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ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic (AUTO) [None] Brunheidda the Shapeshifter AdeptDeath_AngelFri 20-Nov-09 10:52 AM137
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Ulsanor the Lady of the Apocalypse [ View all ]Death_AngelFri 20-Nov-09 01:30 AM323
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Ulsanor the Lady of the Apocalyps..., Ythkin (Guest), 16-Nov-09 04:38 PM, #1
     Reply Cool concept, crappy ride., Ulsanor (Guest), 20-Nov-09 01:30 AM, #2
Topic (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Korachath Asr Mehaladin the Affirm... [ View all ]Death_AngelThu 19-Nov-09 12:28 PM287
Reply Hold the phone!, Baerinika, 18-Nov-09 04:42 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Hold the phone!, Korachath (Guest), 18-Nov-09 11:14 PM, #2
          Reply RE: Hold the phone!, Lorn (Guest), 19-Nov-09 11:01 AM, #3
               Reply RE: Hold the phone!, Rayihn, 19-Nov-09 12:28 PM, #4
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [TRIBUNAL] Lhiana the Planewalker, Magist... [ View all ]Death_AngelThu 19-Nov-09 03:03 AM324
Reply Another demon gone bad?, Asthiss, 19-Nov-09 03:03 AM, #1
HOT Topic (DELETED) [BATTLE] Qrikot Haup'Baog the Disciple of Anc... [ View all ]Death_AngelWed 18-Nov-09 08:06 PM750
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Qrikot Haup'Baog the Disciple of..., Malakhi (Guest), 16-Nov-09 12:07 PM, #10
Reply Nail on the head., Lhydia, 16-Nov-09 05:15 PM, #11
     Reply RE: Nail on the head., Daevryn, 16-Nov-09 05:27 PM, #12
          Reply RE: Nail on the head., Lhydia, 16-Nov-09 05:33 PM, #13
          Reply Harmonious, Susu (Guest), 16-Nov-09 06:15 PM, #14
               Reply RE: Harmonious, Daevryn, 16-Nov-09 06:18 PM, #15
                    Reply Yeah, but you can still get permalagged., Lhydia, 16-Nov-09 06:40 PM, #16
                    Reply When I had it on Tinfalan..., DevotedDefender (Guest), 18-Nov-09 12:12 PM, #18
                    Reply You have to consider this..., Arrna (Guest), 18-Nov-09 02:43 PM, #19
                         Reply RE: You have to consider this..., Daevryn, 18-Nov-09 03:16 PM, #20
                              Reply Bug?, Lhydia, 18-Nov-09 04:42 PM, #21
                                   Reply Nope!, Daevryn, 18-Nov-09 04:43 PM, #22
                                        Reply RE: Nope!, Lhydia, 18-Nov-09 05:33 PM, #23
                                             Reply ROFL. Subtle ;) NT, TMNS_lazy (Guest), 18-Nov-09 08:06 PM, #24
                    Reply RE: Harmonious, Susu (Guest), 16-Nov-09 06:55 PM, #17
Reply I know this is going to sound like a troll but ..., Adrigon, 16-Nov-09 09:56 AM, #9
Reply Finally got tired of dying to me, did ya? n/t, Stevers (Guest), 12-Nov-09 11:56 AM, #4
Reply Please stop posting and being an idiot. You are only tr..., Someone (Guest), 13-Nov-09 04:44 PM, #5
     Reply I thought he was just being facetious... n/t, Shyrauk (Guest), 13-Nov-09 06:19 PM, #6
     Reply Stevers was interesting to talk too., dwimmerling, 13-Nov-09 11:55 PM, #7
          Reply Not when he is just trolling and making stupid accusati..., Someone (Guest), 14-Nov-09 09:30 PM, #8
Reply Cricket Hop Bug!!!!, Amused (Guest), 09-Nov-09 10:43 PM, #3
Reply Can't say I didn't feel this coming, Fulgrum (Guest), 08-Nov-09 09:04 PM, #2
Reply ..., Derogker (Guest), 07-Nov-09 04:15 PM, #1
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [TRIBUNAL] Syrmel the Master of Transfere...Death_AngelWed 18-Nov-09 06:28 PM228
Topic (AUTO) [None] Leahraleya the Grand Mistress of ArtistryDeath_AngelWed 18-Nov-09 05:08 PM166
Topic (AUTO) [BATTLE] Garwalen the Navigator of the SeasDeath_AngelWed 18-Nov-09 12:28 PM132
Topic (AUTO) [EMPIRE] Sreit the Warrior of the Shield, Sheath...Death_AngelWed 18-Nov-09 07:24 AM121
Topic (DELETED) [None] Hlozik the Grand Elder of ChangelingsDeath_AngelWed 18-Nov-09 02:36 AM94
Topic (AUTO) [None] Renash the Ippon SeinageDeath_AngelTue 17-Nov-09 11:40 PM146
Topic (DELETED) [None] Xumples the Master of SizeDeath_AngelTue 17-Nov-09 09:20 PM151
Topic (AUTO) [None] Gibbsy the Master of the MindDeath_AngelTue 17-Nov-09 09:16 PM124
Topic (DELETED) [None] Drlmarir the Caller of the PackDeath_AngelTue 17-Nov-09 06:44 PM104
Topic (AUTO) [None] Warblis the Lord of the UnderworldDeath_AngelTue 17-Nov-09 04:28 PM137
Topic (AUTO) [None] Fiddengudge the Grand Master of Changelin...Death_AngelTue 17-Nov-09 01:32 PM152
HOT Topic (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed Cur ... [ View all ]Death_AngelTue 17-Nov-09 12:29 PM1074
Reply Does anyone else find this insane?, tngni (Guest), 14-Nov-09 06:38 PM, #43
Reply A suggestion, Valkenar, 14-Nov-09 07:05 PM, #45
Reply Cute., tngni (Guest), 14-Nov-09 10:28 PM, #53
Reply RE: Does anyone else find this insane?, Isildur, 14-Nov-09 07:06 PM, #46
Reply Just an FYI, Lornis (Guest), 14-Nov-09 08:32 PM, #48
     Reply I take it back, I did get 1k for a talk with merg and i..., Lornis (Guest), 14-Nov-09 08:52 PM, #50
Reply Are you kidding?!?, AcalledBeast (Guest), 14-Nov-09 07:09 PM, #47
Reply I agree. Longevity and consistancy with rp needs to be ..., CraftedD (Guest), 14-Nov-09 10:06 PM, #51
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Glurgick (Guest), 13-Nov-09 08:42 PM, #39
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Isildur, 13-Nov-09 08:53 PM, #40
     Reply It was just north of the seantryn gates...., Arrna (Guest), 14-Nov-09 02:30 PM, #42
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Biklaha (Guest), 13-Nov-09 01:46 PM, #38
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Isildur, 12-Nov-09 08:53 AM, #2
Reply Doh, fezzle freck (Guest), 12-Nov-09 09:03 AM, #4
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Carn (Guest), 12-Nov-09 09:08 AM, #5
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Iunna, 12-Nov-09 09:16 AM, #6
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Isildur, 12-Nov-09 09:33 AM, #7
     Reply Unfortunately, Rayihn, 12-Nov-09 10:44 AM, #11
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Tangni (Guest), 12-Nov-09 09:47 AM, #8
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Yaniyule (Guest), 12-Nov-09 09:48 AM, #9
Reply Hah, never guessed it., Quird (Guest), 12-Nov-09 11:48 AM, #12
Reply RE: Looting, Splntrd, 12-Nov-09 12:17 PM, #13
Reply RE: Looting, Isildur, 12-Nov-09 12:26 PM, #15
     Reply RE: Looting, Splntrd, 12-Nov-09 12:37 PM, #16
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Shaughath (Guest), 12-Nov-09 12:18 PM, #14
Reply Thanks for the Bracers! One thing..., Kaskin (Guest), 12-Nov-09 01:05 PM, #17
Reply RE: Thanks for the Bracers! One thing..., Isildur, 12-Nov-09 02:05 PM, #20
     Reply Human hatred doesn't help against, Kaskin (Guest), 12-Nov-09 03:44 PM, #23
          Reply RE: Human hatred doesn't help against, Daevryn, 12-Nov-09 04:15 PM, #24
               Reply The helpfiles don't seem to jive with that. n/t, Kaskin (Guest), 12-Nov-09 04:49 PM, #25
                    Reply Which helpfiles are you reading? :P (n/t), Daevryn, 12-Nov-09 07:11 PM, #26
                         Reply RE: Which helpfiles are you reading? :P (n/t), Kaskin (Guest), 12-Nov-09 09:03 PM, #29
Reply I knew it was you., Ssirenia (Guest), 12-Nov-09 01:16 PM, #18
Reply RE: I knew it was you., Isildur, 12-Nov-09 02:12 PM, #21
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Derogker (Guest), 12-Nov-09 01:16 PM, #19
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Isildur, 12-Nov-09 02:14 PM, #22
Reply Awesome Character. Full of Isildur'y goodness., Dream Reaper (Guest), 12-Nov-09 07:38 PM, #27
Reply Great char, Kalisda (Guest), 12-Nov-09 07:59 PM, #28
Reply RE: Great char, Isildur, 12-Nov-09 09:47 PM, #30
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Mizze (Guest), 13-Nov-09 02:12 AM, #31
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Isildur, 13-Nov-09 08:53 AM, #34
Reply Oooh Sulye..., Arrna (Guest), 13-Nov-09 04:18 AM, #32
Reply RE: Oooh Sulye..., Isildur, 13-Nov-09 08:56 AM, #35
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Korachath (Guest), 13-Nov-09 08:41 AM, #33
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Isildur, 13-Nov-09 09:02 AM, #36
     Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Korachath (Guest), 13-Nov-09 10:08 AM, #37
Reply Damns, Quindelbin (Guest), 14-Nov-09 05:49 AM, #41
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Isildur, 14-Nov-09 06:53 PM, #44
Reply Good work, Dupmasione (Guest), 14-Nov-09 08:49 PM, #49
Reply Rofl your comment makes him seem like a toolbox nightre..., CraftedD (Guest), 14-Nov-09 10:07 PM, #52
Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Lorn (Guest), 16-Nov-09 07:51 PM, #54
     Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Isildur, 16-Nov-09 09:59 PM, #55
          Reply RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Sulye Ahaleen the Shadowed ..., Lorn (Guest), 17-Nov-09 12:29 PM, #56
Reply Your farewell echoes., Grobbak, 12-Nov-09 08:17 AM, #1
     Reply RE: Your farewell echoes., Isildur, 12-Nov-09 08:58 AM, #3
          Reply RE: Your farewell echoes., Grobbak, 12-Nov-09 10:07 AM, #10
Topic (AGE DEATH) [None] Beib al Huroq the Hand of the Unseen [ View all ]Death_AngelTue 17-Nov-09 11:41 AM592
Reply Goodbyes, Beib (Guest), 16-Nov-09 12:50 PM, #2
Reply RE: Goodbyes, Mizze (Guest), 16-Nov-09 11:38 PM, #3
Reply The one time I interacted with you was amusing., Sleepy2 (Guest), 17-Nov-09 01:48 AM, #4
Reply Age death.. finally., khalla (Guest), 17-Nov-09 11:41 AM, #5
Reply Ooh Beib..., Arrna (Guest), 16-Nov-09 09:15 AM, #1
HOT Topic (CON LOSS) [SCION] Maldaris Asharkand the Weaver of the... [ View all ]Death_AngelMon 16-Nov-09 09:57 PM795
Reply Goodbyes!, Maldaris (Guest), 10-Nov-09 04:08 PM, #4
Reply Scion Powers, Maldaris (Guest), 10-Nov-09 04:16 PM, #7
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Kalisda (Guest), 10-Nov-09 04:25 PM, #8
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Maldaris (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:21 AM, #31
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Isildur, 10-Nov-09 05:20 PM, #10
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Maldaris (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:16 AM, #28
Reply Not even a mention, man I suck., Tinsalaop (Guest), 10-Nov-09 06:45 PM, #11
Reply RE: Not even a mention, man I suck., Maldaris (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:18 AM, #29
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Ssirenia (Guest), 10-Nov-09 07:10 PM, #12
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Maldaris (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:19 AM, #30
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Bezzilan (Guest), 11-Nov-09 01:21 AM, #13
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Mizze (Guest), 11-Nov-09 02:51 AM, #14
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Maldaris (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:22 AM, #32
Reply Well, I am kinda satisfied I was the last who killed yo..., Bergelmir (Guest), 11-Nov-09 06:59 AM, #15
Reply No offense B, Tinsalaop (Guest), 11-Nov-09 11:36 AM, #16
     Reply I pretty well agree with this:, Daevryn, 11-Nov-09 12:25 PM, #17
     Reply Several points, Bergelmir (Guest), 11-Nov-09 04:51 PM, #21
          Reply Just to clear some things up, Tinsalaop (Guest), 11-Nov-09 06:21 PM, #22
          Reply RE: Several points, Carn (Guest), 11-Nov-09 06:55 PM, #23
          Reply I think a lot less of your character after this post., tngni (Guest), 11-Nov-09 07:28 PM, #24
          Reply And one more thing., tngni (Guest), 11-Nov-09 07:36 PM, #25
          Reply Ooh man... Why not stay away from these forums? I actua..., Jaina (Guest), 12-Nov-09 01:42 AM, #27
          Reply Lets greet new retard., Beront (Guest), 13-Nov-09 05:18 AM, #37
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Daevryn, 11-Nov-09 12:26 PM, #18
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Maldaris (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:28 AM, #34
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Invoker-n0bb (Guest), 11-Nov-09 01:05 PM, #19
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Maldaris (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:39 AM, #35
     Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Invoker-n0bb (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:52 AM, #36
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Mergulla, 11-Nov-09 03:01 PM, #20
Reply RE: Goodbyes!, Maldaris (Guest), 12-Nov-09 08:25 AM, #33
Reply From Fighting to Friend, Lornis (Guest), 11-Nov-09 10:35 PM, #26
Reply A good enemy, Dupmasione (Guest), 14-Nov-09 09:11 PM, #38
     Reply Wow thanks for the undeserved praise :), Maldaris (Guest), 16-Nov-09 09:57 PM, #39
Reply Another class act from you!, Arrna (Guest), 10-Nov-09 04:06 PM, #3
Reply RE: Another class act from you!, Maldaris (Guest), 10-Nov-09 04:13 PM, #6
     Reply Well, honestly I didn't, I just suspected it..., Arrna (Guest), 10-Nov-09 04:26 PM, #9
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [SCION] Maldaris Asharkand the Weaver of..., Derogker (Guest), 10-Nov-09 04:02 PM, #2
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [SCION] Maldaris Asharkand the Weaver of..., Maldaris (Guest), 10-Nov-09 04:10 PM, #5
Reply I at least enjoyed you. We hung out a lot more though p..., Happohlln (Guest), 10-Nov-09 03:53 PM, #1
Topic (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Gilrasn the Man-At-Arms [ View all ]Death_AngelMon 16-Nov-09 05:42 PM241
Reply Good fights., Cyvus (Guest), 16-Nov-09 05:42 PM, #2
Reply RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Gilrasn the Man-At-Arms, Blazzic (Guest), 16-Nov-09 05:09 PM, #1
Topic (AUTO) [None] Aruen the Master of WeaponsDeath_AngelMon 16-Nov-09 03:24 AM135
Topic (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Szythdred the Master of Defense,...Death_AngelSun 15-Nov-09 09:40 PM198
Topic (DELETED) [None] Talund the Promoter of Imperial Shrink... [ View all ]Death_AngelSun 15-Nov-09 06:58 PM429
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Talund the Promoter of Imperial Sh..., Traphe (Guest), 11-Nov-09 08:29 PM, #5
Reply You sucked., Anonymous112 (Guest), 10-Nov-09 03:17 PM, #2
Reply Thats it, Dervish, 10-Nov-09 12:19 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Thats it, Xanthrailles, 10-Nov-09 11:07 PM, #3
     Reply It is which makes it all Dup all the much more awesome...., TMNS_lazy (Guest), 11-Nov-09 09:34 PM, #6
     Reply RE: Thats it, Bezzilan (Guest), 11-Nov-09 01:17 AM, #4
     Reply Thanks for inducting a couple of my imperials, dwimmerling, 15-Nov-09 04:20 PM, #7
          Reply Thanks, Dervish, 15-Nov-09 06:58 PM, #8
Topic (AUTO) [None] Iarek the Evil Knight, Anathema to the Em...Death_AngelSun 15-Nov-09 09:16 AM162
Topic (AUTO) [None] Orainus the Master of the AstralDeath_AngelSat 14-Nov-09 11:44 PM186
Topic (CON LOSS) [None] Alanzaro the Patron Saint of Foolishn...Death_AngelSat 14-Nov-09 12:44 PM221
Topic (DELETED) [NEXUS] Jhunok GrayHorn the Legend of the Bat...Death_AngelSat 14-Nov-09 09:16 AM131
Topic (AUTO) [None] Ibhek the Koshi Garuma, Anathema to the E...Death_AngelSat 14-Nov-09 08:08 AM147
Topic (AUTO) [None] Kckojagri the SpelunkerDeath_AngelSat 14-Nov-09 01:32 AM139
Topic (AUTO) [NEXUS] Trimlo the Master of the NightDeath_AngelFri 13-Nov-09 10:36 PM212
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