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Qinsa (Anonymous)Wed 11-May-16 03:35 PM
Charter member
#127977, "Will respond to this one now. Just got back from the store and has food"


The unsportsman like behavior makes me believe you started snooping me later on, or in some cases like gwildaththea, whom I did not respect at all with having another lightwalker get killed so gwild could have eq. To the village / gwild I was unsportsman to, but both not without cause.

I will explain the mess here, and later on when i get to umiron and his.. will just get to it later.

I knew thelathelao and lhotki were the same people, due to words he had used to insult my char. Insults like 'gear locker' and 'hoarder' and other general bs. The same he did on forums accusing me of hardcre looting etc, though as lhotki never once took a thing in his corpse, was another magistrate, yet I was the one to blame . Thelath whined like everything else, because he was confiscated via cabal power, lost his weapons, and made the same threats / accusations as he had with lhotki.
Moving on, when he was in the level 30's, thelathelao told me he would start a war between the village and spire. There was no reason for it, other than for his past char, and wanting the entire village against me, using a cabal that had people in it for his own private little wants. I did make a mistake at this point, but after hearing threats from people all the way at level 1, just tend to ignore them.
(as an aside, also quoting istendil (imm char), is people would come up to him, lowbie paladins, and spit on him. Never mind that he was literally the essence of evil and most powerful person in the world, as an action that they should literally piss themselves in fear being that horridly weak compared to him as a lowbie, most often they were doing it just to vent out some frustrations). That was much of how it was explained to me, and still much how I view it. A frustrated person, will let it slide.

There was a person named grija that was a magistrate, kept violating the book of 'off duty magistrates' over and over inside the village, INSIde the village while running to empires side, just to hunt villagers in a group, and swearing he would be vindicator. Basically a big mess, but no amount of talking to him would help. Eventually kicked grija from tribunal, but thelathelao as he levelled up some did go after grija. Not yet hunted by battle but to me, grija deserved the whoopin he was gettin. I did though have to do my job, which left the duergar confiscated a few times. Never took more than that. Not even after when thelath killed grija and he stripped grija, I treated it as grija got what he deserved.

I still had ignored what thelath had said before.
After thelath became a hero he completely changed himself. He would log on and go straight after qinsa, or if he was on, straight after annkhu, for no reason other than getting a warrant from what it looked like (attack and run immediate, or strip and run, and with no huge deathblows is gone as fast as he can) and he would run right to the village. Later he would start running to water a bit but usually died there too. Lhotki was a bad player, thelath was a bad player with deathblow and thats all that fighting him really amounted to.

When I went after him and killed him at the village though, he started throwing huge whining fests about being killed in the village, while he was a criminal, to a magistrate, about how the sacred destructor was harmed. He is only fighting the good fight etc et al, though he mainly only focused on fighting me / the spire captain and for the scales, and annkhu. Thelathelao had told me again he would make the village have a war against me and me attacking him at the village was one way he was doing it. Was never a situation of in char thing with him.

At this point I sent my first pray about this situation to umiron. A mistake considering umirons attitude of im dormant, if im online that means I will just ignore everything anyway attitude. It was a mistake praying to him I know, but I felt the village was fine on its regards. I did start speaking to Sekope a bit on his actions and shortly after with llathe. Sekope ended up dying before things went to a head but as it were. Llathes attitude, even up to and including trying to raid the scales being against their own policy and grounds for removal, was just.. he wanted to ignore everything. Screw qinsa he wasnt listening to anything, and being a complete butt about it.
I am also surprised jormyr never did anything. Using a cabal to have a personal war you cant fight is a big nono to me when I read the tablets. Others can see things differently, but jormyr in this instsance, was a big letdown that he even let this crap continue while he was an active imm.
To say even further, I have taken whiney butts like this to the circle of riites. The village is a symbol of strength and courage, not... anything of whining and complaining. I have also when it comes down to it, removed people from the cabal that wanted to constantly write notes complaining. The village speaks with its weapons, and the leadership when it comes to diplomacy, are the ones to speak. To say one thing fine, to do it over and over again is another. Even as provost of the spire, one did write to the village, and we spoke about it.
The village, was a train wreck just letting one person whine and complain so much that he was literally having his way, while getting away with breaking the rules of the current drillmaster, and noone cared. I had expected the issue to be resolved internally in that. To my char he felt betrayed by the village, and badly mistreated especially by llathe that just wanted to completely ignore everything.

Here is where I did 'out of character'. I waited weeks before starting to fight back with the village, instead of after the first time captain was struck and thelath went inside the spire to start raiding. I did that hoping umiron would speak to me / village would sort its bad egg out.
None happened. My char was territorial, the moment war was on its steps, was the time I should have started killing villagers. It was to me though, an ooc situation that needed addressed by the imms and the village should not suffer for it, so I did not do as my character should have. That is the time I did not act in character as I should have. Where you state to keep ooc and ic different, this is where it is, and I had done so.

Thelath was quickly con dying himself, and to him was easy to see wasnt mattering, the only goal for the char was to start the war. Umiron was still ignoring having a clue about anything in the world. The village was still letting thelath literally run rampant over its own rules. I said screw it, and started going to the village, and fighting villagers that were not criminals. They declared their war, (not official from llath, but villagers had declared it irregardless) and my char was in another war to stomp down, as he was supposed to.
So then if the codex or key was in the village, they were going to face me. I still did not go hard at it yet.

Kalvin was thelaths lapdog. As soon as he logged on he went right to thelath and often tried for the scales or to take me down together, or annkhu. One time they managed to get me down, on pure cccident of myself. I deserved the death and then they stripped me. It was a situation that I had never before done anything other than confiscate a villager, but they went out of their way to take everything but a few pieces. To me, considering the other stuff, I saw him as nothing more than trying to be vindictive ooc, especially how he and kalvin gloated over the mask )making me laugh) but dang they would not SHUT UP about it for a while.

I treated it as the village wanted the war, my char was fighting back. They also wanted a stripping war. So izqi when he died i had four pieces of gear? izqi rearmed me for all except fela things. No I did not stop there. Every villager considering the massive disrespect they showed my char, for the way their war they wanted, every one of them was being stripped. Llathe had the nerve to say he was always respectful of his enemies, though he was never respectful of my char. Smirk.

Village was the only people my char had taken many items from, and yes I was taking everything. To name the war they wanted in that manner, they had gotten it. To treat my char like they had, they had gotten it. For thelath, he made a char to make a war with the spire due to a past char, and the village was stupid enough to fight his war. This is the mess that the village was, how things came to be.

I had ended up writing you about the situation, not in this detail because of how awkward it is for me to write and try to be precise with my words, but then later another immortal spoke to me about what I had written to you Raltevio.

The imm said a person making a char specifically to cause a war with the spire was not ooc, it was ic. After the imm said that I really dont recall much of the conversation, but it was nearly the first thing he said, and I pretty much shut him off from there. There is no justification for a person to make a char based off interactions from a past char, to throw a cabal into a war with someone it doesnt have a war with, specifically due to him wanting it. That is not in character to me. The imm rules in this though. It was a factor in me leaving, though umirons crap at the end is why I am no longer playing the game.

I did do everything in character, except waiting on fighting back on the villages war with the spire. I did seperate the ic from the ooc also, trying to get umirons to try and actually speak.

I do admit again I should have tried to speak to all imms, instead of the one for the spire, though I saw this as affecting the spire and village, and had trustted the village to jormyr and the villagers. All of those were bad choices for me and did help this go that far. I do admit that, but bearing on my standpoint, what else could I have done different? Umiron wanting to ignor everything, llathe wanting to ignore everything. Jormyr letting a person run rampant in his cabal doing much of what a villager should not have been doing. Where could I have gone from there? As a player I literally bent over backwards to be nice, I went the imm route. What else?

This is the entirety of everything that happened with the village that I can think of, everything to the detail, and how things came to be presently.
Ooc to me its just another war. They wanted it, they wanted it to be a stripping war, they got it, Handled it that way in character, because all of it was in character excelt thelath.
So when you saw me being unsportsman, I was just doing the same to them as was done to me. The only difference is, I dont need a piece of gear to kill. Just grab a few preps and I am game, and wont even assassinate. Turns out to have been a bit much rougher on them though.

Anyway, so you understand that situation, why I had done what I had, why I wanted so long instead of doing as my character should have done, and why I treated the village so bad, is all in that little cluster of crap.

Now for the actual goodbye
You were easily my favorite imm. I made excuses just to interact with you, even when I was a poet, my char was a wight and was all about destruction, because you were completely and totally awesome. I loved your stories. Loved seeing the stuff you put in your shrine, everything. I had loved you every more as bethanny. You always took time just to interact with me and you know me. I will sit in one spot on the high road and just talk to everyone in the game because I love the interactions, different personas people make, ild the pregnant warrior poet, I just love what people make with their chars, and loved sitting there pissing on people and seeing their reaction, etc et al. Telling stories of the boy that pissed on the little girl to keep her safe, and hte girl loving it, with the boy taking after me, etc. It was all, a blast. So yeah, with your imm as it is, I just soaked you up like a sponge and loved it, with every char. You touch someones mortal char once, and you own a part of them for every character after it seems like. That is how wonderful you are to this game and are as a person. So that is why I did what I had. Going out the way I had, to be buried in your shrine etc, having it all literally be about you, is to show you that I am very grateful for all the stories, all the talks, everything, and to thank you.


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HOT Locked Topic(DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the Miyam... [View all] , Death_Angel, Tue 10-May-16 11:16 PM
Reply Hey Qinsa,, Relio, 20-May-16 10:51 AM, #84
Reply I want to add..., Banned, 20-May-16 11:36 AM, #85
     Reply In the context of CF, Relio, 20-May-16 11:55 AM, #86
Reply Matey Law Cat!, Osdryn (Anonymous), 13-May-16 08:55 AM, #79
Reply Thanks for interacting with lowbies!, Abatoor (Anonymous), 12-May-16 05:08 PM, #73
Reply Goodbyes to Nexus. will be short, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:33 PM, #62
Reply Oooh, you were Balindorf?, Murphy, 12-May-16 01:56 PM, #68
Reply Goodbyes to Empire, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 11:23 AM, #51
Reply RE: Goodbyes to Empire, Darvoderis (Anonymous), 12-May-16 02:48 PM, #70
Reply RE: Goodbyes to Empire, Caecilius (Anonymous), 13-May-16 06:59 PM, #80
     Reply "To hell with the same cookie cutters over and over aga..., Lhydia, 13-May-16 09:12 PM, #82
          Reply Made my day as well, Kstatida, 15-May-16 02:32 PM, #83
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., uerlante (Anonymous), 11-May-16 10:34 PM, #31
Reply mm, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 08:28 AM, #35
Reply I just want to say one thing, Hallanaphas (Anonymous), 11-May-16 10:27 PM, #30
Reply understand your situation, qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 08:26 AM, #34
     Reply See there you go again, Hallanaphas (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:04 AM, #36
          Reply yes I did., qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:06 AM, #40
               Reply We didn't speak once at hero, Hallanaphas (Anonymous), 12-May-16 10:33 AM, #49
               Reply mm, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:35 PM, #63
                    Reply Nope, Hallanaphas (Anonymous), 12-May-16 07:27 PM, #76
               Reply Whiney like this flame out on the officials? (n/t), N b M, 12-May-16 10:47 AM, #50
                    Reply yeah. Too many people like you posting. n/t, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:35 PM, #64
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., Destuvius, 11-May-16 06:59 PM, #22
Reply Great @#$@#!! opponent., Quixotic re Myriani (Anonymous), 11-May-16 09:10 PM, #27
Reply RE: Great @#$@#!! opponent., qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:03 AM, #38
Reply Then why post?, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:00 AM, #37
     Reply It is up to Vindicator to declare war? lolwut?, Lhydia, 12-May-16 09:04 AM, #39
          Reply RE: It is up to Vindicator to declare war? lolwut?, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:13 AM, #41
               Reply I still love you., Lhydia, 12-May-16 09:18 AM, #43
               Reply RE: It is up to Vindicator to declare war? lolwut?, N b M, 12-May-16 09:20 AM, #44
                    Reply WOW. please read, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:29 AM, #47
                         Reply A lot of your trouble is your insistence that you're ri..., Jormyr, 12-May-16 02:24 PM, #69
Reply first part, goodbyes and words to outlanders. More to c..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 01:51 PM, #13
Reply Unless I'm mistaken, incognito, 11-May-16 04:59 PM, #16
Reply RE: first part, goodbyes and words to outlanders. More ..., Horner (Anonymous), 11-May-16 05:11 PM, #19
Reply I'll just refute the lies since you have no concept of ..., Gwildaththea (Anonymous), 11-May-16 05:55 PM, #20
Reply Sounds like it's both IC and OOC contempt, Murphy, 11-May-16 09:24 PM, #28
     Reply But elf druid! She'd have to RP to get that build right..., Lhydia, 11-May-16 09:49 PM, #29
     Reply Unfortunately, you have a very limited insight into my ..., Gwildaththea (Anonymous), 12-May-16 08:20 AM, #33
          Reply Similarly you have a very limited insight into Heralds ..., Murphy, 12-May-16 12:22 PM, #54
Reply RE: first part, goodbyes and words to outlanders. More ..., Drehir, 12-May-16 11:54 AM, #52
Reply hugs and explanation. Sort of high on meds right now so..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 12:56 PM, #56
     Reply RE: hugs and explanation. Sort of high on meds right no..., Drehir, 12-May-16 09:36 PM, #78
Reply Goodbye, Provost, Tanzer (Anonymous), 13-May-16 08:22 PM, #81
Reply Honestly..., k-b, 11-May-16 12:59 PM, #11
Reply having people despise you does not make you a success, silat, 11-May-16 01:50 PM, #12
Reply this one, qinsa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 02:06 PM, #14
Reply Probably the sort of character who was loved, or hated., Raltevio, 11-May-16 12:08 PM, #10
Reply Will respond to this one now. Just got back from the st..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 03:35 PM #15
     Reply RE: Will respond to this one now. Just got back from th..., Kalvin (Anonymous), 11-May-16 05:00 PM, #17
     Reply ..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 06:46 PM, #21
          Reply You are wrong. I liked Qinsa too., Lhydia, 11-May-16 07:47 PM, #25
               Reply RE: You are wrong. I liked Qinsa too., Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:18 AM, #42
                    Reply Okay let me break it down a little further then.., Lhydia, 12-May-16 09:44 AM, #48
                         Reply incorrect, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 12:43 PM, #55
                              Reply Yeah. You're wrong and people have been uninducted for ..., Lhydia, 12-May-16 01:09 PM, #59
                              Reply RE: incorrect, Arkellin (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:14 PM, #60
                              Reply I'm in the exact same boat., Lhydia, 12-May-16 01:25 PM, #61
                              Reply nope, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:39 PM, #65
                              Reply RE: nope, N b M, 12-May-16 01:41 PM, #66
                              Reply The line can be drawn farther or closer but, Murphy, 12-May-16 01:51 PM, #67
                              Reply RE: incorrect, Callixa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 02:53 PM, #71
     Reply If funnyone was Thelatheao then it's his best RP'd char..., TMNS, 11-May-16 07:15 PM, #23
     Reply It wasn't Funnyone. Thel RP'd and didn't melt down when..., Lhydia, 11-May-16 07:48 PM, #26
     Reply mm, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 12:58 PM, #57
          Reply I don't know where to start in the post but I guess I'l..., Thelathelao (Anonymous), 12-May-16 03:49 PM, #72
     Reply He was Grija, KaguMaru, 21-May-16 04:25 AM, #87
          Reply Was?, Murphy, 21-May-16 05:20 AM, #88
     Reply Long post there., Raltevio, 12-May-16 12:11 AM, #32
          Reply RE: Long post there., Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:24 AM, #45
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., Ardish (Anonymous), 11-May-16 11:52 AM, #9
Reply Good riddance, Sertius, 11-May-16 08:42 AM, #8
Reply RE: Good riddance, Callixa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 05:02 PM, #18
     Reply Dude, try being one of two evil tribs when Gaspare was ..., TMNS, 11-May-16 07:21 PM, #24
Reply Damn you!, Abra (Anonymous), 11-May-16 06:07 AM, #6
Reply THUMBS DOWN, Kstatida, 11-May-16 03:34 AM, #4
Reply Just could not bring myself to like you..., Welverin, 11-May-16 05:39 AM, #5
Reply There's no reason not to stick it out when you're that ..., Aerafr Mistwalker (Anonymous), 11-May-16 02:20 AM, #3
Reply RE: There's no reason not to stick it out when you're t..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:26 AM, #46
     Reply Being uninducted means losing power, no?, Aerafr Mistwalker (Anonymous), 12-May-16 11:55 AM, #53
          Reply steaks and potatoes, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:08 PM, #58
               Reply ROFL, Kstatida, 12-May-16 06:01 PM, #74
               Reply It is better to think of CF gods...., Vonzamir, 12-May-16 06:31 PM, #75
               Reply It was pretty big of him to give you a warning., Lhydia, 12-May-16 08:17 PM, #77
Reply You was the best groupmate i ever had in my many years ..., Aesoakob (Anonymous), 11-May-16 02:08 AM, #2
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., Umiron, 11-May-16 12:06 AM, #1
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., robdarken_, 11-May-16 07:51 AM, #7
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