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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #45541
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Trelant (Guest)Tue 07-Feb-06 06:36 PM

#45579, "Fingon"


Theanian Silverwood
In your berserking rage, you bound forward to destroy Fingon!
Fingon yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
You step out of the shadows.
Fingon parries your poisonous bite.
Fingon has some small but disgusting cuts.

{1012/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
Egwetha the Weaver closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Egwetha the Weaver's feet rise off the ground.
Fingon has some small but disgusting cuts.

{1012/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
Fingon parries your poisonous bite.
Fingon parries your black light.
Fingon parries your poisonous bite.
Grong the Orc Captain screams and attacks Fingon!
Fingon's beating MASSACRES Grong the Orc Captain!
A Grinning Skull berserker screams and attacks Fingon!
A Grinning Skull berserker screams and attacks Fingon!
A Grinning Skull berserker screams and attacks Fingon!
A Grinning Skull berserker screams and attacks Fingon!
A Grinning Skull berserker screams and attacks Fingon!
A goblin raider screams and attacks Fingon!
A goblin raider falls flat on his face.
A goblin raider's bash misses Fingon.
A goblin raider screams and attacks Fingon!
A goblin raider screams and attacks Fingon!
A goblin raider screams and attacks Fingon!
Fingon's beating MANGLES a goblin raider!
A goblin raider is DEAD!!
A goblin raider's heart is torn from his chest.
A goblin raider stops following you.
Fingon sacrifices the corpse of a goblin raider to the gods.
A goblin raider screams and attacks Fingon!
A kobold slave screams and attacks Fingon!
A kobold slave's kicked dirt misses Fingon.
A kobold slave screams and attacks Fingon!
A kobold slave screams and attacks Fingon!
A kobold slave screams and attacks Fingon!
A kobold slave's kicked dirt misses Fingon.
You parry Fingon's beating.
Fingon's beating *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You parry Fingon's beating.
Fingon's beating MASSACRES an orc tribesman!
In the heat of battle, an orc tribesman explodes into a berserker's rage!
Fingon has some small but disgusting cuts.

{909/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
Fingon narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Fingon's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Fingon has some small but disgusting cuts.

{810/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)} Closing in, you savage Fingon's face with your teeth!
Your savage feeding MASSACRES Fingon!
Blood trickles down into Fingon's eyes, temporarily blinding him!
You hurl yourself at Fingon, but he barely avoids your hurtling body!
Your bash misses Fingon.
Fingon has some small but disgusting cuts.

{810/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
A Grinning Skull berserker falls flat on his face.
A Grinning Skull berserker's bash misses Fingon.
Your poisonous bite decimates Fingon!
Your black light mauls Fingon.
Fingon parries your black light.
Fingon parries your black light.
You dodge Fingon's beating.
Fingon is covered with bleeding wounds.

{810/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
Fingon brings an adamantite warhammer named 'Crashing Summit' up and across at you!
Fingon's strike of faith MANGLES you!
Completing his upper slash, Fingon steps forward and brings an adamantite warhammer named 'Crashing Summit' down in an opp
osite arc towards you!
Fingon's strike of purity *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Completing his maneuver, Fingon tries to bring an adamantite warhammer named 'Crashing Summit' down onto your head, but mi
Fingon's strike of deliverance misses you.
Your poisonous bite maims Fingon!
Fingon parries your black light.
Your poisonous bite mauls Fingon.
Fingon can no longer find the strength to wield an adamantite warhammer named 'Crashing Summit'.
A dark flail poisons Fingon.
Fingon looks very ill.
You parry Fingon's punch.
Fingon's punch DISMEMBERS you!
Fingon's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Fingon's dispel evil DISMEMBERS you!
An orc tribesman's stab devastates Fingon!
An orc tribesman's stab decimates Fingon!
Fingon is covered with bleeding wounds.

{455/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
In the face of a Grinning Skull berserker's war shout, Fingon looks terrified!
In the heat of battle, Grong the Orc Captain explodes into a berserker's rage!
Fingon is covered with bleeding wounds.

{455/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
A kobold slave's chop misses Fingon.
A kobold slave's chop misses Fingon.
A kobold slave's chop misses Fingon.
A kobold slave's chop misses Fingon.
A kobold slave's chop misses Fingon.
A goblin raider's claw misses Fingon.
A goblin raider's claw scratches Fingon.
A goblin raider's claw misses Fingon.
A goblin raider's claw misses Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab misses Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab grazes Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab grazes Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab injures Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
Grong the Orc Captain's whip MUTILATES Fingon!
Grong the Orc Captain's whip MUTILATES Fingon!
Your poisonous bite devastates Fingon!
Your poisonous bite mauls Fingon.
You parry Fingon's punch.
Fingon's punch devastates you!
An orc tribesman's stab decimates Fingon!
Fingon is writhing in agony.

{423/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
An orc tribesman's trip misses Fingon.
Fingon is writhing in agony.

{423/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)} You are already fighting!
Fingon is writhing in agony.

{423/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)} You are unable to find an opening to savage Fingon's face with your teeth!
Rushing towards Fingon, you run into him and send him flying!
Your bash grazes Fingon.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Fingon while he's down.
Fingon is writhing in agony.

{423/1012hp 334/450m 840/900mv (-28.98%)}
A kobold slave's chop misses Fingon.
A kobold slave's chop misses Fingon.
A kobold slave's chop misses Fingon.
A goblin raider's claw misses Fingon.
A goblin raider's claw misses Fingon.
A goblin raider's claw misses Fingon.
A goblin raider's claw misses Fingon.
A goblin raider falls flat on his face.
A goblin raider's bash misses Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab injures Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab injures Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab injures Fingon.
A Grinning Skull berserker's stab hits Fingon.
Grong the Orc Captain's whip MUTILATES Fingon!
Fingon is DEAD!!
You hear Fingon's death cry.


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HOT Topic(RAGE DELETE) [None] Trelant the Warlord of the Grinnin... [View all] , Death_Angel, Tue 07-Feb-06 02:32 PM
Reply Always a pleasure., Abernyte-Googee (Guest), 09-Feb-06 04:41 AM, #37
Reply Runnin Scared, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:50 PM, #21
Reply A quick question if you would?, OrcCurious (Guest), 08-Feb-06 09:39 PM, #34
     Reply *Tip*, Skluk (Guest), 08-Feb-06 10:52 PM, #36
     Reply Orc Skills, Trelant (Guest), 09-Feb-06 12:05 PM, #38
Reply Deylani, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:44 PM, #20
Reply Tyvelis, Tahlshor, Naplia, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:42 PM, #19
Reply RE: Tyvelis, Tahlshor, Naplia, Hybrid77 (Guest), 08-Feb-06 03:28 PM, #30
Reply Fingon, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:36 PM #18
Reply Alriac and Gryshilniar fun while they were WANTED, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:33 PM, #17
Reply Lucky orc!, Gryshilniar, 08-Feb-06 07:24 PM, #33
Reply Gorfall--two fights..then some Horde chaos, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:31 PM, #16
Reply The funniest kill ever. Bjurn, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:28 PM, #15
Reply See if from my perspective..., Bjurn (Guest), 08-Feb-06 10:02 PM, #35
Reply Trelant, Bajula, 07-Feb-06 06:27 PM, #14
Reply Yul/Sarhvlar, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:27 PM, #13
Reply Djohmi, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:25 PM, #12
Reply Blidern/Great White Shark, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:55 PM, #11
Reply Shark was called through powers, not another person nt, Blidern (Guest), 08-Feb-06 02:26 PM, #29
Reply Mozarabic, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:53 PM, #10
Reply Toryn/Artageia/Domjac, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:51 PM, #9
Reply RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Trelant the Warlord of the Gri..., Alidove (Guest), 07-Feb-06 02:41 PM, #2
Reply No hard feelings at all, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 04:08 PM, #6
Reply Not Rage Deleted...just stepping down for someone else ..., Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 02:37 PM, #1
     Reply I already miss you, Xzarg (Guest), 07-Feb-06 03:02 PM, #3
     Reply Hope you have fun, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 04:54 PM, #8
     Reply RE: Not Rage Deleted...just stepping down for someone e..., Aarn, 07-Feb-06 03:09 PM, #4
     Reply This is not a flame at all, I like you as an Imm (txt), Nightwiggler (Guest), 07-Feb-06 03:55 PM, #5
          Reply Hm, Aarn, 07-Feb-06 04:31 PM, #7
          Reply Lemme give it another whirl txt, Nightwiggler (Guest), 08-Feb-06 11:58 AM, #28
               Reply RE: Lemme give it another whirl txt, Aarn, 08-Feb-06 04:12 PM, #31
                    Reply Gotcha, thanks for the clarification :) nt, Nightwiggler (Guest), 08-Feb-06 04:29 PM, #32
          Reply Re: Thror's Anvil, it was Strength. n/t, Warborf (Guest), 08-Feb-06 08:39 AM, #27
     Reply Skrugga looks fun alright., Orc fan (Guest), 07-Feb-06 07:16 PM, #22
     Reply RE: Skrugga looks fun alright., Rodriguez, 07-Feb-06 07:48 PM, #24
     Reply Skrugga Comments, Trelant (Guest), 08-Feb-06 07:53 AM, #26
     Reply Ouch, man, Dinian (Guest), 07-Feb-06 07:38 PM, #23
     Reply Bye!, DurNominator, 08-Feb-06 04:18 AM, #25
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