I'm not sure what you have tried yet, but I would suggest using notes. Given the difficulty in finding a scion leader or an Imm, a note may be the best way. Scheduling is difficult and if the two players play at completely opposite times you'll almost never see one another. I believe Mergulla still exists as a dormant Imm, could send her a note and maybe have a time arranged. Maybe another Imm would take note and interact with you in some ways via room echoes or mob animating.
Or send a note to the chancellor.
Guise your note in an RP manner and make it clear you'd like a chance to speak directly with them. RP in the note may help towards getting you into scion and not just a meeting with one. I am sure arranging a meeting with the appropriate person via notes would be preferrable to seeing character deletion due to frustrations of feeling you're ignored.
Not sure if this is helpful or if you have tried this already, but I'd say keep at it. Scion is a blast once you're in it.