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dwaren (Guest)Tue 20-Jul-04 08:50 AM

#29375, "RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient Ways"


Well, its like this.
One on one, cool, two on one cool, three on one cool, i was taking groups near all the time, just for the fact that carrionfields has become a mud of who can get the best gang together. There are a few people that go out solo, but other than that, they are truly only few anymore. I chose surrounding the sunrise for that purpose, and was truly eager for that legacy, but i would have fights, like the one where the five empirials got me at the felars, where it didnt stop even a single person from hitting me. Actually I give it about a 25% effectiveness, so that legacy was a waste, and didnt accomplish really anything, though it was interesting when it worked during a few raids on the empire at the council of four.
My second legacy kicked ass, the furious drive, works often enough to be used.
A case in point, at the village i got there after the destructor died because i couldnt walk from the crimson scourge. Laes Quevea Drox and Lotho i think it was? I trashed them all solo, didnt matter because they all got away, and came back in an even BIGGER group to kill one person (this time without battlerager powers) This game has literally gotten rediculous over the past about two years, just worse and worse, and truly i am only playing carrionfields because i have nothing else better to do. I cant work on my own mud just for the fact I am in afghanistan, and really cant get on my comp eh.
This is the third time i am going to say this over my time on carrionfields, you can do it as a skill or as anything, but i put it up as a skill called focus. Every char can practice it. The more they fight against, the better they fight, the more focused they are. In retrospect, the others get a penalty, relying on numbers instead of training/etc. The further you get from 3 against one, the worse it is. This gives the person being super-ganked a 1, better chance of getting away and not thinking this game is just retarded (i mean damn, what happened to the days we would see near 100 people on? and damn, i have seen times with as little as less than 20 of late) A person that is forced to face six on one (summon and gank) etc will have a great chance to take down at least one of them before he dies. Of course ####, you suck enough to have to face six on one, then they deserve to die.

This is turning into a rant, I am sorry everyone, but bear with me. I will get to goodbyes and so forth.

What pissed me off the greatest about this char, is what people would do. My pk, which i often check, i would see no empirials. Then i would see quevea and drox log on, or the bard and others, and in the time it takes me to heal from being hurt to fully healed, i would have four empirial hero-near hero in my range. If one, such as drox, logged on, often i would head to the empirial lands to fight them. They were usually logged back off before i got either to the vanquisher, or long before the vanquisher was dead. (dont give me #### that its because I am a battlerager. Five minutes gets me stoneskin, shield, aura, haste, ironskin, spiderhands, imperial defense. Most of the time alot of those isnt even needed to take out a villager) No drox, I am not sorry for bashing your char the most here, and you quevea, but you were the worst about it. Another time i went to raid the empire, the bard logged on. By the time I was done bloodthirsting about the empirial lands/vanquisher, etc chasing the bard, the healer logged on. By the time (after I got to sleep, which really didnt matter) vandryn logged on. This is after hours of no empirials. Its truly sad. I am not accusing you of cheating, although what you do is very, very shady, my char even as he was could not deal with mass/logins and gangs of six.

Now, as for farewells.

Kraethal. I knew one of your past chars just by looking at your name, and i thought #### man, you didnt do that. I didnt associate with you the greatest amount at first just because of that, but your still out slingin it man, despite the #### that happens. PS. Skill does matter, hence why I WAS able to fight bigger groups eh? heh

Fire giant axe/whip spec: Nim something? Damnit sorry about forgetting your name. I enjoyed travelling with you. Sorry you didnt make it to the rites man, the rites are fun. I have been a part of quite a few over the years Hope you get to be part of the next man.

umm.. Shalisa. Up and comming assassin of battle. Do me a favor, assassinating is a truly cheap and ####ty way of killing people, all one hit wonders are, but so is killing people six to one, five to one etc, so get at least a few cheap kills for me. Other than that I liked ya eh

hmm. JHLODVIR! Had me laughing my ass off that that was your warcry too, etc. But whn i deleted i still hadnt interacted with you much. Hack away man

umm.. Drow sword spec hero defender. Damn i forgot your name too. You have held out for a long time, of all the battleragers you fight the smartest (knowing when to fight, and saying uhh, no. and finding a place to hide) Sneaking helps soo much for that.

I am forgetting alot of people, but dont worry, I will be responding.

There wasnt anyone of you that was able to fight even three to one against me I think. I took down so many gangs it was sad (telling me you truly rely on great numbers). EXCEPTIONS FURTHER.

Drow dagger spec: At least you did try fighting before quitting eh.

Lothorsomethingorother. Forgot your name too man, but lotho for short eh. You are the only empirial that i have seen, in this chars short and brief life, and with the char that i have now, to do anything at all really. I see you on when there are no other empirials and when there are many, i see you alone often, even with the gangs, though of late you have been closer with them. You have killed me one on one, etc. I am sorry there in balator we took all your things, but on eastern I did leave all of yours in return, and i think another time i killed you after balator? either alone or during raid situation, cant remember, where all your things were left too. I did feel bad about it, but it does happen. Heh, and yes, that was the only time in my chars life where my corpse wasnt empty

No other empirials deserve mention.
actually wojif. How the hell did you become war master? Your easier to take down than even vandryn/drox. Actually every blade.

maran - Every now and then a maran would come to the village to challenge nimril. After I got to hero range, I near never saw any of you, so the only interactions i had with most of you was :The day I can strike you and you seek war at my village, i will kill you, or some such like that.

hmm, oh yeah, rakk (aka easy meat) Gee, maran heroes are raiding the empire (after the hero empirials mass-log off i might add) Young empirials are there. I cant harm any the maran, do you think i am just gonna say well. Maran are waiting, so I will wait patiently for them to finish so I can then go get my head, and for now mazrak gets to sit inside and live? #### that, i went right inside and killed mazlare sorry, mangled his name, at the throne room. When you wrote that note to the battle imm about that I was laughing. I wrote a note to you both again yer damn right I did it, and i will do it again (and did) If I cant kill any of them, or if the one i can fight is say, a paladin and not a mage, it is not going to stop me from getting my head back or killing enemies. Complain away.

umm.. outlander lemur/tiger. I told you about my dwarven ancestry, you decided as dwarf i was enemy. That was a close fight between us, even though neither of us fell. I was surprised i fared that well between both your forms. I hate barrier hehehe.

umm. Lawmen.

Lackeys to anyone that would help you with anyhing really. If I didnt see two or three of you within a short period, wouldnt see any of you for long.

Zemjus. I am freshly no longer a ghost, had just ducked near the group of six empirials and was pretty sure i wasnt seen. Was completely naked just to buy two longswords from grime and a spiky green bracer. After seein that and knowing we didnt have the head you had the guts to come fight me one on one. Duh? As I said, you had an interesting time to suddenly become brave. And being on for roughly six hours a day +, whenever you logged on and was alone, you never stayed on that i saw for more than a few minutes.

Scarabs - just saw you become scarab arthakar. What happened to scions you were trying to join for a long time? hmm. That shaman - luc or whatever. Whats worse than being so weak you must have thieves do tha hard work for you, before you fight?

solo peoples:
umm.. derafhac. We had a few run ins. Haste/superhaste makes a HUGE difference dont it. hehe. I was like, ouch, cussing myself for attempting to disarm when you have an arcane with you, etc. Hehe

Anyone else that responds to this, or anywhere on the thread, i will respond to. See ya in the fields.


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HOT Topic(DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient Ways [View all] , Death_Angel, Tue 20-Jul-04 08:50 AM
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., dwaren (Guest), 19-Jul-04 08:20 AM #11
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., Violin (Guest), 19-Jul-04 11:53 AM, #5
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., dwaren (Guest), 19-Jul-04 11:34 PM, #7
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., Drox (Guest), 22-Jul-04 02:21 AM, #29
          Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 04:47 AM, #31
               Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., Drox (Guest), 23-Jul-04 11:38 AM, #43
                    Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 12:57 PM, #44
Reply pfft, Daurwyn (Guest), 20-Jul-04 03:25 AM, #9
Reply RE: pfft, Dwaren (Guest), 20-Jul-04 12:30 PM, #12
Reply That's odd., Felar Serpent (Guest), 20-Jul-04 06:46 AM, #10
Reply RE: That's odd., dwaren (Guest), 20-Jul-04 12:34 PM, #13
Reply Lemur/Tiger, Rindleblin (Guest), 20-Jul-04 07:09 PM, #14
Reply RE: Lemur/Tiger, dwaren (Guest), 21-Jul-04 07:35 AM, #16
     Reply RE: Lemur/Tiger, Rindleblin (Guest), 21-Jul-04 06:36 PM, #25
          Reply RE: Lemur/Tiger, dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 04:50 AM, #32
Reply Big dissapointment, Elijsie (Guest), 21-Jul-04 02:39 AM, #15
Reply RE: Big dissapointment, dwaren (Guest), 21-Jul-04 08:23 AM, #17
Reply Hiding is half the game at hero, Iborenn (Guest), 21-Jul-04 09:26 AM, #18
Reply RE: Hiding is half the game at hero, dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 04:57 AM, #33
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., Drox (Guest), 21-Jul-04 11:10 AM, #19
Reply The difference:, Elte (Guest), 21-Jul-04 03:12 PM, #21
Reply Thank you, Iborenn (Guest), 21-Jul-04 04:16 PM, #22
Reply RE: The difference:, Drox (Guest), 22-Jul-04 02:13 AM, #28
     Reply RE: The difference:, dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 06:12 AM, #35
Reply forget morals, Daurwyn (Guest), 21-Jul-04 05:48 PM, #24
Reply RE: forget morals, Drox (Guest), 22-Jul-04 02:07 AM, #27
     Reply RE: forget morals, dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 06:53 AM, #36
     Reply Honestly, Hoffy (Guest), 23-Jul-04 07:42 AM, #41
     Reply In short, you sicken me., Nivek1, 23-Jul-04 09:36 AM, #42
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 05:50 AM, #34
Reply Sour grapes, Quevea (Guest), 21-Jul-04 01:18 PM, #20
Reply Yes, yes we know your log on times..., Randomthought (Guest), 21-Jul-04 04:18 PM, #23
Reply RE: Yes, yes we know your full of it, Wojif (Guest), 21-Jul-04 10:08 PM, #26
Reply RE: Yes, yes we know your full of it, dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 07:07 AM, #39
Reply dont post #### like this on my thread, dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 07:05 AM, #38
Reply re: Sour grapes, dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 07:03 AM, #37
Reply Sure thing, Laes (Guest), 22-Jul-04 06:49 AM, #30
     Reply RE: Sure thing, dwaren (Guest), 23-Jul-04 07:12 AM, #40
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., Kraethal (Guest), 18-Jul-04 09:18 PM, #2
Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., dwaren (Guest), 19-Jul-04 08:22 AM, #3
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., Kraeth (Guest), 19-Jul-04 07:01 PM, #6
          Reply RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Dwaren the Disciple of Ancient W..., dwaren (Guest), 20-Jul-04 12:17 AM, #8
Reply Too bad, Shalisa (Guest), 17-Jul-04 11:03 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Too bad, dwaren (Guest), 19-Jul-04 08:26 AM, #4
Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #29252 Previous topic | Next topic