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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #22472
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Eschkitzko (Guest)Fri 28-Nov-03 06:28 AM

#22474, "Good times"


Hmm.. my second invoker. I was rather happy with him, and it was alot of fun, but it was simply time to move on. I played too many hours as an invoker, I was getting into quake1 again, and I had a whole 7 con. I didn't want to delete while sylvan was weak (we needed leaders who interviewed apps and talked to them), so I stuck it out for a while. My playing times dwindled, but I tried to get some fun in here. I simply had more fun with Tichniktil, though Eschkitzko was more potent as a pker. I never did write a role, but I did mend a bit of old philosophy and tried to think up some new stuff pertaining to spirit/life/etc..

I got more masteries with Esch than I did Tich, and the affinities worked out better, but I never did bother to get water mastery. I feel retarded now. Oh well, I blame the imms for telling me practice doesen't matter.

As far as sylvan goes, it's a fun cabal. I just wish the imms would spice it up a little (by the way, thanks for the fun Saldradien). Oh, djinns and efreetis are not fun. Some new leader titles would be very nice. Maybe a power that allows us to forage for food or healing herbs that can be applied to wild creatures once in a great while would help too.

I know.. I didn't fool anyone with the names. But hey, I liked it. What it lacked in grace it made up for in a mystical flow. Props to the imms for the new targetting system, but for those of you who complain about long names, you need a to type more anyway.

Anyhow, here's some goodbyes. I'm missing alot, but if you drop me a line I'll reply.


Sylvans: Yeah.. I play a lot of Sylvans.

Choranek - you're the reason I rolled up another sylvan invoker (and did so before Tich's con was even waning). You were fun to be around, and you made being in sylvan fun. You were a good leader, even if we did die alot. Congrats on the imming. Solid character, and a pleasure to interact with you, from lowbie levels till 3 con.

Pelthaas - I didn't see you too much, as my playing times were sporadic at best, but it was good fun. I'm sure you'll remain a good leader, and thanks for all the help. Keep it up.

Aereglen - You damn drunk. Was fun being around you, your speech and mannerisms made the game more interesting. A shame our roleplays clashed at times, but it's all in good fun. I swear to god, the next person who asks me for shields to fight Korsulath is getting a nova in the face.

Kheldahl - Roar! You kick ass. I still can't believe you got that form.

Arsiep - Why the autodelete?

Voronil - You're a good leader, and I hope you get cap some day. Keep it up.

Nydosin - Once again, keep it up. Fun character to be around, and you have loads of courage.

Wohrud - Wish you didn't delete. Good fun, well played.

Lochlan - Wish I was around more often when you were. Don't worry about getting killed, it's a big part of playing an Invoker, I've found.

I know I'm missing someone..


Tribunal: Esch definately did not like Tribunal, though he did understand order's importance. They're a fun enemy, easy to locate, close by, and equipped with manacles. What more could a cabal want.

Oblain - HAH! I killed you! I finally killed you. After I killed you and Ozlif (solo, that is,), and Chor immed, my character lost most of it's personal meaning. Well fought, keep it up.

Larsetta - Sorry, but you seriously pissed me off, and you deserved everything you got for it and more. Wish we could have sat down and had a chat so I could belittle your cabal and beliefs, but I would have ended up killing you in the end anyway.

Kelrizza - Well fought. A competant invoker alongside Oblain usually means something bad's going to go down in the grove.

Ashlidry - Damn. Felar have no luck with invokers. You had courage though. Thanks for the fights.


Battle: Like a huge con succubus. Works two ways though. Towards the end, I just camo'd. In the words of Eric Cartman, Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Ozlif - I was ecstatic when I killed you. Took long enough. I finally caved in and used barrier (using barrier in a quicksanded rager pk fight is like rape; sure it's fun, but it's too easy.)

Juktar - Mean as hell.

Slathigern - Annoying as hell.

Missing alot, you guys come and go real fastlike.


Empire: A neat cabal, but the new crop made me angry more than anything.

Yanacek - Well done, I guess. Didn't see much of you.

Zhenzar - You rock. Fun fights, good times.

Grrhanr - Yeah.. was fun.

Weckalla - You have alot to learn about invokers.. but you made it more interesting nonetheless. Just wish you came around more.


Scions: Kinda funny, I was thinking about rolling up a Scion, then they "boomed" as much as a close-knit cabal can.

Mekantos - Wish we duelled again. I think I'd own you if I didn't pick the worst choice of spells/major shield.

Vanar - You made things too interesting. Well played, nonetheless.

Nakterius - Where'd you go?

Zaknafir - See Vanar.



Madas - You're a damn beast. Thanks for the fights.

Amitofo - Annoying as hell.

So.. I guess.. that's it. See you in the fields, or on the quakeworld servers.


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Topic(RAGE) Eschkitzko the Weaver of the Elements, Warder Li... [View all] , Death_Angel, Fri 28-Nov-03 03:32 AM
Reply RE: (RAGE) Eschkitzko the Weaver of the Elements, Warde..., Blachmianan, 28-Nov-03 10:50 AM, #2
Reply Good times, Eschkitzko (Guest), 28-Nov-03 06:28 AM #1
     Reply Heh, the time when you killed me the fight was so damn ..., Oblain (Guest), 29-Nov-03 12:02 AM, #3
     Reply RE: Good times, khel (Guest), 29-Nov-03 12:49 PM, #4
     Reply Oh I see how it is!, kas, 29-Nov-03 07:07 PM, #5
     Reply hey man, aereglen (Guest), 01-Dec-03 03:10 AM, #6
     Reply So long!, Choranek (Anonymous), 01-Dec-03 02:17 PM, #7
     Reply thanks for the shields, Rind (Guest), 01-Dec-03 10:41 PM, #8
     Reply RE: Good times, Pelthaas (Guest), 02-Dec-03 09:15 AM, #9
Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #22472 Previous topic | Next topic