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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #45541
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Trelant (Guest)Tue 07-Feb-06 05:51 PM

#45567, "Toryn/Artageia/Domjac"


ou yell 'Die, Artageia, you sorcerous dog!'
Artageia narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
You fade into existence.
Artageia parries your flaming bite.
You devastate Artageia!
Artageia parries your acidic bite.
Artageia parries your acidic bite and retaliates with lightning quickness!
Artageia's slash DISMEMBERS you!
Artageia parries your flaming bite.
Your flaming bite roasts Artageia.
Artageia parries your acidic bite.
Artageia parries your acidic bite and retaliates with lightning quickness!
Artageia's slash MASSACRES you!
Artageia parries your flaming bite.
A murmuring Nanthorian ogre fades into existence.
You dodge Artageia's slash.
Artageia has some small but disgusting cuts.

{639/781hp 303/303m 515/697mv (6.14%)} Your pulse speeds up, but nothing happens.
Artageia has some small but disgusting cuts.

{639/781hp 288/303m 515/697mv (6.14%)}
Toryn has arrived.
Artageia has some small but disgusting cuts.

{639/781hp 288/303m 515/697mv (6.14%)}
Artageia parries your flaming bite.
Artageia parries your acidic bite.
Artageia parries your flaming bite.
Your flaming bite smolders Artageia!
Artageia parries your flaming bite.
You parry Artageia's slash.
You dodge Artageia's slash.
A murmuring Nanthorian ogre gets a wild look in his eyes.
Artageia has some small but disgusting cuts.

{639/781hp 288/303m 515/697mv (6.14%)}
Artageia closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
A soft golden light shines from Artageia's wounds.
Artageia is in perfect health.

{639/781hp 288/303m 515/697mv (6.14%)} You explode into a berserker's rage!
In your berserking rage, you bound forward to destroy Artageia!
You do the best you can!
Artageia is in perfect health.

{721/781hp 258/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)} Narciss tells the group 'left me, oh hell.'
Artageia is in perfect health.

{721/781hp 258/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)}
Your flaming bite scalds Artageia!
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Artageia!
Artageia parries your flaming bite.
Your flaming bite scalds Artageia!
Your flaming bite roasts Artageia.
You dodge Artageia's slash.
You dodge Artageia's slash.
Artageia is covered with bleeding wounds.

{721/781hp 258/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)}
Stepping in, Artageia pushes your weapon out, leaving you open for a slash to your torso, but she misses!
You dodge Artageia's slash.
Artageia is covered with bleeding wounds.

{721/781hp 258/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)}
It starts to rain.

Artageia has some small but disgusting cuts.

{727/781hp 260/303m 487/697mv (6.14%)}
In your berserking rage, you bound forward to destroy Vylvfaensi!
The gods protect Vylvfaensi.
Domjac has arrived.
You are unable to find an opening to savage Toryn's face with your teeth!
You evade Toryn's bash, causing him to fall flat on his face.
Toryn's bash misses you.
Seizing upon a moment of weakness, you kick Toryn while he's down!
Your vicious attack grazes Toryn.
You yell 'Help! Toryn is bashing me!'
Artageia has some small but disgusting cuts.

{727/781hp 260/303m 487/697mv (6.14%)}
Your flaming bite smolders Artageia!
Artageia dodges your acidic bite.
Your flaming bite misses Artageia.
Artageia parries your acidic bite.
Artageia parries your flaming bite.
You parry Toryn's crushing force.
You parry Domjac's crush.
You dodge Domjac's crush.
You parry Domjac's crush.
You parry Domjac's crush.
You parry Artageia's slash.
You dodge Artageia's slash.
You parry Domjac's crush.
You parry Domjac's crush.
You parry Domjac's crush.
A murmuring Nanthorian ogre falls flat on his face.
A murmuring Nanthorian ogre's bash misses Artageia.
Artageia is covered with bleeding wounds.

{727/781hp 260/303m 487/697mv (6.14%)}
Vylvfaensi shivers in the freezing temperatures.
The extreme cold devastates Vylvfaensi!
The freezing temperatures chill you to the bone.
The extreme cold devastates you!
Artageia is covered with bleeding wounds.

{698/781hp 260/303m 487/697mv (6.14%)} You press Artageia forcibly, bearing down on her!
You are unable to find an opening to savage Artageia's face with your teeth!
Artageia is covered with bleeding wounds.

{698/781hp 260/303m 487/697mv (6.14%)}
Domjac brings a golden scepter around with bone-shattering force!
Domjac's bone-shattering blow *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Artageia is covered with bleeding wounds.

{584/781hp 260/303m 487/697mv (6.14%)}
Your flaming bite misses Artageia.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Artageia!
Your flaming bite scalds Artageia!
Your flaming bite smolders Artageia!
Toryn's crushing force EVISCERATES you!
Toryn's crushing force MASSACRES you!
Toryn's crushing force EVISCERATES you!
You instinctively duck out of the way of Toryn's crushing force!
Artageia's slash MUTILATES you!
Artageia's slash EVISCERATES you!
Artageia's slash MASSACRES you!
Domjac's crush MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You instinctively duck out of the way of Domjac's crush!
You instinctively duck out of the way of Domjac's crush!
A murmuring Nanthorian ogre's claw hits Artageia.
A murmuring Nanthorian ogre's claw hits Artageia.
Artageia is gushing blood.

{186/781hp 260/303m 487/697mv (6.14%)}
Artageia closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
A soft golden light shines from Artageia's wounds.
Artageia is covered with bleeding wounds.

{186/781hp 260/303m 487/697mv (6.14%)}
Your flaming bite scalds Artageia!
Your flaming bite scalds Artageia!
Your flaming bite smolders Artageia!
Toryn's crushing force DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Near Redhorn Gate
The steep path winds its way up to the pass. The snow piles into small
drifts here where it isn't ankle-deep. The cliff looms above you to the
north as high as the chasm on the south side of the path is deep. The rubble
partially blocking the path is slick with ice. To the east the path
continues up to the top of the pass, known as Redhorn Gate. The snowdrifts
seem to be deeper in that direction. To the west the path descends to warmer,
friendlier climes.

Krazen the felar is here.
You flee from combat!
Sensing your distraction, a murmuring Nanthorian ogre makes a run for it!
A murmuring Nanthorian ogre stops following you.

{131/781hp 260/303m 481/697mv (6.14%)} You aren't fighting anyone.

{131/781hp 260/303m 481/697mv (6.14%)} You aren't fighting anyone.

{131/781hp 260/303m 481/697mv (6.14%)} You aren't fighting anyone.

{131/781hp 260/303m 481/697mv (6.14%)} A green potion: you can't carry that many items.

{131/781hp 260/303m 481/697mv (6.14%)} Domjac has arrived.
Toryn has arrived.
You do not have that potion.

{131/781hp 260/303m 481/697mv (6.14%)}
Toryn leaves west.

{131/781hp 260/303m 481/697mv (6.14%)} In the Mountains
The path runs between a deep gorge and an overhanging cliff here. Boulders
and smaller rocks litter the path. The air chills you to your bones as some
snowflakes drift down, collecting into small drifts along the edge of the
gorge. The steep path seems to climb up forever to the east but starts
leveling out to the west.

{131/781hp 260/303m 475/697mv (6.14%)} In the Foothills
The path climbs up towards a high pass over the mountains. The path
has almost disappeared in many places, blocked with fallen stones. The air
swirls with a chilly wind. The path continues deeper into the mountains to
the east and goes down into the foothills to the south.

Toryn the dwarf is here.
Krazen the felar is here.
A small, furry beast digs at the snow with its sharp claws.
You are unable to find an opening to savage Toryn's face with your teeth!
Overbalanced from his attempt to hit you with his shoulder, Toryn goes down.
Toryn's bash misses you.
You can't find the opening you need to kick Toryn while he's down.
You yell 'Help! Toryn is bashing me!'
Toryn has a few scratches.

{131/781hp 260/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)}
Toryn turns your flaming bite aside with a quick blow.
Toryn parries your acidic bite.
Your flaming bite BROILS Toryn!
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Toryn!
Toryn parries your flaming bite.
You parry Toryn's crushing force.
You instinctively duck out of the way of Toryn's crushing force!
You dodge Toryn's crushing force.
You parry Toryn's crushing force.
The gods protect you from Krazen.
Toryn has a few scratches.

{131/781hp 260/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)}
Narciss tells the group 'Where are you now, now?'
Toryn has a few scratches.

{131/781hp 260/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)} No way! You are still fighting!
Toryn has a few scratches.

{131/781hp 260/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)} No way! You are still fighting!
Toryn has a few scratches.

{131/781hp 260/303m 465/697mv (6.14%)} Toryn gets in one more shot as you flee.
Toryn's parting blow DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
In the Foothills
The path forks here as it winds through the foothills. To the east it
continues to follow the dried streambed while to the north it leads to a
trail winding toward a notch between two peaks. The barren plains stretch
out far below to the west.

A small, furry beast digs at the snow with its sharp claws.
You flee from combat!
You frantically glance about, but don't see an opportunity to get further towards safety.

{72/781hp 260/303m 461/697mv (6.14%)} In the Foothills
The streambed of the dried river twists through the hills as it winds its way
out of the snowy mountains. To the south and west stretches the barren plain.
The hills seem to have a little more life to them, notably in the bracken
growing over the path. The peaks of the mountains cut jagged edges in the
sky as they tower above you. The peaks are topped with never-melting snow.
The path seems to be heading eastwards. To the south, the path exits the foothills.

{72/781hp 260/303m 452/697mv (6.14%)} Alas, you cannot go that way.


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HOT Topic(RAGE DELETE) [None] Trelant the Warlord of the Grinnin... [View all] , Death_Angel, Tue 07-Feb-06 02:32 PM
Reply Always a pleasure., Abernyte-Googee (Guest), 09-Feb-06 04:41 AM, #37
Reply Runnin Scared, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:50 PM, #21
Reply A quick question if you would?, OrcCurious (Guest), 08-Feb-06 09:39 PM, #34
     Reply *Tip*, Skluk (Guest), 08-Feb-06 10:52 PM, #36
     Reply Orc Skills, Trelant (Guest), 09-Feb-06 12:05 PM, #38
Reply Deylani, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:44 PM, #20
Reply Tyvelis, Tahlshor, Naplia, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:42 PM, #19
Reply RE: Tyvelis, Tahlshor, Naplia, Hybrid77 (Guest), 08-Feb-06 03:28 PM, #30
Reply Fingon, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:36 PM, #18
Reply Alriac and Gryshilniar fun while they were WANTED, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:33 PM, #17
Reply Lucky orc!, Gryshilniar, 08-Feb-06 07:24 PM, #33
Reply Gorfall--two fights..then some Horde chaos, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:31 PM, #16
Reply The funniest kill ever. Bjurn, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:28 PM, #15
Reply See if from my perspective..., Bjurn (Guest), 08-Feb-06 10:02 PM, #35
Reply Trelant, Bajula, 07-Feb-06 06:27 PM, #14
Reply Yul/Sarhvlar, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:27 PM, #13
Reply Djohmi, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 06:25 PM, #12
Reply Blidern/Great White Shark, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:55 PM, #11
Reply Shark was called through powers, not another person nt, Blidern (Guest), 08-Feb-06 02:26 PM, #29
Reply Mozarabic, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:53 PM, #10
Reply Toryn/Artageia/Domjac, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 05:51 PM #9
Reply RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Trelant the Warlord of the Gri..., Alidove (Guest), 07-Feb-06 02:41 PM, #2
Reply No hard feelings at all, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 04:08 PM, #6
Reply Not Rage Deleted...just stepping down for someone else ..., Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 02:37 PM, #1
     Reply I already miss you, Xzarg (Guest), 07-Feb-06 03:02 PM, #3
     Reply Hope you have fun, Trelant (Guest), 07-Feb-06 04:54 PM, #8
     Reply RE: Not Rage Deleted...just stepping down for someone e..., Aarn, 07-Feb-06 03:09 PM, #4
     Reply This is not a flame at all, I like you as an Imm (txt), Nightwiggler (Guest), 07-Feb-06 03:55 PM, #5
          Reply Hm, Aarn, 07-Feb-06 04:31 PM, #7
          Reply Lemme give it another whirl txt, Nightwiggler (Guest), 08-Feb-06 11:58 AM, #28
               Reply RE: Lemme give it another whirl txt, Aarn, 08-Feb-06 04:12 PM, #31
                    Reply Gotcha, thanks for the clarification :) nt, Nightwiggler (Guest), 08-Feb-06 04:29 PM, #32
          Reply Re: Thror's Anvil, it was Strength. n/t, Warborf (Guest), 08-Feb-06 08:39 AM, #27
     Reply Skrugga looks fun alright., Orc fan (Guest), 07-Feb-06 07:16 PM, #22
     Reply RE: Skrugga looks fun alright., Rodriguez, 07-Feb-06 07:48 PM, #24
     Reply Skrugga Comments, Trelant (Guest), 08-Feb-06 07:53 AM, #26
     Reply Ouch, man, Dinian (Guest), 07-Feb-06 07:38 PM, #23
     Reply Bye!, DurNominator, 08-Feb-06 04:18 AM, #25
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