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Abgaakij (Guest)Wed 07-Aug-02 06:15 AM

#8192, "RE: I don't know where to start here"


>the tiger sucks, it pounces very seldom and it's normal
>combat abilities are basically null.
>Tiberianus and Daemelin seemed to do well with this form.
>Considering every time it does pounce you have a good chance
>of getting a pk you otherwise wouldn't, I wouldn't knock it.

It has its uses yes, and I've fought them both as Modion. What I'm trying to say is that it isn't nearly as deadly in my hands than in their hands, to me it appeared that it has been downgraded, my logs demonstrate its combat abilities.

>the rattlesnake rocks for fighting mobs, in pk however it
>sucks as people tend to bonecrush/hamstring/whirl or
>whatever that'll mess up shifting - if your plan is to shift
>into it, run away and heal up, and shift back to offensive
>can't comment since having played a shifter since those
>NEXUS: *BORING* oh yes. the only thing you fight is ragers,
>whom of some reason are either 20 or 0 in your pkrange.
>usually. so what do you do when they all delete? nothing.
>nothing. THEY NEED ANOTHER ENEMY. i'm sure it can be worked
>into the pillars, one way or another. the sporadic enemies
>dictated by the wyrm are just that, sporadic. and since you
>don't play at the times he play he doesn't know how things
>look when you play.
>and the bond AHOEHOEA. oh my goodness. and there was some
>guy over at qhcf saying that it was THE BEST CABAL POWER.
>AEHOAEHOEAHOEAHO. someone needs to get his facts straight.
>I think it is one of the best cabal powers. Probably the
>best for ease of getting into the cabal (by which I exclude
>Maran/entropy etc).

The bond -idea- is great. it's just that it practically needs work.

>There are the drawbacks that so few people tend to think of.
>1. your partner is a newbie, for instance in the raid when
>you're at 7% hp and getting cranialed you finally manage to
>flee out and he immediately runs back into combat killing
>you instantly.
>In that case, why follow him? I seem to remember that you
>could change who follows who after bonding. Let him follow
>you and you don't follow him. The only reason I assume you
>follow him is to make things easier on the whole. It just

There are other times when you need to follow him. Perhaps later there can be a constructive discussion about the bond over at vahlens place.

>And he'll do a dozen other things that will screw you up,
>rest assured - he can think of many things you cannot.
>*chuckle* You can talk through the bond. Teach him.

There's no time for that, the village have already killed the sentinel (for instance). Add to that the fact that huraz always seem to full loot (except for that last time, thanks btw) doesn't give you alot of chances.

>2. you don't participate in other groups
>Nothing says you have to bond instead of group normally.

= don't have cabal powers and fight ragers. do you see now why the bond isn't the greatest cabal power?

>3. you DONT participate In OTHER GROUPS <--
>see above.
>4. bonding with assassins suck.
>a sneaking tiger who can't be permalagged to death because
>the assassin can vanish them both out of combat? A bondmate
>who can sneak close to your prey? Tiberianus and I seemed
>to do ok. I'd scout ground, he'd scout air. I can remember
>saving his life a couple of times with bind wounds as well.

it's marginal compared to bonding with warriors. but yet again I'd like to point out that an open discussion about the bond would be the best.

>5. compared to warriors, bonding with thieves suck.
>can't comment, but sneak still useful. Can thieve's help
>you hide?


>6. no warrior know they can retreat both you and themselves
>out of combat.
>umm, so tell them?
>6b. and if they do, they haven't practised it and are out of
>prac sessions.
>so tell a younger warrior before he heroes.

that doesn't save my behind right there right now. besides, it's written in those holy texts that any member of the cabal should read.

>7. splitting bonded people is easy, you occasionally have to
>flee out to redirect and so forth.
>but the bond lasts a short time after fleeing sometimes, and
>returns on the tick if I remember.
>8. bonding with arial warriors suck.
>yeah, hasted stoneskin arial sword specs are wimps.

they give little hp

>9. you fight ragers, your powers are a fragment of theirs.
>To equal their powers you need to spend 2 hours daily to
>find preps while they "call resist"
>to get haste, stoneskin, shield takes maybe ten minutes

Find them barrier. I spent -many- hours checking 6-7 locations for barrier.

>10. nexus warriors don't prep.
>if you are a shifter, they used to get haste, stoneskin and
>flight through the bond.

and if you're retriving things aren't so great.

>11. bonding with rangers rock. till you leave the forest to
>raid/retrive/defend. unfortunately, it's in those situations
>you -need- cabal power to help you.
>here's where I start to sympathise. The road to the village
>doesn't help matters.
>12. skilled people join battle, newbies join nexus.
>I disagree. Ye olde pendulum at work. Given you have made
>nexus out to be harder than battle because of the
>"handicaps", and yet people have still done well in it,
>suggests that they are skilled players.
>13. I suck at pk.
>Play a villager again to remind yourself of why nexan's are
>dangerous. Then do that stuff to them. You probably won't
>14. some dumb f- keeps saying not everything is explored
>MAybe it won't, but if a new combo turns out to be
>effective, and enemies don't know what it can do. Well, it
>doesn't really matter then if there are some unknown combos.
>15. and now they say priests will now actually do something
>with the bonds. I have an odd feeling that won't be receive
>high priority amongst the coders however.
>no comment
>so I had a barrier wand for a while, hell, I even had
>krivohans for a while and I went to fight shamus. did any of
>you read that
>I'm fully prepped, against him. I have to flee when he's
>like not hurt.
>That's because he's a staff spear spec and designed to fight
> later however we
>I know, my logs are like smooth jazz a late night, comming
>out of a window in a back alley of venice.
>I enjoy rambling.
>god damnit nexus is boring, and so are shifters.
>Well, I agree that shifters are a bit dull, but with the
>BOND you can talk with them, which makes them a lot less
>dull (since you can use tactics together).

true. but it's very little.

>the jazz is not fluid. the trumpet's gone.
>The nexus cabal has changed more than most in the time that
>it's been around, and its powers are of a different nature
>to the other cabals. I think quite a lot of effort and time
>goes into the cabal.

I think more goes into, for instance, warlocks.


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HOT Topic(DEL) Abgaakij the Grand Master of Changelings [View all] , Death_Angel, Sat 03-Aug-02 02:09 PM
Reply no more napkins for lisa nor john, Adrigon, 03-Aug-02 03:33 PM, #1
     Reply Well..., Nydeikon (Guest), 03-Aug-02 05:43 PM, #2
     Reply RE: Well..., adrigon! (Guest), 03-Aug-02 06:01 PM, #3
     Reply .., Dwoggurd (Guest), 03-Aug-02 06:02 PM, #4
     Reply RE: .., Vahlen, 03-Aug-02 06:03 PM, #5
     Reply Hope you find it amusing..., Vahlen, 03-Aug-02 07:02 PM, #11
     Reply RE: .. real Dwoggurd, Dwoggurd (Guest), 04-Aug-02 03:20 AM, #16
          Reply RE: .. real Dwoggurd, adrigon (Guest), 04-Aug-02 03:28 AM, #17
     Reply RE: no more napkins for lisa nor john, Dullameh, 03-Aug-02 06:06 PM, #6
     Reply RE: no more napkins for lisa nor john, Nilushka (Guest), 03-Aug-02 06:09 PM, #7
     Reply RE: no more napkins for lisa nor john, Dakizar (Guest), 03-Aug-02 06:11 PM, #8
     Reply RE: no more napkins for lisa nor john, (NOT Derexal), 03-Aug-02 06:12 PM, #9
     Reply Sorry to see you go ..., Shokai (Guest), 03-Aug-02 06:26 PM, #10
     Reply get your own name..., shokai, 06-Aug-02 10:36 AM, #19
          Reply Yea... Massive Attack is no Soul Coughing! n/t, Cathoir (Guest), 06-Aug-02 09:14 PM, #23
          Reply You know..., Random Thinker, 07-Aug-02 09:56 PM, #27
          Reply Actually I have listened to Soul Coughing., Abgaakij (Guest), 08-Aug-02 11:33 AM, #28
     Reply heh, well...., Cercanopuno (Guest), 03-Aug-02 11:52 PM, #12
     Reply RE: heh, well...., Abgaakij (Guest), 04-Aug-02 02:59 AM, #14
     Reply RE: no more napkins for lisa nor john, Zethyr (Guest), 04-Aug-02 02:14 AM, #13
     Reply RE: no more napkins for lisa nor john, adrigon! (Guest), 04-Aug-02 03:10 AM, #15
     Reply You're pathetic, Pico, 05-Aug-02 09:05 PM, #18
     Reply Well atleast he got some imm replies. nt., Circuits Edge (Anonymous), 06-Aug-02 08:17 PM, #22
     Reply Cheers Pico!, Zargu (Guest), 07-Aug-02 12:52 AM, #24
     Reply I don't know where to start here, Szchada (Guest), 06-Aug-02 10:45 AM, #20
     Reply RE: I don't know where to start here, Abgaakij (Guest), 07-Aug-02 06:15 AM #26
     Reply I don't even know where to begin either..., Kaz (Guest), 06-Aug-02 04:11 PM, #21
          Reply RE: I don't even know where to begin either..., Abgaakij (Guest), 07-Aug-02 05:59 AM, #25
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