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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #19840
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Theaus (Guest)Tue 29-Jul-03 09:23 PM

#19840, "Since I'm tired of waiting on the Death Angel."


Where to start...well this was my first neo-thief, and second thief ever...second hero as well. Theaus was rolled so that I might go looking for potions and scrolls, and svirf just so I had 100% lore, so I didn't write any sort of role. Figured I'd go Nexus cause my first hero was a Nexan and the rp, which I did lil of anyways, was fun and the members are quite helpful usually. When I first joined there were two Village, galadon thieves, Alarin and Sabienne that I would have to fight during raids but be social to outside of that...well one drunked night I was killed by an a-p and a necro,I think, I was traveling with and I told Sabienne that I would do anything to have them killed and to hell with the Balance...that started the whole leaving Nexus thing, which only too a day or two at most, Thanks Kastellyn for breaking the bond, that was pretty cool. Anyways since I knew most of the VIllage and at the time there was a Villager warrior,I think, that went over to Nexus I figured I'd try the reverse. It was going well, was taking 100 hours or so, but then work picked up and I didnt have time to play for three weeks or so and was already to let Theaus auto, when on a fluke I logged in to see Sabienne an imm and that the Village had a new Leader so I went back at it. Which took another 30 hours or so but Drahkul finally inducted me...what a great time that was, I've had a couple of Villagers before but Theaus was by far my most fun, he was damn useless in most situations and not all together frightening but stealing the head back after a raid is priceless. Anyways frustrated over the lack of Village members logging on and low con I figured it was time to pull the plug on him.

Goodbyes: Likely to forget a few after 350 hours but I'll give it a particular order.

Kastellyn: Once again thanks for breaking the bond, and being part of the anti-life quest was great.

Sabienne: You were a good friend during your mortal life, didn't see you much after you ascended but you are right...quicksand is a mother.

Moligant: Brother, being a Gapverdi was pretty cool, I know you must have been like wtf is he doing half the time, but my rp is less then average I think, so I couldnt really pull off what you wanted, I tried my best, sorry to leave you hanging, gratz on Ascension.

Ocelevan: The third Kingpin that Theaus got to know, well done as well, there was more I wished to do with you and for the guild but oh well..perhaps some of the things I started will bear fruit.

Drahkul: Great Commander, terrifying warrior, and one person I never had a problem going along with for eq, Thanks for seeing past the former Nexus thing.

Zylundak: Unfortunately I didn't stay around long enough to see what you do with the Village but I think you are on the right track, kind of thought you suddenly went on an ego trip tho...well done all the same.

Astilamos: Damn you were prolly my biggest arch-enemy at the beggining of my hero levels, you got me twice for experience losses due to summoning and we battled quite a few more then that, killing you would have been a treat, gratz on getting Emperor.

Tirrarreor: I think of you when I think of Astilamos, you two really messed up my con there due to summons and what not...finally got you a few times and your last death as well I think. Fly potions would have saved your ass a lot. I thought you did well anyways.

Nydeikon: I remember talking trash to you before I could hurt you then I got there and was like damn, he can fight..I got you once I think when you and two others raided before I fell, my crowing achievement...har har, well done on Ascension as well. That last time before you ascended in Hamsah after I had gone stealing and lost roughly 100 gold coins was a pain.

Jumalde/Boigeran: I'll put you two together cause I thought you both were beasts, axes truly are a thieves worst friend. Well fought both of you, only chance I had against Jumalde was blackjack at the D and then trip/cheapshot and your legacy messed that up...well done on Lord Elder.

Gilleonoir: Brother thief, don't know what happened to you after the member board was removed, what a pain that was...going from having donated 1.5 million coppers to 0 was a pain in the ass, bet you felt the same. Wished I could have seen you hero...luck.

Synbendorial: Damn your walrus form was my bane on the water..I was terrified to even set foot there. Well fought and luck with the Warlocks.

Azharadon/Kucerael/Gherian: Three invokers that tore me a new one most every time, even with spell bane up. One of my worst classes to get around.

Gieldon: Theaus' best friend in the Village, prolly one of the few I traveled with regularly besides raids and learning...didn't really accomplish much but it was a blast. I can't count the number of times we were at the D during raids and being like should we leave...nay, we'll fight thru them. That duel where I didn't hit you at all was one of the most embarassing moments in my life.

Urgarg/Ozlif/Ramstin/Ezrail: Sorry to group you all up but it's getting four were the ones that ranked Theaus to hero and the ones I looked up to for most of my Village life. All of you did well and fought great. Luck to the remaining three of you.

Sayangu: Honorable mention for being so damn old, rarely interacted with you because we were loners basically, only met during bandage sessions and raids, well done all the same.

Munro: One of the few people I wasn't afraid of but still couldn't kill, you made a fearsome bond mate and likely the reason I got killed so fast at times.

To all you air/(whatever forms): Fark off...seriously tho, I can't count the number of times I'd be gathering eq or fighting someone and a damn osprey/vulture/ or eagle will come down from somewhere.

To anyone that I am missing, likely there a few but I worked 14 hours today and can't really think straight. Make a reply and I'll do the same.

Later, see you all in the fields.


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TopicSince I'm tired of waiting on the Death Angel. [View all] , Theaus (Guest), Tue 29-Jul-03 09:23 PM
Reply RE: Since I'm tired of waiting on the Death Angel., Kucerael (Guest), 31-Jul-03 08:22 PM, #8
Reply RE: Since I'm tired of waiting on the Death Angel., Theaus (Guest), 01-Aug-03 04:26 PM, #9
Reply No mention for the little gnome?, Tichniktil (Guest), 30-Jul-03 05:07 PM, #6
Reply RE: No mention for the little gnome?, Theaus (Guest), 30-Jul-03 06:35 PM, #7
Reply Farewell, Moligant (Guest), 30-Jul-03 07:43 AM, #5
Reply I Know the Katana was similar..., Quezzumpliet, 30-Jul-03 12:09 AM, #3
Reply RE: I Know the Katana was similar..., Theaus (Guest), 30-Jul-03 05:39 AM, #4
Reply Miss you bud., Urgarg (Guest), 29-Jul-03 10:46 PM, #2
Reply Good luck on your next, Dafeb (Guest), 29-Jul-03 10:35 PM, #1
Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #19840 Previous topic | Next topic