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Top Long-Term Projects
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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by author's username
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Edge: Fake Opening [ View all ]ScrimbulSat 03-Jan-09 06:21 PM721
Reply Long term for Team Edge (n/t), Zulghinlour, 03-Jan-09 06:21 PM, #1
Topic Good race-specific eq (minos, arials, fela) for lowbies [ View all ]SertiusSun 27-Dec-09 12:31 PM556
Reply More of a long-term project, Zulghinlour, 27-Dec-09 12:31 PM, #1
Topic Revisit healing rates in Area Explore [ View all ]ShadowmasterSun 02-Dec-07 01:30 PM300
Reply RE: First request., Zulghinlour, 02-Dec-07 01:30 PM, #1
Topic Orc Shaman [ View all ]SkessanSat 11-Dec-10 01:03 AM483
Reply Long-Term, Zulghinlour, 11-Dec-10 01:03 AM, #1
Topic Herald Requests [ View all ]SplntrdSun 15-May-11 05:22 PM639
Reply I could see, Zhee, 15-May-11 05:22 PM, #2
Reply Tossed up for Immortal discussion (n/t), Zulghinlour, 18-Dec-08 12:15 PM, #1
Topic Treasure!!! [ View all ]SplntrdTue 28-Dec-10 01:15 PM727
Reply Moving to long-term, Zulghinlour, 28-Dec-10 01:15 PM, #1
Topic Kinda random...make tsunami useful? [ View all ]StraklawSat 03-Jan-09 06:56 PM648
Reply Will move to long-term with other invoker ideas, Zulghinlour, 03-Jan-09 06:56 PM, #1
Topic Entwine [ View all ]StunnaSat 11-Dec-10 04:00 PM513
Reply Long-Term, Zulghinlour, 11-Dec-10 04:00 PM, #1
Topic Bonuses for keeping a WANTED flag [ View all ]StunnaSat 24-Nov-07 07:28 PM465
Reply While I'm not against something like this..., Zulghinlour, 14-Nov-07 09:01 PM, #1
     Reply Yea cool!, Stunna, 15-Nov-07 02:01 PM, #2
Topic Improve Vandalize [ View all ]Terwin05Mon 21-Jan-08 04:58 AM659
Reply RE: Vandalize already works in many of those places. tx..., Drokk, 21-Jan-08 04:58 AM, #2
Reply RE: Improve Vandalize, Zulghinlour, 20-Jan-08 07:39 PM, #1
HOT Topic Improvements to the Cabal Wars [ View all ]Terwin05Fri 30-Nov-07 04:57 PM636
Reply Eh, I just thought about proposing this idea recently :..., Dervish, 15-Nov-07 11:09 AM, #4
Reply Tweaking the Cabalwars, Zulghinlour, 14-Nov-07 09:31 PM, #1
     Reply How about broad changes rather than cabal-specific bene..., Boon, 14-Nov-07 11:12 PM, #2
     Reply RE: Tweaking the Cabalwars, Abernyte, 15-Nov-07 11:09 AM, #3
     Reply RE: Tweaking the Cabalwars, Dervish, 15-Nov-07 11:09 AM, #5
     Reply Oh god I've wanted this for ages, Runaktla, 29-Nov-07 11:15 AM, #6
          Reply While this would be cool for most Cabals, what about ....., Dragomir, 29-Nov-07 03:33 PM, #7
               Reply RE: While this would be cool for most Cabals, what abou..., Runaktla, 30-Nov-07 10:57 AM, #8
               Reply Cool Ideas., Dragomir, 30-Nov-07 04:57 PM, #11
               Reply RE: While this would be cool for most Cabals, what abou..., Dervish, 30-Nov-07 10:57 AM, #9
                    Reply RE: While this would be cool for most Cabals, what abou..., Dragomir, 30-Nov-07 12:44 PM, #10
Topic Retreat edges [ View all ]The HereticSat 03-Jan-09 06:21 PM593
Reply Long term for Team Edge (n/t), Zulghinlour, 03-Jan-09 06:21 PM, #1
Topic Improvement to Mariner Rangers [ View all ]TrevantSun 15-May-11 05:22 PM689
Reply RE: Improvement to Mariner Rangers, Zulghinlour, 23-Dec-07 02:07 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Improvement to Mariner Rangers, WildGirl, 23-Dec-07 03:29 PM, #2
     Reply RE: Improvement to Mariner Rangers, Eskelian, 15-May-11 05:22 PM, #5
     Reply RE: Improvement to Mariner Rangers, Trevant, 23-Dec-07 04:09 PM, #3
          Reply RE: Improvement to Mariner Rangers, ForsoothAnon, 25-Dec-07 02:50 PM, #4
Topic Bonuses for keeping a WANTED flag [ View all ]WildGirlSat 24-Nov-07 07:28 PM261
Reply Added to the long-term list..., Zulghinlour, 24-Nov-07 06:21 PM, #1
Topic Flaw additions [ View all ]WildGirlSun 06-Jan-08 04:30 PM470
Reply Posted this awhile back for Team Edge/Flaw (n/t), Zulghinlour, 06-Jan-08 04:30 PM, #1
Topic Improvements to Bedouin rangers [ View all ]WildGirlTue 27-Nov-07 09:35 PM305
Reply Added to the long-term list..., Zulghinlour, 27-Nov-07 09:35 PM, #1
Topic Improvements for the New CF player [ View all ]WildGirlSun 23-Dec-07 02:05 PM321
Reply Gearing for new players, Zulghinlour, 23-Dec-07 02:05 PM, #1
Topic Edge additions: GeneralWildGirlSun 23-Dec-07 02:02 PM182
Topic Improvements to Hunter Rangers [ View all ]ZulghinlourWed 14-Dec-11 11:05 AM649
Reply Observe, Wayward Knight, 14-Dec-11 11:05 AM, #12
Reply Parting Shot(s)?, Tac, 08-Dec-11 03:01 PM, #11
Reply Explorer tracking, Tsunami, 08-Dec-11 03:01 PM, #9
Reply From Eskelian, Malakhi, 08-Dec-11 10:58 AM, #7
Reply From Wayward Knight, Zulghinlour, 04-Dec-11 03:04 PM, #6
Reply RE: From Wayward Knight, Wayward Knight, 08-Dec-11 10:58 AM, #8
     Reply Barrage., Dallevian, 08-Dec-11 03:01 PM, #10
Reply From Oldril, Zulghinlour, 04-Dec-11 03:03 PM, #5
Reply From Malakhi, Zulghinlour, 04-Dec-11 03:03 PM, #4
Reply From Alston, Zulghinlour, 04-Dec-11 03:02 PM, #3
Reply From Torak, Zulghinlour, 04-Dec-11 03:02 PM, #2
Reply From Abernyte, Zulghinlour, 04-Dec-11 03:00 PM, #1