Subject: "(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Wakazula Zilco the Blade of the W..." Previous topic | Next topic
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Wakazula (Guest)Tue 18-Apr-06 11:00 PM

#47546, "(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Wakazula Zilco the Blade of the W..."


Well, this character was incredibly fun.

So fun that I played him while I neglected some reading and screwed up really, really bad on a mid-term test. Whoops!

Once it seems like playing CF is going to have some real negative consequences, it's time to stop playing. At least for a while. In fact, when I deleted, I was so distraught about that test that as attached to this character as I was, it didn't seem very hard.

As far as roleplaying, I started with an idea in my head that I just didn't execute well. The more I tried to scramble back to the image I had in my head, the further away I got. So I finally let go at some point and basically just went with the flow and dropped most of the character's planned intricacies.

For me, the characters that go according to plan are stressful to play but a frigging blast, but I always look forward to logging on with a solid-but-average character that packs a wallop.

And for the record, I never killed anyone I thought was link-dead. Which would explain why I'd poke or frown at anyone who didn't seem to be actively fighting back or running around shortly after I attacked.

Thrugald - Probably my favorite fellow Outlander to talk with. Very interesting, very literary-esque. Great running around with you and talking smack about Alenysi.

Alenysi - I totally liked you when you were an applicant, but then your character became pretty bossy. I really liked watching you get into arguments with everyone, though. Obviously a good character all round. You just seemed to immort way quick.

Morasfenmire - Wakazula played off your evilness and just didn't take it very seriously. He just figured you had it rough and gave you room. It seemed to work because from what I saw Waka was like the only Outlander you never really picked on and didn't seem to completely hate... which is a good thing, because rams hurt svirfs.

Aeria - Thanks for the induct, and it was always great running around with you (even if the first times we went up against larger groups tended to end in tragedy). Great character and friend of Wak's... and you've been around for a damn long time. Heh.

Others: I'm kinda tired and I've been doing the reading I should have been doing before, so your names aren't coming to me immediately. Post and I'll try and reply maybe. You know I got love for you... Oh yea. You know I do.


Caroolth - Respect for you. We had some great fights and nice backs-and-forths. Drum sucks, but so does subvert...

Zhalindra - Yeah, you were a pain in the ass. I hated that echoes song, and you started making a lot more use of some of the underused bard powers that are really, REALLY goddamned annoying. It was always a treat fighting you. A treat made of thorns in my side.

Thmauddot (sp?) - Healer. I hate it when competent healers log on and single-handedly ruin it for me. Sorry about that group full-loot.

Ferrsaan - You were my unfinished business. I really wanted to get you, but once you got bloody shackles I knew I had to wait for the right time. Oh well. Hope you enjoy a long run before you get bored of Vindie.


Imperials? Well, there weren't too many toward the end to really speak of. Of the fortress, there were a few paladins I'd pick on. I didn't hunt elves and humans and stuff as actively as dwarves. I really liked picking on dwarves.

Ysaloerye - Neat that you Imm'd. Happened kind of quick too, though. Wish you would have stuck around on the ground a little longer, though I might have gotten uninducted - we had a funny kind of mutual respect/rivalry that I don't know would have gone over well for long with the Outlander imms. But that last exchange right after you Imm'd, if you remember it, was pretty classic.

That's just about all I can remember at the moment. Already longer than I'd hoped. Anyway, have fun, and maybe see you all in a few months.

- Wak-job


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Topic(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Wakazula Zilco the Blade of the W... [View all] , Wakazula (Guest), Tue 18-Apr-06 11:00 PM
Reply RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Wakazula Zilco the Blade of t..., Thrugald (Guest), 19-Apr-06 05:12 PM, #9
Reply Bleh, Soega (Guest), 19-Apr-06 12:47 PM, #8
Reply RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Wakazula Zilco the Blade of t..., Caroolth (Guest), 19-Apr-06 12:35 PM, #7
Reply RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Wakazula Zilco the Blade of t..., Alenysi, 19-Apr-06 10:41 AM, #4
Reply Really hate to see you go, Bolen (Guest), 19-Apr-06 10:28 AM, #3
Reply RE: Really hate to see you go, Wakazula (Guest), 19-Apr-06 12:09 PM, #6
Reply The Wak job is gone., Thmauddhot (Guest), 19-Apr-06 09:08 AM, #2
Reply COrrection, Thmauddhot (Guest), 19-Apr-06 05:50 PM, #10
Reply Unfinished business because of this?, Ferrsaan (Guest), 19-Apr-06 07:25 AM, #1
     Reply RE: Unfinished business because of this?, Wakazula (Guest), 19-Apr-06 12:07 PM, #5
Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #47546 Previous topic | Next topic