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Topic subjectApril Role Contest
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=25&topic_id=1404
1404, April Role Contest
Posted by marcatis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you to everyone that participated in the role contest. 
We had a good number of entries, 52 that could be judged, with
a lot of really oustanding roles.  It was extremely difficult
to narrow down winners, with about a fifth of entrants easily
making it into the final cut.  Copying Yean's style, I'm going
to paste some basic statistics below.  But now what everyone
is waiting for, the Winners:

1st             Droghnund Nozhunellson
2nd             Ruhktanshi Il'Cha-Ashama'Ghara
3rd             Cryptodiro
Hon. Mention    Mogrin Dhaegren'houl
Hon. Mention    Kasar Shikari

In the next few days I'll do what I can to get awards to all
the winners.

As I mentioned before, I will be providing stastics shortly. 
I'm also happy to correspond with anyone who wants to discuss
their role or my thoughts on it, contact me at
1408, RE: April Role Contest
Posted by Random Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Impatient or overlooked? No rewards handed out so far, yeah?
1405, April Role Contest Statistics
Posted by marcatis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, Statistics.  We had 52 roles judged  of these:


Air          1
Anger        1
Beauty       1
Chaos        2
Combat       4
Concealment  1
Covetousness 1
Creation     1
Death        1
Deception    3
Dedication   5
Destruction  1
Earth        1
Envy         2
Greed        1
Healing      1
Judgment     4
Knowledge    3
Magic        3
Mercy        1
Poetry       1
Pride        2
Protection   1
Purity       1
Strength     5
Time/Fate    1
Vivimancy    1
War          1
Water        1


arial        2
cloud giant  1
dark-elf     4
duergar      3
dwarf        3
elf          6
felar        4
fire         1
fire giant   2
gnome        3
half-drow    2
half-elf     3
human        8
lich         1
minotaur     1
storm giant  1
svirfnebli   2
wood-elf     5


anti-paladin 4
assassin     3
bard         3
conjurer     1
druid        2
healer       3
invoker      1
necromancer  4
paladin      3
ranger       5
shaman       1
shapeshifter 5
thief        4
transmuter   2
warrior     11


battle       8
empire       4
fortress     8
nexus        3
none        22
outlander    2
scion        2
tribunal     3