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Top General Discussions The Battlefield Topic #16018
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Derdhuin (Guest)Mon 03-Mar-03 06:19 PM

#16019, "Role and Score and stuff"


Derdhuin the Weaponsmaster
Level : 51 Sex : male Race : arial
Ethos : Orderly Align : Neutral Class : warrior
Practices: 4 Trains : 0 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 512900 To Level : 24350 Sphere : Reason
Age : middle-aged, 36 years old (240 hours)
Hit Point: 904 /904 Mana : 668 /668 Move : 766 /883
Str : 18(19) Int : 23(23) Wis : 20(20)
Dex : 25(25) Con : 4 (4 ) Chr : 15(16)
Carry # : 22/37 Weight : 93 kg 187 g (Max 159 kg)
Gold : 0 Silver : 79 Copper : 1446
Wimpy : 250 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 17 Damroll : 27
AC pierce: -195 Divinely armored AC bash : -197 Divinely armored
AC slash : -207 Divinely armored AC magic : -195 Divinely armored
vs Spell : Barely protected vs Paralysis : Barely protected
vs Breath: Barely protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in whip and flail.
You are specialized in hand to hand.
You shield your will within the Fortress of the Spirit.
You have no fear of lean times, having heard the Whispers of the Great Siege.
You are affected by:
Power: 'truesight' for 6 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 6 hours.

<904 668 766 8 PM|||| eq
People near you:
(PK) Derdhuin In the Endless Wastes

<904 668 766 8 PM|||| You are using:
<worn on finger> a blue sapphire ring
<worn on finger> a studded ring
<worn around neck> a crystal pendant
<worn around neck> (Glowing) the amulet of Ravenkind
<worn on body> a red-gold dragon hide
<worn on head> an unadorned silver circlet
<worn on face> a dark, avian's black leather mask
<worn on legs> midnight dragon leggings
<worn on claws> a pair of black, steel-taloned boots
<worn on hands> gauntlets of ogre power
<worn on arms> red-gold dragon armguards
<worn as shield> a shield from the hide of a snow worm
<worn on wings> a pair of silver-tipped feathered ribbons
<worn about waist> a sterling steel belt buckle
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a brilliant silver bracelet
<worn around wrist> a wide titanium bracer
<wielded> a diamond studded whip

<904 668 766 8 PM|||| skill

Level 1: axe 98% dagger 97%
flail 100% mace 98%
polearm 97% spear 93%
sword 96% staff 93%
whip 100% enhanced damage 100%
hand to hand 100% parry 100%
rescue 78% recall 100%
shield block 96%
Level 3: dirt kicking 100%
Level 5: second attack 100%
Level 6: fast healing 100%
Level 8: kick 100%
Level 10: disarm 100% feint 94%
Level 12: third attack 100% dual wield 100%
Level 13: dodge 100%
Level 14: haggle 75%
Level 15: bash 100% trip 99%
shield cleave 71% pugil 96%
meditation 100%
Level 16: charge 85%
Level 18: berserk 1% lash 100%

Level 20: warcry 90% parting blow 81%
ironhands 100% pen 72%
Level 21: lore 90% retreat 100%
Level 22: evasion 100%
Level 23: offhand disarm 100% vital area 100%
poultice 86%
Level 24: strip 100%
Level 25: drive 100%
Level 26: pummel 100% eyejab 100%
Level 27: choke 100%
Level 28: double block 100%
Level 30: fourth attack 100% stun 100%
dash 91% field dressing 100%
Level 32: crushing blow 100% entwine 100%
Level 34: pull 99%

Added Thu Dec 5 02:07:29 2002 at level 12:
As the tradition of his family went, Derdhuin Ca Redezor (so named because of the archaic family word for Kingfisher) married young as arranged by his father and, after his first son was born, went on to fulfill the rest of his familial tradition. That tradition, as had
been followed by more than 12 generations before him, is to experience the world and record his important lessons in a book. Only then would he be accepted back by his family with pride, and his sons and theirs below them would learn from him. As is the tradition, his family has gone into exile with his sons reading the works of his grandfathers.

While not the rule, the Ca Redezor family has largely been followers of Eryndorial and Derdhuin is no exception. He accepts the finite reality of his life and seeks to appreciate the beauty of the world in all of its forms. Embracing the heritage of much of his family's past, he eschews magic in all of its forms. He sees the use of magic as a crutch and could never be proud of himself should he use it. To this end he will fight, in a respectable fashion of course, to stop others from using it themselves though he realizes that ultimately the choice is up to them.

Added Thu Feb 20 16:52:25 2003 at level 51:
Years passed and Derdhuin progressed through the ranks of the guild. After defending the Village of the Battleragers for many years, he was offered and accepted a hut. Upon reaching his 51st rank, he joyfully set out to return to his family.

His wife, Serendhel, had taken care of his three children as was the custom. Approximately eight years after he had left them, one of his sons, Edendhre, fell to an illness, and the family stayed strong and a warm, loving family. His other son, Adenadhe, was now 14 years old,
and his daughter, Sanethen, had 11 years. The two of them bring him such joy and it was with great joy that he brought the three to the Village to live with him.

As Derdhuin had expected, the beauty of a mortal life was manifesting itself in the death of his sponsor Yogor, and the weaknesses of other mortals. He would have it no other way.

My role was based somewhat on existential and stoic philosophy. I really would have enjoyed being able to interact with Eryndorial, but I still am very happy with my guy.

Last death: Urzkoo was going to finish me off.

<819 286 834 12 PM|||| lo

You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
You can't see a thing!
Someone is in perfect health.

<816 302 843 12 PM||||
Someone has arrived.
Someone says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Someone walks in, moaning and rattling his chains.
Someone is in perfect health.

<816 302 843 12 PM|||| eyejab
You bring the handle of something about, but miss someone's eyes.
You parry someone's freezing bite.
You dodge someone's poisonous bite.
You dodge someone's poisonous bite.
You parry someone's freezing bite.
You dodge someone's freezing bite.
Someone dodges your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone parries your beating and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's freezing bite MASSACRES you!
Someone is in perfect health.

<750 302 843 12 PM||||
Someone's freezing bite DISMEMBERS you!
You parry someone's poisonous bite.
You parry someone's freezing bite.
Someone's freezing bite DISMEMBERS you!
Someone parries your beating.
Someone is in perfect health.

<628 302 843 12 PM|||| td

Someone tries to strike the same place with both its swords.
Someone's thrust MANGLES you!
Someone's thrust MANGLES you!
Someone is in perfect health.

<448 302 843 12 PM||||
You dodge someone's freezing bite.
You parry someone's poisonous bite.
You dodge someone's freezing bite.
Someone dodges your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone is in perfect health.

<448 302 843 12 PM|||| You hurl aside something to free your hand for punching.
You toss something to the ground and grit your teeth, preparing for unarmed combat.
Someone is in perfect health.

<448 302 843 12 PM|||| You land a stunning blow on someone!
Someone says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<448 302 843 12 PM||||
Someone looks at someone.

<448 302 843 12 PM|||| field

Someone mutters something quietly to itself.

<448 302 843 12 PM||||
Someone looks at someone.

<448 302 843 12 PM|||| You apply a field dressing to your wounds.

<599 262 843 12 PM|||| rest

Someone says 'Cannae strip those weapons away'


<661 285 843 1 PM|||| st
You stand up.

<661 285 843 1 PM|||| k urzkoo
You must MURDER a player.

hehe, I always do that!

<661 285 843 1 PM|||| wear bola
wear bola
You wield a vine bola.
A vine bola feels like a part of you!

<661 285 843 1 PM|||| in
You dual wield a vine bola.
A vine bola feels like a part of you!

<661 285 843 1 PM|||| You are carrying:
a vine bola
the stomach of a beast
( 2) some hard tack

<661 285 843 1 PM|||| where
People near you:
(PK) Rhandax The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Urzkoo Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Derdhuin Before a fortified hillock
Konrad Before a fortified hillock

<661 285 843 1 PM||||
The moon changes and begins a waning phase.

<661 285 843 1 PM||||
Rhomelanthos looks at Urzkoo.

<661 285 843 1 PM||||
Straklaw has arrived.
Darian has arrived.
Kalmah has arrived.

<661 285 843 2 PM||||
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.

<695 319 843 2 PM|||| st
You stand up.

<695 319 843 2 PM|||| Ragattor has arrived.

<695 319 843 2 PM|||| where

Straklaw sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Straklaw's bash injures you.
Seizing upon your moment of weakness, Straklaw brutally kicks you while you're down!
Straklaw's vicious attack devastates you!
You yell 'Help! Straklaw is bashing me!'
Straklaw has a few scratches.

<652 319 843 2 PM|||| field

The Nightwalker has arrived.
Straklaw has a few scratches.

<652 319 843 2 PM||||
Ragattor gets a large boar steak from a cowhide knapsack.
Straklaw has a few scratches.

<652 319 843 2 PM||||
Ragattor eats a large boar steak.
Your beating EVISCERATES Straklaw!
Straklaw parries your beating.
Straklaw dodges your beating.
Your beating MUTILATES Straklaw!
Straklaw parries your beating.
You dodge Straklaw's cleave.
Zekasiq's poisonous bite MUTILATES you!
Poison creeps into your body from the Ancient Staff of the Cobra.
You feel very sick.
You dodge Kalmah's slash.
You dodge Kalmah's slash.
Kalmah's slash DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Kalmah's slash.
You dodge Darian's slash.
You parry Darian's slice.
You parry Darian's slash.
You dodge Straklaw's cleave.
You parry Kalmah's slash.
Kalmah's slash EVISCERATES you!
You dodge Kalmah's slash.
You parry Zekasiq's poisonous bite.
You dodge Zekasiq's poisonous bite.
You dodge Darian's slash.
Darian's slice MUTILATES you!
You parry Darian's slash.
You parry Darian's slash.
Straklaw has some small but disgusting cuts.

<473 319 843 2 PM|||| eyejab

You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<472 319 843 2 PM||||
You avoid someone's pugil strike.
Someone's pugil strike misses you.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<472 319 843 2 PM||||
Someone stands up.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<472 319 843 2 PM||||
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
You parry someone's claw.
You parry someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone dodges your beating.
Your beating EVISCERATES someone!
Someone parries your beating.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You parry someone's cleave.
Someone's slash EVISCERATES you!
You parry someone's slash.
Someone's slash MUTILATES you!
You parry someone's poisonous bite.
You dodge someone's slash.
You parry someone's slice.
You parry someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slash.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<389 319 843 2 PM||||
Closing in, someone savages your face with its teeth!
Someone's savage feeding *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
Someone's bash misses you.
You evade someone's bash, causing it to fall flat on its face.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<287 319 843 2 PM|||| You can't see a thing!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<287 319 843 2 PM|||| No way! You are still fighting!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<287 319 843 2 PM|||| You reach out and jab the handle of something into someone's eyes!
Your eye jab grazes someone.
You dodge someone's claw.
Your beating MUTILATES someone!
Your beating maims someone!
You dodge someone's cleave.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
You dodge someone's poisonous bite.
You dodge someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slice.
You dodge someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slice.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<287 319 843 2 PM||||
Someone starts a vicious series of attacks with its swords.
You manage to partially evade someone's attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry EVISCERATES you!
You manage to partially parry its attack, but are still hit.
Someone's flurry MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<193 319 843 2 PM||||
You get in one more shot on someone as it flees.
Your parting blow hits someone.
Someone has fled!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<193 319 843 2 PM||||
You dodge someone's claw.
You dodge someone's claw.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone parries your beating.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You parry someone's cleave.
You dodge someone's slash.
Someone's slash DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slash.
You parry someone's slice.
You dodge someone's slash.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<138 319 843 2 PM|||| flee

Someone's claw decimates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
You parry someone's claw.
Someone parries your beating.
Someone dodges your beating.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone's slash MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

<71 319 840 2 PM|||| You aren't fighting anyone.

<71 319 840 2 PM|||| field
You apply a field dressing to your wounds.

<222 279 840 2 PM|||| s
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<222 279 840 2 PM|||| e
You can't see a thing!
Someone is here, moaning and rattling his chains.
Someone says 'Welcome, great warrior.'
Someone yells 'Derdhuin! Now you die!'
Someone's claw devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

<193 279 834 2 PM|||| flee
You aren't fighting anyone.

<193 279 834 3 PM|||| w
You can't see a thing!

<193 279 831 3 PM|||| You can't see a thing!

<193 279 828 3 PM|||| You can't see a thing!

<193 279 825 3 PM|||| rest

someone: Ah blast
You rest.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 23 hours.
Song: 'galadriel' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 16 hours.
Song: 'galadriel' modifies hit roll by 7 for 16 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'poison' modifies strength by -5 for 5 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| st
You stand up.

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| poult
Your poultice fails to cure Derdhuin.

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| field

Rhandax has arrived.

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| poult

Rhandax leaves east.

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| The current bandages haven't fulfilled their purpose yet.

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| Your poultice fails to cure Derdhuin.

<170 310 843 3 PM||||
Zekasiq tells you 'We were unaware of the duel.'

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| poult

Rhandax has arrived.

<170 310 843 3 PM|||| e
You apply a poultice to your wounds.
You feel less sick.

<170 280 843 3 PM||||
Rhandax: Konrad lets group up edh

<170 280 843 3 PM|||| t zekasiq You are still pathetic.

Rhandax looks at you.

<170 280 843 3 PM|||| Before the pillar of legends

A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.

<170 280 840 3 PM|||| e
You tell Zekasiq 'You are still pathetic.'

<170 280 840 3 PM|||| A blood-stained path through the village

<170 280 837 3 PM|||| where
People near you:
Ragattor Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Rhandax Blood Square
(PK) Urzkoo Before a fortified hillock
(PK) Derdhuin A blood-stained path through the village
Konrad Before a fortified hillock

<170 280 837 3 PM|||| sca e
You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
Ragattor is here.
Konrad is here.
(Ghost) Rhomelanthos is here.
Urzkoo is sleeping here.
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.

<170 280 837 3 PM|||| e
Among the barbaric huts

A knapsack made of cowhide is here.
( 5) A thick side of dried venison is here, ready to be consumed.

<170 280 834 3 PM|||| aff
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 23 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 23 hours.
Song: 'galadriel' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 16 hours.
Song: 'galadriel' modifies hit roll by 7 for 16 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -17 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'poultice' for 1 hours.
Power: 'resistance' for 1 hours.
Skill: 'field dressing' for 0 hours.

<170 280 834 3 PM|||| Before a fortified hillock

Ragattor is here.
Konrad is here.
(Ghost) Rhomelanthos is here.
Urzkoo is sleeping here.
A massive giant stands here, prepared to sacrifice himself for the village.
Rhomelanthos is here, moaning and rattling his chains.
A massive giant says 'Welcome, great warrior.'

<170 280 831 3 PM|||| e
The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins

A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Darian is here.
Kalmah is here.
(White Aura) Zekasiq is here.
Straklaw is resting here.
The Nightwalker yells 'Derdhuin! Now you die!'
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
The Nightwalker is gushing blood.

<170 280 828 3 PM|||| where
People near you:
Vorenth A wide road through the dwarf forest
(PK) Derdhuin The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
(PK) Straklaw The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
(PK) Darian The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
(PK) Kalmah The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
(PK) Zekasiq The Breaching of the Walls of the Ostalagiah Ruins
The Nightwalker is gushing blood.

<170 280 828 3 PM||||
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
The Nightwalker dodges your beating.
Your beating MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Your beating MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 3 PM||||
Ragattor has arrived.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 3 PM||||
Straklaw stands up.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 3 PM||||
Zekasiq says 'Derdhuin calls me pathic.'
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 3 PM||||
Rhandax: An' slay dose buggers
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 3 PM||||
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
Your beating misses the Nightwalker.
The Nightwalker dodges your beating.
The Nightwalker dodges your beating.
Your beating MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Golden light courses down into the crystal pendant before shooting out to strike the Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker shields its eyes as your crystal reflects sunlight at it!
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 3 PM|||| choke zekasiq
If you are fighting you can only choke your opponent.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 3 PM||||
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Your beating MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker dodges your beating.
The Nightwalker dodges your beating.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 3 PM|||| 'I do.
You say 'I do.'
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 4 PM|||| Ragattor glances at you.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 4 PM||||
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
Your beating EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!
Your beating MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker dodges your beating.
Your beating EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<170 280 828 4 PM||||
Darian sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Darian's bash grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You yell 'Help! Darian is bashing me!'
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<162 280 828 4 PM||||
Rhandax has arrived.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<162 280 828 4 PM||||
Rhandax leaves west.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<162 280 828 4 PM||||
You dodge the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
The Nightwalker dodges your beating.
The Nightwalker dodges your beating.
Your beating devastates the Nightwalker!
Golden light courses down into the crystal pendant before shooting out to strike the Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker appears blinded by the reflected sunlight!
You dodge Darian's slash.
You dodge Darian's slash.
You parry Kalmah's slash.
You parry Kalmah's slash.
You dodge Kalmah's slash.
You dodge Straklaw's cleave.
You dodge Straklaw's cleave.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<162 280 828 4 PM||||
Your bandages lose their effectiveness.
The Nightwalker is writhing in agony.

<174 293 843 4 PM|||| flee

Kalmah starts a vicious series of attacks with his swords.
You manage to partially evade Kalmah's attack, but are still hit.
Kalmah's flurry MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Kalmah's flurry maims you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially evade Kalmah's attack, but are still hit.
Kalmah's flurry devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Kalmah's flurry MUTILATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You manage to partially parry his attack, but are still hit.
Kalmah's flurry MUTILATES you!
You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.

<-8 293 843 4 PM||||
Konrad: I cannot harm any of those

<-8 293 843 4 PM||||
The Nightwalker's claw maims you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
Your vitality has faded. You gasp your last breaths.
You turn into a ghost for half an hour.
You stop following Rhomelanthos.

Hey, no hard feelings to the gang there. I know what it's like, just, my character had no respect for you.


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HOT Topic(CON) Derdhuin the Weaponsmaster [View all] , Death_Angel, Mon 03-Mar-03 05:31 PM
Reply Role and Score and stuff, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 06:19 PM #2
Reply Uhm why the hell, Nightgaunt.. (Guest), 05-Mar-03 06:34 AM, #27
     Reply Yes'm..., Derdhuin (Guest), 08-Mar-03 11:47 PM, #29
Reply Hells yeah!, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 06:03 PM, #1
     Reply RE: Hells yeah!, Kaavraus (Guest), 03-Mar-03 06:50 PM, #3
     Reply heh, thanks, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 07:27 PM, #4
     Reply *sigh* there goes my favorite enemy...., Erinphalis (Guest), 03-Mar-03 07:32 PM, #5
     Reply Wow, thanks!, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 07:38 PM, #6
     Reply A blaze of glory, eh?, Braoldan (Guest), 03-Mar-03 08:00 PM, #7
     Reply Like a phoenix, baby!, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 09:29 PM, #11
     Reply RE: Hells yeah!, Urzkoo (Guest), 03-Mar-03 08:20 PM, #8
     Reply You = Death to Derdhuin, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 09:40 PM, #12
     Reply RE: Hells yeah!, Broxx (Guest), 03-Mar-03 08:41 PM, #9
     Reply Crazy with the specs, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 09:50 PM, #13
     Reply Solid character there., Marcus, 03-Mar-03 09:13 PM, #10
     Reply Crazy times had by all, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 10:01 PM, #16
     Reply RE: Hells yeah!, Sabiene, 03-Mar-03 09:53 PM, #14
     Reply Ha! I know!, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 10:03 PM, #17
     Reply RE: Hells yeah!, Kucerael (Guest), 03-Mar-03 09:55 PM, #15
     Reply Bloody Kiadana.....grrr...., Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 10:18 PM, #18
          Reply YOU were anoyed?, Kucerael (Guest), 05-Mar-03 01:35 AM, #26
               Reply Argh...dont shatter my delusions!, Derdhuin (Guest), 08-Mar-03 11:52 PM, #30
     Reply just out of curiousity, Nurwon, 03-Mar-03 10:20 PM, #19
     Reply Yes and Yes :) (nt), Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 10:21 PM, #20
          Reply Bastid!!!! just kiddin, nice job man n/t, Nurwon, 03-Mar-03 10:39 PM, #21
     Reply RE%3A Hells yeah%21, Senimar (Guest), 03-Mar-03 11:30 PM, #22
     Reply Velen!, Derdhuin (Guest), 03-Mar-03 11:48 PM, #23
     Reply RE: Hells yeah!, Kastellyn, 04-Mar-03 04:45 AM, #24
     Reply Thank you., Derdhuin (Guest), 09-Mar-03 12:13 AM, #31
     Reply You deserved all the praise, Gre (Guest), 04-Mar-03 10:41 AM, #25
     Reply RE: Hells yeah! (and a little late, sorry about that), Gre (Guest), 08-Mar-03 09:38 PM, #28
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