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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectHow involved is Zulgh these days?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=45947
45947, How involved is Zulgh these days?
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Today marks two months since there was a bug update and it has me wondering just how involved Zulgh remains.

Obviously he's fixed some things relating to the webpage, so he hasn't totally forsaken us, but how much of a backseat has he taken?

Clearly it's a thankless task overseeing this whole mess and everyone's entitled to a break, but I'm wondering what we could do to entice him back into taking a greater role again, assuming that I'm not just totally ignorant of his continued presence in the game.

Whatta you say, Z?
45996, RE: How involved is Zulgh these days?
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Today marks two months since there was a bug update and it
>has me wondering just how involved Zulgh remains.

Active-ish. I'm around, people know how to get ahold of me if something blows up.

>Obviously he's fixed some things relating to the webpage, so
>he hasn't totally forsaken us, but how much of a backseat has
>he taken?

I've done nothing in the way of bugfixing, I'm not motivated enough to do so.

>Clearly it's a thankless task overseeing this whole mess and
>everyone's entitled to a break, but I'm wondering what we
>could do to entice him back into taking a greater role again,
>assuming that I'm not just totally ignorant of his continued
>presence in the game.

My feelings towards the game have improved by avoiding the forums (here and Dio's) for the most part. I've dabbled with a few side projects (the weekly bonus being one of them), but nothing major.

>Whatta you say, Z?

'nuff said.