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Sehvoor (Guest)Tue 12-Mar-02 09:27 PM

#5146, "Role"


/* I will only include here, the role additions that I actually put in. I had 4 others that were in the wings waiting to go in*/

role + The web of face chains and what it means:
role +
role + He is from a very old village. The village only exists because of it’s War
role + College. Local legend sais that the greatest generals in many armies of the
role + Empress of Seantryn have been graduates...but the veracity of that claim is
role + not known. What is fact, is that it is a place that the wealthy send their
role + children if they are going to be leading troops. Every other year, all of
role + the children of all races in the surrounding villages and towns who were
role + entering adulthood would enter a battle-royale type contest, the winner
role + gaining entrance to the College under the patronage of some Lord or Baron.
role + Sehvoor lied about his age and entered three years early....and won.
role +
role + He advanced quickly in his studies, as fast as any student in memory, and
role + graduated as the youngest to “earn the web” that anyone remembers. As far as
role + the military history instructors at the college can tell, the silenced
role + veil-web of chains that only those who graduate with honors from the War
role + College are allowed to wear is a relic of an ancient head-gear worn in times
role + forgotten by the most cunning of war-lords. Nowadays, while there are a few
role + graduates with Honors out in the world, the actual wearing of the face chains
role + has fallen into misuse over the past few centuries.
role +
role + Why he wears it, and why he will never tell another soul why:
role +
role + He wears his chains always to remind himself of his lessons and all that he
role + learned, so that he will never forget and by forgetting cause the deaths of
role + his comrades, But...he will never tell anyone what the chains mean apart from
role + a nebulous...”Warriors where I am from sometimes earn them.”
role + His reasons for that are twofold. One, he would rather have his enemies never
role + know how much he knows, and two, he would rather have his allies look upon
role + him based solely upon his actions, not upon his knowledge gained in a school.
role +
role + Tapping on his fangs:
role + Ways of showing respect, or annoyance where he comes from, many meanings can
role + be portrayed by which fang he taps, how many times, and in what context.
role +
role + Tapping the right fang is the positive, meaning assent, acknowledgment of
role + truth/accuracy, and agreement. One tap is usually reserved as a kind of
role + salute, while three is usually used to convey the strongest of agreement.
role +
role + Tapping the left fang is the negative, meaning disagreement, dissatisfaction,
role + or annoyance.
role + One tap conveys minor that a teacher shows to a particularly
role + slow pupil, while more taps convey stronger emotions.
role +
role + What brought him to where he is today:
role +
role + He left his homeland wanting to make a name for himself. He wanted to prove
role + to himself by his actions through his life that he actually did “earn the
role + web”. When he applied for a place in the Village, he was given a long task
role + by the Commander, Loborguz. The task could not have fit his particular
role + skills better, however, as it was to show through a number of scrolls just
role + what kind of mind he had for Military strategy. He took his time with the
role + task, wanting to show his worth to the Village. It was during this time that
role + the Burning of the Dwarf forest began. The Chanter Nerylana called upon him
role + and he went without hesitation into a roaring fire and worked long and hard
role + building the earthwork berm that would work as the fire’s eastern border so
role + as not to burn the entire forest down.
role +
role + He was half way through his scrolls of strategy when Nerylana, now Commander
role + alongside Loborguz, found him worthy of a hut and inducted him into the
role + Village. He did not build himself a hut however, always finding a corner to
role + sleep in when he had to sleep until he deemed himself to have earned a hut.
role + During discussions with the Village, he made himself remain quiet and
role + subdued, wanting his fellow kinsman to remember him for his actions in war,
role + instead of words.
role +
role + He believes that his knowledge of war and his ability in combat were noticed,
role + and he was given the rank of General within the Village and then built his
role + hut. This accomplishment means more to him than any he has so far achieved,
role + and he will throw all of his faculties into working to make sure that he does
role + not let down those who have put trust in him.

/* above was the original role that I had. Had the majority of it (background) written from rank one, but never took the time to put in in until I got the General spot...then I thought to myself I had better put that in. Below is the first addition I put in*/

role + This addition will explain his long absence from the Village, as well as the
role + personality change since his return. Since his return, he has been vocal
role + where he had been quiet, impetuous where he had been careful, and as a
role + whole...much more angry and apt to throw himself into deadly situations with
role + little chance of survival. This had led to some spectacular victories, such
role + as charging into other cabal’s inner guardians and slaying those who defend,
role + and it has also led him to some very stupid and unnecessary deaths, such as
role + throwing dust in the eyes of five enemies.
role +
role + Every other year, there is a commencement at the war college that Sehvoor had
role + graduated from, many years ago. It so happened that another of the
role + face-chained came to him and told him that he was invited to participate.
role + What was not known to Sehvoor at the time, is that every single face-chained
role + was being summoned, by the Empress of Seantryn herself, to answer for the
role + actions of one of the face-chained.
role +
role + It so happens, that one of the face-chained led four villages in a revolt
role + against the Empire...and because of his knowledge of terrain and warfare,
role + defeated the first two forces that the Empress sent against him. This
role + enraged the Empress, because she had allowed this school to train one who
role + took arms against her, so she contrived to call all those who have earned
role + the chain to her.
role +
role + When all, a total of 47 face-chained gathered from all over Thera and beyond
role + were assembled under the false pretense of participating in the commencement,
role + an army surrounded the face-chained and the war college. Under armed guard,
role + the face-chained were forced to watch as the war college was burned to the
role + ground. They were then given a choice.
role +
role + Either they would all swear fealty to the Empress, and thus enter her
role + service, or they would die.
role +
role + The very idea of this sort of forced fealty disgusted the gathered
role + face-chained...even those who had already done so and entered her service
role + years ago.
role +
role + Without words or warning, the face-chained sprung into action. While 13 of
role + the best fighters from among the face-chained formed a wedge and launched
role + themselves into the weakest part of the surrounding forces, the other 34
role + feigned acceptance. When the other forces began to concentrate on the 13
role + resistors, the 34 found they were able to strike fast and win free to safety.
role + From this point, the 13, of which Sehvoor was one, acted as a rear guard, so
role + that the majority of the face-chained could win free. Slowly retreating,
role + making the Seantryn pay for every inch with blood, the final 5 of the rear
role + guard that survived, were overwhelmed and brought to the dungeons.
role +
role + During this fight, Sehvoor had refused to call upon the special powers
role + granted him by the Village, because he had, until then, been successful in
role + hiding the fact that there was a face-chained in the Village, and he would
role + not do anything that would bring the Empress to declare war on the Village,
role + as such a thing would distract the Village from it’s purpose. After the
role + whispers came to the prisoners that the 34 had gone underground and were
role + safe, they attempted escape.
role +
role + Only Sehvoor, the war college Head-master, and another of the five lived.
role + There were now only 37 face-chained alive, and Sehvoor could see no way in
role + which there could ever be more.
role +
role + These events both devastated and enraged Sehvoor. For his entire life since
role + he had come to the Village, he had been borne up by the feeling of standing
role + on the front of two great histories, the ancient and glorious one of the
role + Village, and the very old and proud history of the face-chained. He had
role + always felt that in him these two histories were brought together, for the
role + benefit of the Village goals. Now he felt that one of his legs had been cut
role + from him by a very personal treachery and insult...the likes of which he had
role + never felt before.

/* Then there was this finall addition that I put in*/

role + ***************
role + This addition will explain the loss of Sehvoor’s face-chain, his new limp,
role + and the somewhat drastic personality change he has undergone into a quiet and
role + almost introverted felar...rarely speaking, but never reluctant for blood.
role + ***************
role +
role + A time after his return to the Village after escaping from the Dungeons of
role + the Empress, Sehvoor received bad news. It turns out that the Empress’
role + forces captured twenty of the remaining face-chained and made it known
role + publicly that once a week one would be put to death until the Headmaster and
role + all the rest of the face-chained turned themselves in.
role +
role + Sehvoor decided that he had to at least attempt to save matter the
role + consequences.
role +
role + He was pleasantly surprised when at the city gates, he met the
role + Headmaster...who had the same idea as Sehvoor. They joined forces and were
role + successful in breaking the face-chained from the dungeon, but did not get far
role + before they were discovered and the chase was on.
role +
role + Sehvoor and the Headmaster foresaw this, however, and prepared by building a
role + soft berm of earth and sand at the foot of one of the city walls in the dark
role + of the night before they struck. So they made for the wall and leapt to
role + safety just as the guard was catching up. Unfortunately for Sehvoor, he had
role + stayed until all were safely away before leaping...and just as he leapt, the
role + first guard to reach him...who carried a long, hooked polearm. With a last
role + swipe as Sehvoor fell, the guard caught the hook on Sehvoor’s face-chain,
role + ripping it from his face and making Sehvoor fall wrong and shatter his right
role + leg. Here Sehvoor lost consciousness.
role +
role + He awoke in a secluded forest glade on the foothills of the Jade mountains,
role + lying next to the body of the Headmaster and having his right leg splinted.
role + He learned that the Headmaster, having seen him fall and shatter his leg
role + braved a hail of arrows to return and pick him up to carry him off...catching
role + arrows in the back before getting back to safety.
role +
role + This was hard for Sehvoor to take, as the Headmaster was the last of those
role + who had the ability to mark someone as because he was not a
role + moment faster, he had doomed the face-chained to extinction.
role +
role + When he could move, they gathered up the remaining hidden face-chained and
role + lead them into the wilds of the north near Udgaard where in his youth of
role + trying to finish Loborguz’s quest he traveled looking for places to place
role + fortresses. Once he had them set up in a safely secluded place, he returned
role + to the Village...feeling as if his past had been amputated from him...leaving
role + him with a feeling of floating along with no roots.


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HOT Topic(AUTO) Sehvoor the Crimson-Toothed [View all] , Death_Angel, Fri 08-Mar-02 02:33 AM
Reply As the thread continues to degenerate..., Zulghinlour, 14-Mar-02 05:12 PM, #53
Reply Not with a bang...but a wimper., Sehvoor (Guest), 08-Mar-02 04:11 PM, #1
     Reply Ah, a villager I could trust..., Grollaski (Guest), 09-Mar-02 03:21 PM, #2
     Reply RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper., Nydeikon (Guest), 09-Mar-02 07:31 PM, #3
     Reply RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper., Divox, 09-Mar-02 08:42 PM, #4
     Reply RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper., Nerylana (Guest), 09-Mar-02 11:39 PM, #5
     Reply RE: Not with a bang...but a wimper., Loborguz, 10-Mar-02 12:15 AM, #6
     Reply Found some logs, not the good ones...., Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 07:44 PM, #7
     Reply One of my favorite attempts at solo defending, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 07:52 PM, #8
     Reply I have 14 logs that look almost exactly like this, sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:00 PM, #9
     Reply Edited this one, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:12 PM, #10
     Reply For Grollaski (if too questy, please delete), Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:29 PM, #11
     Reply Sweeeeeeeet!, Grollaski (Guest), 12-Mar-02 10:48 PM, #18
     Reply For Lob, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:40 PM, #12
     Reply Go, Samar, Grolg, I will refer you to this post in my, sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 08:57 PM, #13
     Reply I fail to see any relevance..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 03:45 AM, #39
          Reply RE: I fail to see any relevance..., HammerSong, 14-Mar-02 11:41 AM, #43
               Reply RE: I fail to see any relevance..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:48 PM, #47
                    Reply RE: I fail to see any relevance..., HammerSong, 14-Mar-02 03:30 PM, #50
                         Reply Not Flame. Just a question., Goapa (Guest), 14-Mar-02 04:29 PM, #51
                              Reply RE: Not Flame. Just a question., HammerSong, 14-Mar-02 06:02 PM, #54
     Reply what Lob had me do for induction, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 09:16 PM, #14
     Reply RE: what Lob had me do for induction, Ex BT follower (Guest), 13-Mar-02 07:57 PM, #31
          Reply chuckle, Sehvoor (Guest), 13-Mar-02 09:23 PM, #34
     Reply Role, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 09:27 PM #15
     Reply Descriptions over time, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 09:29 PM, #16
     Reply some last? words, Sehvoor (Guest), 12-Mar-02 10:29 PM, #17
          Reply Last Words, Goapa (Guest), 13-Mar-02 12:08 PM, #19
          Reply couple things, Sehvoor (Guest), 13-Mar-02 01:30 PM, #20
          Reply bah, never mind., sehvoor (Guest), 13-Mar-02 02:10 PM, #21
          Reply RE: bah, never mind., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 03:17 AM, #38
          Reply Right vs Wrong, HammerSong, 13-Mar-02 02:12 PM, #22
          Reply Situation without flavor., Goapa (Guest), 13-Mar-02 04:01 PM, #26
               Reply RE: Situation without flavor., Vladamir, 13-Mar-02 06:39 PM, #29
                    Reply RE: Situation without flavor., HammerSong, 13-Mar-02 08:38 PM, #32
                         Reply RE: Situation without flavor., Vladamir, 13-Mar-02 11:42 PM, #35
          Reply Ok...., Goapa (Guest), 13-Mar-02 03:02 PM, #23
          Reply Well..., Intronan, 13-Mar-02 03:34 PM, #25
               Reply Well then answer me this:, Goapa (Guest), 13-Mar-02 04:19 PM, #27
               Reply Very well, Intronan, 14-Mar-02 09:23 AM, #41
               Reply RE: Well..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:51 AM, #37
                    Reply Good point but..., Intronan, 14-Mar-02 09:30 AM, #42
                         Reply RE: Good point but..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:35 PM, #46
          Reply Sehvoor right, Goapa wrong, comments enclosed, Nerylana (Guest), 13-Mar-02 07:07 PM, #30
          Reply Orders from a Superior, Uncle Bob, 13-Mar-02 03:18 PM, #24
               Reply a sidenote..., Trezzy (Guest), 13-Mar-02 08:54 PM, #33
          Reply RE: some last? words, Krajus (Guest), 13-Mar-02 06:10 PM, #28
          Reply No..., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:13 AM, #36
          Reply well., sehvoor (Guest), 14-Mar-02 06:42 AM, #40
               Reply RE: well., Vladamir, 14-Mar-02 02:29 PM, #45
                    Reply Um, Hello? (Guest), 14-Mar-02 03:05 PM, #48
          Reply One thing I forgot to mention, Sehv (Guest), 14-Mar-02 01:28 PM, #44
               Reply RE: One thing I forgot to mention, Valguarnera, 14-Mar-02 03:28 PM, #49
               Reply RE: One thing I forgot to mention, Zulghinlour, 14-Mar-02 05:12 PM, #52
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