>Today marks two months since there was a bug update and it >has me wondering just how involved Zulgh remains.
Active-ish. I'm around, people know how to get ahold of me if something blows up.
>Obviously he's fixed some things relating to the webpage, so >he hasn't totally forsaken us, but how much of a backseat has >he taken?
I've done nothing in the way of bugfixing, I'm not motivated enough to do so.
>Clearly it's a thankless task overseeing this whole mess and >everyone's entitled to a break, but I'm wondering what we >could do to entice him back into taking a greater role again, >assuming that I'm not just totally ignorant of his continued >presence in the game.
My feelings towards the game have improved by avoiding the forums (here and Dio's) for the most part. I've dabbled with a few side projects (the weekly bonus being one of them), but nothing major.
>Whatta you say, Z?
'nuff said. So long, and thanks for all the fish!