ground.

<826/826hp 272mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor> A cloud of dust fills in the room.
You failed to blind Moselthrok.
You dodge Moselthrok's cleave.
You dodge Moselthrok's cleave.
Moselthrok is convulsing on the ground.

<826/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Moselthrok dodges your acidic bite.
Moselthrok dodges your claw.
You step inside Moselthrok's cleave with a quick backfist.
Your claw *** DEMOLISHES *** Moselthrok!
Moselthrok is DEAD!!
Moselthrok's ear is sliced from his dead body.

<826/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel has arrived.
Karel yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'
the Destructor: Intruder! Intruder! Karel is raiding the Cabal!
The Destructor decimates Karel!

<826/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor> get all corpse
You get an onyx bracelet from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a leather backpack from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a dark, avian's black leather mask from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a pitch-black belt from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a pair of black, steel-taloned boots from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a battle cloak from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a set of arborian chainmail from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a sandy-brown desert cloak from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get midnight dragon armguards from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get some leggings from the snow worm from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a granite ring from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a pair of titanium gauntlets from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a granite ring from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a horned minotaur helm from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get a pair of silver-tipped feathered ribbons from the corpse of Moselthrok.
You get an onyx bracelet from the corpse of Moselthrok.
The Dagger of Death: you can't carry that many items.
A long titanium spear: you can't carry that many items.
A sa'angreal: you can't carry that many items.
Angrist the iron-cleaver: you can't carry that many items.
A razor-edged shield: you can't carry that many items.
You get 2709 copper coins from the corpse of Moselthrok.
Karel gets the Dagger of Death from the corpse of Moselthrok.
Karel gets a long titanium spear from the corpse of Moselthrok.
Karel gets a sa'angreal from the corpse of Moselthrok.
Karel gets angrist the iron-cleaver from the corpse of Moselthrok.

<826/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Karel's bash grazes you.
You yell 'Help! Karel is bashing me!'
Karel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<819/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor> blind

Your acidic bite decimates Karel!
Karel parries your claw.
Your claw hits Karel.
Your acidic bite decimates Karel!
The Destructor starts a vicious series of attacks with its swords.
The Destructor's flurry mauls Karel.
The Destructor's flurry wounds Karel.
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from Karel's weapon.
Karel's ghostly flame maims the Destructor!
Karel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<819/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel parries your acidic bite.
Your claw decimates Karel!
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
Karel's flaming bite MANGLES the Destructor!
Karel's white diadem glows faintly for a moment.
Karel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<819/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite maims Karel!
Karel parries your claw.
You parry Karel's flaming bite.
Karel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<819/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!
Karel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<826/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Karel's bash grazes you.
Karel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<821/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel parries your acidic bite.
Karel parries your claw.
Karel parries your claw.
Karel parries your acidic bite.
You dodge Karel's flaming bite.
Karel's flaming bite *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Karel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<680/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.
Karel has some small but disgusting cuts.

<680/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Your acidic bite decimates Karel!
Your claw wounds Karel.
The Destructor's slash mauls Karel.
The Destructor's slash decimates Karel!
The Destructor tries to strike the same place with both its swords.
The Destructor's thrust maims Karel!
The Destructor's thrust devastates Karel!
You step inside Karel's flaming bite with a quick backfist.
Your claw mauls Karel.
Karel's pendant glows with a sickly light!
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from Karel's weapon.
Karel's ghostly flame MANGLES you!
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<588/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Karel's bash grazes you.
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<580/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor>
Karel parries your acidic bite.
Your claw hits Karel.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Karel parries your acidic bite.
You dodge Karel's flaming bite.
You dodge Karel's flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from Karel's weapon.
Karel's ghostly flame EVISCERATES you!
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<528/826hp 252mn 630mv> <4 PM new indoor> flee

Karel parries your acidic bite.
Your claw mauls Karel.
Karel parries your acidic bite.
You parry Karel's flaming bite.
Karel executes the form Lightning of Three Prongs!
You parry Karel's flaming bite.
You dodge Karel's flaming bite.
You dodge Karel's flaming bite.
Karel's white diadem glows faintly for a moment.
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<528/826hp 252mn 630mv> <5 PM new indoor>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<528/826hp 252mn 630mv> <5 PM new indoor>
Karel's bash misses you.
You evade Karel's bash, causing him to fall flat on his face.
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<528/826hp 252mn 630mv> <5 PM new indoor>
Karel parries your acidic bite.
Your claw wounds Karel.
Karel parries your acidic bite.
The Destructor tries to strike the same place with both its swords.
The Destructor's thrust devastates Karel!
The Destructor's thrust devastates Karel!
You dodge Karel's flaming bite.
You parry Karel's flaming bite.
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<528/826hp 252mn 630mv> <5 PM new indoor> flee

You feel less tough.
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<540/826hp 263mn 630mv> <5 PM new indoor>
Karel parries your acidic bite.
Karel parries your claw.
Karel parries your acidic bite.
You step inside Karel's flaming bite with a quick backfist.
Your claw injures Karel.
Karel's flaming bite === OBLITERATES === you!
That really did HURT!
Your weapon sticks to Karel's shield!
A shield made of boiled leather snatches your weapon away!
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<331/826hp 263mn 630mv> <5 PM new indoor> A cloud of dust fills in the room.
You failed to blind Karel.
Karel's flaming bite === OBLITERATES === you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<145/826hp 243mn 630mv> <5 PM new indoor> flee

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.
Karel parries your claw.
Your claw hits Karel.
You dodge Karel's flaming bite.
You dodge Karel's flaming bite.
A roaring fountain of ghostly flame spews forth from Karel's weapon.
Karel's ghostly flame MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Karel is covered with bleeding wounds.

<47/826hp 243mn 630mv> <5 PM new indoor> Blood Square

You flee from combat!

<47/826hp 243mn 628mv> <5 PM new outdoor> You aren't fighting anyone.

<47/826hp 243mn 628mv> <5 PM new outdoor> You aren't fighting anyone.

<47/826hp 243mn 628mv> <5 PM new outdoor>
the Destructor: Intruder! Intruder! Karel is raiding the Cabal!

<47/826hp 243mn 628mv> <5 PM new outdoor> e
Before the pillar of legends

/*Probably my favorite for two reasons. One, I live. Two, if I had gotten one of those blinds off....I think I could have taken Karel down by keeping him at the D.*/

5161, I have 14 logs that look almost exactly like this
Posted by sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
/*For a long time, I would log on as the only villager, without the head, and about 5-7 nexites guarding the head....I would attempt at least twice every time I logged on without the head...I survived some of them. */

900--558--625 8 AM>
Fristapholin utters the words, 'yucandusbarr'.
A ball of fire erupts from Fristapholin's hands, engulfing the area in flames.
The gods protect Sehvoor from Fristapholin.

<900--558--625 8 AM> w
A small shoreline

(Translucent) (Purple Aura) (White Aura) A large ram snorts at your presence and goes back to ignoring you.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Sporial is here.

<900--558--623 8 AM>
Sporial conjures a cloud of purple smoke.
Fristapholin has arrived.

<900--558--623 9 AM> assassinate ram
A grizzled ram steps to the side to avoid your attack!
You step out of the shadows.
You trample around loudly again.
Your assassination attempt misses a grizzled ram.
The bellowing of a ram startles you.
Fristapholin utters the words, 'yucandusbarr'.
A ball of fire erupts from Fristapholin's hands, engulfing the area in flames.
The gods protect Sehvoor from Fristapholin.
The gods protect a grizzled ram from Fristapholin.
The gods protect Sporial from Fristapholin.
A grizzled ram is in perfect health.

<900--558--623 9 AM>
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
A grizzled ram dodges your slice.
Your claw EVISCERATES a grizzled ram!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
A grizzled ram's charge *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You dodge a grizzled ram's charge.
A grizzled ram has a few scratches.

<561--558--623 9 AM> flee

The glowing purple dust rubs off of a grizzled ram.
A grizzled ram has a few scratches.

<572--558--630 9 AM>
You yell 'Die, Sporial, you sorcerous dog!'
Sporial narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You are surrounded by a pink outline.
A grizzled ram butts you with his horns.
A grizzled ram's ramming horns *** DEVASTATES *** you!
A grizzled ram has a few scratches.

<436--558--630 9 AM>
A grizzled ram dodges your slice.
Your claw devastates a grizzled ram!
Your claw DISMEMBERS a grizzled ram!
You dodge a grizzled ram's charge.
You parry a grizzled ram's charge.
You parry a grizzled ram's charge.
You parry a grizzled ram's charge.
A grizzled ram has some small but disgusting cuts.

<436--558--630 9 AM> flee

Sporial stops using the mace of balance.
Sporial wields a silver thurible.
A grizzled ram has some small but disgusting cuts.

<436--558--630 9 AM> A shallow cave

5160, Edited this one
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
/*This I kept on my own comp, because it typified the luck I was having with Sehv there for a LONG stretch. The log is long, so I have cut out all but the most important stuff.*/

717--398--630 9 PM> You deliver a well-placed strike to the shoulder of the stone statue.
The stone statue is convulsing on the ground.

<717--398--630 9 PM>
Your wrath BROILS the stone statue!
The stone statue is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
The stone statue's arm is sliced from his dead body.
The gods give you 19 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of the stone statue.

<717--398--630 9 PM> l
Art Gallery
You are standing along the south wall of a huge arcade. Rare paintings and
small sculptural pieces of art line the gallery giving the impression this is
more a museum than a castle hallway. Looking at the paintings and murals,
some of which extend to great sizes, you notice the excellent workmanship
that went into every piece. These are not merely ancient art forms the
collector has acquired, but priceless treasures that are displayed on the
walls of the art gallery. Mounted immediately in front of you is a huge stone
statue which is a remarkable rendition of the High Lord. You cannot discern
the inscription below. Seems this is a monument in his honor. The gallery
extends to the east, west, or you can view the other side of the gallery to
the north.

The sliced-off arm of the stone statue is lying here.

<717--398--630 9 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Art Gallery

**********No ring, snip me exiting and waiting to see if a ring comes back*********

Art Gallery

A monument is here in honor of the High Lord's triumphs.

<836--401--588 2 AM> l 2.
This is the statue of the High Lord. It is huge. Larger in fact than the
tales that you have heard. The only noticeable thing is the large granite ring
that is lodged securely on its fore-finger.
The stone statue is in perfect health.

the stone statue is using:
<worn on finger> (Humming) a granite ring

<836--401--588 2 AM> grin
You grin evilly.

<836--401--588 3 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Art Gallery

*********FINALLY, I think to myself,...maybe this means my string of bad luck is ending? snip a LONG fight**********

<529--280--630 4 AM> You land a devastating strike to someone's kidneys.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<529--280--630 4 AM>
You parry someone's pound.
You parry someone's pound.
Someone dodges your wrath.
Someone dodges your claw.
Your wrath misses someone.
Someone is unaffected by your claw!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

<529--280--630 4 AM> nerve

You dodge someone's pound.
You step inside someone's pound with a quick backfist.
Someone is unaffected by your claw!
You dodge someone's pound.
Your wrath BROILS someone!
Someone is unaffected by your claw!
Your wrath BROILS someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

nerve-280--630 4 AM>

Connected to host carrionfields.org
Connected to host carrionfields.org
Connected to host carrionfields.org
Connected to host carrionfields.org

-<!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$X!: The Carrion Fields
'<M! !!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMMX!X!
!M!--!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMM!X$! A Playerkilling/Roleplaying
-!8!:!!!MMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$RMMMX8RX- MUD
!!:-MRX!-!!MM$$$$8$$$$$$$$$MMMM$R!-! Original DikuMUD by
'!X:--?X!--!!!M$$$RMR$$$$RMMRMM$R!!!X! Hans Staerfeldt, Katya
-XX 'MX:!!!!!?RRMMMMM!!XMMMM$R-<!!!! Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael
!?!-X$P"````----!M!!---`#*R$$M !<!!- Seifert, and Sebastian
-!MXf -!-!!!X! "k!!!- Hammer
'!!!X !X!M?X '!!!-
-<!XM X!!R!! !M!-'
:!XMMX : ::s@---!!!Mbx:!!<::X8k ! Based on Merc 2.1 by
!!!$$$MTMM8$#!! ! MXX!R$W86SW$$!!! Hatchet, Furey, and
!!!M$$#TT!!!!!- ! X!!!!!!RR#M!!! Khan
`!MW$M- -!!M!! ! !!:!-- #$R?!!
-:.. -XM!k:!#hHMX!!- ::- carrionfields.org 9999
-M! <!!!$X?XMMMB$!!! !!
!X! !XR!$MM$$$$$$?MM! '!! Created from ROM 2.3 by
`MX 'XXX t!@!H!X8X '!> Yuval Oren, Matt Hamby,
!!X!!X!" MM$M$RR*?.!!:X! Barbara Hargrove
?&M<!X>!MR$M> M9M5M!!XMM
M!?XX!!RRt?M@NRX?!XMX!R Maintained by
`!!MHXX!!MtMt!MMXWMM!!! BoltThrower, Galadriel, Jullias,
`!XM$$$R9M$RTMMX- Nepenthe, Pico, and Balgrimnr
`""!""` Greeting screen designed by
Zapata (bsinger1.netcom.com)

By what name do you wish to be mourned? sehvoor

*****Here I think to myself, I bet you it doesn't come back with it*****

Exits: north east west]
A monument is here in honor of the High Lord's triumphs.

You have 4 new notes waiting.
the Destructor: Sehvoor has joined us in the fray of battle.

<582--302--630 2 AM> l 2.
This is the statue of the High Lord. It is huge. Larger in fact than the
tales that you have heard. The only noticeable thing is the large granite ring
that is lodged securely on its fore-finger.
The stone statue is in perfect health.

<582--302--630 2 AM> ' hrm.....
You say 'hrm.....'

<582--302--630 2 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Art Gallery

****So, I think to myself, no problem, I will just take the time to kill it again, I am NOTHING if not patient, snip me trying to poisondart sleep it...and finally landing it after 53 failed tries, then killing it***********

502--264--630 11 PM>
Your wrath BROILS someone!
Someone parries your claw.
Your wrath SEARS someone!
Someone is unaffected by your claw!
Someone's pound misses you.
You dodge someone's pound.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

<502--264--630 11 PM> nerve

Your wrath SEARS someone!
Someone is unaffected by your claw!
Your wrath SEARS someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
Someone's head is shattered, and its brains splash all over you.
You can't find it.

*********snip me leaving and coming back*********

836--378--624 8 AM> w
Art Gallery

A monument is here in honor of the High Lord's triumphs.

<836--378--623 8 AM> l 2.
This is the statue of the High Lord. It is huge. Larger in fact than the
tales that you have heard. The only noticeable thing is the large granite ring
that is lodged securely on its fore-finger.
The stone statue is in perfect health.

<836--378--623 8 AM> growl

<836--378--623 8 AM> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Art Gallery

<836--378--623 8 AM> e

/*So, in summary. I kill it, it repops with a ring, I ALMOST have it killed, crash, it comes back with no ring, I kill it, it STILL has no ring....I've always wondered what became of that ring*/

5158, For Grollaski (if too questy, please delete)
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

793hp 415m 531mv> Grollaski says 'I told you I had been spying, and I saw something. . .'
You attempt to hide.

<793hp 415m 531mv> You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 426m 531mv> ' Saw something where?
You step out of the shadows.
You say 'Saw something where?'

<793hp 426m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.
A massive giant pauses to scratch a group of bumps on its left arm.

<793hp 426m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 426m 531mv> where
People near you:
Grollaski Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Sehvoor Before a fortified hillock

<793hp 426m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 426m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 426m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I saw Solmyr practially blurt out to a shadow mage, a very mysterious wizard, the new location of the tower.'

<793hp 444m 531mv>
You feel less tough.

<793hp 453m 531mv> whisp The Warlock Tower? I found that a long time ago.
You whisper 'The Warlock Tower? I found that a long time ago.'

<793hp 453m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I recognized what she was, a servant of jullias, and tried my best to illustrate this to the elfen moron.'

<793hp 453m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'No, this is bigger.'

<793hp 453m 531mv> whisp Oh?
You whisper 'Oh?'

<793hp 453m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'This was the old archmage of the tower.'

<793hp 453m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'The oooold tower, the one who cracked, you know, blew her top!'

<793hp 453m 531mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp The one on the River south of the Rift.
You whisper 'The one on the River south of the Rift.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp It moved?
You whisper 'It moved?'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
The day has begun.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'She is trying to find where the orb was hidden, and the old library!'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Yeah!'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'and that isn't the wierdest part!'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Then after everyone leaves, and I'm standing there screaming expletives about stupid wizards at the top of my lungs. . .'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
The sun rises in the east.

<793hp 470m 531mv> emote turns his other ear towards you, listening.
Sehvoor turns his other ear towards you, listening.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'This little apprentice shows up, and talks to me. . .'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Her name was Rewain.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'She claaaaimed to be. . .'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'The daughter of trothon.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski pauses for effect.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'They are the same person.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
A massive giant scratches some bumps on its face leaving them oozing a brown liquid.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'The shadow mage, and Rewain, but I do not understand how yet.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'That at all usefull to you?'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
A massive giant scratches some bumps on its face leaving them oozing a brown liquid.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'The shadow mage, and Rewain, but I do not understand how yet.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'That at all usefull to you?'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski closes his eyes and hums for an instant.
Some unleavened bread appears before Grollaski.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski gets some unleavened bread.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski eats some unleavened bread.

<793hp 470m 531mv> ' Very interesting indeed.
You step out of the shadows.
You say 'Very interesting indeed.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Lightning flashes in the sky.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski nods.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Do you trust me yet?'

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp For if the mages are trying to do something, stopping them would be of interest to the Village.
You whisper 'For if the mages are trying to do something, stopping them would be of interest to the Village.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski nods.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I do not like the tower, I do not like what it represents, or what they seek to do.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
A massive giant scratches a group of bumps on its right arm leaving them oozing.

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp I trust Villagers. I distrust Magi, scions, and Nexuns. In between...is in between.
You whisper 'I trust Villagers. I distrust Magi, scions, and Nexuns. In between...is in between.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski nods.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'That is fine with me.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp What do they seek to do?
You whisper 'What do they seek to do?'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski shakes his head.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'If the scions find that tower, I suspect. . .'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
A massive giant pauses to scratch a few red bumps on its leg.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'That some of their powers that are originally of the old master regime will return to their old power.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> growl
You step out of the shadows.

<793hp 470m 531mv> Grollaski says 'The library rather'

<793hp 470m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> Grollaski says 'and the orb'
You attempt to hide.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Yeah!'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Last thing we all need right!'

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp You said solmyr knows where the new place is? Can you tell me where it moved to?
You whisper 'You said solmyr knows where the new place is? Can you tell me where it moved to?'

<793hp 470m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
A massive giant pauses to scratch a group of bumps on its left arm.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'He was going to tell where the tower was, I do not think that moron knows where the books are any more than he knows the meaning of life or how to spell his own name backwards.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I have not yet found it.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> nod
You nod.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I have been scouring thera for anything that evidences my hypothesis, but there isn't much.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
A massive giant pauses to scratch a group of bumps on its left arm.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
The lightning has stopped.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp This certainly is interesting information.
You whisper 'This certainly is interesting information.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp I appreciate the heads up.

Grollaski says 'Mostly I just pester arvam about removing the torch from display at the inn, but I do not know if they can use that.'
You whisper 'I appreciate the heads up.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> l
Before a fortified hillock
A large mound of earth has been pushed up here, forming a strategically
planned barrier to the village just beyond. Behind the earthen barricade
stand the gates -- heavy, massive, fortified iron gates that require much
muscle-power to move -- and beyond them you can see the faces of numerous
huts, most looking as rugged as the hills before you. In the distance,
people move about within the secluded village, and smoke drifts up from
various campfires and cookstoves. The gruff sound of barbaric voices drifts
to you on the wind, as does the occasional burst of laughter and clang of

( 3) A small, engraved ivory seal lies here.
( 3) A set of mithril sleeves lies on the ground.
( 3) A nice two-handed sword hangs on a hook in the wall.
Grollaski is here.
A massive giant wearily stands here, torn and beaten beyond recognition.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski nods.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
The rain stopped.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Let me know about the giant, okay, if I can't find anything?'

<793hp 470m 531mv> nod

Grollaski gets a water skin from the Bracelet of Charms.
You nod.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski drinks water from a water skin.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski drinks water from a water skin.

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp Ask the Stump that question.
You whisper 'Ask the Stump that question.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> sneak

Grollaski says 'I hope he gets better, he works pretty hard.'
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski nods.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I shall.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> nod
You nod.

<793hp 470m 531mv> l

Grollaski says 'Have you considered that perhaps the Sylvans have been poisoning him or something?'

<793hp 470m 531mv> Before a fortified hillock
A large mound of earth has been pushed up here, forming a strategically
planned barrier to the village just beyond. Behind the earthen barricade
stand the gates -- heavy, massive, fortified iron gates that require much
muscle-power to move -- and beyond them you can see the faces of numerous
huts, most looking as rugged as the hills before you. In the distance,
people move about within the secluded village, and smoke drifts up from
various campfires and cookstoves. The gruff sound of barbaric voices drifts
to you on the wind, as does the occasional burst of laughter and clang of

( 3) A small, engraved ivory seal lies here.
( 3) A set of mithril sleeves lies on the ground.
( 3) A nice two-handed sword hangs on a hook in the wall.
Grollaski is here.
A massive giant wearily stands here, torn and beaten beyond recognition.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Since you started building the road, that's when I noticed him getting all screwed up.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> whisp We know the cause of it, and know what it will take to cure it...we just need now the means to make the cure.
You whisper 'We know the cause of it, and know what it will take to cure it...we just need now the means to make the cure.'

<793hp 470m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'And that did piss them off pretty bad. . .'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski nods.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Okay'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
You feel less righteous.

<793hp 470m 531mv> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 40 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 17 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 17 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -36 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 7 hours.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
The sun slowly disappears in the west.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Lets just hope it isn't that old spell 'brew', that could be uncomfortable for you all.'

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski nods.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski waves happily.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Take care!@'

<793hp 470m 531mv> nod

Grollaski closes his eyes and hums for an instant.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You nod.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
Grollaski leaves east.

<793hp 470m 531mv> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 39 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 16 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 16 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -36 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 6 hours.

<793hp 470m 531mv> who battle
* Felar * (PK) (WANTED) Sehvoor the Novice of Owaza, General of War

Players found: 1

<793hp 470m 531mv> cb Interesting news from a follower of the Stump.
You step out of the shadows.
Sehvoor: Interesting news from a follower of the Stump.

<793hp 470m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 470m 531mv> aff

Fatigue sets in as a massive giant suffers from some illness.
A massive giant pauses to scratch a few red bumps on its leg.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 41 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 16 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 16 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -36 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 6 hours.

<793hp 470m 531mv> w
Among the barbaric huts

<793hp 470m 529mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Among the barbaric huts

<793hp 470m 529mv>
The night has begun.

<793hp 470m 529mv>
someone: A followe of the Stump?

<793hp 470m 531mv> cb About things the Scions quest for...
You step out of the shadows.
Sehvoor: About things the Scions quest for...

<793hp 470m 531mv> cb I will pen a scroll on it so that the Whole village can watch.
Sehvoor: I will pen a scroll on it so that the Whole village can watch.

<793hp 470m 531mv> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 40 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 15 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 15 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -36 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 5 hours.

<793hp 470m 531mv> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 40 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 15 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 15 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -36 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 5 hours.

<793hp 470m 531mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Among the torch-lit, barbaric huts

<793hp 470m 531mv> call spell
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<793hp 420m 531mv>
It starts to rain.

<793hp 420m 531mv> call resi
You feel tough!

<793hp 370m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 379m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 379m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 379m 531mv> You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 379m 531mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Among the torch-lit, barbaric huts

<793hp 379m 531mv> who pk
< Human > (PK) Ashaari the Master Songsmith
< Storm > (PK) Belarinth the Champion of the Crusades
< Human > (PK) Trien the Master of Invocation
* Felar * (PK) (WANTED) Sehvoor the Novice of Owaza, General of War

Players found: 4

<793hp 379m 531mv> e
Before a fortified hillock

( 3) A small, engraved ivory seal lies here.
( 3) A set of mithril sleeves lies on the ground.
( 3) A nice two-handed sword hangs on a hook in the wall.
A massive, hunched figure is here, shivering in pain throughout the night.
A massive giant whispers 'W c me, g eat rr '

<793hp 379m 528mv> e
The Burning Fields

(Glowing) An ordinary iron mace lies here.
A small horned lizard flicks his tongue and slithers away.

<793hp 379m 524mv> e
The Torched Breaching of the Wall of Thalos

A small horned lizard flicks his tongue and slithers away.

<793hp 379m 517mv> A back alley

A long slim dagger has been left here.
A odd clear stone lies at your feet.

<793hp 379m 513mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor A back alley

<793hp 379m 513mv> n
Under the watchtower

<793hp 379m 510mv> e
A back alley

<793hp 379m 507mv> e
A Side Street

<793hp 379m 504mv> A back alley

<793hp 379m 501mv> where
Under a watchtower

<793hp 379m 498mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Under a watchtower

<793hp 379m 498mv> s
A back alley

A strange lamia stands here waiting for her next meal.

<793hp 379m 495mv> A back alley

( 2) A bright pink and green stone has been left here.
A long slim dagger has been left here.

<793hp 379m 492mv> s
Main Street

A strange lamia stands here waiting for her next meal.
A small horned lizard flicks his tongue and slithers away.

<793hp 379m 489mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor Main Street

<793hp 379m 489mv> n
A back alley

( 2) A bright pink and green stone has been left here.
A long slim dagger has been left here.

<793hp 388m 527mv> A back alley

A strange lamia stands here waiting for her next meal.

<793hp 388m 524mv> s
Under a watchtower

<793hp 388m 521mv> s
A back alley

A strange lamia stands here waiting for her next meal.

<793hp 388m 518mv> e
A back alley

( 2) A bright pink and green stone has been left here.
A long slim dagger has been left here.

<793hp 388m 515mv> Main Street

A strange lamia stands here waiting for her next meal.
A small horned lizard flicks his tongue and slithers away.

<793hp 388m 512mv> e
The Grand Gate of Thalos

A strange lamia stands here waiting for her next meal.

<793hp 388m 509mv> A wide road through the dwarf forest

A vest of padded armor lies unused here.

<793hp 388m 508mv> where
A wide road through the dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 507mv> A road-wood junction in dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 506mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor A road-wood junction in dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 506mv> n
A stone-covered road through dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 505mv> n
A stone-covered road through dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 504mv> n
A stone-covered road through dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 503mv> n
A stone-covered road through dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 502mv> A stone-covered road through dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 501mv> n
A stone-covered road through dwarf forest

A spherical red object lies on the ground here.

<793hp 388m 500mv> A stone-covered road through dwarf forest

<793hp 388m 499mv> where
The large crossroads

<793hp 388m 498mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor The large crossroads

<793hp 388m 498mv> n
The Lane

<793hp 388m 497mv> n
Osenrein Road

<793hp 388m 496mv> n
Osenrein Road

<793hp 388m 495mv> n
Osenrein Road

<793hp 388m 494mv> n
The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 491mv> n
The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 485mv> n
The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 479mv> n
The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 473mv> n
The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 467mv> n
The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 461mv> n
The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 455mv> The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 449mv> The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 443mv> The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 437mv> The Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 431mv> The edge of the Osendrelle Fields

<793hp 388m 425mv> Auction block

<793hp 388m 419mv> where
People near you:
Derseklaiet Osenrein Road
(PK) Sehvoor Auction block
Perrav Osenrein Road
Seshanacqkri Osenrein Road

<793hp 388m 419mv> n
Osenrein Road

<793hp 388m 416mv> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 40 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 13 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 13 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -13 for 8 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 4 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -36 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 3 hours.

<793hp 388m 416mv> w
Osenrein Road

(Invis) A flesh golem lumbers along, its eyes glowing a dim red in the night.
A skeletal warrior skulks in the shadows, awaiting the orders of its master.
(Invis) Seshanacqkri is here.
(Invis) Derseklaiet is here.
(Invis) (Ghostly) Perrav is here.

<793hp 388m 415mv> On the Southeast Bridge

<793hp 398m 455mv> w
Bridge Gate

(White Aura) A rich merchant is being carried through here.

<793hp 398m 452mv> w
Ogier Square

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
A sailor is here trying to sing his lungs out.

<793hp 398m 449mv> n
Tower Road


<793hp 398m 446mv> n
Tower Road

south west]

<793hp 398m 443mv> n
Tower Road

south ]
A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of

<793hp 398m 440mv> n
Tower Square

<793hp 398m 437mv> n
Wall Road

<793hp 398m 434mv> n
Wall Road

A farmer from the fields is relaxing here with some friends.

<793hp 398m 431mv> n
Northeast Corner of White Tower Wall

There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!

<793hp 398m 428mv> Bridge Road

<793hp 398m 425mv> w
The Golden Lion

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
(White Aura) The innkeeper welcomes you to his humble abode.
(White Aura) A gleeman is here juggling balls and telling tales.
A maid is here trying to avoid the wrath of the innkeeper.
A maid is here trying to avoid the wrath of the innkeeper.

<793hp 398m 424mv> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 424mv> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 424mv> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 424mv> s
Bridge Road

<793hp 398m 423mv> w
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 423mv> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 423mv> n
The Golden Lion

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
(White Aura) The innkeeper welcomes you to his humble abode.
(White Aura) A gleeman is here juggling balls and telling tales.
A maid is here trying to avoid the wrath of the innkeeper.
A maid is here trying to avoid the wrath of the innkeeper.

<793hp 398m 422mv> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 422mv> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 422mv> s
Bridge Road

<793hp 398m 421mv> s
Northeast Corner of White Tower Wall

There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!

<793hp 398m 418mv> w
Wall Road

<793hp 398m 415mv> Wall Road

( 2) A small pan made from tin has been left here.
There is a panhandler here trying to shake the money out of you!
A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of

<793hp 398m 412mv> n
Sailor Way

A guard of Tar Valon is standing here keeping the peace.
A sailor is here trying to sing his lungs out.

<793hp 398m 409mv> n
The Great Square

A large fountain is here.
A man is lying here passed out from alcohol.

<793hp 398m 406mv> e
Sailor Way

<793hp 398m 403mv> n
On the Docks

A citizen of Tar Valon is here trying to work his way through the crowd of

<793hp 398m 400mv> n
On the Docks

<793hp 398m 397mv> n
You step out of the shadows.
North of the Docks

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 398m 393mv> where
On a Wide River

<793hp 398m 387mv> On a Wide River

<793hp 398m 381mv> On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 375mv> On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 369mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 369mv> e
On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 363mv> n
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 363mv> e
On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 357mv> n
On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 351mv> On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 345mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 345mv> n
On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 339mv> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 339mv> e
On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 333mv> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 398m 333mv> n
On the Erinin

<793hp 398m 327mv> On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 398m 321mv> n
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 398m 315mv> n
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 350mv> e
On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 344mv> n
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 338mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 338mv> In a Pool Below the Falls

<793hp 411m 332mv> e
On a Bank Next to the Erinin

<793hp 411m 325mv> w
In a Pool Below the Falls

<793hp 411m 318mv> On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 312mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 312mv> s
On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 306mv> s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<793hp 411m 306mv> w
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 300mv> On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 294mv> s
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 288mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 288mv> l e
Nothing special there.

<793hp 411m 288mv> s
On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 282mv> s
On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 276mv> frown
What's bothering you?

<793hp 411m 276mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 276mv> n
On the Erinin

<793hp 411m 270mv> n
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 264mv> n
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 258mv> n
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 252mv> s
On the Erinin

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 411m 246mv> br
Full descriptions activated.

<793hp 429m 287mv> n
On the Erinin
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
the river which weaves its way through the countryside.

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 429m 281mv> s
On the Erinin
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
the river which weaves its way through the countryside.

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 429m 275mv> s
On the Erinin
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
the river which weaves its way through the countryside.

A spotted fish swims just under the water's surface.

<793hp 429m 269mv> s
On the Erinin
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
the river which weaves its way through the countryside.

<793hp 429m 263mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<793hp 447m 304mv> s
You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<793hp 447m 304mv> where
On the Erinin
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
the river which weaves its way through the countryside.

<793hp 447m 298mv> People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor On the Erinin

<793hp 447m 298mv> w
On the Erinin
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
the river which weaves its way through the countryside.

<793hp 447m 292mv> s
On the Erinin
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
the river which weaves its way through the countryside.

<793hp 447m 286mv> s
On the Erinin
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to the
distant image of a gleaming white tower. On both sides of the river, the
banks are strewn with broken rocks and small boulders. Beyond the rocky
confines of the river, the rolling landside gradually rises up and away from
the river which weaves its way through the countryside.

<793hp 447m 280mv> e
A path from the riverbanks
Though once a well maintained pathway leading from the western docks
to a large eastern clearing, disrepair and ruin have since fallen upon
this place. The neat, patterned stones and brickwork have chipped and
been broken free in many place by natural plant growth and past
destruction. To the west lies the river Erinin, while the remnants
of the path lead towards a clearing to the east.

<793hp 447m 274mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 447m 274mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 447m 274mv>
You feel less tough.

<793hp 460m 315mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor A path from the riverbanks

<793hp 460m 315mv> call resi
You step out of the shadows.
You feel tough!

<793hp 410m 315mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 410m 315mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 410m 315mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 410m 315mv> You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 410m 315mv> someone: *mutter* Know a way I can rid myself of thornheart?
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor A path from the riverbanks

<793hp 410m 315mv> cb Go to the Wastes, and get cold.
You step out of the shadows.
Sehvoor: Go to the Wastes, and get cold.

<793hp 424m 356mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 424m 356mv> sneak
You attempt to hide.

<793hp 424m 356mv> You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 424m 356mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor A path from the riverbanks

<793hp 424m 356mv>
The day has begun.

<793hp 424m 356mv>
The sun rises in the east.

<793hp 435m 397mv> e
At a devastated clearing
Magical annihilation reigned here, pure and unfocused; it burned and
destroyed all within reach. No living thing escaped its wrath as it
struck out in response to the deaths of gods. Even now, long after
various magical and elemental forces raged, the clearing still burns
with its powerful influence, which leaves it feeling somehow muted.
Light seems dimmer and shifts with strange and disturbing colors,
emotions flare and change without reason or notice, and sound itself
seems slower, more restrained. All that remains of what look to have
been a once proud tower and courtyard are huge chunks of shattered
stone that to shimmer and blink in and out of reality, and the
twisted and mutated trees that somehow managed to survive. To the
west, an overgrown path makes its way back to the river.


<793hp 446m 432mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 446m 432mv> You cannot hide here.

<793hp 446m 432mv> w

You feel less resistant to magic.

<793hp 458m 473mv> A path from the riverbanks
Though once a well maintained pathway leading from the western docks
to a large eastern clearing, disrepair and ruin have since fallen upon
this place. The neat, patterned stones and brickwork have chipped and
been broken free in many place by natural plant growth and past
destruction. To the west lies the river Erinin, while the remnants
of the path lead towards a clearing to the east.

<793hp 458m 467mv> You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 458m 467mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 458m 467mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor A path from the riverbanks

<793hp 470m 508mv> e
At a devastated clearing
Magical annihilation reigned here, pure and unfocused; it burned and
destroyed all within reach. No living thing escaped its wrath as it
struck out in response to the deaths of gods. Even now, long after
various magical and elemental forces raged, the clearing still burns
with its powerful influence, which leaves it feeling somehow muted.
Light seems dimmer and shifts with strange and disturbing colors,
emotions flare and change without reason or notice, and sound itself
seems slower, more restrained. All that remains of what look to have
been a once proud tower and courtyard are huge chunks of shattered
stone that to shimmer and blink in and out of reality, and the
twisted and mutated trees that somehow managed to survive. To the
west, an overgrown path makes its way back to the river.


<793hp 470m 502mv> l d
Carved into the stone of this large circular seal are five archaic
symbols surrounding a single cup shaped depression. Each of the
five symbols seems to represent one of the ancient paths of magic
that were once sacred to the now fallen Masters.
The seal is closed.

<793hp 470m 502mv> use seal
You step out of the shadows.
You don't see that item here.

<793hp 470m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 470m 531mv> You cannot hide here.

<793hp 470m 531mv>
An evil taint grazes you.

<786hp 470m 531mv> w
A path from the riverbanks
Though once a well maintained pathway leading from the western docks
to a large eastern clearing, disrepair and ruin have since fallen upon
this place. The neat, patterned stones and brickwork have chipped and
been broken free in many place by natural plant growth and past
destruction. To the west lies the river Erinin, while the remnants
of the path lead towards a clearing to the east.

<786hp 470m 525mv> You attempt to move silently.

<786hp 470m 525mv> You attempt to hide.

<786hp 470m 525mv>
You feel less tough.

<793hp 470m 531mv> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -36 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 1 hours.

<793hp 470m 531mv> call spell
You step out of the shadows.
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<793hp 420m 531mv> call resi
You feel tough!

<793hp 370m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 370m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 370m 531mv> e
At a devastated clearing
Magical annihilation reigned here, pure and unfocused; it burned and
destroyed all within reach. No living thing escaped its wrath as it
struck out in response to the deaths of gods. Even now, long after
various magical and elemental forces raged, the clearing still burns
with its powerful influence, which leaves it feeling somehow muted.
Light seems dimmer and shifts with strange and disturbing colors,
emotions flare and change without reason or notice, and sound itself
seems slower, more restrained. All that remains of what look to have
been a once proud tower and courtyard are huge chunks of shattered
stone that to shimmer and blink in and out of reality, and the
twisted and mutated trees that somehow managed to survive. To the
west, an overgrown path makes its way back to the river.


<793hp 381m 525mv> open d
The seal is locked.

<793hp 381m 525mv> pick s
You step out of the shadows.
You failed.

<793hp 381m 525mv> pick d
You failed picking the seal.

<793hp 381m 525mv> pick d
You failed picking the seal.

<793hp 381m 525mv> pick d
You failed picking the seal.

<793hp 381m 525mv> vanish
You failed.

<793hp 381m 525mv>
A sickening taint overwhelms your soul, leaving you feeling unclean.
An evil taint grazes you.

<787hp 381m 525mv> vanish
You failed.

<787hp 381m 525mv> vanish
You failed.

<787hp 381m 525mv> pick d
You failed picking the seal.

<787hp 381m 525mv> pick d
You failed picking the seal.

<787hp 381m 525mv> aff
You are affected by:
Skill: 'sneak' for 40 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -13 for 9 hours.
Skill: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 5 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -5 for 6 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 5 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -36 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 1 hours.
Skill: 'heightened awareness' for 0 hours.
Skill: 'detect hidden' for 0 hours.

<787hp 381m 525mv>
Your senses seem duller.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.

<793hp 397m 531mv> growl

<793hp 397m 531mv> detect
Your awareness improves.

<793hp 392m 531mv> You feel more aware of your surroundings.

<793hp 377m 531mv> w
A path from the riverbanks
Though once a well maintained pathway leading from the western docks
to a large eastern clearing, disrepair and ruin have since fallen upon
this place. The neat, patterned stones and brickwork have chipped and
been broken free in many place by natural plant growth and past
destruction. To the west lies the river Erinin, while the remnants
of the path lead towards a clearing to the east.

<793hp 377m 525mv> e
At a devastated clearing
Magical annihilation reigned here, pure and unfocused; it burned and
destroyed all within reach. No living thing escaped its wrath as it
struck out in response to the deaths of gods. Even now, long after
various magical and elemental forces raged, the clearing still burns
with its powerful influence, which leaves it feeling somehow muted.
Light seems dimmer and shifts with strange and disturbing colors,
emotions flare and change without reason or notice, and sound itself
seems slower, more restrained. All that remains of what look to have
been a once proud tower and courtyard are huge chunks of shattered
stone that to shimmer and blink in and out of reality, and the
twisted and mutated trees that somehow managed to survive. To the
west, an overgrown path makes its way back to the river.


<793hp 377m 519mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor At a devastated clearing

<793hp 377m 519mv> where elf
You didn't find any elf.

<793hp 377m 519mv> w
A path from the riverbanks
Though once a well maintained pathway leading from the western docks
to a large eastern clearing, disrepair and ruin have since fallen upon
this place. The neat, patterned stones and brickwork have chipped and
been broken free in many place by natural plant growth and past
destruction. To the west lies the river Erinin, while the remnants
of the path lead towards a clearing to the east.

<793hp 377m 513mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor A path from the riverbanks

<793hp 377m 513mv> whois g
<18 Arial Asn> Grikath the Empi
<51 Human Asn> Gacfiad the Assassin Hero
<23 Cloud Dru> Gorh the Stargazer
<3 H-Elf A-P> Gilmorthar the Thug
<23 Arial War> Glhacius the Gladiator
<51 Storm Hea> Grollaski the Holy Hero
<21 Felar Ran> Goreax the Ranger of the Third Circle

<793hp 377m 513mv> tell Grollaski Interesting.
You tell Grollaski 'Interesting.'

<793hp 377m 513mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<793hp 391m 531mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<793hp 391m 531mv> Grollaski tells you 'Oh?'

<793hp 391m 531mv> tell Grollaski Gate to me?

Grollaski tells you 'What is?'

<793hp 391m 531mv>
someone: Thank you for the information, I'm sure it will come to be useful in the future.

<793hp 391m 531mv> You tell Grollaski 'Gate to me?'

<793hp 391m 531mv> nosum
You may now be summoned by anyone.

<793hp 391m 531mv> trustall
You now trust everyone with questionable spells/supplications.

<793hp 391m 531mv> Grollaski has arrived through a gate.

<793hp 391m 531mv> trustall
You no longer trust everyone with questionable spells/supplications.

<793hp 391m 531mv>
Grollaski tells you 'You have to let me'

<793hp 391m 531mv> nosum

Grollaski nods.
You may now only be summoned by those in your PK range.

<793hp 391m 531mv>
Grollaski now follows you.

<793hp 391m 531mv> nod
You nod.

<793hp 391m 531mv> Grollaski nods.

<793hp 391m 531mv> e
At a devastated clearing
Magical annihilation reigned here, pure and unfocused; it burned and
destroyed all within reach. No living thing escaped its wrath as it
struck out in response to the deaths of gods. Even now, long after
various magical and elemental forces raged, the clearing still burns
with its powerful influence, which leaves it feeling somehow muted.
Light seems dimmer and shifts with strange and disturbing colors,
emotions flare and change without reason or notice, and sound itself
seems slower, more restrained. All that remains of what look to have
been a once proud tower and courtyard are huge chunks of shattered
stone that to shimmer and blink in and out of reality, and the
twisted and mutated trees that somehow managed to survive. To the
west, an overgrown path makes its way back to the river.

Grollaski has arrived.

<793hp 391m 525mv> ' can you pass by that seal?
You say 'can you pass by that seal?'

<793hp 391m 525mv>
Grollaski says 'Woah'

<793hp 391m 525mv>
Grollaski closes his eyes and hums for an instant.
Grollaski turns translucent.

<793hp 391m 525mv> ' I can not pick it, nor vanish in.
You say 'I can not pick it, nor vanish in.'

<793hp 391m 525mv>
Grollaski says 'Hold on, let me look at this clearing a moment, then I shall try'

<793hp 408m 531mv> ' Watch out...the taint here will curse you.
You say 'Watch out...the taint here will curse you.'

<793hp 408m 531mv> nod
You nod.

<793hp 408m 531mv>
Tulthros tells you 'You'll be happy to know I dispatched a group of three...two magi one deluded warrior'

<793hp 408m 531mv>
Trien tells you 'I can see yoou'

<793hp 408m 531mv> tell Tulthros Good work!
You tell Tulthros 'Good work!'

<793hp 408m 531mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor At a devastated clearing

<793hp 422m 531mv>
Grollaski looks very uncomfortable.
An evil taint devastates Grollaski!
An evil taint grazes you.

<786hp 422m 531mv>
Trien tells you 'off ranking I imagine'

<786hp 422m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Holy #####!'

<786hp 422m 531mv> nod

Grollaski says 'A god DIED here!'
You nod.

<786hp 422m 531mv>
Grollaski closes his eyes and hums for an instant.

<786hp 422m 531mv>
Trien tells you 'well, have fun'

<786hp 422m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Okay, cross your fingers'

<786hp 422m 531mv>
Grollaski closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Grollaski is surrounded by a white aura.

<786hp 422m 531mv> ' The seal...can you pass it?

Grollaski closes his eyes and hums for an instant.
Grollaski is surrounded by a protective shield.

<786hp 422m 531mv> You say 'The seal...can you pass it?'

<786hp 422m 531mv>
Grollaski shakes his head.

<786hp 422m 531mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Sehvoor At a devastated clearing

<786hp 422m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I can't'

<786hp 422m 531mv>
You are hungry.

<793hp 432m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'When did you find this?'

<793hp 432m 531mv>
Trien tells you 'I'll be working on fireshield soon, on a side note'

<793hp 432m 531mv> ' Can you try to...cleans...
You say 'Can you try to...cleans...'

<793hp 432m 531mv> ' Perhaps once you cleanse, I can vanish in.
You say 'Perhaps once you cleanse, I can vanish in.'

<793hp 432m 531mv> Grollaski shakes his head.

<793hp 432m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 432m 531mv> You cannot hide here.

<793hp 432m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'This room doesn't need it'

<793hp 432m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Won't let me'

<793hp 432m 531mv> nod
You nod.

<793hp 432m 531mv> frown

An evil taint hits you.

<784hp 432m 531mv> What's bothering you?

<784hp 432m 531mv> ' The key is what we need.
You say 'The key is what we need.'

<784hp 432m 531mv> l

An evil taint grazes Grollaski.

<784hp 432m 531mv> At a devastated clearing
Magical annihilation reigned here, pure and unfocused; it burned and
destroyed all within reach. No living thing escaped its wrath as it
struck out in response to the deaths of gods. Even now, long after
various magical and elemental forces raged, the clearing still burns
with its powerful influence, which leaves it feeling somehow muted.
Light seems dimmer and shifts with strange and disturbing colors,
emotions flare and change without reason or notice, and sound itself
seems slower, more restrained. All that remains of what look to have
been a once proud tower and courtyard are huge chunks of shattered
stone that to shimmer and blink in and out of reality, and the
twisted and mutated trees that somehow managed to survive. To the
west, an overgrown path makes its way back to the river.

(Translucent) (White Aura) Grollaski the storm giant is here.

<784hp 432m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Is this where they did the ghost dance maybe?'

<784hp 432m 531mv>
You are hungry.
You feel less tough.

<793hp 450m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Or where the silver phoenix bought it?'

<793hp 450m 531mv> ' Or...perhaps it can be picked by a hero.
You say 'Or...perhaps it can be picked by a hero.'

<793hp 450m 531mv> call resi
You feel tough!

<793hp 400m 531mv>
Grollaski sits down and thinks deeply.

<793hp 400m 531mv> ' We stand on the ground of the Old tower.
You say 'We stand on the ground of the Old tower.'

<793hp 400m 531mv> ' Just south of the Rift.

Grollaski says 'If you can't pick it, it is not likely.'

<793hp 400m 531mv> You say 'Just south of the Rift.'

<793hp 400m 531mv>
Grollaski nods.

<793hp 400m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Must be where she died then.'

<793hp 400m 531mv> nod
You nod.

<793hp 400m 531mv>
You are hungry.
The curse wears off.

<793hp 412m 531mv> w
A path from the riverbanks
Though once a well maintained pathway leading from the western docks
to a large eastern clearing, disrepair and ruin have since fallen upon
this place. The neat, patterned stones and brickwork have chipped and
been broken free in many place by natural plant growth and past
destruction. To the west lies the river Erinin, while the remnants
of the path lead towards a clearing to the east.

Grollaski has arrived.

<793hp 412m 525mv>
Grollaski says 'Yeah, I bet we are standing right where old Shokai and Garenth were. . .'

<793hp 412m 525mv>
Grollaski says 'Huh'

<793hp 412m 525mv>
Grollaski sits down and thinks deeply.

<793hp 412m 525mv>
Grollaski says 'I don't like that at all.'

<793hp 412m 525mv>
The sun slowly disappears in the west.

<793hp 412m 525mv> ' I think secrets that will answer many questions stand behind that seal.
You say 'I think secrets that will answer many questions stand behind that seal.'

<793hp 412m 525mv>
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

<793hp 430m 531mv> ' The key should be looked for.
You say 'The key should be looked for.'

<793hp 430m 531mv> drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

<793hp 430m 531mv>
Grollaski closes his eyes and hums for an instant.
Some unleavened bread appears before Grollaski.

<793hp 430m 531mv> get blood knapsack
You get blood beast tartare from a cowhide knapsack.

<793hp 430m 531mv> eat blood
You eat blood beast tartare.
You are full.

<793hp 430m 531mv> Grollaski gets some unleavened bread.

<793hp 430m 531mv>
Grollaski eats some unleavened bread.
The night has begun.

<793hp 430m 531mv>
Grollaski sits down and thinks deeply.

<793hp 430m 531mv> sneak
You attempt to move silently.

<793hp 430m 531mv> You attempt to hide.

<793hp 430m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I dunno, hmmmm. . .'

<793hp 440m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'I will see what I can dig up!'
You feel less resistant to magic.

<793hp 452m 531mv> nod
You nod.

<793hp 452m 531mv>
Grollaski says 'Thanks!'

<793hp 452m 531mv> ' I will send out my eyes as well.
You step out of the shadows.
You say 'I will send out my eyes as w
5159, Sweeeeeeeet!
Posted by Grollaski on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey grummy, can I post my stump logs?

Damn I have to start playing again....
5157, For Lob
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I log on, we only have the head...and there are a shitload of heroes on...not Lob.
I order everyone to the Village....that we will take them all together.
Hralleth wants to go on...getting antsy...starts whining when
I won't let him.

There is a reason I want eVERYONE to go together...and I tell Hralleth what the
reason is...When massive crap is flying past your screen...it is hard to react
to situations...this is the MUD equivalent of "FOG OF WAR". I want to guage all
of my soldier's ability to work under that condition, and give them some practice.

So we get the link, and in the middle of the fight with the bear for the sapling,
Lob logs on, and is wanted...and he is like "Anyone want to help me kill some tribunals"
or something like that.

After the bear falls, a ranger comes in. I dust him, he flees into jezzan who chokes him.

I call everyone off, it is one little ranger...and Call the fight Jezzan's.

Jezzan attacks...Me and krawg forget we are auto assissting and flee, and return without
autoassist on...I hit him once. Yuber, on the other hand, stays in and bashes and flurries.

Hralleth is REALLY pissed off. He wants it taken care of right then, I tell him I will take
care of it, and lead us back to the Village. At the Village, I scroll back to it to get
the exact occurance, and while I am doing that Hralleth takes Jezzan and yuber aside and
starts bitching at them.

I finish, walk in, basically tell Hralleth this isn't his job, and take over.

I take care of it, meanwhile, hralleth goes off and helps Lob raid the Tribunals.

When they get back...this happens at the shrine


<799hp 469m 554mv> bow thror

Loborguz says 'greetins bub'
You bow before him.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
Jezzan gallantly tips his hat.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Jezzan.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
Hralleth gives the Scales of Justice to the Destructor.
The Destructor bows before Hralleth.
The Destructor unlocks the village throne.
The Destructor opens the village throne.
The Destructor puts the Scales of Justice in the village throne.
The Destructor closes the village throne.
The Destructor locks the village throne.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
Loborguz puts a heron-marked blade in A deep pit.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Yuber.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
Loborguz puts a pair of titanium gauntlets in A deep pit.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
Hralleth sits down and rests.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
Loborguz puts a sword of fine black steel in A deep pit.

<799hp 469m 554mv>
Loborguz slumps to the ground as beads of sweat and blood trickle down his face.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Loborguz drops some leather gloves with black inscriptions.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Thror says 'Yuber, Jezzan, go te the War room.'

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Loborguz sacrifices some leather gloves with black inscriptions to the gods.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Yuber leaves east.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Loborguz puts an onyx bracelet in A deep pit.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Jezzan leaves east.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Loborguz drops a mantle of electricity.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Loborguz drops a large black cape.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Thror says 'What in the 'ell are ye doing?'

<799hp 482m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<799hp 482m 580mv> l
The Shrine of the BattleRagers
The path through the village comes to the door of this large structure and
goes no further. It is dim inside, adding to the feeling of presence that
surrounds you as you enter; what little light there is seems somehow
focused on the large throne centered within. At the base of this huge dais
are strewn the skulls of hundreds of defeated mages. Those found just
at the base of the heap are ancient and polished, their ivory giving the
ground a snowy look, while those at the top are less decorative; hair
skin, and mummified, putrefied flesh still clings to the newest additions.
An iron spike protrudes from the ground in front of this potent seat, a
spike that holds the focus of all the barbarian's hatred; the rotted and
decayed head of that first mage to betray those he created. It is here
that one can give praise to the Immortal Warlords of Battle, for it from
this mighty throne room that each of them leads the courageous BattleRagers.

A massive tablet of stone hangs here split by a white, double-bladed axe.

A pile of black cloth lies here.
(Glowing) a large mound of cloth is resting on the ground radiating power
A flaming rod of steel lies here.
( 2) A dagger lies here, ice cold to the touch.
(Glowing) A fine set of Arborian chainmail rests here.
A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
A short stout figure with a flaming-red beard is here, covered in soot.
(Hide) (WANTED) Hralleth is resting here.
(WANTED) Loborguz is here.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Thror says 'All three O' yer?'

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'puttin stuff in the pit pal'

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Loborguz raises an eyebrow.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Loborguz drops a three-bladed dagger.

<799hp 482m 580mv>
Hralleth raises an eyebrow.

<799hp 494m 580mv>
Loborguz puts a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt in a leather backpack.

<799hp 494m 580mv>
Hralleth steps out of the shadows.
Thror says 'Don't raise yer eyebrow at me.'

<799hp 494m 580mv>
Hralleth stands up.

<799hp 494m 580mv>
Hralleth looks more enlightened.

<799hp 494m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 494m 580mv>
Thror says 'Yer two should damn well know better.'

<799hp 494m 580mv>
Thror says 'En I should remove you from the village now.'

<799hp 494m 580mv>
Thror grits his teeth and fumes with rage.

<799hp 494m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<799hp 512m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<799hp 512m 580mv>
Hralleth furrows his eyebrow.

<799hp 512m 580mv> ' I was Using the War and bringing the Items of Magic here to watch how our soldiers acted in a confusing situation.
You say 'I was Using the War and bringing the Items of Magic here to watch how our soldiers acted in a confusing situation.'

<799hp 512m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Loborguz.

<799hp 512m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.

<799hp 512m 580mv>
Thror says 'I'll address that in a moment.'

<799hp 512m 580mv> nod
You nod.

<799hp 512m 580mv>
Loborguz furrows his brow, seeing something is obviously wrong.

<799hp 512m 580mv>
Thror says 'Obviously?'

<799hp 512m 580mv>
Your senses seem duller.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Meushen: we have the grimoire

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz steps out of the shadows.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz eats a berry pie.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz steps out of the shadows.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz drinks water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
Hralleth says 'You speak of the Scales.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz puts a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt in a leather backpack.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
You feel less tough.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Smokes and fumes drift from the village shrine.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
A bolt from the heavens smites someone!
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at someone.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
A bolt from the heavens smites Hralleth!

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth winces in agony.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel righteous.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Keep thinkin' about what the hell yer just did.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Cause next strike is goin' te be me damned fists.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Meushen has arrived.
Tobeldest has arrived.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest gets a side of deer venison from a large saddle bag.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Meushen gets a wild look in his eyes.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Tobeldest.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest gives the Golden Grimoire to the Destructor.
The Destructor bows before Tobeldest.
The Destructor unlocks the village throne.
The Destructor opens the village throne.
The Destructor puts the Golden Grimoire in the village throne.
The Destructor closes the village throne.
The Destructor locks the village throne.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Meushen sits down and rests.
Tobeldest eats a side of deer venison.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest eats a side of deer venison.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest eats a side of deer venison.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Meushen stay 'ere.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest eats a side of deer venison.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest's thirst injures him.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Meushen says 'aye'
Tobeldest gets a large wooden barrel from a large saddle bag.
Thror says 'Tobeldest, go te the War room.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Hralleth.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest drinks water from a large wooden barrel.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest leaves east.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror taps his foot impatiently.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'One O' yer better speak up.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'Then I shall.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz steps out of the shadows.
Loborguz says 'No bub.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'I will.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth frowns.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv> where
People near you:
(PK) Loborguz The Shrine of the BattleRagers/*hero
(PK) Sehvoor The Shrine of the BattleRagers/*hero
(PK) Meushen The Shrine of the BattleRagers/*hero
Yuber The War Room /*47
(PK) Hralleth The Shrine of the BattleRagers/*hero
(PK) Jezzan The War Room /*hero
(PK) Tobeldest The War Room /*hero....and this is like not HALF of the Village heroes....it's just SICK
(PK) Thror The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror turns his attention to Loborguz.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'ya did what ya did with the scales because i was invitin ya'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'If we acted wrongly, I am as guilty as you, Commander.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
You feel less resistant to magic.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'so if somethin wrong pal, yer doin as yer told and it's on my head.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'I acted of my own will. I am equall responsible.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 62 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 62 hours.
Skill: 'sneak' for 35 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 18 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies armor class by -38 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'endure' modifies save vs spell by -19 for 0 hours.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Hralleth.

<799hp 525m 580mv> call spell
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

<799hp 475m 580mv> call resi

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<799hp 475m 580mv> You feel tough!

<799hp 425m 580mv>
Thror says 'Yer both are responsible?'

<799hp 425m 580mv>
Thror says 'Good.'
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 425m 580mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<799hp 440m 580mv>
Loborguz has been inducted into None.

<799hp 440m 580mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<799hp 440m 580mv>
Hralleth has been inducted into None.

<799hp 440m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 440m 580mv>
Thror says 'Now. Start speakin.'

<799hp 440m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 440m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 440m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'what ya wantin to hear bub? '

<799hp 440m 580mv>
Thror says 'That yer a damned idjut en yer know it.'

<799hp 459m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'and i aint meanin that like the right words'

<799hp 459m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'We did what we did, as the Magistrates have continually acted against villagers. They persecute us for our affiliation.'

<799hp 459m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 459m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 459m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 459m 580mv>
Thror says 'Does the plaque give ye leave te take their scales?'

<799hp 459m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 459m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'But in that, we acted against the plaque.'

<799hp 459m 580mv>
Thror says 'If ye have problems with magistrates, yer welcome te enter their city en deal with them on a one te one basis.'

<799hp 475m 580mv>
The Theran form of Arkady appears before you.
the Destructor: Arkady has joined us in the fray of battle./*rank 44...I think we only have 2 ragers under rank 40

<799hp 475m 580mv>
Hralleth nods.

<799hp 475m 580mv>
Thror says 'Go te te war room Arkady'

<799hp 475m 580mv>
Tobeldest: Hail Brother

<799hp 475m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 475m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 475m 580mv> l
The Shrine of the BattleRagers
The path through the village comes to the door of this large structure and
goes no further. It is dim inside, adding to the feeling of presence that
surrounds you as you enter; what little light there is seems somehow
focused on the large throne centered within. At the base of this huge dais
are strewn the skulls of hundreds of defeated mages. Those found just
at the base of the heap are ancient and polished, their ivory giving the
ground a snowy look, while those at the top are less decorative; hair
skin, and mummified, putrefied flesh still clings to the newest additions.
An iron spike protrudes from the ground in front of this potent seat, a
spike that holds the focus of all the barbarian's hatred; the rotted and
decayed head of that first mage to betray those he created. It is here
that one can give praise to the Immortal Warlords of Battle, for it from
this mighty throne room that each of them leads the courageous BattleRagers.

A massive tablet of stone hangs here split by a white, double-bladed axe.

A very odd looking dagger with three blades lies here.
A pile of black cloth lies here.
(Glowing) a large mound of cloth is resting on the ground radiating power
A flaming rod of steel lies here.
( 2) A dagger lies here, ice cold to the touch.
(Glowing) A fine set of Arborian chainmail rests here.
A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
Arkady is here.
Meushen is resting here.
A short stout figure with a flaming-red beard is here, covered in soot.
(WANTED) Hralleth is here.
(WANTED) Loborguz is here.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.

<799hp 475m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<799hp 475m 580mv>
Arkady: greetings

<799hp 475m 580mv>
Arkady leaves east.

<799hp 475m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 475m 580mv>
Jezzan: loborguz is not with the village?

<799hp 488m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<799hp 488m 580mv>
Hralleth frowns.

<799hp 488m 580mv>
Meushen: things are being resolved, patience

<799hp 488m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'i'd be likin to be talkin bout this with ya alone here pal, if yer wantin to be tellin em and talkin bout it with em also, i'd be askin ya fer doin it after. some things I'd like to be sayin not fer anyone else'

<799hp 488m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 488m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 488m 580mv>
Adraord tells you 'There are two of them, on a recently sent missive.'

<799hp 488m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'I am rather.. ashamed of it. I went from an action of trying to deal with two villagers who broke the words o fthe plaque, and then did something equally reprehensible.'
Thror says 'Yer likin' ain't meanin' yer gettin it.'

<799hp 488m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'that's why i'm askin bub.'

<799hp 505m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<799hp 505m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<799hp 505m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<799hp 515m 580mv>
Thror says 'They are here to see that ye are humbled, because right now ye need it.'

<799hp 515m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 515m 580mv>
Thror says 'What ye did was somethin' I would expect a novice villager te have done.'

<799hp 515m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 515m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 515m 580mv>
Thror says 'but YOU! are the Commander of this village.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'En ye!'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz says 'less i'm mistaken pal ya can humble me anytime, before or after. i'd be askin yafer the minutes now alone to be talkin bout it alone.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror points excitedly at Hralleth!

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'have just scolded young villagers fer a foolish action that may have not been as foolish as yer thinkin.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'regardless, ye hold weight in this village as en elder.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'en I'm sayin' no.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
You feel less tough.

<799hp 525m 580mv> where

Thror says 'Yer talkin' about this in front O' yer leaders.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> People near you:
Arkady The War Room
(PK) Loborguz The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Sehvoor The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Meushen The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Yuber The War Room
(PK) Hralleth The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Jezzan The War Room
(PK) Tobeldest The War Room
(PK) Thror The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Point being, there is no damned excuse for what either O' ye just did.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong...

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz nods and looks straight ahead.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Yer two make me want te thump ye up and down this village.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'but consider this resolved.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth has been inducted into the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth nods, holding his head up, facing what he did.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz has been inducted into the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'another mistake along the same lines, en ye loose yer leadership.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror points excitedly at Hralleth!

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Ye'll loose yer hut.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Do I make myself clear?'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror spits into his stubby hands.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Loborguz.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror points at you.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Ye had a problem with two villagers.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
You feel less resistant to magic.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at the Destructor.

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' Aye.
You say 'Aye.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' One, more than the Other.

Thror says 'General, Captain en Commander are about te resolve the problem'

<799hp 525m 580mv> You say 'One, more than the Other.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Loborguz.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Hralleth should nae have te resolve it.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> nod
You nod.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'He doesnae have the authority te resolve it like ye three do.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Loborguz.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<799hp 525m 580mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'In either case, it has te do with two villagers attackin' one ranger correct?'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' I was not going to let it pass, but I was going to get my Soldiers out of the enemies den before I addressed it.

Thror says 'initially it was more than two villagers.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth eats a berry pie.

<799hp 525m 580mv> You say 'I was not going to let it pass, but I was going to get my Soldiers out of the enemies den before I addressed it.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Meushen nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' aye.
You say 'aye.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Are we at war with the grove?'

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' Yes.
You say 'Yes.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz looks tougher.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz fills the air with his hatred of magic.
You are thirsty.

<799hp 525m 580mv> drink canteen
You drink water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You do not feel thirsty.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Would ye have the same concern if it were a wizard?'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'say a wizard O' the Chasm?'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror peers intently at Hralleth.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel fully refreshed!

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'I would.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz concentrates for a moment, then resumes his position.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
You are hungry.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Though it happens all the time.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> get blood sack
You get blood beast tartare from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

<799hp 525m 580mv> eat blood
You eat blood beast tartare.
You are full.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'yerself involved most of the times.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror points excitedly at Hralleth!
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'I do not make a habit of a few of us attacking one person, unless circumstances are involved to change it.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Do ye have this problem when yer are involved?'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'Such as them being at the Archmage.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Odd, I've seen otherwise.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at someone.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'Or, in soem cases, when one of us clearly could not handle the opposition.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Hralleth.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'There are many occassions when the village will assault a single wizard in the chasm at once.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'after the wizard is blackjacked en bound en so forth.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Halisstra fer one, Iillien fer another.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth says 'Or when we've been raiding, and a defender against it breaks off.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Or any wizard in mystical form'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'either way, yer men did nothing wrong.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv> nod
You nod.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Though there is no pride in the four O' yer assaultin the ranger...we are at WAR with the grove.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Hralleth frowns.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'en they will nae think O' parity when they butcher ye at this shrine.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
You feel less armored.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Hralleth.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' Aye, Lord, This situation where we were bringing the War, and he had chosen to be there to fight against us.
You say 'Aye, Lord, This situation where we were bringing the War, and he had chosen to be there to fight against us.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' But, When Jezzan had him choked, I had faith that Jezzan could take him, and I called it for him.
You say 'But, When Jezzan had him choked, I had faith that Jezzan could take him, and I called it for him.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Hralleth.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Were it a situation O' hunting, there would be a problem.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Yuber has made mistakes like this before'

<799hp 525m 580mv> nod
You nod.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' It was confusing in there, and the Fog of war is not something that one can see through without practice.
You say 'It was confusing in there, and the Fog of war is not something that one can see through without practice.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Also agreeable.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz steps out of the shadows.
Loborguz looks tougher.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'I suggest ye start teaching Yuber en Jezzan'

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' He claims not to have remembered hearing me call it Jezzan's kill.
You say 'He claims not to have remembered hearing me call it Jezzan's kill.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Yuber in particular.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> nod
You nod.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Ye should not have te call his kill.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' I have given him a Task.
You say 'I have given him a Task.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Someone nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'He is responsible fer his actions, not ye.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Meushen.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Hralleth.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Two lessons learned.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> ' To send a scroll to the Village outlining the dangers of the Fog of War.
You say 'To send a scroll to the Village outlining the dangers of the Fog of War.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> detect
Your awareness improves.

<799hp 520m 580mv> You feel more aware of your surroundings.

<799hp 505m 580mv>
Thror says 'I will not see them repeated.'

<799hp 505m 580mv>
Thror: Get inte the shrine

<799hp 505m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 505m 580mv>
Krawg has arrived.

<799hp 505m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Thror.

<799hp 505m 580mv>
Yuber has arrived.
Arkady has arrived.

<799hp 505m 580mv>
Jezzan has arrived.

<799hp 505m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Jezzan.

<799hp 505m 580mv>
Thror says 'Which items are we havin' Destructor?'
The Destructor says 'The village throne contains the Golden Grimoire, the Scales of Justice, a sapling of the great tree, the Nexus Link, the Ebony Scepter and the bloody head of a magician.'

<799hp 520m 580mv>
Thror says 'take note.'

<799hp 520m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Jezzan.

<799hp 520m 580mv>
Tobeldest: coming now

<799hp 520m 580mv>
Arkady bows deeply.

<799hp 520m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Yuber.

<799hp 520m 580mv>
Thror says 'Those scales will never be in our shrine again, unless we are directly at war with the Hall.'

<799hp 520m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Jezzan.

<799hp 520m 580mv> ' Aye.
You say 'Aye.'

<799hp 520m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 520m 580mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Arkady nods slowly
Thror says 'he who does bring them inte our village, will be removed.'

<799hp 525m 580mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Arkady gets a berry pie from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Arkady leaves east.

<799hp 525m 580mv>

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Arkady has arrived.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Arkady eats a berry pie.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror snarls angrily.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Arkady averts his eyes.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest has arrived.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'En lastly...'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Tobeldest.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'What occured earlier demanded scolding...'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Yuber nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'War is war...and can be confusing at times.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The animation leaves Meushen's body.
The animation returns to Meushen's body.
<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'but I'll be damned if ye don't keep makin these mistakes Yuber.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Tobeldest.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Arkady raises his head.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Yuber says 'It was the first an the last time sir.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Jezzan had his enemy entwined, so retreat was not likely.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Last time indeed.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Jezzan.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'It happens again en I will personally deal with shatterin' yer arm.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Tobeldest.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Tobeldest.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Yuber nods.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Tobeldest.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Tobeldest.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Then I'll shove me hammers so far up ye arse ye're learnin' te dent a shield through yer mouth.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Understood?'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Yuber says 'Yes sir.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Thror says 'Carry on.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Raising his fist towards the heavens, Thror stands up and stumbles away rubbing his head.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Loborguz concentrates for a moment, then resumes his position.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest says 'Meushen you be knowin how to do that with your hammer?'

<799hp 525m 580mv> nod
You nod.

<799hp 525m 580mv> where

The Theran form of Merithias appears before you.
the Destructor: Merithias has joined us in the fray of battle.

People near you:
(PK) Merithias The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Meushen The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Arkady The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Krawg The Shrine of the BattleRagers/*hero cloud ranger...
(PK) Loborguz The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Sehvoor The Shrine of the BattleRagers
Yuber The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Hralleth The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Jezzan The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Tobeldest The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<799hp 525m 580mv> note list
< 0 > Arkady: Yuber
< 1 > Arkady: Aegon
< 2 > Kalentran: The ways of the bloody war.
< 3 > Grolgthus: Adraord
< 4 > Grolgthus: Well th end is here...
< 5 > Weluk: Seeking a Hut.
< 6 > Kolun: Jezzan
< 7 > Loborguz: Nimbus' item aint in Kteng's, it's in my bag.
< 8 > Loborguz: final healin
< 9 > Gonza: missive
< 10 > Sehvoor: Your Trophy belt.
< 11 > Meushen: fools
< 12 > Meushen: further more
< 13 > Jezzan: Family Atmosphere in the village
< 14 > Slagathroz: Joining the village
< 15 > Awedevx: Joining the Village
< 16 > Pico: forums
< 17 > Nerbak: myself
< 18 > Merithias: Corilanth, Valcintein, Slagathroz.
< 19 > Merithias: A look to the past and future.
< 20 > Hralleth: Adraord
< 21 > Mekaot: My desire to join your ranks
< 22 > Loborguz: I'm Callin A Meetin Fer The Whole Village
< 23 > Hralleth: Merithias
< 24 > Jezzan: Fictional Fort 1
< 25 > Jezzan: Fictional Fort 2
< 26 > Jezzan: Fictional Fort 3
< 27 > Nerbak: While i await heralds.
< 28 > Nerbak: Where tablet began.
< 29 > Nerbak: second thing that make village different.
< 30 > Ungathoric: I'msa wishin a hut.
< 31 > Loborguz: We Meetin!
< 32 > Mirendakoth: My application to the Village for a hut
< 33 > Awedevx: Task by Loborguz
< 34 > Kolun: Nerbak
< 35 > Sehvoor: Tentative list.
< 36 > Sehvoor: Roll Call.
< 37 > Merithias: Merithias, present and accounted for.
< 38 > Guthkar: here.
< 39 > Jylak: Present
< 40 > Kolun: Here
< 41 > Meushen: rollin
< 42 > Karrak: Application to join
< 43 > Grunch: *sloopily scrawled* rulkal
< 44 > Manarei: Accounted for.
< 45 > Goapa: what in fark!
< 46 > Jezzan: roll
< 47 > Arkady: greetings brothers

< 48 > Goapa: Mordane and his wishes eh
< 49 > Arafeyd: Application to battle.
< 50 > Tobeldest: Role Call
< 51 > Tobeldest: Arafeyd
< 52 > Kolun: Arafeyd
< 53 > Guthkar: Acumaaddashun in village.
< 54 > Karthyle: Me
< 55 > Hralleth: Roll Call
< 56 > Krawg: To Join the Village of the BattleRagers.
< 57 > Goapa: Gettin a hut for Mirendakoth
< 58 > Sharduik: Lady-at-arms
< 59 > Crolion: Me
< 60 > Jarel: Roll Call
< 61 > Nerbak: No more want hut.
< 62 > Aylkar: Roll call..
< 63 > Sehvoor: Directions to the Warlock place.
< 64 > Ralgor: Payment
< 65 > Crolion: A day of redemption and hope.
< 66 > Crolion: Now onto the meeting...
< 67 > Jylak: Todays events.
< 68 > Jylak: Aid
< 69 > Loborguz: John the Lumberjack
< 70 > Yuber: Roll Call
< 71 > Karthyle: Gorgan
< 72 > Grozbem: Grozbem here
< 73 > Grozbem: Gridebcid
< 74 > Merithias: Krawg the Ranger
< 75 > Sehvoor: Sylvan Powers.
< 76 > Samar: Buggerin' War.
< 77 > Merithias: Manarei
< 78 > Goapa: The Poultice and the Cure
< 79 > Sehvoor: Manahem, Ghystian, two of the most cowardly paladins I've ever seen.
< 80 > Grozbem: Terrain changes
< 81 > Yuber: Awedevx
< 82 > Goapa: Mordane the dwarf short warrior eh
< 83 > Krawg: Favorite village legends
< 84 > Jarel: My first report on the warders.
< 85 > Arkady: Awedevx
< 86 > Meushen: Krawg
< 87 > Rio: Me
< 88 > Jarel: Sylvan Report.
< 89 > Hralleth: Fahalad
< 90 > Hralleth: Blasko
< 91 > Syther: Joining the Huts of War.
< 92 > Kolun: Wands dem mages be seekin'
< 93 > Grozbem: Ghaaulak
< 94 > Grozbem: Baraht

Tobeldest says 'he ain't no good'

< 95 > Manarei: Paladins.
< 96 > Sehvoor: the List.
< 97 > Meushen: scions members
< 98 > Krawg: Roll call.. here!
< 99 > Cyrissa: Joining the Fray
<100 > Yuber: The lad Blasko
<101 > Gunn: joining
<102 > Sharduik: Blasko earns my recommendation
<103 > Boawyr: Scraps of a manuscript found near Udgaard.
<104 > Boawyr: Second part of manuscripts deciphered.
<105 > Boawyr: Final part of the manuscript.
<106 > Kycryus: Warriors
<107 > Boawyr: The manuscripts.
<108 > Samar: The Sylvan Conflict.
<109 > Hralleth: Sajar
<110 > Rotoark: Application werth readin'
<111N> Adraord: Requirements.
<112N> Yuber: The fog of war

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Tobeldest.

<799hp 525m 580mv> note read 112
<112> Yuber: The fog of war
Fri Nov 9 23:56:58 2001
To: battle
Before all, I wish to apologize for the action I made, for it to write this missive,
about the fog of war. First of all, it was one of my biggest attempt to retreave
a item who hold the power of our enemy. I still remember the heat of the battle,
the blood goin in every senses. As the battle was goin on, confusion gained my mind
lot of mouvements, lots of fightin, well, lots of everythin. As one of the enemy showed,
I wished to fight him, I knew him from past fights and in my mind, since he's an enemy,
I wanted to win this battle but in the chaos and the heat of the battle, I missed
some words and so did actions I should have avoided. I learned something in all this,
and this is that in a big battle, you must concentrate in every actions, every mouvements.
Because as you all knows, war is unpredictable.

I learned from my mistake and I know that it is not an excuse and I'll not let it
happend. It was a failure in a few points and I'm sorry.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Tobeldest coughs loudly.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Merithias nods sagely.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Arkady.

<799hp 525m 580mv>
Merithias says 'Bad to the bone sir.'

<799hp 525m 580mv>
The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Merithias.

<799hp 525m 580mv> eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a ring set with a single ruby
<worn on finger> a pale white skull ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) the amulet of Ravenkind
<worn around neck> (Glowing) (Humming) an amulet of the Viper
<worn on body> a white fur-lined robe draped with animal fangs
<worn on tail> a barbed tail ring
<worn on head> (Glowing) a circlet of cold steel
<worn on legs> Leggings from the Scales of Tiamat
<worn on hindpaws> rear-claw extensions
<worn on forepaws> a pair of spiked gauntlets
<worn on arms> some mithril sleeves
<worn about body> a large black cape
<worn about waist> a elk-leather belt embedded with fangs
<worn around wrist> a bone bracelet
<worn around wrist> a bone bracelet
<wielded> a Frostbrand sword

Later, Lob got transfered, I guess he got his private say afterall.

5150, Go, Samar, Grolg, I will refer you to this post in my
Posted by sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
/*This is shortly after I got the job. First time I had a chance to talk with Intronan. I nolonger have the log where I talked with Thror and he told me basically the same kinds of things*/

Intronan whispers 'Greetings.'

<576hp 300m 132mv> tell Sethric At the moment for a short while, Aye.
You tell Sethric 'At the moment for a short while, Aye.'

<576hp 300m 132mv> whois se
<23 Duerg War> Sethric the Gladiator
<9 Human Asn> Senishun the 3rd Black
<18 Human Inv> Sekmetra the Sorcerer
<35 Felar Asn> (PK) Sehvoor the Uki Goshi, General of War

<578hp 316m 167mv> rem spear
You stop using a practice spear.

<578hp 316m 167mv>
Sethric tells you 'Yah, yell me when there's time fer some talkin' eh?'

<578hp 316m 167mv> wear anduril
You wield anduril, Flame of the West.
Anduril, Flame of the West feels like a part of you!

<578hp 316m 167mv>
Intronan whispers 'Tell me... have you spoken with the Captain, and Commander, on how you shall all differ on interviewing applicants?'

<578hp 316m 167mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<578hp 342m 237mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<578hp 342m 237mv> ' I have not yet.
You say 'I have not yet.'

<578hp 342m 237mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 342m 237mv> ' Indeed, I have only seen the Captain for a short time.
You say 'Indeed, I have only seen the Captain for a short time.'

<578hp 342m 237mv>
Intronan whispers 'Best to do so soon. Best that each of you tests a different facet of the applicant.'

<578hp 342m 237mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 342m 237mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 342m 237mv>
You feel less tough.

<578hp 356m 272mv>
Intronan whispers 'Perhaps communicate with scrolls.'

<578hp 356m 272mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 356m 272mv>
Intronan whispers 'Things that must be tested...'

<578hp 356m 272mv>
Intronan whispers 'Are the basic knowledge of the lands...'

<578hp 356m 272mv> emote taps his right fang twice.
Sehvoor taps his right fang twice.

<578hp 356m 272mv> nod

Intronan whispers 'Basic knowledge of the village itself...'
You nod.

<578hp 356m 272mv>
Intronan whispers 'And knowledge of what drives an applicant to seek us'

<578hp 367m 307mv>
Intronan whispers 'If you all focus on a different aspect, all applicants will be well tested indeed'

<578hp 367m 307mv> ' I have also been testing the knowledge of the line between courage and Stupidity...as I have seen two Villagers removed from the Village for not knowing.
You say 'I have also been testing the knowledge of the line between courage and Stupidity...as I have seen two Villagers removed from the Village for not knowing.'

<578hp 374m 342mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 342mv>
Intronan whispers 'Many villagers are lacking in many areas.'

<578hp 374m 342mv>
You feel less resistant to magic.

<578hp 374m 377mv> emote scratches his neck for a moment.

Intronan whispers 'Too few spend enough time in this room, in study'
Sehvoor scratches his neck for a moment.

<578hp 374m 377mv> whisp You said "Commander", and not "Commanders"....
You whisper 'You said "Commander", and not "Commanders"....'

<578hp 374m 377mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 377mv>
Intronan whispers 'That is correct.'

<578hp 374m 377mv> emote flattens his ears against his head.

Intronan whispers 'Nerylana has perished.'
Sehvoor flattens his ears against his head.

<578hp 374m 412mv> growl

<578hp 374m 412mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 412mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 447mv>
Intronan whispers 'When one leader falls, another must rise.'

<578hp 374m 447mv>
Intronan whispers 'Commander or not, you will be looked to for leadership.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I believe I will not let the Village down.
You say 'I believe I will not let the Village down.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> Intronan whispers 'Do you see the fifth item on the plaque?'

<578hp 374m 467mv> l plaque
Large words have been etched smoothly into the polished surface of the
I: War is a matter of vital importance to the Village; the province of
life and death; the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory that it be
thoroughly studied.

II: The enemies of the village are many and will vary with circumstance.
As the village was formed by betrayal so do they war upon the very essence
of that betrayal. The true mages of Thera, the conjurors, necromancers,
transmuters, invokers and anti-paladins have the taint so deep within them,
that it will lead only to corruption. Death is the only means of cleansing

III: The very source of mana, which are the essence of these wizards,
must be contained in the Skull Throne. The Golden Grimoire, Ebony Sceptre
and Link of the Nexus are to be placed within the Skull Throne at all

IV: Those who dabble in the arts or serve to protect the true magi are
misguided in thought and deed, and are to be pitied. Treat them as
enemies so long as they stand beside the magi; else leave them be, for
they serve only to divide our forces. To disobey this command will result
in immediate exile.

V: Insubordination will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Should
it occur you will be removed from the army and your immediate exile will
result in your death.

VI: Continual defeat only serves to weaken morale. Weakened resolve only
serves to blur the focus of war. Succumb to this and the result will be
your removal from the village.

VII: Heritage is the very foundation of our cause. Let it be a constant
fuel in your desire for war. Let it also not be forgotten lest you forget
our cause and become useless to Battle.

VIII: Courage, wisdom, compassion and confidence are the qualities of a
leader. Men who are victorious alone and undaunted by the overwhelming
odds of war, become commanders of armies.

IX: Let the words in this War Room guide you in your actions. Heed the
words of the Immortals of Battle, your mortal Leader and those marked as
elders above all other duties, for they have been chosen to lead the
village to Victory.

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The moment you see insubordination, you know their is a lack of respect. Always seek to earn that respect, though you have already earned your position.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<578hp 374m 467mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote taps his right fang.
Sehvoor taps his right fang.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Aye.
You say 'Aye.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The villagers owe you obediance. You owe them leadership. You might say, you owe them more than they owe you.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
A wry little smile crosses Intronan's face.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Your missives have been most pleasing so far. Do keep them up.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I have known that there is more responsibility than priviledge in leadership.
You say 'I have known that there is more responsibility than priviledge in leadership.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The recent lack of communication is troubling, in times like these.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote growls lightly.
Sehvoor growls lightly.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Those who fail to understand the value of it... inform the Commander, or Myself.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'We have applicants plenty.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'And there is nothing wrong with cutting a little dead flesh for the greater good of the body.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I count twenty on my personal rolls.
You say 'I count twenty on my personal rolls.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Precisely.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' twenty one counting the one who just spoke to me but has not sent his scroll.
You say 'twenty one counting the one who just spoke to me but has not sent his scroll.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Be stern. Your love of fellow villagers will put you in positions you will not like... but always... the village itself, not the villagers must come first'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'You are about more than the Commander'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Much will rely on you, to discern the problems with the Giant, and the Destructor'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I am about when I can be.
You say 'I am about when I can be.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'All the village must focus on this problem.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Have you any knowledge of their affliction?
You say 'Have you any knowledge of their affliction?'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Knowledge... a bit, yes.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Merely suspicions, however. I will not share them with the village until they are fact.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote moves both of his ears around to point straight at you in total attentiveness.
Sehvoor moves both of his ears around to point straight at you in total attentiveness.

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Understood.

Intronan whispers 'What are your thoughts on the spirit of... brotherhood.. in our village?'
You say 'Understood.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> whois s
< H-Drw > Sakyen the Theurgist
<18 Fire War> Stuca the Dragoon
<23 Duerg War> Sethric the Gladiator
<9 Human Asn> Senishun the 3rd Black
<18 Human Inv> Sekmetra the Sorcerer
<35 Felar Asn> (PK) Sehvoor the Uki Goshi, General of War

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote scratches his neck a slight bit, head cocked to the side.
Sehvoor scratches his neck a slight bit, head cocked to the side.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan raises an eyebrow.

<578hp 374m 467mv> whisp Truth is, from what I have seen, I see more of individual soldiers than a concrete fighting force.
You whisper 'Truth is, from what I have seen, I see more of individual soldiers than a concrete fighting force.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
You feel susceptible to magic again.

<578hp 374m 467mv> You prepare yourself for magical encounters.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Although, this is not for lack of trust in each other...perhaps more an indication of personality.

Intronan whispers 'And what do you think is the cause of that?'

<578hp 374m 467mv> You say 'Although, this is not for lack of trust in each other...perhaps more an indication of personality.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Perhaps so. And to be admired. However...'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' There are many in the Village who have disparate ideals on good and evil...Honor and courage...
You say 'There are many in the Village who have disparate ideals on good and evil...Honor and courage...'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The main point of my question is this... do you embrace your fellow villagers as brother?'

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Entirely.
You say 'Entirely.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Perhaps at times that is well. But one who leads must at times separate himself from the common soldier.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
You no longer feel stealthy.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'It is a fine line... to embrace one, then the next moment order him to what could possibly be his death'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Tread that line warily.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' To continue the family analogy...

You are hungry.

<578hp 374m 467mv> You say 'To continue the family analogy...'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' Any successful family must have parents, older brothers, and siblings.
You say 'Any successful family must have parents, older brothers, and siblings.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv> get live knapsack
You get a live chicken from a cowhide knapsack.

<578hp 374m 467mv> eat live
You eat a live chicken.
You are full.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'And the parent who is afraid to take his child to the woodshed, will have an unruly child.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> emote flicks some feathers to the side.
Sehvoor flicks some feathers to the side.

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Much of our leadership has been... soft.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'For lack of a better word.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv> ' I can be as hard as required for the Victory of our Village.
You say 'I can be as hard as required for the Victory of our Village.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan nods.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Then I am satisfied. Many times I have sat in Asgaard... .listening...'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'And was tempted to intervene... and enforce discipline.'

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'I have no wish to interfere at this time. The village should be self-suffient.'

<578hp 374m 467mv> nod
You nod.

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Remember the fine line, and remember that your dedication is the village first... always... and you shall be fine then.'

<578hp 354m 467mv> bow
You bow deeply.

<578hp 354m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'Very well. I merely need a few words with you, as I know you little.'

<578hp 354m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'I wish you luck.'

<578hp 354m 467mv>
Intronan nods at you in agreement.

<578hp 354m 467mv>
Intronan leaves in a swirling mist.

5151, I fail to see any relevance...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You keep pointing to what other people told you, as if that makes you worthy of being General, and as if them saying "He's a good guy" makes you any less of a jackass. It doesn't. I point to one line in particular...

<578hp 374m 467mv>
Intronan whispers 'The villagers owe you obediance. You owe them leadership. You might say, you owe them more than they owe you.'

Leadership is more than giving orders, especially tactically suicidal orders. Sometimes the mark of a good leader is to know when to shut the hell up and listen to his troops, something you were never prepared to do.

5152, RE: I fail to see any relevance...
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You keep pointing to what other people told you, as if that
>makes you worthy of being General, and as if them saying
>"He's a good guy" makes you any less of a jackass. It
>doesn't. I point to one line in particular...

The fact that you are coming onto a public forum in order to deface
this individual doesn't make you look any better than what you are
claiming him to be.

><578hp 374m 467mv>
>Intronan whispers 'The villagers owe you obediance. You owe
>them leadership. You might say, you owe them more than they
>owe you.'

Read this line carefully. Just because you think you can do a
better job then him doesn't mean you don't owe him obediance.

>Leadership is more than giving orders, especially tactically
>suicidal orders. Sometimes the mark of a good leader is to
>know when to shut the hell up and listen to his troops,
>something you were never prepared to do.

Not to sound crude, but you failed as a General. This leaves you
zero credibility and no room to talk.
5153, RE: I fail to see any relevance...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The fact that you are coming onto a public forum in order to deface
this individual doesn't make you look any better than what you are
claiming him to be.

If you'll notice, I didn't say a word one way or another until he felt the need to mention my name and bring me into this. I didn't like the character, but until he started bringing me into his posts I didn't feel the need to say anything one way or another. He was dead and gone, Grolg was dead and gone, I was just going to let it go.

Read this line carefully. Just because you think you can do a
better job then him doesn't mean you don't owe him obediance.

And I never was disobedient. Just because I followed orders doesn't make him any less of a jackass.

Not to sound crude, but you failed as a General. This leaves you
zero credibility and no room to talk.

Yes I failed as General because I didn't approve every jackass who applied to the village. In my week or so as General every applicant I spoke to was given a quest. Until they complete that quest and seek me out again, I have no reason to write anything down about them. I approved two of the dozens of applicants I spoke to while General. Both of them not only were eventually accepted, but both made names for themselves. I don't see the point in writing a note for every little turd who wanders up and says "I wanna be a villager just like you!" What the hell is there to write until someone has been found worthy? Do you want 500 notes a day from your elders saying "Well I spoke to Bob today. He seemed pretty damned clueless. He has no grasp of what the village is about, and asked if we had dental and optical insurance, before wandering off." Hell no. You couple this with the near constant fighting that was going on at the time, and you have no TIME to write such pointless notes. Then you add to all that the fact that YOU said not to approve people until they have been tested, and you see where we are.

And I really wouldn't talk about credibility Thror. You outright lied to Goapa and myself, about Lob having been on, then denied it in another post on this thread, then when called on that, decided not to respond.
5154, RE: I fail to see any relevance...
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The fact that you are coming onto a public forum in order to
>this individual doesn't make you look any better than what
>you are
>claiming him to be.
>If you'll notice, I didn't say a word one way or another
>until he felt the need to mention my name and bring me into
>this. I didn't like the character, but until he started
>bringing me into his posts I didn't feel the need to say
>anything one way or another. He was dead and gone, Grolg was
>dead and gone, I was just going to let it go.

But you didn't, nor have you. Instead you've continued to berate
his character, resorting to name-calling that is similar to
fourth-grade immaturity.

>Read this line carefully. Just because you think you can do
>better job then him doesn't mean you don't owe him
>And I never was disobedient. Just because I followed orders
>doesn't make him any less of a jackass.

See the above statement.

>Not to sound crude, but you failed as a General. This leaves
>zero credibility and no room to talk.
>Yes I failed as General because I didn't approve every
>jackass who applied to the village. In my week or so as
>General every applicant I spoke to was given a quest. Until
>they complete that quest and seek me out again, I have no

So now you are making up the reasons you were removed as a General?
It's easiest to justify your faults if you are the horse's mouth.
There was a lot more to Grolgthus failing as a General than you
think. One being the lack of communication that is essential to
a well-trained army.

>reason to write anything down about them. I approved two of
>the dozens of applicants I spoke to while General. Both of
>them not only were eventually accepted, but both made names
>for themselves. I don't see the point in writing a note for
>every little turd who wanders up and says "I wanna be a
>villager just like you!" What the hell is there to write

The point is that you chose to forgoe the fact that there were
people in a position of authority above you. Instead you cut
the chains of authority and decided you would do things your way.

>until someone has been found worthy? Do you want 500 notes a
>day from your elders saying "Well I spoke to Bob today. He
>seemed pretty damned clueless. He has no grasp of what the
>village is about, and asked if we had dental and optical
>insurance, before wandering off." Hell no. You couple this
>with the near constant fighting that was going on at the
>time, and you have no TIME to write such pointless notes.
>Then you add to all that the fact that YOU said not to
>approve people until they have been tested, and you see
>where we are.
>And I really wouldn't talk about credibility Thror. You
>outright lied to Goapa and myself, about Lob having been on,
>then denied it in another post on this thread, then when
>called on that, decided not to respond.

Right, because someone doesn't resort to your petty game of:

'I'm right!'

'No, I'm right!'

...they must be either ashamed or lying? I posted above my thoughts
on your accusations, that should be enough to suffice for an
answer. Regardless, you'll believe what you want.

We've got better things to do with our bandwidth then fan the fire
of your bitter flames.

5155, Not Flame. Just a question.
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought as an immortal you have access to that information?

Like the last time someone has logged in, ect. So did you not
have that information on hand and just made an off the cuff
educated guess or did you know he was gone but didn't want him
to lose his leadership because he was nice enough to inform you
of his absense, or did you do it out of spite for our characters'
actions or do you actually not have access to that information or did you actually think he was showing up?

I do agree with Grol on this that I did feel kind of like a boob
when you said that. Because we just wanted what was best for the
village because all we saw was someone who was either a no show
leader or a leader who didn't communicate by notes if he WAS
showing up, both of which was "bad leadership". But if he was not
showing up and we were right, I think it was very unfair how you
treated us, but yet again that is in the past and I could care less.

As to Grol being booted as Generalship, why not tell him straight out what he did wrong?

I personally think it would be a great thing to do so other people can see what is expected from them when they take a position.

5156, RE: Not Flame. Just a question.
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I thought as an immortal you have access to that
>Like the last time someone has logged in, ect. So did you
>have that information on hand and just made an off the cuff
>educated guess or did you know he was gone but didn't want
>to lose his leadership because he was nice enough to inform
>of his absense, or did you do it out of spite for our
>actions or do you actually not have access to that
>information or did you actually think he was showing up?

Loborguz informed me that he was having trouble with his service
provider and that he would have a difficult time logging on for
a period of time. Again, I can't claim to have been mudding for
8 hours a day during this period, because I was busy graduating,
moving and looking for a job. The times that I did manage to
get online I would see that Loborguz had been online, or he was
online two days prior to my sniffing around. This gave me enough
of a reason to say he's been around.

I'm not really sure of the context of how I responded to Grolg and
Goapa's curiosity about his absence, but given the amount of
respect I had for these two characters, I doubt it was chewing you

>I do agree with Grol on this that I did feel kind of like a
>when you said that. Because we just wanted what was best for
>village because all we saw was someone who was either a no
>leader or a leader who didn't communicate by notes if he WAS
>showing up, both of which was "bad leadership". But if he
>was not
>showing up and we were right, I think it was very unfair how
>treated us, but yet again that is in the past and I could
>care less.

I understand that you want to do what's best for the village. Both
Sehvoor and Aylkar were in positions of authority and I would have
rather had the both of you at least attempt to speak to them via
notes or actual conversations rather than making decisions for the
village. The fact that you approached me was a good sign, since
that is the next step I would expect in this situation.

Agreed, it is the past. Sometimes I would do things differently,
in this instance I'm not quite sure I would, basically because I'm
not even sure where I seem to have gone wrong.

All we can do is press on and hope things look better in the future.

>As to Grol being booted as Generalship, why not tell him
>straight out what he did wrong?

I gave him a couple of reasons. More than enough reasons to justify
his dismissal. Grolgthus argued, as is his right, then took it to
a public forum. To each his own.

>I personally think it would be a great thing to do so other
>people can see what is expected from them when they take a

I make it a habit of telling people where they go wrong because
they aren't going to learn if I keep it from them.

Hope that helps.


5147, what Lob had me do for induction
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
note + I was given this task:
note +
note + I was to choose three places in Thera to place keeps, or castles, or
note + strongholds of my choosing.
Note +
note + I was then to explain why those places that I have chosen are the “best”
note + places in those areas for a keep.
Note +
note + I was then to choose forces from what exists today in Thera and explain both
note + sides of a battle for each of these three places.
Note +
Note + In this, and following scrolls, I will attempt to meet this task.
note +
note + First let me say, that I was taught that no battle occurs in a vacuum. There
note + is always a political, as well as geographical, context under which battles
note + take place. So the places I have chosen, and the forces I have chosen, I have
note + chosen because I believe they are feasible in our world today.
note +
note + Also know that I am working upon what I remember from looking at an official
note + “Map of the world” that I obtained from the Seantryn Empress’ library a few
note + short years ago for a paying client. The map was old, as it still shows New
note + Thalos and has no mention of the Imperial city to the north of Balator. It
note + also shows a forest by the name of “Haon Dor” where the Weald is. I am not
note + sure how long ago the Weald overtook the Haon Dor, but in all other respects,
note + I have found it geologically, if not politically, current.
note +
note + I will say where I have chosen, as well as the racial and political makeup of
note + the forces to meet at each place here in this scroll. I will go into detail
note + as to why I chose those spots, as well as the exact makeup of the forces, and
note + finally the Operations Orders for each force in following scrolls after I
note + have personally gone to and walked the terrain.
note +
note + The first place I have chosen is a Cloud giant outpost on a mountain top to
note + the east of Arial city. This outpost is an encroachment into the Arial
note + Emperor’s domain, leading the Emperor to attack the outpost of Cloud giants,
note + with his Arial Soldiers.
note +
note + The Second place I have chosen is south of the Sands of Sorrow and over the
note + mountains that form the southern border of that desert on a strand of plain
note + between the mountains to the north and the Aryth Ocean to the south. This is
note + an outpost of the Sultan of Hamsah Mu’Tazz. The Sultan’s soldiers in that
note + garrison will be attacked by a force of the Seantryn Empress’ army, as her
note + desire for expansion and full control over Aryth shipping lanes increases.
note +
note + The Third place I have chosen is at the entrance to the Underdark in the area
note + of mountains that is inhabited by Harpies just south of the Nexite’s rift.
note + It will be manned by a force consisting of the Matron Mother’s guards, as
note + well as some Duergar troops. It will be attacked in an attempt to drive them
note + back into the earth by a dual contingent of Darsylon troops as well as
note + Dwarven sappers.

AO 1 Mountain stronghold
note + Why did I pick a stronghold on top of a mountain. Well. It is one of the most
note + ancient and well known adages of warfare terrain choice is the High Ground.
note + Another adage of terrain choice is “limited, controllable accessability”.
note + Well...what is higher, or has more limited accessability than a Keep build on
note + the pinnacle of a mountain? Now, normally this is not feasible for the
note + reason of it’s extreme inaccessibility, making it near impossible to
note + transport food, supplies, building materials, and workers.
note +
note + For a flying race, however, these hindrances disappear, making a mountain top
note + the ideal place for a Keep.
note +
note + Construction and garrison specifics:
note +
note + For a Keep on a mountain top constructed by an avian race, in the territory
note + of another avian race, I think it would be tactically sound to cover over the
note + entire roof, as most of the danger would be able to just fly over walls. To
note + cover the roof, however creates a massive “blind spot” for enemies to
note + approach and burrow through the ceiling cover. To minimize these effects, it
note + would be best to put a fortified and roofed tower, each with an entrance to
note + the city that is locked from the inside, at each corner. For a ground
note + entrance, I would burrow down from the center of the city to a hidden point
note + on the mountain, some distance down. Again, the door to be locked from the
note + inside, and 2 sets of manned murder holes along the sides of the passage.
note +
note + That leaves us with a minimum of 4 turrets, 1 ground entrance, and 4 murder
note + holes to man. And because this is in a possibly hostile territory, watches
note + must be posted at all times. This tells us the minimum garrison of fighters.
note +
note +
note + To keep soldiers fresh, I was taught that half-day shifts were too long, and
note + will wear down the soldier, but quarter-day shifts left to much of the day
note + with nothing to do, and soldiers got lazy. So I was taught that the ideal
note + shift plan for a 24 hour watch is to divide the day into 3 shifts where one
note + shift they are on full alert on watch, the next shift they are on duty, but
note + only as the active reserve, and the third shift is free time.
note +
note + It takes 18 soldiers to fully man 2 person guards at each point. So for a
note + three shift day, 54 soldiers is the minimum needed to securely hold this
note + garrison.
note +
note + I was also taught that for any military unit moving out of friendly
note + territory, the support personnel must number at least half again as many as
note + the soldiers, making 81 support individuals the minimum needed. This includes
note + armors, cooks, husbandry men, wives, etc.
note +
note + Making a total combined contingent of 135 cloud giants. Cloud giants that I
note + have seen average about 12 feet in height, so a two story keep, with headroom
note + for a flying race and thickness of floors and ceilings, the keep would be 48
note + feet tall with the towers rising a further 24 feet to a height of 72 feet.
note + Given that it would be known that this outpost is in the Arial’s domain, they
note + would have to stock for a possible siege, so given to the mass consumed by a
note + fighting cloud giant in one day, inside storage space for a one month siege
note + would have to be approximately 40,500 cubic feet for food, and a space for a
note + hold of 9,000 gallons of water for drinking, and an additional 18,000 gallons
note + for waste and to fight any possible fires. Add in living quarters for 135
note + cloud giants, as well as communal areas, open space for fire breaks and
note + fighting room, and we get a total area of about 4,300,000 cubic feet. Divided
note + by a height of 48 feet to get a footprint of about 90,000 square feet...or a
note + square with walls 300 feet long.
note +
note + As for the attacking force, where I was taught warfare, we were taught it was
note + absolute folly to attack any fortified position, let alone a keep, with less
note + than a force that totaled three times the defending fighting force plus one
note + half of the civilian population that might offer resistance. In open
note + terrain, against a fortified keep, we were taught that this was the lowest
note + number you can have and reasonably expect victory. Giving the attacking Arial
note + guards a number of 162 + 41 for a total of 203 guards.

AO 2.Seaside Fort.

note + In this area, I had a choice of two spots. One for the best defense, the
note + other for utility and realism.
note +
note + The best defensive position would be backed up to the mountains to the north.
note + This offers many advantages. First, the north is protected not only by a
note + Mountain range, but by an extremely large desert...which friendly forces
note + control. This basically limits the direction that foes can come from to
note + south. There are two problems with placing a keep here. First, supply. To
note + bring it south over the desert and mountains is a logistical nightmare. To
note + bring it from the ocean would require a garrison at the sea to offload things
note + from the ships and caravan it to the keep.
note +
note + The other problem with putting it in the mountains, is why? Why would the
note + Sultan make a garrison so far away, and then put it in a place where it is in
note + no position to affect anything of import. Thus leading to the second choice,
note + a place right on the ocean. This would serve many important purposes for the
note + Sultan. Among them, it could serve as a base for the Sultan’s naval forces in
note + the area, and a way to control trade routes.
note +
note + Thus I have chosen the second choice, for politics in most societies,
note + Whitecloaks and Battleragers aside, is a stronger motivation for stronghold
note + placement than military expediency.
note +
note + I will not go into specifics of construction like I did for the Cloud giant
note + Keep, as a purely human waterfront fort is fairly standard and I will assume
note + you all understand the architectural requirements.
note +
note + As for the garrison, I will place 75 fighting men of various flavors, along
note + with the approximately 120 permanent support personnel, and also will allow
note + for another 20 transient marine soldiers. For a total of 215 persons of the
note + Sultan’s domain.
note +
note + For the attacking force, I will have 310 personnel, of which 220 are actually
note + part of the fighting force, the rest consisting of sailors and officers of
note + the vessels themselves.

AO 3. Underdark Encroachment.

note + This place is an extremely effective place to construct a defensive outpost.
note + Surrounded on three sides by slippery and dangerous slopes, and on a fourth
note + by the Underdark itself, it would be extremely difficult to attack.
note +
note + The exact placement I would place directly across from the entrance to the
note + Underdark, carved into the living rock to the east of the trail. This would
note + leave the only line of approach as from the north over the clouds through
note + aggressive indigenous Harpies, and down a confining valley.
note +
note + For the Garrison, I would place ten Drow and thirty Duergar, of various
note + specialties.
note +
note + For the attacking force, I would place twenty royal Darsylon elite guards, as
note + well as ten Dwarven sappers and forty Tower guards, who would be there
note + because of the proximity to the tower.
note +
note + Unfortunately, because many of the light are filthy cowards, I am sure that
note + the Darsylon guards or the Dwarven sappers would not stop the Tower from
note + sending at least two or three sisters with the Tower guards.


note +
note + 1. Friendly Forces:
note + 10 Squads of Royal Emperor’s Guards
note + 18 personnel each
note + 10 Teams of Special action Emperor’s Assassins
note + 2 man teams
note + 1 team attached to each squad of Guards
note + 3 messengers
note +
note + 2. Enemy Forces:
note + 4 manned net-casting Balistas
note + one on each turret
note + 50-60 fighting personnel
note + 100-200 civilian personnel
note +
note + 3. Weather:
note + clear, Starry, Moonless. Cold.
note + Downward windshere to the north
note +
note + MISSION:
note +
note + The cloud giant encroachment into our Emperor’s territory imposes a threat on
note + the control we have on the mountain path that brings trade and contact with
note + the outside world to our Emperor’s city. Because of the windshere to the
note + North, that is the least expected line of approach. It also will cause the
note + Net-casting balista to be extremely inacurate in firing.
note +
note + Surprise is going to be our main weapon. We will climb the north face, and
note + gain entrance through the weakest point of entry available, the Towers.
note +
note +
note + 1. Commander’s intent:
note + By surprise and extreme prejudice, infiltrate the cloud giant
note + stronghold and exterminate this infestation of our territory.
note +
note + PHASES:
note +
note + 1. The Teams from squads 1 and 2 will enter the northeast tower by stealth,
note + and take quite control
note + as the teams from squads 3 and 4 will do the same in the northwest tower.
note +
note + 2. Squads 1,2,3, and 4 will quietly stage themselves in their respective
note + towers, waiting on the signal.
note +
note + 3. Squads 5, 6, 7, and 8 will then make a very loud attack on the south
note + towers, gaining entrance into the fortress and causing as much noise as
note + possible while holding ground at the inside of the two towers.
note +
note + 4. At this signal, squads 1,2,3, and 4 will enter the garrison from their
note + towers, catching the garrison’s fighting force in a pincer.
note +
note + 5. Squad 9 will remain above the garrison in reserve, able to deploy where
note + needed.
note +
note + 6. Squad 10 will lie in ambush outside the ground exit that advanced scouting
note + parties discovered, and intercept any fleeing forces.
note +
note +
note + The Service and Support, and Command and signal sections of a real OPORD I am
note + leaving out, as they contain little that has bearing on the tactics of the
note + fight.

/* I was about finished with the next opord (below) when Nerylana became co-commander, said I had done enough, and inducted me, so I stopped working on them*/



1. Friendly Forces:
24 Archers to man murder holes
4 stations
2 archers on duty at each
2 archers on reserve at each
The rest on free time
6 Soldiers to man the gate
2 soldiers on duty
2 soldiers on reserve
2 soldiers on free time
24 Soldiers to man the Towers
4 towers
2 soldiers on duty at each, outside
2 soldiers on reserve at each, inside
the rest on free time
4 Net-casting balista
1 on each tower
2. Enemy Forces:
Unknown, but expected Arial force.

3. Weather:
clear, Starry, Moonless. Cold.
Downward windshere to the north


To hold this mountain until further notice.


1. Commander’s intent:
Through vigilange, to hold this mountain against any possible attack for a time not to exceed a 1 month seige.


1. Each Duty shift consists of 8 hours

5148, RE: what Lob had me do for induction
Posted by Ex BT follower on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn...that's about as much writing as I had to do for a tattoo...and this is just an induction! (when did this turn into work instead of fun?)
5149, chuckle
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, in Lob's defense...I have seen him give the same quest to other applicants, and have seen their notes....

They got inducted by just writing one note...and they weren't all that long.

I am the one who decided to take it to that extreme. And it WAS fun for me.
5146, Role
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
/* I will only include here, the role additions that I actually put in. I had 4 others that were in the wings waiting to go in*/

role + The web of face chains and what it means:
role +
role + He is from a very old village. The village only exists because of it’s War
role + College. Local legend sais that the greatest generals in many armies of the
role + Empress of Seantryn have been graduates...but the veracity of that claim is
role + not known. What is fact, is that it is a place that the wealthy send their
role + children if they are going to be leading troops. Every other year, all of
role + the children of all races in the surrounding villages and towns who were
role + entering adulthood would enter a battle-royale type contest, the winner
role + gaining entrance to the College under the patronage of some Lord or Baron.
role + Sehvoor lied about his age and entered three years early....and won.
role +
role + He advanced quickly in his studies, as fast as any student in memory, and
role + graduated as the youngest to “earn the web” that anyone remembers. As far as
role + the military history instructors at the college can tell, the silenced
role + veil-web of chains that only those who graduate with honors from the War
role + College are allowed to wear is a relic of an ancient head-gear worn in times
role + forgotten by the most cunning of war-lords. Nowadays, while there are a few
role + graduates with Honors out in the world, the actual wearing of the face chains
role + has fallen into misuse over the past few centuries.
role +
role + Why he wears it, and why he will never tell another soul why:
role +
role + He wears his chains always to remind himself of his lessons and all that he
role + learned, so that he will never forget and by forgetting cause the deaths of
role + his comrades, But...he will never tell anyone what the chains mean apart from
role + a nebulous...”Warriors where I am from sometimes earn them.”
role + His reasons for that are twofold. One, he would rather have his enemies never
role + know how much he knows, and two, he would rather have his allies look upon
role + him based solely upon his actions, not upon his knowledge gained in a school.
role +
role + Tapping on his fangs:
role + Ways of showing respect, or annoyance where he comes from, many meanings can
role + be portrayed by which fang he taps, how many times, and in what context.
role +
role + Tapping the right fang is the positive, meaning assent, acknowledgment of
role + truth/accuracy, and agreement. One tap is usually reserved as a kind of
role + salute, while three is usually used to convey the strongest of agreement.
role +
role + Tapping the left fang is the negative, meaning disagreement, dissatisfaction,
role + or annoyance.
role + One tap conveys minor annoyance...like that a teacher shows to a particularly
role + slow pupil, while more taps convey stronger emotions.
role +
role + What brought him to where he is today:
role +
role + He left his homeland wanting to make a name for himself. He wanted to prove
role + to himself by his actions through his life that he actually did “earn the
role + web”. When he applied for a place in the Village, he was given a long task
role + by the Commander, Loborguz. The task could not have fit his particular
role + skills better, however, as it was to show through a number of scrolls just
role + what kind of mind he had for Military strategy. He took his time with the
role + task, wanting to show his worth to the Village. It was during this time that
role + the Burning of the Dwarf forest began. The Chanter Nerylana called upon him
role + and he went without hesitation into a roaring fire and worked long and hard
role + building the earthwork berm that would work as the fire’s eastern border so
role + as not to burn the entire forest down.
role +
role + He was half way through his scrolls of strategy when Nerylana, now Commander
role + alongside Loborguz, found him worthy of a hut and inducted him into the
role + Village. He did not build himself a hut however, always finding a corner to
role + sleep in when he had to sleep until he deemed himself to have earned a hut.
role + During discussions with the Village, he made himself remain quiet and
role + subdued, wanting his fellow kinsman to remember him for his actions in war,
role + instead of words.
role +
role + He believes that his knowledge of war and his ability in combat were noticed,
role + and he was given the rank of General within the Village and then built his
role + hut. This accomplishment means more to him than any he has so far achieved,
role + and he will throw all of his faculties into working to make sure that he does
role + not let down those who have put trust in him.

/* above was the original role that I had. Had the majority of it (background) written from rank one, but never took the time to put in in until I got the General spot...then I thought to myself I had better put that in. Below is the first addition I put in*/

role + This addition will explain his long absence from the Village, as well as the
role + personality change since his return. Since his return, he has been vocal
role + where he had been quiet, impetuous where he had been careful, and as a
role + whole...much more angry and apt to throw himself into deadly situations with
role + little chance of survival. This had led to some spectacular victories, such
role + as charging into other cabal’s inner guardians and slaying those who defend,
role + and it has also led him to some very stupid and unnecessary deaths, such as
role + throwing dust in the eyes of five enemies.
role +
role + Every other year, there is a commencement at the war college that Sehvoor had
role + graduated from, many years ago. It so happened that another of the
role + face-chained came to him and told him that he was invited to participate.
role + What was not known to Sehvoor at the time, is that every single face-chained
role + was being summoned, by the Empress of Seantryn herself, to answer for the
role + actions of one of the face-chained.
role +
role + It so happens, that one of the face-chained led four villages in a revolt
role + against the Empire...and because of his knowledge of terrain and warfare,
role + defeated the first two forces that the Empress sent against him. This
role + enraged the Empress, because she had allowed this school to train one who
role + took arms against her, so she contrived to call all those who have earned
role + the chain to her.
role +
role + When all, a total of 47 face-chained gathered from all over Thera and beyond
role + were assembled under the false pretense of participating in the commencement,
role + an army surrounded the face-chained and the war college. Under armed guard,
role + the face-chained were forced to watch as the war college was burned to the
role + ground. They were then given a choice.
role +
role + Either they would all swear fealty to the Empress, and thus enter her
role + service, or they would die.
role +
role + The very idea of this sort of forced fealty disgusted the gathered
role + face-chained...even those who had already done so and entered her service
role + years ago.
role +
role + Without words or warning, the face-chained sprung into action. While 13 of
role + the best fighters from among the face-chained formed a wedge and launched
role + themselves into the weakest part of the surrounding forces, the other 34
role + feigned acceptance. When the other forces began to concentrate on the 13
role + resistors, the 34 found they were able to strike fast and win free to safety.
role + From this point, the 13, of which Sehvoor was one, acted as a rear guard, so
role + that the majority of the face-chained could win free. Slowly retreating,
role + making the Seantryn pay for every inch with blood, the final 5 of the rear
role + guard that survived, were overwhelmed and brought to the dungeons.
role +
role + During this fight, Sehvoor had refused to call upon the special powers
role + granted him by the Village, because he had, until then, been successful in
role + hiding the fact that there was a face-chained in the Village, and he would
role + not do anything that would bring the Empress to declare war on the Village,
role + as such a thing would distract the Village from it’s purpose. After the
role + whispers came to the prisoners that the 34 had gone underground and were
role + safe, they attempted escape.
role +
role + Only Sehvoor, the war college Head-master, and another of the five lived.
role + There were now only 37 face-chained alive, and Sehvoor could see no way in
role + which there could ever be more.
role +
role + These events both devastated and enraged Sehvoor. For his entire life since
role + he had come to the Village, he had been borne up by the feeling of standing
role + on the front of two great histories, the ancient and glorious one of the
role + Village, and the very old and proud history of the face-chained. He had
role + always felt that in him these two histories were brought together, for the
role + benefit of the Village goals. Now he felt that one of his legs had been cut
role + from him by a very personal treachery and insult...the likes of which he had
role + never felt before.

/* Then there was this finall addition that I put in*/

role + ***************
role + This addition will explain the loss of Sehvoor’s face-chain, his new limp,
role + and the somewhat drastic personality change he has undergone into a quiet and
role + almost introverted felar...rarely speaking, but never reluctant for blood.
role + ***************
role +
role + A time after his return to the Village after escaping from the Dungeons of
role + the Empress, Sehvoor received bad news. It turns out that the Empress’
role + forces captured twenty of the remaining face-chained and made it known
role + publicly that once a week one would be put to death until the Headmaster and
role + all the rest of the face-chained turned themselves in.
role +
role + Sehvoor decided that he had to at least attempt to save them...no matter the
role + consequences.
role +
role + He was pleasantly surprised when at the city gates, he met the
role + Headmaster...who had the same idea as Sehvoor. They joined forces and were
role + successful in breaking the face-chained from the dungeon, but did not get far
role + before they were discovered and the chase was on.
role +
role + Sehvoor and the Headmaster foresaw this, however, and prepared by building a
role + soft berm of earth and sand at the foot of one of the city walls in the dark
role + of the night before they struck. So they made for the wall and leapt to
role + safety just as the guard was catching up. Unfortunately for Sehvoor, he had
role + stayed until all were safely away before leaping...and just as he leapt, the
role + first guard to reach him...who carried a long, hooked polearm. With a last
role + swipe as Sehvoor fell, the guard caught the hook on Sehvoor’s face-chain,
role + ripping it from his face and making Sehvoor fall wrong and shatter his right
role + leg. Here Sehvoor lost consciousness.
role +
role + He awoke in a secluded forest glade on the foothills of the Jade mountains,
role + lying next to the body of the Headmaster and having his right leg splinted.
role + He learned that the Headmaster, having seen him fall and shatter his leg
role + braved a hail of arrows to return and pick him up to carry him off...catching
role + arrows in the back before getting back to safety.
role +
role + This was hard for Sehvoor to take, as the Headmaster was the last of those
role + who had the ability to mark someone as face-chained...so because he was not a
role + moment faster, he had doomed the face-chained to extinction.
role +
role + When he could move, they gathered up the remaining hidden face-chained and
role + lead them into the wilds of the north near Udgaard where in his youth of
role + trying to finish Loborguz’s quest he traveled looking for places to place
role + fortresses. Once he had them set up in a safely secluded place, he returned
role + to the Village...feeling as if his past had been amputated from him...leaving
role + him with a feeling of floating along with no roots.

5145, Descriptions over time
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
desc + The first thing you notice is the intricate web that swings quietly about
desc + his head. Made up of extremely fine and intricatly made, but unpolished,
desc + steel chains that go from ear to nose, nose to lip, tooth to ear,
desc + tooth to eyebrow, in all sorts of combinations attached to small
desc + iron loop piercings all over his face. Each chain seems to be carefully
desc + fitted with a tiny leather sleeve where it crosses another chain, so
desc + as to make this constantly shifting mesh of metal eerily silent.
desc + Other than his face, the rest of his body is rather unremarkable, accept
desc + maybe for the fact that it is remarkably unremarkable. He is fit, as
desc + any fighter might be, he is quiet and has sharp claws, as many other of
desc + felar race...infact, he looks pretty much like any other felar you have
desc + ever seen...apart from the chain mesh over his face.


desc + The first thing you notice is the intricate web that swings quietly about
desc + his head. Made up of extremely fine and intricately made Mithril
desc + chains that go from ear to nose, nose to lip, tooth to ear,
desc + tooth to eyebrow, in all sorts of combinations attached to small
desc + iron loop piercings all over his face. Each chain seems to be carefully
desc + fitted with a tiny leather sleeve where it crosses another chain, so
desc + as to make this constantly shifting, glittering, mesh of metal eerily silent.
desc + Other than his face, the rest of his body is rather unremarkable, accept
desc + maybe for the fact that he is no longer a young felar by any stretch, and
desc + his red-brown fur seems to be covered by a disproportionate number
desc + of scars and burn marks. He is fit, as any fighter might be, he is quiet
desc + and has sharp claws, as many other of felar race...in fact, he looks
desc + pretty much like any other felar you have ever seen...apart from the
desc + chain mesh over his face.

Description after 300 hours.

desc + The first thing you notice is his scarred, mangled, and almost furless face.
desc + On his upper and lower lips, all along both nostrils, along his eyebrows and
desc + ears are tatters of skin...as if a hundred tiny piercings have been ripped
desc + out of his face with a single swift stroke, turning what you can tell used to
desc + be a fairly handsome felar face into a tattered mess.
desc +
desc + Other than his face, the rest of his body is rather unremarkable, accept
desc + maybe in how he seems to hold himself in a way that favors his right leg. No
desc + longer a young felar by any stretch of the imagination, his fur seems to be
desc + covered by a disproportionate number of scars and burn marks...as well as a
desc + grey that instead of being in patches is evenly spread out through his
desc + natural red-brown that gives him the grizzled look that combined with his
desc + face and scars give him the look of a campaigner long used to the trail and
desc + intense combat.
5117, some last? words
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will keep this intentionally short, for a few reasons.

One being, I have been out of the cf public eye for a while, so I can not immagine many people caring what I write.

If I DONT mention you. It is not a slight, and does not mean I had not planned on saying some thing to you, it just means you did not come to my mind first and I decided to cut this post short. If you want feedback, just post and ask, and I will let you have it.


Mentor. Commander. Leader. Friend. Hardass(in a good way).
I remember when I was interviewing, some giant villager walked by, and said "Good luck...you'll need it with the Iron Claw" Boy, was he not kidding.

You wrung me dry in that interview, and had me do quite the quest for induction. don't get me wrong, I loved every moment of it. But it made me actually belly laugh when other people would go to that other forum and bitch and whine like little girls about how hard and unfair the tasks that I asked of them were.

You were one of a few(and probably the MAIN) reason I did not try to imm, despite some friendly prompting from two or three people.

1) I knew that with leader con and age, I would be either be gone or WAY old by the time another rites came around.

2) I just didn't see myself as proving myself worthy of the slot...without proving that I could be commander...*IF* I got the commander lot after you(I never EVER took anything for granted). And I didn't see the battle imms giving the job to a geriatric cat (even if I did have like 16 con or so at the end).

3) Honestly, I watched your rp, and my own, and Nery's and saw no way that I was up to the level that I saw in both of you. So I didn't figure I stood a chance of getting it. And, to tell you the truth, by the time you died...I didn't WANT to even try to fill the shoes you vacated, as I was sure I would come up short measured against Lob.


Raging Bitch(in a good way).
Wow. I only have two things to say....Inspiring, and I wish we had longer together.

My Fan Club (goapa, samar, Grolgthus, I am sure others)

You say your main problem with me, was that once I got the general slot, I became overbearing, full of myself, like I had (from goapa's post I think) though I "Had a god-given right".

My answer to that is many-fold.

1) The General slot WAS god given. so think up another excuse why you didn't like me

2) You talk about "Having to earn respect". This argument I just don't get. I agree. Noone should "Assume" that they have earned your particular respect. But. In a world where gods are visible, and in a cabal where the Gods are VERY visible...I just don't get how you guys looked at it...

Here is how *I* have looked at it in the past, when I was in your situation.

I don't know him. but, the GODS have deemed him worthy, and, because I trust the GODS of my own cabal, I will give him the benefit of the doubt that the Gods, who can see more than me, have seen his worth, even if I have not. Now...if he LOSES my respect...that is another thing, but I will start from the position of giving respect due to anyone the GODS have deemed worthy.

You, on the other hand, claim that it is every rager's DUTY to treat every leader like utter CRAP until he has personally proved himself to each and every one of you.

That's just not how a well oiled fighting force works.

3) Your version of events was this.

I come out of nowhere and get the general slot

The power goes to my head, and I get all overbearing.

you decide to dislike me.

4) My version of events (again, I had over 100 logs to prove this...but they are all gone) And I believe these are closer to reality.

I somewhat prove my intelligence to the leadership

I get the general position.

I am treated like total and UTTER crap by a few people.

I try to make peace with them.

I finally realize, that each of those treating me like crap are doing so because they believe that either the position SHOULD have gone to them, or that they are SOOO much better than me.

I finally decide to stop taking crap from the few that are giving it to me (at the prompting of a talk with Intronan, see the log), because I realize there is nothing I can do...short of giving them the general slot, that will "Earn their respect" anyway, so I stop trying.

There was also a feeling that I got from many villagers that I was not welcome in a leadership position because I wasn't one of the "Old-school"


Damnit. You were good. I never planned on or thought I would get a leadership position with this char, and I was hoping I could put some hours into working Assassinate and my pking skills....but with the whole interview thing, that just did not happen. I was really looking forward to trying to corner you into giving me a few pointers when you went away. Don't get me wrong, I will never complain about getting the spot, or having to do interviews...I actually enjoyed it the majority of the time....but seeing villagers like you and penz who had the freedom to go out and do the fun stuff while I was interviewing was hard at times.


I too...loved having an enemy that actually tried to explain for once. It was refreshing.


Holy cow. I hated killing you. You were always a champ and a good sport about it. Never bitter, Always ready to go again in minimal time...there were times I wanted to hold you up to some of the whinier and more eq-whoreing villagers as what they should be more like....but, as a leader in the village...it would not do to praise an enemy.


I loved it. I loved every minute of it. And I thank you for that. And most of all, I apologize that what I thought was a promising character, fell to the big ole RL monster...not with a bang...but a whimper.

I do have a few more logs of the whole Minalcar deal, but I didn't want to post those without your permission, as it was somewhat questy.

I always tried my best for you. Especially after I got that private meeting with you, that came out of right field and I walked around in real life for weeks on a high because of that. I admit, after the minalcar thing, when you said I would get a weapon forged for me, I was on cloud nine. But when you decided not to give me the weapon...I had no complaints.

Some of my greatest regrets, is that I did not get to finish where my role was going....When I stalked up talno in the rift and watched all of them go to the Village and I assassinated him right after the Massive fell...you gave me a public "well done".

Well...that wouldn't do. I HAD to do something bad after that, because in my role, at that point in my life I was supposed to be impetuous and angry. So...right after doing well by you, I went and killed the outer of the tribunal spire (they DID kill the outer of the village to get at a criminal...damnit). I knew doing it that I would get called down. When I almost had it killed, and nothing had happened to me, I mentioned over the cb what I was doing to get your attention.

To my dismay...after that episode...I realised that I had FORGOTTEN to transfer the role addition from Word to the mud, the role addition that explains how and why I am more rash and impetuous...DOH. So I figure you just thought I was turning into a moron.

If it makes you feel any better, I was getting near the end of the "stupid death" phase of my role and getting ready to move on to something new when life happend and I had to leave.

Again, Sorry about that.

I had played a few villagers before...under Creon(sp?) and Ghim and what not. I never was very successful...so I had pretty much given up on the cabal.

Then one day I am reading this forum and there is this big long thread on how all the old-schoolers don't like the new look on the village...and I read your response....and HOLY COW!

The reason I wasn't successful before, was because I always tried to play an intelligent villager...one who knew that courage did not equate to stupidity...and that stupid deaths to unbeatable odds didn't help the village.

Well, needless to say, those views made me unpopular back then...but I saw that that was the kind of Villager the Village wanted nowadays...so I decided to give the Village another go. I am glad I did.


My largest regret there was that I didn't get enough of either of you. *chuckle*
5126, Last Words
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>My Fan Club (goapa, samar, Grolgthus, I am sure others)
>You say your main problem with me, was that once I got the
>general slot, I became overbearing, full of myself, like I
>had (from goapa's post I think) though I "Had a god-given
>My answer to that is many-fold.
>1) The General slot WAS god given. so think up another
>excuse why you didn't like me
It is a god given right that you are general but in any man's army, you just don't start flinging orders around like you think you know what is going on. You have to gain the respect of the people around you by fighting well, being intelligent, doing gutsy things, etc. All I saw of you before you became general was you dying because you were stupid like tiger clawing a warrior while him and two others fought to get their sceptre back. You were bashed down and killed.

The first time Goapa EVER SAW you as general (and interacted more than giving you equipment and watching you die in stupid situations) you ordered me to attack the sylvan cabal which at the time was not only stupid tactically and strategically and suicide but outside your scope to command, so I disagreed and said no and that you did not have the ability to do that and you were totally disregarding my position in the village as well as all the time and sweat and con I spent for the village as well as my correct evaluation of the situation (where other villagers agreed). What really kicked it was your massively long two note special you sent to get me kicked out of battle because I didn't respect your RIGHT to be general. Your note was full of "I deserve" and "it is my right" and this and that that made me hate you. And the immortals agreed you were out of line but also said Goapa took it to a new (and wrong) level (which was what Goapa always did) which was where I was incorrect.

You want to know where you lost all the respect? It was there, when some punk 32nd ranked assassin who got Generalship somehow thinks he can just walk around ordering heroes to do stupid and insane things.
What you didn't do was sit down and listen to anyone but the "immortals or Loborguz". Because you always acted until much later in your life that we didn't have crap to say and that whatever we said was useless and below you.

>2) You talk about "Having to earn respect". This argument I
>just don't get. I agree. Noone should "Assume" that they
>have earned your particular respect. But. In a world where
>gods are visible, and in a cabal where the Gods are VERY
>visible...I just don't get how you guys looked at it...

This is what I saw and a lot of other ragers saw.
One: An assassin that constantly died because of stupid newbie mistakes like tiger clawing a warrior when he had two warrior types backing him up.
Two: Your complete disregard for anyone who didn't have a super special title (i.e. leader of the cabal or immortal).
Three: Your whiny crying double note to get someone kicked out even though you were wrong in the situation.
Four: Your overbearing and "I know all" demeanor.

>Here is how *I* have looked at it in the past, when I was in
>your situation.
>I don't know him. but, the GODS have deemed him worthy, and,
>because I trust the GODS of my own cabal, I will give him
>the benefit of the doubt that the Gods,

Did that, gave you benefit of the doubt, and you smashed that benefit. See above reasons.

>who can see more
>than me, have seen his worth, even if I have not. Now...if
>he LOSES my respect...

You lost it from the get go. I gave you benefit of the doubt and on the first interaction you lost it. See above reasons.

>that is another thing, but I will
>start from the position of giving respect due to anyone the
>GODS have deemed worthy.
>You, on the other hand, claim that it is every rager's DUTY
>to treat every leader like utter CRAP until he has
>personally proved himself to each and every one of you.

Well, no, I treated Intronan with upmost respect. I treated Loborguz with upmost respect when he started showing up (our relationship was complicated). Goapa was not about saying, "oh he has to be ok even if he is stupid now because the god's say so" He was a character that was "you constantly do something stupid, you are stupid unless you prove it otherwise and treat you as such despite your God given position".

>That's just not how a well oiled fighting force works.

In any war time situation, would you follow a complete overbearing stupid order giving general into battle? I certainly would not. You would think you would take the hint from how many ragers didn't like you in the beginning as DOING SOMETHING WRONG instead of us all being wrong.

>3) Your version of events was this.
>I come out of nowhere and get the general slot


>The power goes to my head, and I get all overbearing.

First interaction caused me to dislike you. Second one about pushing it to a long winded double note special caused it more. Seeing you do stupid tactical things all the time reinforced that. Seeing how you put down other villagers and such who didn't have special titles made it even more strong.

>you decide to dislike me.


>4) My version of events (again, I had over 100 logs to prove
>this...but they are all gone) And I believe these are
>closer to reality.
>I somewhat prove my intelligence to the leadership
>I get the general position.

You forgot treating everyone like they are worth nothing to you. Giving out stupid commands, writing "I deserve" notes, and all the time not proving yourself at all in fights.

>I am treated like total and UTTER crap by a few people.
>I try to make peace with them.
>I finally realize, that each of those treating me like crap
>are doing so because they believe that either the position
>SHOULD have gone to them, or that they are SOOO much better
>than me.

Man, you are a megalomanaic arn't ya?
>I finally decide to stop taking crap from the few that are
>giving it to me (at the prompting of a talk with Intronan,
>see the log), because I realize there is nothing I can
>do...short of giving them the general slot, that will "Earn
>their respect" anyway, so I stop trying.
>There was also a feeling that I got from many villagers that
>I was not welcome in a leadership position because I wasn't
>one of the "Old-school"

5129, couple things
Posted by Sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I didn't die OFTEN to stupid mistakes until after you were gone, and then there was a reason for it. My con was a testiment to that. I didn't bring this up first, but you are in a position of being in the one of the worst places to talk to others about dieing stupidly.

You forgot treating everyone like they are worth nothing to you.

2) This is just flat wrong. I treated everyone in the village the same, minus Lob and Nery. My only guess at why you felt this way was because you entered our relationship already disliking me, so all of our interactions were colored by that filter you already had. There were plenty of others who did not get this impression, and as I treated just about everyone the same, my only conclusion is that the problem was more at your end.

Your whiny crying double note to get someone kicked out even though you were wrong in the situation.

3) I have those notes. I just re-read them. in none of them did I say "I deserve" or try to get anyone kicked out. I even mentioned MANY times in those notes how the disagreement between you and I was of a personal nature, and that I thought it said NOTHING of your worth (positive or negative) in the village. I even said many times that I did NOT think you should get kicked out.

I guess you read the notes wrong. They were written for one reason.

The general, and a respected elder, had a disagreement on what "War" meant. Sehvoor thought "WAR" meant that we should show them no mercy until told the war is over. You thought "WAR" meant we should show them no mercy until you disagree with the war, and to hell with the commander. So I wrote some notes to my higher ups explaining the nature of the disagreement, because they should always be apraised of what is going on in the Village. While I (the player) thought you had no legs to stand on, Sehvoor (the character) respected that you had your opinion, and decided to take our differences of opinion to the higher ups.

Of course, if you think the whole idea of "War" is "Until I don't like fighting", you will dislike the personality of someone who attended a war college and wanted to prosecute the war in a manner that would bring victory...instead of "Acquiescence". My guess is that this is why you thought I was overbearing. The ONE thing sehvoor would not bend in, was his protection of the commander's right to lead the village. And by lead I mean set where it will fight(within the confines set by the Imms). If you tried destroying the commander's right to lead, Sehvoor got harsh with you. If you didn't, he didn't

Now. About the whole thing about attacking the sylvan cabal. This episode gave you an opportunity to take your knee-jerk dislike of me and rationalize it.

The first word you EVER said to me after I became general? "No."

Here is how my logs show the situation. Maybe yours proves mine wrong, it's possible Players see things differently.

1) Lob mentions that he does not like logging on and finding enough villagers about to take the items...and we don't have them. I take this as a standing order to always get the items of the cabals we are at war with when possible. We are at war with the sylvan cabal. That means, we should take the sapling WHENEVER possible.

2) It is made clear to me that the ONLY person in the village who can declare war OR STOP A WAR (from thror's mouth) is the Commander.

3) I log on, am rank 35 or so. Ralgor is also on (while he was uncballed) No sylvans, so we decide to attempt the sapling...because WE ARE AT WAR.

4) We are getting our asses handed to us, because we are mid 30's and those damned sunrays are chapping our asses.

5) you log on. I know you are a defender, I ask you to come help us.

6) No.

7) Um...you know we are at war right?

8) Yes, but it is a stupid war, so I won't fight it.

9) You realise that only the commander can stop the war right...and that wether you like the war or not, we ARE at war...and by not fighting it, you are calling the commander a moron...and thus calling the Immortals who appointed him morons... right?

10) I don't care, I won't fight sylvans. Period.

11) Alright, asking won't get you here, I will order you.

12) You can't order me.

And thus from then on you showed me nothing but disrespect. Of course, I had gotten nothing other than that from you before hand, so it wasn't much of a change. Even after that, I respected your position, deferred to you often, praised you to others often....well...SEHVOOR did that...*I* behind the screen was calling you a moron...*chuckle*

You want to know the funniest part?

You and samar and Grolgie...all of your arguments about the war beign destructive...and the time for it as past...and it being useless...

Sehvoor agreed with ALL of those arguments.

He just knew that the ONLY one who was able to stop the war was Lob. And as a general, he would prosecute any war ordered to by his commander, his personal feelings aside. Because he knew that was his job. Seeing you guys try to just "do your own thing, and to hell with Lob" was frustrating to Sehv.

Of course, I(the player) got many belly laughs when Lob came back...and all of your bitching and whining about Lob and the war (to the point of claiming you would call Lob out when you saw him) turned to fawning on "He who could do no wrong". It was like watching children behave 180 degrees different when their parents are around.

5143, bah, never mind.
Posted by sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only point I have is this.

I could have been Boltthrower reincarnated, but because I got General slot over you, you would have found some way to rationalize hating me.

I won't defend what I did or didn't do or how I acted any more, it won't convince you otherwise, and what other people think, now that I have been dead and gone for a month, really doesn't matter at all.
5144, RE: bah, never mind.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The only point I have is this.
I could have been Boltthrower reincarnated, but because I got General slot over you, you would have found some way to rationalize hating me.

Then the only point you have, is wrong. It had NOTHING to do with a desire to be General. Hell I was glad when I lost it, because I didn't have every retard on the planet bothering me every 5 seconds, while trying to conduct a war. It was 100% entirely because of your actions and your lack of ability to judge when the time was to give orders, and when the time was to leave people alone and let your men do their jobs without being micromanaged. Period.

>I won't defend what I did or didn't do or how I acted any more, it won't convince you otherwise, and what other people think, now that I have been dead and gone for a month, really doesn't matter at all.

Then don't defend it. You were the one who felt the need to make that whiny "poor me, you all don't like me because I'm better than you, because Thror says so" post. That is a huge part of your problem right there. You are your own worst enemy PR wise.
5138, Right vs Wrong
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If it clarifies anything (which it probably doesn't) I have to
agree with Sehvoor here. I remember the incident pretty well and
and I had issues with both of you about it. I made a mental note to
have words with Goapa over the fact that he wouldn't respect the
command of authority. I also remember having words with a number
of villagers who thought the war was a 'stupid' war. That's just

Anyhow, Sehvoor was chosen by the Gods and if you don't have enough
faith in the Gods of your Cabal, you should probably walk away from
the cabal.

I thought Sehvoor did an excellent job in all regards other than his
gradual departure via not showing up.

Finally, Sehvoor was rewarded in a number of manners because he did
a number of things for the village. I have a hard time seeing
villagers get pissed off because someone who is of a lesser rank
gets a position of authority. It's part of what makes the cabal so
great and it really helps make it a dynamic cabal.

I cringe at times when I read your posts Goapa, they seem to be
lined with insults and complaints and I really had judged the
character better than that.

5139, Situation without flavor.
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Commander gone.

No one to give orders for long time.

Someone upholding an order that was very old.

Veteran rager who has been there the whole time tries to explain why it is not good anymore trying to keep the village ideals in mind.

Young commander who has not been around the whole time gives an order upholding old order without hearing veteran rager out.

Veteran rager tries to explain but is not allowed, veteran rager turns to petty and childish insults (as is his character when he is pissed off)

Young commander holds to the chain of command and to the old standing order.

Young commander writes double note to battle about how veteran rager should be removed from the village for not following a direct order.

Veteran rager no longer likes young commander because of the situation (and other observations). Yet young commander can't seem to understand why he and many others didn't like him.

(Where we are here)

I guess it is the difference between living on the battlefield and being in the trenches with the 1st and 2nd Lts and living in the command tent with the generals who give standing orders that don't fit the situation at hand.

May you both live long and prosper. And ultimately these are character differences with different mindsets about what war is and how it should be run. I guess I lose out because I ride in the bus the constantly re-evaluates ones position in the war while others ride the bus that holds true to the command structure and standing orders.

I ask for both of you to read some accounts of World War II including THE FORGOTTEN SOLDIER and IN DEADLY FIRE. After reading them you might get a better understanding on how and why old standing orders cause ultimate demise and how some amount of battlefield presense and awareness can keep you alive and focused on the goal despite the chaos of war.

And Thror, I cringe at times from your posts too for the very same reasons.
5140, RE: Situation without flavor.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And Thror, I cringe at times from your posts too for the very same reasons.

In all honesty, I have to sort of agree here. Not necessarily for the posts, but things done or said. Like when we went to you with our concerns about the village, and you berated us, saying Lob had been on but we just hadn't been on at the same time. After we found out he had in fact NOT been on, I felt betrayed and, well lied to (probably because you were in fact lying). After the dressing down we got over that, just to find out you were full of ##### really was a huge slap in the face.

5141, RE: Situation without flavor.
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>In all honesty, I have to sort of agree here. Not
>necessarily for the posts, but things done or said. Like
>when we went to you with our concerns about the village, and
>you berated us, saying Lob had been on but we just hadn't
>been on at the same time. After we found out he had in fact
>NOT been on, I felt betrayed and, well lied to (probably
>because you were in fact lying). After the dressing down we
>got over that, just to find out you were full of #####
>really was a huge slap in the face.

I'd hate for this ti turn into any form of a flame war, however:

This is a game. If at any point I have to lie over any aspect of a
game, I'll give it up.

As Thror, I may not come straight out and give you all of the answers
or hold your hand in any situation, but I'll never outright lie to
you. I calls em how I sees em. It's a shame you would think
5142, RE: Situation without flavor.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd hate for this ti turn into any form of a flame war, however:

This is a game. If at any point I have to lie over any aspect of a
game, I'll give it up.

As Thror, I may not come straight out and give you all of the answers
or hold your hand in any situation, but I'll never outright lie to
you. I calls em how I sees em. It's a shame you would think

I'm not trying to flame either, it was a statement of how something you said, which turned out to not be true, made me feel. You told Goapa and Grolgthus that you had seen Lob, and he had been on and doing things, and basically tore us a new one for daring to say he wasn't ever around. At the time I felt like a giant ass, because I figured it was true. After we found out that he had NOT in fact been on, meaning you could NOT have seen him, I felt like I was no longer the giant ass in the equation.

We had a valid concern about the state of the village, and were seeking an answer. You basically made us both out to be impatient disloyal assholes, and made us feel this way wrongly. It just makes me question how seriously you take valid complaints about things happening within the village.

As for not holding our hands, we asked for guidance. When none was forthcoming, we made the best of things and decided to take the reigns and give things a little direction, for which we were chastised. Thats a little different than asking to have our hands held. We were in the middle of a war, a war that, without leadership wasn't going well for us. Goapa was spot on with his notes to the village. Whatever came after is irrelevant, and doesn't change the relevance the notes had at the time.

5131, Ok....
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You forgot treating everyone like they are worth nothing to
>2) This is just flat wrong. I treated everyone in the
>village the same, minus Lob and Nery.

My point exactly. You treated anyone not nice and titled up (leader or god) like they were yours to push around however you wanted.

>Your whiny crying double note to get someone kicked out even
>though you were wrong in the situation.
>3) I have those notes. I just re-read them. in none of them
>did I say "I deserve" or try to get anyone kicked out. I
>even mentioned MANY times in those notes how the
>disagreement between you and I was of a personal nature, and
>that I thought it said NOTHING of your worth (positive or
>negative) in the village. I even said many times that I did
>NOT think you should get kicked out.

You were trying to get me kicked out for disobeying a direct order.

>The general, and a respected elder, had a disagreement on
>what "War" meant. Sehvoor thought "WAR" meant that we
>should show them no mercy until told the war is over.

Tell me when you are done snorting coke. So in your eyes you should just continue a needless war and waste needless lives over and over and over until someone higher up wises up. And the person who wises up has not been seen for over two weeks (and Loborguz admitted and stated he was gone for two two week periods).

The difference between Goapa and Sehvoor was Goapa thought about the situation at hand, weighed the balances and looked into the future and all Sehvoor saw was you must follow the standing order at all times no matter how stupid you think it is or how wrong it is for the village.

Your character actually believed that after we had installed the road that continuing the war against sylvan was a good idea? We had taken them out of the equation, put them on the sidelines of our war and are now NOT THE FOCUS OF THE WAR (which is one of the basic new ideals of the village, focus on the problem not the sidelines) because they never could ambush us in the forest ever again. Now instead of soothing the savage beast and trying to make peace with them and refocusing the war on what we needed to, you just gave them all the more reason to hate the village.

All of this was going on during a time period that NO ONE had seen the commander for two weeks and no one was stepping up for the betterment of the village.

What Goapa was trying to explain to you which you summarily dismissed is that we are wasting resources fighting sylvan now and it will waste even more down the line (as illustrated by what happened after because of this open ended front).

>You thought "WAR" meant we should show them no mercy until you
>disagree with the war, and to hell with the commander. So I
>wrote some notes to my higher ups explaining the nature of
>the disagreement, because they should always be apraised of
>what is going on in the Village. While I (the player)
>thought you had no legs to stand on, Sehvoor (the character)
>respected that you had your opinion, and decided to take our
>differences of opinion to the higher ups.

As a player you cannot see the reasoning about this? It is the line between gaining your goal and refocusing on what we were supposed to be focusing on and wasting valuable CONSTUTION and characters fighting sylvans when they no longer mattered in the equation.

You stepped in and unillaterally announced without any forethought for the village or the people who were actually fighting the sylvan war an order that went against the goals of the village.

Your war Sehvoor was to uphold chain of command instead of being in the best interest of the village and its goals and dealing with the ever changing situation on hand.

What Goapa was trying to do is not have the cabal micromanaged by immortals and input some direly needed mortal action and decision making. It was not coming from the Commander who had GONE off somewhere and it was not coming from you because you were just stuck in the "must continue fight because that is chain of command". It was like you didn't even have an ounce of common sense or battlefield presence.

>The first word you EVER said to me after I became general?

You spoke first, and your word was a command to continue attacking an "enemy" who would be better served to leave alone and let the wounds heal. You had no concept of the situation, no battlefield mindset, no strategy, no tactics, you were just falling in line.

>Here is how my logs show the situation. Maybe yours proves
>mine wrong, it's possible Players see things differently.
>1) Lob mentions that he does not like logging on and finding
>enough villagers about to take the items...and we don't have
>them. I take this as a standing order to always get the
>items of the cabals we are at war with when possible. We
>are at war with the sylvan cabal. That means, we should take
>the sapling WHENEVER possible.

A standing order two weeks old.

>2) It is made clear to me that the ONLY person in the
>village who can declare war OR STOP A WAR (from thror's
>mouth) is the Commander.

So when that commander doesn't show up for two weeks it is our duty to follow through with an order that now harms the village and only keeps it from using its limited resources to reach the real goals of the village?

>3) I log on, am rank 35 or so. Ralgor is also on (while he
>was uncballed) No sylvans, so we decide to attempt the
>sapling...because WE ARE AT WAR.

Mindless, must follow, not think, must only follow.

>4) We are getting our asses handed to us, because we are mid
>30's and those damned sunrays are chapping our asses.
>5) you log on. I know you are a defender, I ask you to come
>help us.

There was no ASK involved in it. It was a blantant and direct order. It was to the effect "You will come to the sylvan cabal and help us kill the bear, now."

>8) Yes, but it is a stupid war, so I won't fight it.

Lets continue to waste valuable resources on a group of individuals who now have no real direct affect on our war, who are not our enemies per say and if left alone would not want to harm us anyway. There were numerous sylvans during that time open to the idea of peace which was crushed by not only sylvan leadership but this hard nose no thinking leader strategy adopted by Loborguz and yourself. Nerylana saw the potential of the situation, unfortunately she died off.

>9) You realise that only the commander can stop the war
>right...and that wether you like the war or not, we ARE at
>war...and by not fighting it, you are calling the commander
>a moron...and thus calling the Immortals who appointed him
>morons... right?

I am calling the commander who has not showed his face forever (in game time) that his standing orders now hurt the village instead of help it because he has not been there to lead.

>10) I don't care, I won't fight sylvans. Period.
>11) Alright, asking won't get you here, I will order you.

Wrong, you ordered me from the get go.

>12) You can't order me.

I follow orders I don't like, I don't follow orders that directly harm the goals of the village. Something you could not grasp.

>You and samar and Grolgie...all of your arguments about the
>war beign destructive...and the time for it as past...and it
>being useless...
>Sehvoor agreed with ALL of those arguments.
>He just knew that the ONLY one who was able to stop the war
>was Lob. And as a general, he would prosecute any war
>ordered to by his commander, his personal feelings aside.

You would follow an order that was two weeks old real time, which equates into almost what, couple years game time? An order that has not changed with the circumstances of the war? That is like Hitler's no retreat standing order in the Soviet Union during world war II.

>Because he knew that was his job.
>Seeing you guys try to
>just "do your own thing, and to hell with Lob" was
>frustrating to Sehv.

If you agreed then why didn't you step up and be a true leader instead of being the "chain of command" wench? We were trying to refocus the village to its REAL GOAL and what was standing in our way was an order that had long gone stagnant because circumstances had changed dramatically (one being the road was done and they could no longer ambush us at will and could only affect our fight very minorly because we destroyed them out of the forest).

>Of course, I(the player) got many belly laughs when Lob came
>back...and all of your bitching and whining about Lob and
>the war (to the point of claiming you would call Lob out
>when you saw him) turned to fawning on "He who could do no
>wrong". It was like watching children behave 180 degrees
>different when their parents are around.

You are a complete idiot if you believe this. I brought my concerns to him and he knew he kind of screwed up and a number of villagers were out for him and pissed at him. And Goapa and Loborguz spoke pretty frankly to each other and you are not privy to those conversations. In addition I did call him out but Goapa is not stupid, I cannot beat a berserker assassin as a defender thief so I vented my frustrations to him in other ways.

Finally after this time Thror had a talk with Grolghus and Goapa and we aired our complains to him too and he LIED to us and said Loborguz was showing up during "off hours" when actually he was gone for the whole two weeks (twice).

As to you last statement about how we were fawning him Goapa did nothing close to that. He constantly complained and commented on Loborguz and his leadership.

How many times do I have to repeat it until you get it through your head? I think I did it here 7 times, I hope you get the concept.

5132, Well...
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I normally don't get involved in flame wars such as this. But Goapa, you're bordering on irrational. Your posts often seem to be complete lunacy, while is odd, because as Thror said, we both liked your character. I'll just say... you're wrong, on many counts. Perhaps you truly didn't understand Sehvoor, or perhaps there's much of the village you don't understand. You're welcome to question anything as a villager, but there's a time and a place for that. In the middle of a battle or war isn't that time or place. Maybe take a step back, and relax. You didn't like him, fine, he didn't like you, fine. Let's just leave it at that, perhaps?
5136, Well then answer me this:
Posted by Goapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How long does something like that have to stand there before someone who is not in a leadership position is in the position to question the standing order?

As to the rest of what you said. Perhaps you are right, perhaps I don't know much about the new village anymore. Perhaps I am stuck in the past where it was truly a bunch of barbarians. Maybe I'm falling in with old timers like Abertyne (if they would have me) the old village and all its faults/likes/dislikes/and hardships. *shrug* Perhaps what the oldies are angry about is you took this cabal and changed it so much from its intial roots that if you still wanted to play an oldie you can't.

Change hurts.

5137, Very well
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For part one... question whatever you like... part of it is in the way you question things. I never had a problem with anything you did IC, really. It's your posts, more than anything, I have issue with. Fall in with Abernyte if you like, though I don't think you clearly understand his criticisms and his position. You can play an old school rager, with very, very minor changes. I don't want, and nor does Thror, everyone to be exactly the same as a villager. Both ends of the spectrum are welcome. Is the cabal changed? Yes. Is it completely different than the way it was? No. Try to play and old school rager before you say you can't.
5133, RE: Well...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I normally don't get involved in flame wars such as this. But Goapa, you're bordering on irrational. Your posts often seem to be complete lunacy, while is odd, because as Thror said, we both liked your character. I'll just say... you're wrong, on many counts. Perhaps you truly didn't understand Sehvoor, or perhaps there's much of the village you don't understand. You're welcome to question anything as a villager, but there's a time and a place for that. In the middle of a battle or war isn't that time or place. Maybe take a step back, and relax. You didn't like him, fine, he didn't like you, fine. Let's just leave it at that, perhaps?

Actually, I think maybe it's you who doesn't understand Intronan. Let me first say I have nothing but respect for you, and that statement about you not understanding wasn't intended to belittle you in any way. What I meant was, until you are being given pointless orders in a NON combat setting, from someone who is younger than you whom seems to just not have a grasp on what they are doing, you CAN'T understand.

It wasn't just his combat orders that were the problem, it was his incessant need to order everyone at all times about all things. On top of this, some of his orders were just plain stupid and would have been suicidal to follow through with. Part of being a soldier, as you well know, is to evaluate for yourself all combat situations, and react accordingly. A soldiers place is NOT to be a mindless automoton, who marches forward and dies needlessly. (I believe it was you yourself who said things to this effect)

5134, Good point but...
Posted by Intronan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've taken orders from the worst of em, with many characters. The irony here is, with all the complaints from old school villagers... when you have a leader you can't tolerate, what would an old school villager do? Same thing a new school villager is welcome to do. I wasn't chosen as General... how I became General is the answer to your and Goapa's problem.

*disclaimer* When I say same thing a new villager is welcome to do... there is a way to do things, and this post does not give knuckleheads justification to do stupid things.
5135, RE: Good point but...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fully intended to call Lob out to the Rites. I was itching to do it. Then the con started to dwindle, fighting 2 and 3 Sylvans at a time, on top of everyone else, but no sign of Lob. By the time he came back and was actually on, on a regular basis, my con was too low for me to even consider trying to take leadership. Why? Because I didn't want to be leader, then die and leave the village with the same void to fill that I was trying to prevent. On top of it, once Lob came back, aside from keeping the war with the Sylvans going which I didn't agree with, he was a good leader.

Ironically if he had been there for me to fight, I wouldn't have been looking to fight him because he would have been there.
5130, Sehvoor right, Goapa wrong, comments enclosed
Posted by Nerylana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wait, no comment.

5127, Orders from a Superior
Posted by Uncle Bob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cringed at these words:
>In any war time situation, would you follow a complete overbearing stupid order giving general into battle? I certainly would not.

I take it you've never been in the military. No matter how overbearing or arrogant a general is, you pretty much WILL follow them into battle. In fact, in the U.S. Army, the only way you could avoid doing so is if the order is illegal or immoral. Even so, if you disobey a direct order, count on there be an inquiry at the very least.

And the Village is far from the U.S. Army. I see it as more of a Nordic or even Roman kind of organization. People are picked by the 'elders', whether that is God or Emperor. If you, as a foot soldier (no matter how much respect you've gained from your peers) disobey an order from one of Caeser's chosen, expect a sword in your gut, not some long drawn out debate on why you think the war is wrong. Honestly, if I were in his place, I would have called you mutinous and asked for you to be removed. It is far more disruptive to an organization to have everyone suddenly deciding that they know better than anyone else, and decide to do their own thing, than to have a sub-stellar leader (not that sehvoor was or wasn't, I didn't know him.)

Unless the order was in direct contradiction to the Commander's word, you were bound to obey it.
5128, a sidenote...
Posted by Trezzy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you say nordic i sure hope you mean the vikings...
5125, RE: some last? words
Posted by Krajus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I said to Penz, I truly hate seeing all you assassins gone. Tho logging on and not seeing 4 or 5 of you at a time I can live with. I always liked fighting you all for the reasons you were better then me and it gave me something to shoot for and at the time I was near full con so I figured why the hell not. Thanks for the praise, good to see I added a bit into you guys' game time cause you sure did to mine. Luck on the next if there is one.

PS I tried to get in Village once before when you were a leader, gave me the run around for prolly 3 weeks before I blew my top and deleted. Hehe
5121, No...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>My Fan Club (goapa, samar, Grolgthus, I am sure others)

I don't know why I'm being brought into this, since aside from a few conversations with Goapa and Thror I never said anything out loud about what a jackass I thought you were.

>You say your main problem with me, was that once I got the general >slot, I became overbearing, full of myself, like I had (from goapa's >post I think) though I "Had a god-given right".

NO, my main problem with you was that you were a huge jackass, who gave orders with every breath. GOOD leaders don't micromanage every thought of those they command. My first interaction with you with you as General was for you to order me to write a note that was by all rights YOUR responsibility to write, not mine. Then I watched you give countless orders involving horrid tactics that would have led to the deaths of villagers, and you have the root of my dislike for you.

>My answer to that is many-fold.

Oh goody.

>1) The General slot WAS god given. so think up another excuse why you didn't like me

I never said it wasn't why I didn't like you. True I didn't think you deserved the job, there were others I felt not only more deserving, but who wouldn't have been nearly as big a jackass in the position.

>2) You talk about "Having to earn respect". This argument I just don't get. I agree. Noone should "Assume" that they have earned your particular respect. But. In a world where gods are visible, and in a cabal where the Gods are VERY visible...I just don't get how you guys looked at it...

We looked at it that you were VERY new to the cabal, and hadn't really earned our respect yet. Not only were you new but you died a hell of a lot to VERY poor tactics. Not the sort of thing one looks up to in a military leader, so no you had not earned our respect. Up till that point all we had seen from you was you kissing Nerys ass a lot, and leaving corpses of yourself all over Thera.

>Here is how *I* have looked at it in the past, when I was in your situation.
I don't know him. but, the GODS have deemed him worthy, and, because I trust the GODS of my own cabal, I will give him the benefit of the doubt that the Gods, who can see more than me, have seen his worth, even if I have not. Now...if he LOSES my respect...that is another thing, but I will start from the position of giving respect due to anyone the GODS have deemed worthy.

You don't get it. We can explain it to you over and over and I doubt you will EVER get it. Noone disliked you until YOU caused it to be. When I was given the Generals position, the LAST thing I wanted to do was give an order. You need to earn the respect first, give the orders second. You don't want to HAVE to tell everyone what to do all the time, you need to trust that your soldiers know their jobs. Save the orders for when they are needed. You were giving orders in non combat situations to people as well, and thats just not something thats going to make you friends and influence people.

>You, on the other hand, claim that it is every rager's DUTY to treat every leader like utter CRAP until he has personally proved himself to each and every one of you.

No. You are just trying to twist things around and have a little pity party. You pissed people off by your actions, you caused your own loss of respect among the village. Period.

>That's just not how a well oiled fighting force works.

A well ordered fighting force also doesn't have a tyrant micromanaging every thought and breath his soldiers have. You didn't help things be well oiled, and in fact often caused more strife than was necessary by rubbing people the wrong way. Being a leader isn't about winning a popularity contest, but pissing off those you give orders to still can hurt your ability to lead.

>3) Your version of events was this.
I come out of nowhere and get the general slot
The power goes to my head, and I get all overbearing.
you decide to dislike me.

Yep. Thats how it happened. If one person tells you you have ##### on your breath, ignore it. If two people say it, you may want to think about it. If three people say it, you'll be wanting to go and buy yourself some breath mints.

>4) My version of events (again, I had over 100 logs to prove this...but they are all gone) And I believe these are closer to reality.
>I somewhat prove my intelligence to the leadership

But not to the soldiers. All we ever saw you do was die a lot and kiss Nerys ass.

>I get the general position.

See the last line, only now add "And give pointless and wasteful orders".

>I am treated like total and UTTER crap by a few people.
More than a few. Poor you. Nobody likes you, everybody hates you, guess you'll go eat worms. Boo-hoo. You pissed people off, of course they treated you like crap.

>I try to make peace with them.
Uhh I never saw that. Up till the day I con died you were still throwing out random orders and dying all over.

>I finally realize, that each of those treating me like crap are doing so because they believe that either the position SHOULD have gone to them, or that they are SOOO much better than me.

The position WAS mine. I was better than you. Plain and simple. I had the position taken away because I didn't write more notes. Apparently not approving every dickweed you talk to means you aren't doing interviews. Funny however, the two people I DID write notes about in the week or so I was General both got in.

>I finally decide to stop taking crap from the few that are giving it to me (at the prompting of a talk with Intronan, see the log), because I realize there is nothing I can do...short of giving them the general slot, that will "Earn their respect" anyway, so I stop trying.

No no no no no. This was your problem here. You didn't have the confidence of the village because you didn't earn it. You keep pointing to Thror and Intronan and Nery and saying "See! They like me so you have to too". Thats like telling me I ought to think my boss is a great guy just because upper management thinks so. The relationship from below, is vastly different from the relationship from above.

>There was also a feeling that I got from many villagers that I was not welcome in a leadership position because I wasn't one of the "Old-school"

No, you weren't welcome because you were a jackass who made them mad.

5122, well.
Posted by sehvoor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You keep saying "I kept giving orders that would have been suicide" or "I kept giving orders in non-combat situations".

Not true. Period. It is my firm belief that if you TRUELY think this, it is because you were, either consciously or not, actively looking at all of my words and actions to try to find fault, and twisting them so that they were the worst.

I gave 23 "Orders" in my...200 some hours as general(not counting orders to applicants to do things that would prove their worth).

Aside from 6 that were to ragers who had fucked up(forgotten the tablet or book), every single one of my orders was directly related to going and getting the items we were supposed to have. And almost all of those were prefaced by "cb How many <enter enemy cabal> can touch you all?". If it WAS suicide for someone to come, I told them they did not have to die for it, or even come.

I challenge you to produce ANY logs of my orders in non-combat situations that you claim were the whole of my rp. Oh sure, you might have one that I don't remember, from a bad day, but I doubt it. As for not respecting me for dieing alot, well, thats just silly, in more than one way.

These are my last words that I will waist trying to convince people who have disliked me from day one that their dislike is more founded in themselves than in any action that I did, or didn't do. Its bad mojo to give the kind of negativity that you drip in every post validity by responding.
5123, RE: well.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not true. Period. It is my firm belief that if you TRUELY think this, it is because you were, either consciously or not, actively looking at all of my words and actions to try to find fault, and twisting them so that they were the worst.
Aside from 6 that were to ragers who had fucked up(forgotten the tablet or book), every single one of my orders was directly related to going and getting the items we were supposed to have. And almost all of those were prefaced by "cb How many <enter enemy cabal> can touch you all?". If it WAS suicide for someone to come, I told them they did not have to die for it, or even come.

The very first time I saw you after you got General, you ordered me to write a note that was YOUR responsibility to write, updating the village on the progress of looking into the affliction. I'm not twisting a damn thing. I couldn't have given a damn who else was General, but when you start telling ME to do things that are YOUR responsibility to handle, damn right you're going to get on my bad side. Who do you think you are that people should secretly harbor a grudge? I hate to break it to you but you just WEREN'T that important.

I challenge you to produce ANY logs of my orders in non-combat situations that you claim were the whole of my rp. Oh sure, you might have one that I don't remember, from a bad day, but I doubt it. As for not respecting me for dieing alot, well, thats just silly, in more than one way.

But you know EXACTLY how many orders you gave, how could you have forgotten one of the infamous 23?

I challenge you to produce ANY logs of my orders in non-combat situations that you claim were the whole of my rp. Oh sure, you might have one that I don't remember, from a bad day, but I doubt it. As for not respecting me for dieing alot, well, thats just silly, in more than one way.

It's not silly. You made some HORRID tactical choices for a military leader. Absolutely abyssmal. For someone who is supposed to have a sound grasp of tactics to die as frequently as you were, it's just not looking too good.

These are my last words that I will waist trying to convince people who have disliked me from day one that their dislike is more founded in themselves than in any action that I did, or didn't do. Its bad mojo to give the kind of negativity that you drip in every post validity by responding.

All I can see here is you plugging your fingers in your ears and chanting "Lalalala I can't hear you because you say things I don't like because you hate me because I'm better than you lalalalala". Christ you have some issues. People have presented you with reasons why you were disliked. You counter with "No no thats not it, you hate me because I'm beautiful" type statements. So more people present you with reasons, right down to specific instances. You again respond with "You're just jealous". This is the exact sort of thing that caused people not to like you to begin with. You simply refuse to allow for the possibility that your little view of the world MIGHT be a bit off kilter from how other people see it. You don't allow for the possibility that maybe the kittle kid who is pointing at you and yelling "The Wanna-Be Emperor aint got no clothes on" could be right. To be blunt, your battleship mouth is way way bigger than your rowboat ass. You just weren't good enough to have this high an opinion of yourself.

5124, Um
Posted by Hello? on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It's not silly. You made some HORRID tactical choices for a
>military leader. Absolutely abyssmal. For someone who is
>supposed to have a sound grasp of tactics to die as
>frequently as you were, it's just not looking too good.

Dude. You condied your character before you even hit hero. In under 200 hours. And you played a fire giant. That's a lot of con to lose.

I think the only sound tactical advice you'd recognize is:

BATTLE Sehvoor: Grolg - here's what you do. Spam pincer, repeatedly, until you see the words "you have been KILLED!" again. Just keep doing that, over and over.

BATTLE Grolgthus: Aye, aye, General! Now that's the sound advice I was looking for!

Have a sense of humour about yourself and stop taking things so seriously.
5118, One thing I forgot to mention
Posted by Sehv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One thing that really got my panties in a bunch was when people of a certain cabal would, knowing they were being stalked for sitting in their cabal for 20 mins, log off and log back on 3 mins later for the sole purpose of losing the stalks.

This happened 5 times to myself, and I am pretty sure I remember Penz and Varrik and Manarei all mentioning noticing the same behavior from these individuals.

Bad form. How hard is it to 'c word' or 'c tele' to lose stalks?...no...that was too hard for many in a certain cabal, and they decided it was just easier to log off for a few minutes.

By the time I got fed up with it, after hearing the other assassins notice the same thing, and reported it to the Cabal immortal in game...my play time was falling off, and manarei and varrik and penz left...so I am sure none of you (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) got caught.

Once again. Bad form.
5120, RE: One thing I forgot to mention
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Using logoff/on for an IC benefit like that is a rules violation. You don't need to wait to find a cabal immortal IC. Send up a pray, an Immortal will check it out, and if it looks to be the case, fire and brimstone will ensue upon the offender, and they will prefer they had been assassinated instead.
5119, RE: One thing I forgot to mention
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was changed awhile ago, so that it no longer works.