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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(RAGE) Eschkitzko the Weaver of the Elements, Warder Lieutenant
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=22472
22472, (RAGE) Eschkitzko the Weaver of the Elements, Warder Lieutenant
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Nov 28 2:30:36 2003

Eschkitzko the Weaver of the Elements, Warder Lieutenant was put to rest.

Cabal:SYLVAN, the Sylvan Warders
PK Ratio:60% (closer to 100% is better)
22476, RE: (RAGE) Eschkitzko the Weaver of the Elements, Warder Lieutenant
Posted by Blachmianan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was fun watching you at times. I could see the improvement from Tich to this character and it is always good to see someone learn from past mistakes. Not that Tich was bad mind you, but this character obviously made some better choices. Good luck on your next.
22474, Good times
Posted by Eschkitzko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm.. my second invoker. I was rather happy with him, and it was alot of fun, but it was simply time to move on. I played too many hours as an invoker, I was getting into quake1 again, and I had a whole 7 con. I didn't want to delete while sylvan was weak (we needed leaders who interviewed apps and talked to them), so I stuck it out for a while. My playing times dwindled, but I tried to get some fun in here. I simply had more fun with Tichniktil, though Eschkitzko was more potent as a pker. I never did write a role, but I did mend a bit of old philosophy and tried to think up some new stuff pertaining to spirit/life/etc..

I got more masteries with Esch than I did Tich, and the affinities worked out better, but I never did bother to get water mastery. I feel retarded now. Oh well, I blame the imms for telling me practice doesen't matter.

As far as sylvan goes, it's a fun cabal. I just wish the imms would spice it up a little (by the way, thanks for the fun Saldradien). Oh, djinns and efreetis are not fun. Some new leader titles would be very nice. Maybe a power that allows us to forage for food or healing herbs that can be applied to wild creatures once in a great while would help too.

I know.. I didn't fool anyone with the names. But hey, I liked it. What it lacked in grace it made up for in a mystical flow. Props to the imms for the new targetting system, but for those of you who complain about long names, you need a to type more anyway.

Anyhow, here's some goodbyes. I'm missing alot, but if you drop me a line I'll reply.


Sylvans: Yeah.. I play a lot of Sylvans.

Choranek - you're the reason I rolled up another sylvan invoker (and did so before Tich's con was even waning). You were fun to be around, and you made being in sylvan fun. You were a good leader, even if we did die alot. Congrats on the imming. Solid character, and a pleasure to interact with you, from lowbie levels till 3 con.

Pelthaas - I didn't see you too much, as my playing times were sporadic at best, but it was good fun. I'm sure you'll remain a good leader, and thanks for all the help. Keep it up.

Aereglen - You damn drunk. Was fun being around you, your speech and mannerisms made the game more interesting. A shame our roleplays clashed at times, but it's all in good fun. I swear to god, the next person who asks me for shields to fight Korsulath is getting a nova in the face.

Kheldahl - Roar! You kick ass. I still can't believe you got that form.

Arsiep - Why the autodelete?

Voronil - You're a good leader, and I hope you get cap some day. Keep it up.

Nydosin - Once again, keep it up. Fun character to be around, and you have loads of courage.

Wohrud - Wish you didn't delete. Good fun, well played.

Lochlan - Wish I was around more often when you were. Don't worry about getting killed, it's a big part of playing an Invoker, I've found.

I know I'm missing someone..


Tribunal: Esch definately did not like Tribunal, though he did understand order's importance. They're a fun enemy, easy to locate, close by, and equipped with manacles. What more could a cabal want.

Oblain - HAH! I killed you! I finally killed you. After I killed you and Ozlif (solo, that is,), and Chor immed, my character lost most of it's personal meaning. Well fought, keep it up.

Larsetta - Sorry, but you seriously pissed me off, and you deserved everything you got for it and more. Wish we could have sat down and had a chat so I could belittle your cabal and beliefs, but I would have ended up killing you in the end anyway.

Kelrizza - Well fought. A competant invoker alongside Oblain usually means something bad's going to go down in the grove.

Ashlidry - Damn. Felar have no luck with invokers. You had courage though. Thanks for the fights.


Battle: Like a huge con succubus. Works two ways though. Towards the end, I just camo'd. In the words of Eric Cartman, Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Ozlif - I was ecstatic when I killed you. Took long enough. I finally caved in and used barrier (using barrier in a quicksanded rager pk fight is like rape; sure it's fun, but it's too easy.)

Juktar - Mean as hell.

Slathigern - Annoying as hell.

Missing alot, you guys come and go real fastlike.


Empire: A neat cabal, but the new crop made me angry more than anything.

Yanacek - Well done, I guess. Didn't see much of you.

Zhenzar - You rock. Fun fights, good times.

Grrhanr - Yeah.. was fun.

Weckalla - You have alot to learn about invokers.. but you made it more interesting nonetheless. Just wish you came around more.


Scions: Kinda funny, I was thinking about rolling up a Scion, then they "boomed" as much as a close-knit cabal can.

Mekantos - Wish we duelled again. I think I'd own you if I didn't pick the worst choice of spells/major shield.

Vanar - You made things too interesting. Well played, nonetheless.

Nakterius - Where'd you go?

Zaknafir - See Vanar.



Madas - You're a damn beast. Thanks for the fights.

Amitofo - Annoying as hell.

So.. I guess.. that's it. See you in the fields, or on the quakeworld servers.
22478, Heh, the time when you killed me the fight was so damn close.
Posted by Oblain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
luck and skill both.
Well done.
22489, RE: Good times
Posted by khel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes indeedy, when you and I were on together we did have some good times. I loved the last big raid we did together on the Impies. No Tribunals on and 4 Impies and you insisted on going for the codex and not the scales. And we managed to kill a few of them, though I don't think we got the codex that time (my gingko levels are running low and my memory is bad :P )

22502, Oh I see how it is!
Posted by kas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Naw just typing in crap. Good run with ya even though I did delete before 45. But yeah sorry if I made you feel like a shield bitch but dammit invokers are(just a joke heh). But good run and luck on your next.
22519, hey man
Posted by aereglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
all i needed was fireshield for the sake of gear but you insisted ;). you kicked some major ass and you gotta love the slept quicksanded groups that never made it to the ranger. good luck on the next. btw i hope you're just sick of vokers and not sylvan, the numbers are gettin lower.
22523, So long!
Posted by Choranek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well thank you, quite a compliment to have someone role a character due to a desire to interact with you. Chor was designed for fun and I'm happy that you enjoyed him as much as I.
Esch and Tich were both great friends, yeah we died a lot, but it was part of the role, that exhuberant childlike never say die attitude. I am sure people were often aghast at me coming at them or after the sapling sometimes seconds after I unghosted. Believe me I apprecitated the backup, and we did get some pretty sweet kills.
I'll echo Blach's comment about the improvement in the kill skill of Esch, you certainly seemed to learn alot.
Look forward to seeing what comes next for you.

22528, thanks for the shields
Posted by Rind on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
seems our sylvanish chars keep meeting, you played Eclinsan right? Well Rindolor had alot of respect for Esch, and I always felt alot safer when I'd be on as the only sylvan with a horde of imperials/assorted baddies around, cause at least I'd be fully shielded while defending :)

sorry I gave up the way I did...but ah well. good times and puttin out fires sure is fun eh?

22531, RE: Good times
Posted by Pelthaas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another quality Warder is put to rest.

Always good times when you were around, man. Tich and Pelthaas heroed around the same time, had lots of good times, then everyone up and deleted. I'm glad you decided to come back with Esch, though, because we were sorely in need and you did a damn fine job as lieut. Hope you make it back to the grove soon enough, anything you play will be a valuable asset.

Take it easy,
