Subject: "RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Thrakadan Rah the Weaponsmaster, Eternal BattleRager" Previous topic | Next topic
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Thrakadan (Guest)Tue 23-Dec-03 11:17 AM

#23019, "RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Thrakadan Rah the Weaponsmaster, Eternal BattleRager"


**** I'm going to go with the you just answered this without considering was said or reading the role

Sorry to see you go so soon after you conquested, but
I want you to know, you did a good job, and I liked
you. If the con-quest seemed to be weak, please
understand, there are good reasons for this. The whole
process was a little unusual, for reasons that I must
leave to your imagination, except perhaps to remind
you that I am only an avatar.

*** It wasnt that weak, it was a lot less than I had
expected but having spoken to a few other people who
had con quests in the past it wasnt too bad
considering. I was kind of hoping for brownie points
seeing as I literally got everything you asked for. As
for me going, I can make 2 con points last a year. My
gf is comming over today, and I'm going over to
Ireland for the Festive season so there was no way I
was going to leave the character unresolved like that.
So I simply stopped playing cautious + a few link
problems, but those link problems existed throug out
the characters life.

As for you being only an Avatar, er you do a lot for
the cabal, why not do a couple of areas and get that
Imm rank, its not that hard to come up with something
innovative, and if your all ready working on it, now
the village has a mortal leader, you have more time to
do so.

I mostly wanted to ensure that you were rewarded
somehow, and to give you a chance, howsoever small, To
make it a while longer.

****I'd never had a con quest before, So I just wanted to try out the rp angle, I just needed enough con to make it to the rites. I was a little pissed off with your comments about saving myself - My characters entire roleplay was based on being a berserker, a
shock trooper and a sacraficer. If I didnt want to con
death, I wouldnt of played the ####ing role in the
first place. I'd of been Thrakadan engages only
sometime, instead of being Thrakadan on all the time,
fighting which ever odds, never quitting until there
was nothing left to do.

. I'm not sure how you did over the past few days but
I must assume it didn't go terribly well for you.

It went perfectly, when I didnt get the captain slot,
I was like, oh well thats one thing I'm not going to
achieve, I've never had a titled character before, and
I had two titles with this character, I think I
delivered a well rounded three dimensional character
that almost everyone reacted well too.

Better luck on your next - maybe try a class that can
hide or something? We tend to make it to age death, or
stand a much better chance of it anyway.

Age death? The character was trapped in the abyss for
65,000 years, it would of sort of sucked you know to
not burn out like that.

I've had more than a few heros, one I deleted with 3
deaths, one the Justiciar deleted with 6 deaths. If I
wanted to have a character in ragers age death, I
could its not hard. Why the #### would I play a hiding
character? I played this character to test a concept,
and to have fun, the character was 9 monthes old and
I'm sorry but in the end I was like, well you've
achieved everything you set out to do and with the
current imm situation you cant achieve any more, so
why not go for your Pillar place. So thats what I did.

I dont know what it is, but you seem to really grate
on me sometimes, I know your playing mortalish because
you've said this now and that sort of explains alot of
what I dont like about you as an Immortal. However
perhaps if you wanted to do something, Like the con
quest which I know you couldnt do on your own, you can
ask for help. I loved the Big D in the rites, I never
knew he was so sarccy. These are things you can have
help with until you have the ability to do so
yourself. Then again you already know all this ####.

***You can only show people the door, they have to
walk through it themselves**** Wheres the ####ing door



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Topic(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Thrakadan Rah the Weaponsmaster, Et... [View all] , Death_Angel, Wed 17-Dec-03 01:20 AM
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Thrakadan Rah the Weaponsmaster..., Sardinthal (Guest), 19-Dec-03 03:24 AM, #15
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Thrakadan Rah the Weaponsmaster..., Sabiene, 17-Dec-03 06:32 PM, #11
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Thrakadan Rah the Weaponsmaster..., Thrakadan (Guest), 23-Dec-03 11:17 AM #19
Reply The Deal, Thatguy, 17-Dec-03 08:03 AM, #2
Reply Broghelan, Thatguy, 17-Dec-03 09:27 AM, #3
Reply RE: The Deal, Enbuergo1 (Guest), 17-Dec-03 10:56 AM, #4
Reply RE: The Deal, Tykrul (Guest), 17-Dec-03 12:46 PM, #5
Reply RE: The Deal, Thatguy, 17-Dec-03 03:45 PM, #8
Reply hey later, Flaerglum (Guest), 17-Dec-03 02:04 PM, #6
Reply RE: hey later, Krivohan, 17-Dec-03 02:54 PM, #7
Reply RE: hey later, Thatguy, 17-Dec-03 03:47 PM, #9
Reply Explanation, Thatguy, 17-Dec-03 04:24 PM, #10
Reply Haha, fun stuff..., Odelius (Guest), 17-Dec-03 06:38 PM, #12
Reply GOODBYE, OBLAIN (Guest), 17-Dec-03 11:01 PM, #13
Reply RE: The Deal, Kackrik (Guest), 18-Dec-03 04:19 AM, #14
Reply hehehe, Thrakadan (Guest), 23-Dec-03 11:13 AM, #18
Reply RE: The Deal, Kastellyn, 21-Dec-03 08:27 PM, #16
Reply RE: The Deal, Thrakadan (Guest), 23-Dec-03 11:12 AM, #17
Reply I know this post is late as hell and you probably won't..., Kardok (Guest), 05-Jan-04 05:50 AM, #20
Reply RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Thrakadan Rah the Weaponsmaster..., Sharidum (Guest), 17-Dec-03 02:47 AM, #1
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