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Qinsa (Anonymous)Wed 11-May-16 01:51 PM
Charter member
#127975, "first part, goodbyes and words to outlanders. More to come tonight"


this will be somewhat longish, everything in here, then responding to the personal ones below. I will start with the better people on the game, and cabals, then work my way down battle and umiron, and he reason I was removed from the cabal.

Ilztyr - I am used to nightreavers that do little for the cabal, and even more kill the other people in it usually because they can. With bethanny I pretty much saw the branch as the weakest link but still had to interact with it and the people in it (though still loved the nightreaver in char and roleplay, still came out to how I thought of the reaver branch itself). Lo and behold I have someone I consider a true nightreaver, a destroyer and someone powerful enough that the other branches SHOULD fear, without having to kill them. I was a bit bitter that we were enemies in this, because by the time you became NR and hero, tree was already in bad shape and needed you. Sorry rl reared its ugly head but you were a great char, solid and needed for the tree. (yes already know armies suck to fight against for arcane )

Myriani - There was something I wanna say now that I couldnt in game. For ilztyr the biggest problem taking me down was my -89 saves vs para that I could have with a prep and feral growl and my gear. With you was different. During your hit and run defenses, once my trance was gone, I either had only stoneskin or nothing, since protection didnt matter for you. If you at any time during those points after dashing in, hitting captain, hurled on me etc, then switched to me, you would likely have gotten me down, or fled to heal, returned to do it. I could not stop it. Tactically in a retrieval, so many times if you had done tha, you would have taken me down. It is easier for me to raid the tree and fight you there fully prepped, than defend in that manner. I could not say this in char as an enemy, but I an here. You had great rp, though my chars fear of hte number five made me hate the blessings and you as there being five of you . You also fought harder than most of the tree. I give you more props than anyone else out there, you tried, and damned hard.
Also sorry about your last day. I saw you as no longer on so went to raid the tree, didnt know it was only a disconnect. Also sorry grija tried to use you as a means to character assassinate me with that log.
p.s. your char was not a failed experiment, just one tactic change and you would have wrecked my char, I saw him as THE deadliest threat.
hugs and good job, and sorry that things did end up as it had. I felt really bad rl but in the case we were enemies.

Ardish - in rl I am a cripple. I get paid pretty much to be not part of society. Except for a monthly chiro appt, I have nothing but time, so yeah I can play forever. As noted with bethanny and more chars. That was the last notable char that I played a long time under. Yeah alot of people cant compete with that. Most actually. though many still play for 8 hours or more in a day. I know it was frustrating on your end.
A thing though is that with stoneskin/shield/aura/haste the pets were nothing to fear, a druid can easily do hit and run with all expectations of getting out with armor of thorns. I had no way to lag you, but just.. didnt try. Fighting you WAS easier at the tree, again with being more protected, but if it meant to where it was a waste of time I would have been less offensive. But you didnt try, so was not much of a point in me stopping from keeping the fetish as I had.
I did love your char, and loved calling you radishes, even if it meant calling me quincy, I can understand your aggrivation. You are still a good char and still out there. Take care man and things will improve for the tree with the territorial cat no longer slobbering on the fetish

Harbinger - pagan spirit of the one. Anything complex and long for my char was something he always fumbled with, as well as the number five with his phobia. Kept waiting for you to snap at my char but never happened considering i mangled that so much . Most of the times you died was alot of it bad timing. You came down into my guards and me being out of camo from the tree or osmething of that nature. Even with 3 people of the tree online for some reason your timing was the worst (especially that day you walked down from huntress into me and army, died, then lunakai came, and died after, then went for the sunwarden and continued.. just.. bad timing). I really love your char and loved him with bethanny. Got the sense though you did not wish to interact with my char much so I didnt press. Still love the char and keep trucking.

Pinga - great forms. Good tactics with them too and leaving me unable to hunt you while marked, while trying to keep you from the fetish. If you were more present I would probably have laxxed on the taking of the fetish but you could not be. The reason being is you could easily retrieve given a bit of time, no matter manacles or axe kicking. Even if I could take it, it had just meant nothing in the end. Thats just a playtime issue. I thought you always did well, though interactions were a bit rough with the whole being in form thing We did have some banter, and I loved your char.

gwildaththea - I spoke to ardish in regards to renize situation, and yeah considering your horrid complaining of troupe people having great gear, and complaining to ardish of wanting renize's things, and him killing renize to give you the gifts of his armors, I saw it as little more than you wanting another lightwalkers gear and having him killed for it. I treated you like crap, and I saw you as crap. Please dont complain of inn people having good gear and not fighting, when you do almost nothing yourself. Okay? I mocked you alot because of it, and it was well deserved.

Lhotki - I do not think you used instincts much. With sanc / giant resist and the preps you should have been alot tougher, but in those situations you did not try to gather them and be beastly it looked like. You did at the end raid with a dwarf and duergar. In char and in game I did not call you out on it, because tree still needed alot of help, but from an ooc standpoint, to see you rather do that than try to have your char be a powerhouse and gather preps you rank far at the bottom of the totem pole for outlanders in the ability / willingness to try category, under all conditions.

Preemar - You are one of the up and comming outlanders, and already leaving a mark. You know how to control and use your forms, and you do a dang good job. I am already voting for you as nightreaver. The whole alligator / hare thing meant speaking to you was a bit futile in most cases, so I did not try much, but you had a presence the tree needed. Keep trucking and I hope things are good for you.

Traethen - You know, despite complaints I rarely took anything from a corpse unless I needed it, or one of the magistrates had immediate need for eq. I did take a few pieces of eq from you, and went to give replacements. You didnt want them, so I left them at the signpost in emerald forest just in case you wanted them. Overall you would have lost 100 hp in the exchange but still been fully eq'd. You were never full looted and did not lose much, but ice cold brooches were a sore need for one of my mages, as well as a few other pieces. If it got to the point you were really trying hard for the cabal like ilztyr had, would never have taken more, like hte eagle staff of ilztyr, wasnt even gonna touch it, and did not. I respect people that try and go out of my way to see them in good position.
Sorry that left a bad taste in your mouth but its only eq. I come from a time of each death was most likely a full loot, especially with lowbies around on a game of over 100 players, where alot of times depending on where I died, all I did was go to red dragon and spitfire twice and called myself good. Losing things is often just a matter of course. Also you stepped into a situation at the village where a villager stripped an empirial, and then the empirial stripped you to have eq, and you deleted over it. Gear comes and goes, get used to that or in this game you will always be bitter.

Bilgritik - When you lost stuff you did keep swinging, props to you for that you lost alot of great stuff to the empirials when you died. Later I would take the belt and use it -nice belt- but you kept trucking, but then with just a few deaths you gave up everything. Yeah alot of it was rl and really not feeling the char anymore, so I dont have much to comment on. We did not interact much, just wanted to say you did not act like the general whiner on the mud, I did want to mention that, and you did go out of the way to try. (I do not think you also used your instints, would have made you much tougher too.)

Koh - do understand your frustration a bit, but please keep in mind your time to play there is about.. 5-10 people max online, there is not much room to shine, or have alot of rp interactions. I had seen you personally only that once. I woke up in an extreme amount of pain and had a need to murder someone. We didnt have the scales, and you were the defender. sorry on that . I am also sorry, but your situation was for the most part, with not having much for opportunities to shine, and that was it. Did not help that I was not able to interact with you also to know your char more my char would have loved the stories of your demonic sides. Too late for my logins Anyway, things would be better if you had different login times for you in that nature, and I am sorry this was a bad experience for you.

Tanzer - pretty sure you knew one of my previous chars since he was an outlander too, and on all the time too . Did not stop me interacting with you, just like my char tried to do with everyone, and I enjoyed it. I was not around when you were big in the tree and had the quest form, I had taken a break after domond and you had not had it yet. And with domond your lion ate me, just bad that there was others at times with me and turned out to be the bad end for you. You DO though have a solid presence, are willling to interact and I saw you as nothing but wonderful as an imm, and despite certain setbacks when you were lvling up, you were always one showing strength. Well done and happy to have met you as a player to a player.

Drehir - I tend to leave imms alone. Largely without having a religion with them before I do not know how things would turn out even speaking to them. Take zulghinlour for example, I helped a person by walking them to their shrine once and it was something I would never repeat again, nor have a char that followed him, though I can understand the mindset of the imm. But it also left me wary of say, deormdal where I showed a person his shrine that was a nexan and really needing him it seemed like, I expected a slay or things, so some things I do get hesitant with. You started the interactions between my char and yours, and I absolutely loved it. Though oddly enough came from me pissing on your spiders to mark them as mine I look back to the interactions and wonder what it would have been like if I had abandoned my galadon and embraced the feral side (would have been much less of a headache than dealing with umiron) and going that route. You were a solid influence, you were nothing but wonderful, and I hope that one conversation I had with you really explained why I made the decision I had, and why when I died of age, I wanted you to have my final breath, and my tying in to death as the final justice of having lived.
Did not turn out that way, not after chewing umiron out for the crap he pulled, sorry. Since I knew I was going to leave the game again, and likely for good, I wanted that part to be in raltevio's shrine. He has always been my favorite imm, and since I never did have a follower of his, or do more with him, it was an expression that I wanted to give as a thanks for him personally.
But thank you for the interactions. It was wonderful.

This is all I can think of for the tree, anyone I missed please post and I will post back.


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HOT Locked Topic(DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the Miyam... [View all] , Death_Angel, Tue 10-May-16 11:16 PM
Reply Hey Qinsa,, Relio, 20-May-16 10:51 AM, #84
Reply I want to add..., Banned, 20-May-16 11:36 AM, #85
     Reply In the context of CF, Relio, 20-May-16 11:55 AM, #86
Reply Matey Law Cat!, Osdryn (Anonymous), 13-May-16 08:55 AM, #79
Reply Thanks for interacting with lowbies!, Abatoor (Anonymous), 12-May-16 05:08 PM, #73
Reply Goodbyes to Nexus. will be short, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:33 PM, #62
Reply Oooh, you were Balindorf?, Murphy, 12-May-16 01:56 PM, #68
Reply Goodbyes to Empire, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 11:23 AM, #51
Reply RE: Goodbyes to Empire, Darvoderis (Anonymous), 12-May-16 02:48 PM, #70
Reply RE: Goodbyes to Empire, Caecilius (Anonymous), 13-May-16 06:59 PM, #80
     Reply "To hell with the same cookie cutters over and over aga..., Lhydia, 13-May-16 09:12 PM, #82
          Reply Made my day as well, Kstatida, 15-May-16 02:32 PM, #83
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., uerlante (Anonymous), 11-May-16 10:34 PM, #31
Reply mm, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 08:28 AM, #35
Reply I just want to say one thing, Hallanaphas (Anonymous), 11-May-16 10:27 PM, #30
Reply understand your situation, qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 08:26 AM, #34
     Reply See there you go again, Hallanaphas (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:04 AM, #36
          Reply yes I did., qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:06 AM, #40
               Reply We didn't speak once at hero, Hallanaphas (Anonymous), 12-May-16 10:33 AM, #49
               Reply mm, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:35 PM, #63
                    Reply Nope, Hallanaphas (Anonymous), 12-May-16 07:27 PM, #76
               Reply Whiney like this flame out on the officials? (n/t), N b M, 12-May-16 10:47 AM, #50
                    Reply yeah. Too many people like you posting. n/t, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:35 PM, #64
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., Destuvius, 11-May-16 06:59 PM, #22
Reply Great @#$@#!! opponent., Quixotic re Myriani (Anonymous), 11-May-16 09:10 PM, #27
Reply RE: Great @#$@#!! opponent., qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:03 AM, #38
Reply Then why post?, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:00 AM, #37
     Reply It is up to Vindicator to declare war? lolwut?, Lhydia, 12-May-16 09:04 AM, #39
          Reply RE: It is up to Vindicator to declare war? lolwut?, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:13 AM, #41
               Reply I still love you., Lhydia, 12-May-16 09:18 AM, #43
               Reply RE: It is up to Vindicator to declare war? lolwut?, N b M, 12-May-16 09:20 AM, #44
                    Reply WOW. please read, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:29 AM, #47
                         Reply A lot of your trouble is your insistence that you're ri..., Jormyr, 12-May-16 02:24 PM, #69
Reply first part, goodbyes and words to outlanders. More to c..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 01:51 PM #13
Reply Unless I'm mistaken, incognito, 11-May-16 04:59 PM, #16
Reply RE: first part, goodbyes and words to outlanders. More ..., Horner (Anonymous), 11-May-16 05:11 PM, #19
Reply I'll just refute the lies since you have no concept of ..., Gwildaththea (Anonymous), 11-May-16 05:55 PM, #20
Reply Sounds like it's both IC and OOC contempt, Murphy, 11-May-16 09:24 PM, #28
     Reply But elf druid! She'd have to RP to get that build right..., Lhydia, 11-May-16 09:49 PM, #29
     Reply Unfortunately, you have a very limited insight into my ..., Gwildaththea (Anonymous), 12-May-16 08:20 AM, #33
          Reply Similarly you have a very limited insight into Heralds ..., Murphy, 12-May-16 12:22 PM, #54
Reply RE: first part, goodbyes and words to outlanders. More ..., Drehir, 12-May-16 11:54 AM, #52
Reply hugs and explanation. Sort of high on meds right now so..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 12:56 PM, #56
     Reply RE: hugs and explanation. Sort of high on meds right no..., Drehir, 12-May-16 09:36 PM, #78
Reply Goodbye, Provost, Tanzer (Anonymous), 13-May-16 08:22 PM, #81
Reply Honestly..., k-b, 11-May-16 12:59 PM, #11
Reply having people despise you does not make you a success, silat, 11-May-16 01:50 PM, #12
Reply this one, qinsa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 02:06 PM, #14
Reply Probably the sort of character who was loved, or hated., Raltevio, 11-May-16 12:08 PM, #10
Reply Will respond to this one now. Just got back from the st..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 03:35 PM, #15
     Reply RE: Will respond to this one now. Just got back from th..., Kalvin (Anonymous), 11-May-16 05:00 PM, #17
     Reply ..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 06:46 PM, #21
          Reply You are wrong. I liked Qinsa too., Lhydia, 11-May-16 07:47 PM, #25
               Reply RE: You are wrong. I liked Qinsa too., Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:18 AM, #42
                    Reply Okay let me break it down a little further then.., Lhydia, 12-May-16 09:44 AM, #48
                         Reply incorrect, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 12:43 PM, #55
                              Reply Yeah. You're wrong and people have been uninducted for ..., Lhydia, 12-May-16 01:09 PM, #59
                              Reply RE: incorrect, Arkellin (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:14 PM, #60
                              Reply I'm in the exact same boat., Lhydia, 12-May-16 01:25 PM, #61
                              Reply nope, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:39 PM, #65
                              Reply RE: nope, N b M, 12-May-16 01:41 PM, #66
                              Reply The line can be drawn farther or closer but, Murphy, 12-May-16 01:51 PM, #67
                              Reply RE: incorrect, Callixa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 02:53 PM, #71
     Reply If funnyone was Thelatheao then it's his best RP'd char..., TMNS, 11-May-16 07:15 PM, #23
     Reply It wasn't Funnyone. Thel RP'd and didn't melt down when..., Lhydia, 11-May-16 07:48 PM, #26
     Reply mm, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 12:58 PM, #57
          Reply I don't know where to start in the post but I guess I'l..., Thelathelao (Anonymous), 12-May-16 03:49 PM, #72
     Reply He was Grija, KaguMaru, 21-May-16 04:25 AM, #87
          Reply Was?, Murphy, 21-May-16 05:20 AM, #88
     Reply Long post there., Raltevio, 12-May-16 12:11 AM, #32
          Reply RE: Long post there., Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:24 AM, #45
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., Ardish (Anonymous), 11-May-16 11:52 AM, #9
Reply Good riddance, Sertius, 11-May-16 08:42 AM, #8
Reply RE: Good riddance, Callixa (Anonymous), 11-May-16 05:02 PM, #18
     Reply Dude, try being one of two evil tribs when Gaspare was ..., TMNS, 11-May-16 07:21 PM, #24
Reply Damn you!, Abra (Anonymous), 11-May-16 06:07 AM, #6
Reply THUMBS DOWN, Kstatida, 11-May-16 03:34 AM, #4
Reply Just could not bring myself to like you..., Welverin, 11-May-16 05:39 AM, #5
Reply There's no reason not to stick it out when you're that ..., Aerafr Mistwalker (Anonymous), 11-May-16 02:20 AM, #3
Reply RE: There's no reason not to stick it out when you're t..., Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 09:26 AM, #46
     Reply Being uninducted means losing power, no?, Aerafr Mistwalker (Anonymous), 12-May-16 11:55 AM, #53
          Reply steaks and potatoes, Qinsa (Anonymous), 12-May-16 01:08 PM, #58
               Reply ROFL, Kstatida, 12-May-16 06:01 PM, #74
               Reply It is better to think of CF gods...., Vonzamir, 12-May-16 06:31 PM, #75
               Reply It was pretty big of him to give you a warning., Lhydia, 12-May-16 08:17 PM, #77
Reply You was the best groupmate i ever had in my many years ..., Aesoakob (Anonymous), 11-May-16 02:08 AM, #2
Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., Umiron, 11-May-16 12:06 AM, #1
     Reply RE: (DELETED) [None] Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the M..., robdarken_, 11-May-16 07:51 AM, #7
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