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Forum Name Gameplay
Topic subjectWhose covering scion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=36975
36975, Whose covering scion
Posted by Applicant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey this I guess is mostly for the imms. I am currently a scion applicant, way way back in the early days of this Char the scion leader was active during my play time but its coming close to 3 weeks now since I have seen him online.

Because there are only 4 members of the chasm and none of them appear to share a playtime with me I have zero opportunity to interact in any meaningful way with anyone towards entering the cabal.

I have not seen a visible imm in scion in close to 2 years now.

As a character I am approaching the hundred hour mark and I don't even have the first clue about how to approach begining to enter the cabal right now, is there an imm that is handling this stuff I shoudl pray to directly or start sending emails/notes to? Should I just accept that I might have to wait several months for an opportunity to join? I appreciate all the work you guys do but I just feel lost at this point and I could use some direction.
36976, Tried notes to various parties?
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure what you have tried yet, but I would suggest using notes. Given the difficulty in finding a scion leader or an Imm, a note may be the best way. Scheduling is difficult and if the two players play at completely opposite times you'll almost never see one another.

I believe Mergulla still exists as a dormant Imm, could send her a note and maybe have a time arranged. Maybe another Imm would take note and interact with you in some ways via room echoes or mob animating.

Or send a note to the chancellor.

Guise your note in an RP manner and make it clear you'd like a chance to speak directly with them. RP in the note may help towards getting you into scion and not just a meeting with one. I am sure arranging a meeting with the appropriate person via notes would be preferrable to seeing character deletion due to frustrations of feeling you're ignored.

Not sure if this is helpful or if you have tried this already, but I'd say keep at it. Scion is a blast once you're in it.