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Topics in this discussion: Sorted by last modified date
ID Discussion topic Author Last updated date Views
Topic To Whiysdan, Strienat, VerathijalbrinThu 05-Mar-15 12:52 PM249
Topic Learning Rates [ View all ]Spell_Caster (Anonymous)Wed 04-Mar-15 08:10 PM266
Reply RE: Learning Rates, Spell_Caster (Anonymous), 04-Mar-15 08:10 PM, #1
Topic Typo CommandTsunamiWed 04-Mar-15 06:02 PM163
Topic Berserk - Recuperation [ View all ]Von (Anonymous)Tue 03-Mar-15 11:40 AM279
Reply Heck, no..., Calion, 03-Mar-15 11:40 AM, #1
HOT Topic A Newer Player's View on CF [ View all ]Paek (Anonymous)Tue 03-Mar-15 01:27 AM972
Reply regarding cabals, Scarabaeus, 29-Jan-15 07:43 PM, #31
Reply This is a great idea., TMNS, 29-Jan-15 07:56 PM, #32
Reply Really, how would it differ from Herald now?, lasentia, 30-Jan-15 12:35 PM, #40
     Reply I agree, Hutto, 30-Jan-15 04:59 PM, #41
     Reply Herald / Militia, Scarabaeus, 31-Jan-15 02:42 PM, #43
          Reply perhaps a sub-category of Herald then?, Falstaff, 04-Feb-15 07:15 AM, #45
          Reply The Herald Link, Amaranthe, 03-Mar-15 01:27 AM, #49
          Reply Just my thoughts on herald, lasentia, 04-Feb-15 02:47 PM, #46
               Reply RE: Just my thoughts on herald, Corlx (Anonymous), 04-Feb-15 05:20 PM, #47
               Reply My evil herald app got completely ignored, Murphy, 04-Feb-15 07:36 PM, #48
Reply Idea thief, Tsunami, 29-Jan-15 08:42 PM, #33
Reply I like it., k-b, 29-Jan-15 09:12 PM, #34
Reply A simple power idea., Perpetual_Noob, 29-Jan-15 09:22 PM, #35
Reply Great idea. n/t, wareagle, 29-Jan-15 10:53 PM, #36
Reply RE: regarding cabals, Paek (Anonymous), 30-Jan-15 12:02 AM, #37
Reply yes, because this game is most enjoyed, Dallevian, 30-Jan-15 10:14 AM, #38
Reply RE: regarding cabals, Giacomo, 30-Jan-15 10:50 AM, #39
Reply I think it's a great idea!, Amberion, 30-Jan-15 06:18 PM, #42
Reply Town Militias?, Kalageadon, 31-Jan-15 06:33 PM, #44
Reply Totally agree with a newbie cabal. My ideas for one, Anti-Hero, 27-Jan-15 10:19 PM, #14
Reply Am I a newb because I don't use brief? nt, Artificial, 27-Jan-15 11:55 PM, #16
Reply No you're weird as hell. Most vets only turn it on to e..., Anti-Hero, 28-Jan-15 03:07 AM, #17
     Reply How do you know?, Tsunami, 28-Jan-15 08:27 AM, #18
     Reply I never use brief, lasentia, 28-Jan-15 09:07 AM, #20
     Reply The only time I ever use brief is if I'm running back t..., Lhydia, 28-Jan-15 12:20 PM, #23
     Reply RE: How do you know?, Verathi, 28-Jan-15 09:53 AM, #21
          Reply RE: How do you know?, Anti-Hero, 28-Jan-15 04:17 PM, #24
               Reply My ol' favorite mudder joke:, Tsunami, 28-Jan-15 05:09 PM, #25
                    Reply i always say "it's like the matrix..." nt, Dallevian, 28-Jan-15 06:59 PM, #26
     Reply Yeah, there are people that don't use it that I wouldn'..., TJHuron, 28-Jan-15 10:48 AM, #22
          Reply does brief help you chase?, silat, 29-Jan-15 12:23 PM, #28
               Reply I think it might give you a slight edge because your sc..., TJHuron, 29-Jan-15 12:32 PM, #29
Reply RE: Brief, Umiron, 29-Jan-15 09:54 AM, #27
     Reply Huh...color me surprised., Sarien, 29-Jan-15 12:58 PM, #30
Reply RE: A Newer Player's View on CF, Paek (Anonymous), 27-Jan-15 07:30 PM, #11
Reply A few tips and comments., lasentia, 27-Jan-15 05:22 PM, #7
Reply RE: A few tips and comments., Paek (Anonymous), 27-Jan-15 07:26 PM, #9
     Reply Bard doesn't really compare to anything else, Artificial, 27-Jan-15 11:54 PM, #15
     Reply I'll try, but I stink with mages. , lasentia, 28-Jan-15 08:56 AM, #19
Reply Just a small add from the others, Torak, 27-Jan-15 05:06 PM, #6
Reply Hey Paek. Glad you are still playing., Mendos, 27-Jan-15 04:47 PM, #5
Reply RE: Hey Paek. Glad you are still playing., Paek (Anonymous), 27-Jan-15 07:28 PM, #10
Reply Hey, welcome to CF, Tsunami, 27-Jan-15 04:30 PM, #4
Reply Some stuff, KaguMaru, 27-Jan-15 04:24 PM, #3
Reply Things I take from this for us to work on, Artificial, 27-Jan-15 04:18 PM, #2
Reply RE: A Wiki, Umiron, 27-Jan-15 06:48 PM, #8
Reply Wouldn't mind helping out again, Torak, 27-Jan-15 08:18 PM, #12
Reply There is a ranking guide stickied, Zephon, 27-Jan-15 08:19 PM, #13
Reply Well, long post, so I'm only going to comment on one th..., TMNS, 27-Jan-15 03:50 PM, #1
Topic Thirteen Days of Celebration [ View all ]VerathiMon 02-Mar-15 07:04 PM423
Reply Did he drink too much again? :), TMNS, 02-Mar-15 07:04 PM, #1
HOT Topic Nerf centurions please? [ View all ]SertiusSun 01-Mar-15 04:30 PM626
Reply Since when did Centurions lag 1 round on flee?, Cent fighter (Anonymous), 28-Feb-15 10:04 PM, #22
Reply Not taking sides, but..., Saagkri, 28-Feb-15 09:59 PM, #21
Reply Addendum to respond to replies, Sertius, 28-Feb-15 06:15 PM, #14
Reply RE: Addendum to respond to replies, TheBluestThumb, 28-Feb-15 07:23 PM, #15
Reply Both the Tree/Empire are nightmares to retrieve from. ..., TMNS, 28-Feb-15 07:30 PM, #17
Reply Make excuses then, incognito, 01-Mar-15 03:00 AM, #24
Reply Doing that would cause a chain reaction,, Aereglen, 28-Feb-15 12:03 PM, #7
Reply One thing: You're crazy re: Altruism., TMNS, 28-Feb-15 12:10 PM, #8
     Reply Or both. n/t, Lhydia, 28-Feb-15 12:14 PM, #9
     Reply This is why I love you :) NT, TMNS, 28-Feb-15 09:18 PM, #18
     Reply Altruism can shut down retrievals completely, KaguMaru, 28-Feb-15 03:11 PM, #10
     Reply what game have you been playing?, Dallevian, 28-Feb-15 05:15 PM, #11
          Reply It can shut down a group of three at level 40, KaguMaru, 28-Feb-15 09:28 PM, #19
               Reply Eh..., TheBluestThumb, 28-Feb-15 09:58 PM, #20
                    Reply Truth. NT, TMNS, 28-Feb-15 10:15 PM, #23
                    Reply That doesn't mean it is difficult.., Aereglen, 01-Mar-15 10:17 AM, #26
                    Reply RE: That doesn't mean it is difficult.., Daevryn, 01-Mar-15 10:24 AM, #
                    Reply You're almost right. Not everyone died because of it., Aereglen, 01-Mar-15 10:44 AM, #28
                         Reply RE: You're almost right. Not everyone died because of ..., TheBluestThumb, 01-Mar-15 10:46 AM, #29
                              Reply RE: You're almost right. Not everyone died because of ..., Daevryn, 01-Mar-15 11:04 AM, #32
                              Reply It all depends on the type of damage being done., TMNS, 01-Mar-15 11:05 AM, #33
                    Reply My last two characters (200+ hrs) have been Fort. NT, TMNS, 01-Mar-15 10:48 AM, #31
                    Reply Areglen and andira were worse than cents, incognito, 01-Mar-15 03:02 PM, #34
                         Reply Azhelak...not Areglen. NT, TMNS, 01-Mar-15 04:30 PM, #35
     Reply I have defended against some crazy odds with an archon ..., Aereglen, 01-Mar-15 10:24 AM, #27
          Reply You know I love you, but here's the disconnect..., TMNS, 01-Mar-15 10:47 AM, #30
Reply How about: Leave them as is - but remove.., Sarien, 28-Feb-15 08:32 AM, #6
Reply Also take chameleon away from outlanders around the tre..., Vonzamir, 28-Feb-15 07:29 AM, #5
Reply My solution, incognito, 28-Feb-15 12:47 AM, #3
Reply How about just take away their haste?, TMNS, 28-Feb-15 05:43 AM, #4
     Reply Scarab and empire are not complementary, incognito, 28-Feb-15 05:17 PM, #12
          Reply RE: Scarab and empire are not complementary, TheBluestThumb, 28-Feb-15 05:39 PM, #13
          Reply You left out volley and sotd, incognito, 01-Mar-15 09:54 AM, #25
          Reply But they ain't SCION (aka Betrayers). , TMNS, 28-Feb-15 07:25 PM, #16
Reply RE: Nerf centurions please?, Bemused, 28-Feb-15 12:41 AM, #2
Reply Pay them. n/t, Homard, 28-Feb-15 12:39 AM, #1
Topic Is it bad RP for a goodie to use an evil shopkeep, and ... [ View all ]TMNSSat 28-Feb-15 11:54 PM346
Reply My take on evil shoppies, Murphy, 28-Feb-15 11:54 PM, #6
Reply I think it really depends on the specifics of the chara..., Elerosse, 28-Feb-15 11:25 PM, #5
Reply Imo yes, incognito, 12-Feb-15 01:15 AM, #3
Reply RE: Is it bad RP for a goodie to use an evil shopkeep, ..., Umiron, 11-Feb-15 07:48 PM, #1
     Reply I kinda agree. But was waiting for someone with juice ..., TMNS, 11-Feb-15 09:14 PM, #2
     Reply darsylon thief guildmaster, TrapperJohn (Anonymous), 28-Feb-15 10:20 PM, #4
Topic Warriors and shields [ View all ]SarienSat 28-Feb-15 10:15 PM349
Reply RE: Warriors and shields, Valguarnera, 24-Feb-15 11:16 AM, #1
     Reply General skills?, Tsunami, 24-Feb-15 11:47 AM, #2
          Reply I like take cover! nt, TrapperJohn (Anonymous), 28-Feb-15 10:15 PM, #3
Topic Mind control [ View all ]DIscongruntled (Anonymous)Sat 28-Feb-15 05:21 PM252
Reply Dwarves resist poison, incognito, 28-Feb-15 05:21 PM, #2
Reply Maybe your poison needs to be a higher level?, TMNS, 28-Feb-15 10:29 AM, #1
Topic Any chance we could get a good-aligned bard edge? [ View all ]TMNSSat 28-Feb-15 08:37 AM254
Reply RE: Any chance we could get a good-aligned bard edge?, Daevryn, 28-Feb-15 08:24 AM, #1
     Reply All future good-aligned bards thank you :) NT, TMNS, 28-Feb-15 08:37 AM, #2
Topic Something I've been unable to figure out... [ View all ]FalstaffFri 27-Feb-15 07:54 PM323
Reply Wizardan, Tsunami, 26-Feb-15 11:25 AM, #2
Reply Sampsonite! I was way off!, Bemused, 25-Feb-15 11:11 PM, #1
     Reply THANK YOU!!! NT, Falstaff, 27-Feb-15 07:54 PM, #3
Topic PBF addition? PK activity tracking [ View all ]CalionFri 27-Feb-15 08:53 AM265
Reply Perhaps time spent under PK adrenaline instead., Murphy, 27-Feb-15 08:53 AM, #2
Reply a slightly different idea, laxman, 26-Feb-15 04:44 PM, #1
HOT Topic Since it's topical, how long is too long to wait for in... [ View all ]TMNSThu 26-Feb-15 01:02 AM944
Reply On point 100%. This sort of system rewards......, krilcovkrieger, 25-Feb-15 07:22 PM, #59
Reply Are we playing the same game?, incognito, 26-Feb-15 01:02 AM, #60
Reply I gave it a few before replying, Leata (Anonymous), 22-Feb-15 11:08 PM, #45
Reply I wouldn't say pk prowess is more valued there, incognito, 23-Feb-15 03:46 AM, #48
Reply My thoughts., Kregan (Anonymous), 22-Feb-15 05:44 PM, #36
Reply I thought Kregan was a bard. I didn't even know engine..., Vonzamir, 22-Feb-15 06:01 PM, #37
     Reply RE: I thought Kregan was a bard. I didn't even know en..., Kregan (Anonymous), 22-Feb-15 06:14 PM, #38
     Reply Something else I thought of that made me laugh so I wil..., Vonzamir, 22-Feb-15 09:51 PM, #43
          Reply RE: Something else I thought of that made me laugh so I..., Kregan (Anonymous), 23-Feb-15 04:40 PM, #56
     Reply Also:, Valguarnera, 22-Feb-15 07:45 PM, #39
          Reply RE: Also:, TheBluestThumb, 22-Feb-15 07:56 PM, #40
               Reply a person who has since rage deleted too, right?, Dallevian, 22-Feb-15 08:14 PM, #41
               Reply RE: Also:, Valguarnera, 22-Feb-15 08:37 PM, #42
               Reply RE: Also:, Tac, 23-Feb-15 10:42 AM, #51
               Reply RE: Also:, Jaegendar, 22-Feb-15 09:53 PM, #44
Reply My view, Verathi, 20-Feb-15 09:44 AM, #14
Reply How is it fun to continuously jump through hoops for a ..., TMNS, 20-Feb-15 10:39 AM, #16
     Reply RE: How is it fun to continuously jump through hoops fo..., Verathi, 20-Feb-15 10:42 AM, #17
     Reply Yeah, 50 hrs is no investment., TMNS, 20-Feb-15 11:14 AM, #20
          Reply Re: Ranting, Valguarnera, 20-Feb-15 11:32 AM, #23
          Reply You just asked to be able to gang easier, Artificial, 20-Feb-15 01:48 PM, #28
               Reply I rarely do. 5 on 1's multiple times a login get prett..., TMNS, 20-Feb-15 02:36 PM, #29
                    Reply In my experience anti-gang doesn't fire on 2v1, Sarien, 23-Feb-15 01:48 PM, #53
                         Reply It's on Dio's right now., TMNS, 23-Feb-15 03:10 PM, #54
                              Reply Eesh - , Sarien, 23-Feb-15 03:42 PM, #55
                                   Reply RE: Eesh - , Daevryn, 23-Feb-15 09:06 PM, #57
                                        Reply RE: Eesh - , Sarien, 24-Feb-15 08:00 AM, #58
     Reply RE: How is it fun to continuously jump through hoops fo..., Umiron, 20-Feb-15 11:10 AM, #19
          Reply Re: Making it more difficult..., TMNS, 20-Feb-15 11:24 AM, #21
               Reply RE: Re: Making it more difficult..., Mendos, 20-Feb-15 11:51 AM, #22
               Reply RE: Re: Making it more difficult..., Umiron, 20-Feb-15 11:45 AM, #24
               Reply Well, in fairness to Stephen King..., TMNS, 20-Feb-15 12:07 PM, #26
               Reply Umi...edge idea?, TMNS, 22-Feb-15 11:43 PM, #46
Reply I'm going to weigh in on this., Homard, 20-Feb-15 08:54 AM, #12
Reply I don't know if things went down how he said but..., TJHuron, 20-Feb-15 10:32 AM, #15
     Reply RE: I don't know if things went down how he said but..., Homard, 20-Feb-15 11:09 AM, #18
          Reply There aren't too many things cooler than getting an imm..., TJHuron, 20-Feb-15 11:46 AM, #25
               Reply I've had it happen 4 times. But apparently I suck at C..., TMNS, 20-Feb-15 12:13 PM, #27
Reply A couple weeks?, Daevryn, 19-Feb-15 09:55 PM, #1
     Reply I get that, TheBluestThumb, 19-Feb-15 11:07 PM, #2
     Reply RE: I get that, Daevryn, 20-Feb-15 12:32 AM, #5
          Reply What's at play here then? I had put it down to Parry An..., Bemused, 20-Feb-15 02:00 AM, #7
               Reply speed flurry edge nt, Destuvius, 20-Feb-15 02:24 AM, #8
               Reply Ahh self inflicted. Thanks. (nt), Bemused, 20-Feb-15 02:57 AM, #9
               Reply Dude, I WISH I could get that edge, Magner (Anonymous), 20-Feb-15 09:31 AM, #13
     Reply I was going to respond to this, but it's not worth my e..., TMNS, 19-Feb-15 11:10 PM, #3
          Reply You younger generation folk are so NEEDY, Bemused, 20-Feb-15 12:26 AM, #4
               Reply I was a mid-range dark-elf battle app for 80+ hrs., TMNS, 20-Feb-15 01:49 AM, #6
                    Reply dude get off the crazy train, laxman, 20-Feb-15 08:00 AM, #10
                         Reply How do you know when Artenel rolled?, TMNS, 20-Feb-15 08:09 AM, #11
                              Reply Daevryn alludes to it up above.., Elerosse, 20-Feb-15 03:18 PM, #30
                                   Reply This timeline is correct, Valguarnera, 20-Feb-15 03:37 PM, #31
                                        Reply RE: This timeline is correct, N b M, 20-Feb-15 04:03 PM, #32
                                        Reply You know..., TheBluestThumb, 20-Feb-15 04:50 PM, #33
                                        Reply RE: You know..., Jaegendar, 20-Feb-15 05:00 PM, #34
                                             Reply +1 nt, Artificial, 23-Feb-15 08:52 AM, #50
                                        Reply Incorrect Timeline, Tsunami, 20-Feb-15 05:19 PM, #35
                                        Reply RE: This timeline is correct, Hutto, 23-Feb-15 01:31 AM, #47
                                             Reply RE: This timeline is correct, Destuvius, 23-Feb-15 06:07 AM, #49
                                                  Reply RE: This timeline is correct, Hutto, 23-Feb-15 10:51 AM, #52
Topic When are you going to start giving out -imm exp? [ View all ]krilcovkriegerWed 25-Feb-15 08:35 PM304
Reply A majority of IMMs like those conservative types., TMNS, 25-Feb-15 08:35 PM, #1
Topic Random Idea: Cabal Item Proximity [ View all ]laxmanTue 24-Feb-15 02:41 PM285
Reply Interesting, Zephon, 24-Feb-15 02:41 PM, #1
Topic Can something be done to make the 'mob vs. entire group... [ View all ]Conjurer (Anonymous)Mon 23-Feb-15 11:33 PM381
Reply I noticed this as twilbo, laxman, 23-Feb-15 01:40 PM, #5
Reply Or another case..., Torak, 22-Feb-15 01:55 PM, #1
     Reply To be fair..., k-b, 22-Feb-15 07:29 PM, #2
          Reply To also be fair.., Bemused, 22-Feb-15 09:05 PM, #3
          Reply Having just ran some hell stuff, Gaplemo, 22-Feb-15 09:57 PM, #4
          Reply There's a big difference between difficult and impossib..., Torak, 23-Feb-15 11:33 PM, #6
Topic Bard Edge - Frightful Fiend [ View all ]Polmier (Anonymous)Mon 23-Feb-15 09:36 AM257
Reply RE: Bard Edge - Frightful Fiend, Daevryn, 23-Feb-15 08:04 AM, #1
     Reply Thanks nt, Polmier (Anonymous), 23-Feb-15 09:36 AM, #2
Topic Pet summoningArtificialFri 20-Feb-15 10:27 AM158
Topic Galadon Update [ View all ]HeyHankFri 20-Feb-15 04:29 AM435
Reply RE: Galadon Update, Destuvius, 17-Feb-15 12:38 PM, #1
     Reply It's badass so far. Nicely done. n/t, Doof, 17-Feb-15 03:30 PM, #2
     Reply It needs prostitutes to get into that discussion., Vonzamir, 17-Feb-15 05:15 PM, #3
     Reply Clearly, you're not looking hard enough, Destuvius, 17-Feb-15 05:41 PM, #4
     Reply But Hamsah is the best!, KaguMaru, 20-Feb-15 04:29 AM, #5
Topic Absence, less time for a while, and reasoning. [ View all ]Drevzuhl (Anonymous)Thu 19-Feb-15 09:35 AM333
Reply Sad sad., Dallevian, 19-Feb-15 09:35 AM, #4
Reply Couldn't do it. Tried a login, but I deleted., Gaplemo, 19-Feb-15 05:40 AM, #3
Reply That's a massive downer, Forveng (Anonymous), 19-Feb-15 04:58 AM, #2
Reply RE: Absence, less time for a while, and reasoning., Kregan (Anonymous), 19-Feb-15 02:50 AM, #1
Topic Any IMMs worried about the bandwagon? [ View all ]TMNSThu 19-Feb-15 12:01 AM309
Reply Not particularly. (nt), Umiron, 18-Feb-15 09:33 PM, #1
     Reply is that answer to the last question? nt, Dallevian, 19-Feb-15 12:01 AM, #2
Topic Ranger pursuit skill, is it stat based or skill based? [ View all ]DallevianMon 16-Feb-15 09:27 PM302
Reply RE: Ranger pursuit skill, is it stat based or skill bas..., Umiron, 16-Feb-15 04:33 PM, #1
     Reply what about dex?, Dallevian, 16-Feb-15 05:14 PM, #2
          Reply RE: what about dex?, Umiron, 16-Feb-15 05:34 PM, #3
               Reply you da man, Dallevian, 16-Feb-15 09:04 PM, #4
                    Reply Maybe some day. (nt), Umiron, 16-Feb-15 09:27 PM, #5
Topic Reputation [ View all ]CuriousSquire (Anonymous)Mon 16-Feb-15 04:18 PM316
Reply RE: Reputation, Umiron, 16-Feb-15 10:43 AM, #1
     Reply RE: Reputation, CuriousSquire (Anonymous), 16-Feb-15 04:18 PM, #2
Topic Landslide and bloodthirst--Mechanics question [ View all ]Aspiring Beserker Polearm user (Anonymous)Mon 16-Feb-15 07:20 AM309
Reply Look up Woldrun logs. There are on the log forum., TMNS, 16-Feb-15 07:20 AM, #2
Reply Huh??, incognito, 16-Feb-15 04:39 AM, #1
Topic Vivimancer's Rejection Edge [ View all ]Transie (Anonymous)Sun 15-Feb-15 04:02 PM344
Reply RE: Vivimancer's Rejection Edge, Umiron, 15-Feb-15 08:30 AM, #1
     Reply Thank you Umi, Transie (Anonymous), 15-Feb-15 04:02 PM, #2
Topic Human and half bloods. [ View all ]xrusSat 14-Feb-15 01:13 PM454
Reply No?, xrus, 11-Feb-15 02:31 AM, #1
     Reply RE: No?, Daevryn, 11-Feb-15 07:59 AM, #2
          Reply Could I as why?, xrus, 12-Feb-15 05:02 AM, #3
          Reply Halfie APs need something., TMNS, 12-Feb-15 05:41 AM, #4
               Reply Having played one it seemed just like human for the mos..., KaguMaru, 14-Feb-15 01:13 PM, #5
HOT Topic Email about current characters [ View all ]TJHuronFri 13-Feb-15 06:16 PM538
Reply Personally..., Whiysdan, 12-Feb-15 01:24 PM, #12
Reply Seconded. nt, Akresius, 12-Feb-15 06:27 PM, #14
Reply Thirdled! nt, Ysaloerye, 13-Feb-15 03:33 PM, #23
Reply RE: Email about current characters, Valguarnera, 11-Feb-15 07:19 PM, #3
Reply RE: Email about current characters, Umiron, 11-Feb-15 07:10 PM, #2
Reply Agree with this, Daevryn, 11-Feb-15 07:22 PM, #4
Reply I feel terrible, in that mostly I use pray for bugs., TMNS, 11-Feb-15 07:25 PM, #5
Reply One problem with this, Torak, 11-Feb-15 11:18 PM, #6
     Reply You do know you can post anonymously?, TMNS, 11-Feb-15 11:25 PM, #7
     Reply If he posts anonymously, Tsunami, 12-Feb-15 12:12 AM, #8
     Reply Yeah let's post about demon path, Torak, 12-Feb-15 02:35 AM, #9
          Reply Yeah, because if you posted as Ptolo..., TMNS, 12-Feb-15 03:49 AM, #10
          Reply Basically, like this. NT, Mhaerdhess (Anonymous), 12-Feb-15 04:37 AM, #11
          Reply This is false, and..., Akresius, 12-Feb-15 06:33 PM, #15
     Reply RE: One problem with this, Verathi, 12-Feb-15 01:52 PM, #13
          Reply I hate to seem like I'm on the side of Torak, Tac, 12-Feb-15 10:25 PM, #16
               Reply RE: Bug forum, Valguarnera, 12-Feb-15 10:41 PM, #17
               Reply Question RE: Bug forum, Sarien, 13-Feb-15 10:01 AM, #19
                    Reply Question RE: Bug forum, Umiron, 13-Feb-15 10:24 AM, #20
                         Reply This was exactly what I was looking for., Sarien, 13-Feb-15 10:32 AM, #21
                              Reply second this, incognito, 13-Feb-15 10:58 AM, #22
               Reply RE: I hate to seem like I'm on the side of Torak, Verathi, 13-Feb-15 09:47 AM, #18
                    Reply I wasn't trying to advocate prays/emails, Tac, 13-Feb-15 06:16 PM, #24
Reply This is my thoughts and mine alone, Destuvius, 11-Feb-15 06:25 PM, #1
HOT Locked Topic Time to talk about shaman path balance [ View all ]TorakThu 12-Feb-15 04:11 PM785
Reply After reading all the posts..., Knac, 12-Feb-15 02:34 PM, #39
Reply Meh., Umiron, 12-Feb-15 08:24 AM, #29
Reply Why do even bother, Torak, 12-Feb-15 09:40 AM, #33
     Reply Did something happen with trappers pre-perfecting the s..., Eskelian, 12-Feb-15 10:39 AM, #34
          Reply RE: Did something happen with trappers pre-perfecting t..., Torak, 12-Feb-15 10:51 AM, #35
               Reply Ah bummer., Eskelian, 12-Feb-15 01:29 PM, #37
                    Reply I recently did a trapper, Destuvius, 12-Feb-15 01:31 PM, #38
                         Reply It could well be a knowledge gap., Eskelian, 12-Feb-15 03:07 PM, #40
                              Reply RE: It could well be a knowledge gap., Destuvius, 12-Feb-15 03:12 PM, #41
                              Reply Am I wrong in assuming you need to get > 90% to get the..., Eskelian, 12-Feb-15 03:17 PM, #42
                              Reply RE: It could well be a knowledge gap., Umiron, 12-Feb-15 03:19 PM, #43
Reply RE: Time to talk about shaman path balance, Akresius, 12-Feb-15 07:53 AM, #27
Reply I have a hard time taking your criticism seriously..., TMNS, 12-Feb-15 03:52 AM, #20
Reply 90%?, Torak, 12-Feb-15 04:48 AM, #24
Reply Anarchy, Breaker, Devil, Pain paths, Torak, 12-Feb-15 02:07 AM, #11
Reply Wrack can be brutal., TMNS, 12-Feb-15 04:03 AM, #22
Reply Re: Pain, Akresius, 12-Feb-15 09:21 AM, #30
Reply Divine anger path, Torak, 12-Feb-15 01:53 AM, #8
Reply Wrong, Knac, 12-Feb-15 02:01 AM, #10
Reply Gonna need to disagree, Torak, 12-Feb-15 02:09 AM, #12
Reply Disagree, Knac, 12-Feb-15 02:51 AM, #14
     Reply RE: Gonna need to disagree, Torak, 12-Feb-15 02:52 AM, #15
          Reply Oh, I see, Knac, 12-Feb-15 03:10 AM, #16
               Reply This was at lower levels, Torak, 12-Feb-15 03:39 AM, #18
                    Reply Yeah, because being near-immune to fire is worthless......, TMNS, 12-Feb-15 04:00 AM, #21
                         Reply RE: Yeah, because being near-immune to fire is worthles..., TheBluestThumb, 12-Feb-15 04:16 AM, #23
                         Reply Few things, Torak, 12-Feb-15 05:02 AM, #25
                              Reply Something was up..., TMNS, 12-Feb-15 05:40 AM, #26
                         Reply RE: Yeah, because being near-immune to fire is worthles..., Akresius, 12-Feb-15 09:19 AM, #32
Reply Agree, Akresius, 12-Feb-15 07:55 AM, #28
Reply This, Demos, 12-Feb-15 04:11 PM, #44
Reply Couple quick notes, Destuvius, 12-Feb-15 03:23 AM, #17
     Reply I'm not debating what paths work for what Imms, Torak, 12-Feb-15 03:38 AM, #19
Reply Vengeance path, Torak, 12-Feb-15 01:42 AM, #7
Reply Venom path, Torak, 12-Feb-15 01:25 AM, #5
Reply Revelation path, Torak, 12-Feb-15 01:08 AM, #3
Reply I'll start by saying I've not played a neo sham, incognito, 12-Feb-15 01:24 AM, #4
     Reply Yes..., Torak, 12-Feb-15 01:29 AM, #6
Reply Desolation path, Torak, 12-Feb-15 01:09 AM, #2
Reply Lava fountain, Perpetual_Noob, 12-Feb-15 01:55 AM, #9
Reply Hmm, Torak, 12-Feb-15 02:12 AM, #13
Reply RE: Desolation path, Akresius, 12-Feb-15 11:17 AM, #36
Reply Demon path, Torak, 12-Feb-15 12:40 AM, #1
     Reply RE: Demon path, Akresius, 12-Feb-15 09:18 AM, #31
HOT Topic Questions about recent changes [ View all ]KaguMaruThu 12-Feb-15 02:56 PM859
Reply RE: Midnight Dragon, Umiron, 09-Feb-15 10:06 PM, #16
Reply RE: Midnight Dragon, Jaegendar, 09-Feb-15 10:59 PM, #17
Reply Hahaha, Torak, 09-Feb-15 11:41 PM, #20
Reply Question. Are the weapon weight changes live?, Gaplemo, 10-Feb-15 12:22 PM, #25
Reply Thanks for asking this question..., Kraken71, 09-Feb-15 01:45 AM, #2
Reply RE: Questions about recent changes, Valguarnera, 08-Feb-15 08:24 PM, #1
     Reply Thank you for the clarification..., Tac, 09-Feb-15 10:17 AM, #3
     Reply If you don't want people to have gold...., Lhydia, 09-Feb-15 11:42 AM, #4
          Reply RE: If you don't want people to have gold...., Demos, 09-Feb-15 12:20 PM, #5
               Reply Yeah I'd assume this is about lowbies in full midnight ..., KaguMaru, 09-Feb-15 12:30 PM, #6
                    Reply Or just make it limited, lasentia, 09-Feb-15 05:42 PM, #9
                    Reply This is the case, Valguarnera, 09-Feb-15 07:47 PM, #10
                         Reply You are kinda being an ass, Tac, 09-Feb-15 08:55 PM, #11
                         Reply Kind of?, Tsunami, 09-Feb-15 08:59 PM, #12
                         Reply Well if it is about the armor that is understandable., Tesline, 09-Feb-15 09:52 PM, #13
                         Reply In what world is killing the red-gold dragon as easy as..., TMNS, 09-Feb-15 09:55 PM, #14
                         Reply Meh., TMNS, 09-Feb-15 10:01 PM, #15
                         Reply RE: This is the case, Hutto, 09-Feb-15 11:21 PM, #18
                         Reply ZOMG. THANK YOU., Eskelian, 12-Feb-15 01:57 PM, #28
                         Reply I dont think this fixes it. Reasons within., Gaplemo, 09-Feb-15 11:37 PM, #19
                         Reply RE: I dont think this fixes it. Reasons within., Destuvius, 10-Feb-15 12:26 AM, #21
                              Reply You misunderstood completely, Gaplemo, 10-Feb-15 12:44 AM, #22
                                   Reply That's good, Destuvius, 10-Feb-15 05:40 AM, #
                                   Reply That's good, Destuvius, 10-Feb-15 05:40 AM, #23
                                        Reply I hope man. I'm willing to wait it out and see., Gaplemo, 10-Feb-15 06:17 AM, #24
                         Reply RE: This is the case, Eskelian, 12-Feb-15 01:50 PM, #27
                              Reply Oh hey, also..., Eskelian, 12-Feb-15 02:56 PM, #29
                              Reply Oh hey, also..., Eskelian, 12-Feb-15 02:56 PM, #30
     Reply If the dragon is harder why less gold?, Gaplemo, 09-Feb-15 01:25 PM, #7
     Reply Gathering gold should be hard...., Vonzamir, 09-Feb-15 04:56 PM, #8
     Reply All this is good for thieves, thanks!, TrapperJohn (Anonymous), 10-Feb-15 03:54 PM, #26