Bribe mercenary - While great in its own right, I had the thought you could boost its value to any thief by making it able to bribe guildguards too. Sounded fun, I don't know.
Glowing traps - Why just the faerie fire? I can see immolation traps becoming very cool indeed. Hell, trappers need something because I think they're the most underpower of thieves at the moment.
Earclap - This looks crazy-awesome from the helpfile, you give up your weapons (parrying gone, damage lowered. Fists only!) and get a chance to deafen your opponent. Except, from what I can tell it works 1 in 30 times when it hits, and if they have even a low-level helmet it'll rarely hit. Needs tweaking? Maybe let make it a one-rounder instead of two, that alone might make it worth while as a hit-and-run trying thing. Perhaps a nice bonus if your victims asleep.
Just some ideas after I was toying with thieves a while back. Earclap especially looked odd. And I really like the Bribe mercenary idea. Any idea what thief paths I was taking?