Thank you to everyone that participated in the role contest.
We had a good number of entries, 52 that could be judged, with
a lot of really oustanding roles. It was extremely difficult
to narrow down winners, with about a fifth of entrants easily
making it into the final cut. Copying Yean's style, I'm going
to paste some basic statistics below. But now what everyone
is waiting for, the Winners:
1st Droghnund Nozhunellson
2nd Ruhktanshi Il'Cha-Ashama'Ghara
3rd Cryptodiro
Hon. Mention Mogrin Dhaegren'houl
Hon. Mention Kasar Shikari
In the next few days I'll do what I can to get awards to all
the winners.
As I mentioned before, I will be providing stastics shortly.
I'm also happy to correspond with anyone who wants to discuss
their role or my thoughts on it, contact me at