Subject: "The funniest kill ever. Bjurn" Previous topic | Next topic
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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #45541
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Trelant (Guest)Tue 07-Feb-06 06:28 PM

#45575, "The funniest kill ever. Bjurn"


Sharwyn yells 'There shall be no fighting in this bar!'
Sharwyn starts running around waving her hands violently in vain.
Sahrvlar parries your defilement.
Sahrvlar parries your defilement.
The gods protect Sahrvlar from Xzarg.
Sahrvlar's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You parry Sahrvlar's drowning.
Sahrvlar has a few scratches.

{877/992hp 380/380m 692/850mv (-13.14%)}
Rushing towards Bjurn, Xzarg runs into him and sends him flying.
Xzarg's bash hits Bjurn.
Bjurn yells 'Help! Xzarg is bashing me!'
Sahrvlar has a few scratches.

{877/992hp 380/380m 692/850mv (-13.14%)}
Giorane leaves south.
Sahrvlar has a few scratches.

{877/992hp 380/380m 692/850mv (-13.14%)} Fall back so that who might take the damage!?
You are unable to find an opening to savage Sahrvlar's face with your teeth!
Sahrvlar suddenly springs towards you, but falls when you move out of his path.
Sahrvlar's bash misses you.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Sahrvlar while he's down.
Sahrvlar has a few scratches.

{877/992hp 380/380m 692/850mv (-13.14%)}
Xzarg's cleave wounds Bjurn.
Bjurn's crush MASSACRES Xzarg!
Sahrvlar dodges your defilement.
Sahrvlar parries your cleave.
Sahrvlar parries your cleave.
You instinctively duck out of the way of Sahrvlar's wrath!
You parry Sahrvlar's drowning.
Sahrvlar has a few scratches.

{877/992hp 380/380m 692/850mv (-13.14%)}
Sharwyn yells 'There shall be no fighting in this bar!'
Sharwyn starts running around waving her hands violently.
Sharwyn cracks Bjurn on the head with a small bat leaving him stunned!
Sharwyn cracks Xzarg on the head with a small bat leaving him stunned!
Sharwyn cracks you on the head with a small bat leaving you stunned!
Sharwyn cracks Sahrvlar on the head with a small bat leaving him stunned!

{877/992hp 380/380m 692/850mv (-13.14%)}
Sharwyn kicks you out the door for brawling in the bar.
East Sumner's Road
The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east. Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few. The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown. Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest. Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest. The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.

A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.

{877/992hp 380/380m 623/850mv (-13.14%)} You aren't fighting anyone.

{877/992hp 380/380m 623/850mv (-13.14%)} You aren't fighting anyone.

{877/992hp 380/380m 623/850mv (-13.14%)} East Sumner's Road
The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east. Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few. The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown. Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest. Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest. The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.

A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.

{893/992hp 380/380m 676/850mv (-13.14%)} Trail to the inn
A large trail winds off the main road. Short green trees filled with bright
red cherries line both sides. A small building lies just to the south with
several people standing outside of it. Looking further south a large
wooden building stands atop a small hill. From its roof a brick chimney
pipes forth smoke that seems to dance its way into the sky. The trail
leads south to the inn or north to the main road. Barely visible, a smaller
path winds its way east into a small clearing. A wooden sign, painted
with bright colors sits under the nearest tree.

Bjurn the dwarf is here, fighting Xzarg.
Sharwyn the elf is here.
Xzarg the orc is here, fighting Bjurn.
Sahrvlar the storm giant is here.
A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

{893/992hp 380/380m 675/850mv (-13.14%)}
Sharwyn yells 'There shall be no fighting in this bar!'
Sharwyn starts running around waving her hands violently.
Sharwyn cracks Bjurn on the head with a small bat leaving him stunned!
Sharwyn cracks Xzarg on the head with a small bat leaving him stunned!
Sahrvlar grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong...

{893/992hp 380/380m 675/850mv (-13.14%)} You are unable to find an opening to savage Bjurn's face with your teeth!
You slam into Bjurn, and send him flying!
Your bash grazes Bjurn.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Bjurn while he's down.
Bjurn yells 'Help! Trelant is bashing me!'
Bjurn has a few scratches.

{893/992hp 380/380m 675/850mv (-13.14%)}
Sharwyn kicks Xzarg out of the bar for brawling.
Bjurn has a few scratches.

{893/992hp 380/380m 675/850mv (-13.14%)}
Giorane leaves north.
Bjurn has a few scratches.

{893/992hp 380/380m 675/850mv (-13.14%)}
You parry Bjurn's crush.
Bjurn's crush MANGLES you!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Bjurn!
Bjurn parries your cleave.
Bjurn parries your defilement.
Bjurn has a few scratches.

{809/992hp 380/380m 675/850mv (-13.14%)}
Sharwyn kicks you out the door for brawling in the bar.
East Sumner's Road
The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east. Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few. The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown. Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest. Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest. The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.

A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.
(Translucent) Giorane the gnome is here.
Xzarg the orc is here.
Giorane leaves south.

{809/992hp 380/380m 608/850mv (-13.14%)}
Xzarg leaves south.
You follow Xzarg south.
Trail to the inn
A large trail winds off the main road. Short green trees filled with bright
red cherries line both sides. A small building lies just to the south with
several people standing outside of it. Looking further south a large
wooden building stands atop a small hill. From its roof a brick chimney
pipes forth smoke that seems to dance its way into the sky. The trail
leads south to the inn or north to the main road. Barely visible, a smaller
path winds its way east into a small clearing. A wooden sign, painted
with bright colors sits under the nearest tree.

Xzarg the orc is here.
Bjurn the dwarf is here.
Sharwyn the elf is here.
Sahrvlar the storm giant is here.
A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

{809/992hp 380/380m 607/850mv (-13.14%)}
Xzarg sends Bjurn sprawling with a powerful bash.
Xzarg's bash wounds Bjurn.
Xzarg kicks Bjurn while he's down!
Xzarg's vicious attack hits Bjurn.
Bjurn yells 'Help! Xzarg is bashing me!'

{809/992hp 380/380m 607/850mv (-13.14%)} But you aren't fighting anyone!

{809/992hp 380/380m 607/850mv (-13.14%)} They aren't here.

{809/992hp 380/380m 607/850mv (-13.14%)}
Xzarg's cleave EVISCERATES Bjurn!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Bjurn!
Bjurn parries your cleave.
Bjurn's crush *** DEMOLISHES *** Xzarg!
Bjurn parries your defilement.
Your cleave EVISCERATES Bjurn!
Bjurn has some small but disgusting cuts.

{809/992hp 380/380m 607/850mv (-13.14%)} You press Bjurn forcibly, bearing down on him!
You are unable to find an opening to savage Bjurn's face with your teeth!
Bjurn's crush MANGLES you!
Bjurn has some small but disgusting cuts.

{713/992hp 380/380m 607/850mv (-13.14%)}
Xzarg's cleave EVISCERATES Bjurn!
Xzarg's beating DISMEMBERS Bjurn!
Xzarg's cleave misses Bjurn.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Bjurn!
Your cleave MASSACRES Bjurn!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS Bjurn!
Bjurn is gushing blood.

{713/992hp 380/380m 607/850mv (-13.14%)}
Sharwyn kicks you out the door for brawling in the bar.
East Sumner's Road
The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east. Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few. The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown. Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest. Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest. The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.

A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.

{713/992hp 380/380m 547/850mv (-13.14%)} Trail to the inn
A large trail winds off the main road. Short green trees filled with bright
red cherries line both sides. A small building lies just to the south with
several people standing outside of it. Looking further south a large
wooden building stands atop a small hill. From its roof a brick chimney
pipes forth smoke that seems to dance its way into the sky. The trail
leads south to the inn or north to the main road. Barely visible, a smaller
path winds its way east into a small clearing. A wooden sign, painted
with bright colors sits under the nearest tree.

Lorae the half-elf is here.
Xzarg the orc is here, fighting Bjurn.
Bjurn the dwarf is here, fighting Xzarg.
Sharwyn the elf is here.
Sahrvlar the storm giant is here.
A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

{713/992hp 380/380m 546/850mv (-13.14%)} Closing in, you savage Bjurn's face with your teeth!
Your savage feeding *** DEVASTATES *** Bjurn!
You slam into Bjurn, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Bjurn.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Bjurn while he's down.
You learn from your mistakes, and your cheap shot ability improves.
Bjurn yells 'Help! Trelant is bashing me!'
Bjurn is writhing in agony.

{713/992hp 380/380m 546/850mv (-13.12%)}
Bjurn's crush MASSACRES Xzarg!
The gods protect Xzarg from Sahrvlar.
Your defilement EVISCERATES Bjurn!
Your cleave DISMEMBERS Bjurn!
Bjurn parries your defilement.
Bjurn parries your defilement.
Bjurn is writhing in agony.

{713/992hp 380/380m 546/850mv (-13.12%)}
Giorane leaves south.
Bjurn is writhing in agony.

{713/992hp 380/380m 546/850mv (-13.12%)}
Sharwyn kicks Xzarg out of the bar for brawling.

{713/992hp 380/380m 546/850mv (-13.12%)}
Sharwyn kicks you out the door for brawling in the bar.
East Sumner's Road
The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east. Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few. The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown. Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest. Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest. The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.

A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.
Xzarg the orc is here.

{713/992hp 380/380m 492/850mv (-13.12%)} You must be in combat to press your opponent in such a way.

{713/992hp 380/380m 492/850mv (-13.12%)} Trail to the inn
A large trail winds off the main road. Short green trees filled with bright
red cherries line both sides. A small building lies just to the south with
several people standing outside of it. Looking further south a large
wooden building stands atop a small hill. From its roof a brick chimney
pipes forth smoke that seems to dance its way into the sky. The trail
leads south to the inn or north to the main road. Barely visible, a smaller
path winds its way east into a small clearing. A wooden sign, painted
with bright colors sits under the nearest tree.

Lorae the half-elf is here.
Bjurn the dwarf is here.
Sharwyn the elf is here.
Sahrvlar the storm giant is here.
A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

{713/992hp 380/380m 491/850mv (-13.12%)}
Xzarg sends Bjurn sprawling with a powerful bash.
Xzarg's bash hits Bjurn.
Bjurn yells 'Help! Xzarg is bashing me!'

{713/992hp 380/380m 491/850mv (-13.12%)} You are unable to find an opening to savage Bjurn's face with your teeth!
Rushing towards Bjurn, you run into him and send him flying!
Your bash hits Bjurn.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Bjurn while he's down.
Bjurn yells 'Help! Trelant is bashing me!'
Bjurn is convulsing on the ground.

{713/992hp 380/380m 491/850mv (-13.12%)}
Xzarg's cleave DISMEMBERS Bjurn!
Xzarg's cleave DISMEMBERS Bjurn!
Bjurn's crush MASSACRES Xzarg!
The gods protect Xzarg from Sahrvlar.
Bjurn parries your defilement.
Bjurn drives your cleave back with his connecting blow.
Bjurn parries your defilement.
Bjurn is convulsing on the ground.

{713/992hp 380/380m 491/850mv (-13.12%)}
Sharwyn kicks you out the door for brawling in the bar.
East Sumner's Road
The area is quite dry and musty, dust kicking up along the road as
travelers move in a general procession to the east. Most travelers along
the road are peasants and farmers, and even those are few. The grass grows
short along the road, a pale shade of brown. Far-scattered thickets of trees
litter the countryside, providing shade for a moment's rest. Shadows dance
across the road, the passing clouds moving off to the northwest. The old
East Sumner's Road extends in both directions, to the east and to the west.

A sign points south towards the Inn of the Eternal Star.

{713/992hp 380/380m 442/850mv (-13.12%)}
Xzarg scans south.

{713/992hp 380/380m 442/850mv (-13.12%)} Trail to the inn
A large trail winds off the main road. Short green trees filled with bright
red cherries line both sides. A small building lies just to the south with
several people standing outside of it. Looking further south a large
wooden building stands atop a small hill. From its roof a brick chimney
pipes forth smoke that seems to dance its way into the sky. The trail
leads south to the inn or north to the main road. Barely visible, a smaller
path winds its way east into a small clearing. A wooden sign, painted
with bright colors sits under the nearest tree.

Lorae the half-elf is here.
Bjurn the dwarf is here.
Sharwyn the elf is here.
Sahrvlar the storm giant is here.
A small white bunny hops around under a tree nibbling grass.
Standing near a tree, a guard takes a break while eating cherries.

{713/992hp 380/380m 441/850mv (-13.12%)}
Closing in, Xzarg savages Bjurn's face with his teeth!
Xzarg's savage feeding MASSACRES Bjurn!
Bjurn is DEAD!!
You hear Bjurn's death cry.
They aren't here.


Alert | IP Printer Friendly copy | Reply | Reply with quote

HOT Topic(RAGE DELETE) [None] Trelant the Warlord of the Grinnin... [View all] , Death_Angel, Tue 07-Feb-06 02:32 PM
Reply Always a pleasure., Abernyte-Googee (Guest), 09-Feb-06 04:41 AM, #37
Reply Runnin Scared, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:50 PM, #21
Reply A quick question if you would?, OrcCurious (Guest), 08-Feb-06 09:39 PM, #34
     Reply *Tip*, Skluk (Guest), 08-Feb-06 10:52 PM, #36
     Reply Orc Skills, Trelant (Guest), 09-Feb-06 12:05 PM, #38
Reply Deylani, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:44 PM, #20
Reply Tyvelis, Tahlshor, Naplia, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:42 PM, #19
Reply RE: Tyvelis, Tahlshor, Naplia, Hybrid77 (Guest), 08-Feb-06 03:28 PM, #30
Reply Fingon, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:36 PM, #18
Reply Alriac and Gryshilniar fun while they were WANTED, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:33 PM, #17
Reply Lucky orc!, Gryshilniar, 08-Feb-06 07:24 PM, #33
Reply Gorfall--two fights..then some Horde chaos, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:31 PM, #16
Reply The funniest kill ever. Bjurn, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:28 PM #15
Reply See if from my perspective..., Bjurn (Guest), 08-Feb-06 10:02 PM, #35
Reply Trelant, Bajula, 07-Feb-06 06:27 PM, #14
Reply Yul/Sarhvlar, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:27 PM, #13
Reply Djohmi, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:25 PM, #12
Reply Blidern/Great White Shark, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:55 PM, #11
Reply Shark was called through powers, not another person nt, Blidern (Guest), 08-Feb-06 02:26 PM, #29
Reply Mozarabic, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:53 PM, #10
Reply Toryn/Artageia/Domjac, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:51 PM, #9
Reply RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Trelant the Warlord of the Gri..., Alidove (Guest), 07-Feb-06 02:41 PM, #2
Reply No hard feelings at all, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 04:08 PM, #6
Reply Not Rage Deleted...just stepping down for someone else ..., Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 02:37 PM, #1
     Reply I already miss you, Xzarg (Guest), 07-Feb-06 03:02 PM, #3
     Reply Hope you have fun, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 04:54 PM, #8
     Reply RE: Not Rage Deleted...just stepping down for someone e..., Aarn, 07-Feb-06 03:09 PM, #4
     Reply This is not a flame at all, I like you as an Imm (txt), Nightwiggler (Guest), 07-Feb-06 03:55 PM, #5
          Reply Hm, Aarn, 07-Feb-06 04:31 PM, #7
          Reply Lemme give it another whirl txt, Nightwiggler (Guest), 08-Feb-06 11:58 AM, #28
               Reply RE: Lemme give it another whirl txt, Aarn, 08-Feb-06 04:12 PM, #31
                    Reply Gotcha, thanks for the clarification :) nt, Nightwiggler (Guest), 08-Feb-06 04:29 PM, #32
          Reply Re: Thror's Anvil, it was Strength. n/t, Warborf (Guest), 08-Feb-06 08:39 AM, #27
     Reply Skrugga looks fun alright., Orc fan (Guest), 07-Feb-06 07:16 PM, #22
     Reply RE: Skrugga looks fun alright., Rodriguez, 07-Feb-06 07:48 PM, #24
     Reply Skrugga Comments, Trelant (Guest), 08-Feb-06 07:53 AM, #26
     Reply Ouch, man, Dinian (Guest), 07-Feb-06 07:38 PM, #23
     Reply Bye!, DurNominator, 08-Feb-06 04:18 AM, #25
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