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RE: Consistently not finding sleek rods where hints say they should be
Logging in and trying to find wands, but this has been happening for my barrier, aura, and shield wands - I get the hint, the hint that's been the same consistently for locations for characters - but when I go to gather the wand after I finish killing the mobs that should have it, they don't ever drop the wand. Log below example, but this is also happening for the chaos mage hint for a barrier rod as well

Someone mentioned on the side when asking that they had to die before this issue was fixed when they had seen something similar accidentally discussing successfully while still dead, if that context helps - but I don't know if/when I would have discussed while still a corpse to give any examples there - that's hearsay though.

Repro is simple for my current char:
1. Discuss with guildmaster about a wand type (or don't specify wand type, same result)
2. Go gather what you think is your wand.
3. Find no wand.

*snip log*

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