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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic Regeneration question.Nydfeldt (Anonymous)Tue 27-Oct-15 06:40 AM489
HOT Topic Komodo Dragon discussion [ View all ]Shapeshifter (Anonymous)Tue 27-Oct-15 02:40 AM1113
Topic Early Santa Umi: RtB/StWBemusedMon 26-Oct-15 10:55 PM402
Topic Devious VersatilityMcThiefy (Anonymous)Mon 26-Oct-15 06:02 PM210
Topic Fortitude of the fleshMurphyMon 26-Oct-15 12:45 PM179
Topic Why would an IP get banned without any explination?HazleMon 26-Oct-15 12:45 PM224
Topic A bug or by design? Mostly to SacerGoblin (Anonymous)Sun 25-Oct-15 04:36 PM337
HOT Topic So what do you think happened? [ View all ]badboySun 25-Oct-15 06:53 AM486
Topic The predictions were true!Weather Man (Anonymous)Sun 25-Oct-15 01:53 AM157
Topic mv cost and flytoFirefly (Anonymous)Fri 23-Oct-15 05:50 AM176
HOT Topic Sick and tired of playing against mud clients [ View all ]laxmanFri 23-Oct-15 04:52 AM471
Topic Fly shifters escapeKstatidaThu 22-Oct-15 03:56 PM294
Topic So we see shapeshifters getting quest-caliber love.QuixoticThu 22-Oct-15 03:48 PM295
Topic Shapeshifter partial shiftsVorek (Anonymous)Wed 21-Oct-15 10:35 AM254
HOT Topic Partial Shift Scrolls [ View all ]TripHitNdip (Anonymous)Wed 21-Oct-15 07:10 AM478
HOT Topic Greenways: Ease of Empowerment. [ View all ]RaltevioTue 20-Oct-15 04:33 AM547
Topic Learning bonuses.DallevianMon 19-Oct-15 12:27 PM243
Topic Painless FlawArtificialMon 19-Oct-15 12:10 AM190
Topic Orc only weapons in GSV.Grinning Skull Goblin (Anonymous)Sun 18-Oct-15 07:12 PM131
Topic Aim/precise AimTJHuronFri 16-Oct-15 04:53 PM267
Topic DreamsInvoker (Anonymous)Fri 16-Oct-15 05:40 AM285
Topic How ominous were Twist's gechos?DallevianThu 15-Oct-15 08:38 AM317
Topic Skills practice/learning and rankingTacTue 13-Oct-15 07:39 PM305
Topic GOBLINSJhyrbianMon 12-Oct-15 03:34 PM336
Topic Does INT affect beastmaster spells landing?el padron (Anonymous)Mon 12-Oct-15 03:17 PM311
Topic Two Obs/Exp QuestionsVonzamirSun 11-Oct-15 10:20 PM333
Topic High intelligence skill learning cap by hours.DallevianSun 11-Oct-15 02:49 AM261
Topic Shoppies gold regain rateKstatidaSat 10-Oct-15 08:20 AM315
Topic "Endure also helps in protection"?CalionFri 09-Oct-15 06:37 PM462
Topic Entangle request.Mariners (Anonymous)Fri 09-Oct-15 06:37 PM293