#4225, "Quick Newbie Question"
How do you switch targets in combat? If I'm fighting one player and then wish to hit another, what is the command to change who you are fighting? Same for when you are fighting a mob and some player attacks you how do you change without fleeing.
I've tried murder and all it says is 'one battle at a time', tried aim,hit. I must be having a blonde moment as I can't figure it out and don't see it on the help files. I see other people do it all the time with the echo 'starts aiming at you'
Zephon | Thu 02-Jan-14 08:24 PM |
Member since 21st Mar 2007
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#4228, "RE: Quick Newbie Question"
In response to Reply #0
You can use hit to switch targets if they are fighting you.
Otherwise you have to enter combat with the other person. By fleeing, or using another command to start combat with them. For example: You could trip OtherGuy. Then hit otherguy. Or you could flee, murder otherguy.
They have to be already in combat with you for you to switch your target.
Terwin05 | Thu 02-Jan-14 03:08 PM |
Member since 22nd Dec 2005
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#4226, "RE: Quick Newbie Question"
In response to Reply #0
Hit or murder should do the trick here. If you're getting the "one battle at a time" message the target of your hit or murder command is not currently fighting you.