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RE: By Design x1000!
Let's get the group discount on things that are not bugs:

- Ranger herbs can cure plague. They will not always cure all plagues.

- Yes, you keep burning after lavawalking. You're taking less damage.

- Yes, mobs can do some things PCs can't.

- Yes, some skills can sometimes initiate combat silently.

- Yes, really. Been that way for a decade or so. No, we're not going to punish that guy for using skills as designed.

- Yes, some other abilities also can sometimes initiate combat silently under the right circumstances. Also not new.

- Yes, bindings can potentially fall off pretty quickly when fighting starts. When they don't, you probably should kill the victim unless you blow it. C'est la vie.

- Bloodletting is doing something helpful even when it doesn't reduce poison duration.

- Sometimes the RNG just goes that way.

- Yes, over-max limited gear can disappear when you die.

- Yes, dismissal works fine.

- If you're someplace the nightgaunt won't return to, it won't bring your victim back even if they succumb. Usually, though not always, this means you went indoors after the bind.

- As far as I can recall, the Silent Tower thing isn't a bug.

- Cold control is working fine and it's plenty mean.

- Sometimes Minotaurs can't be understood. It's hard out there for a minotaur.

- Yes, those edges are working fine.

- You use quiet mode at your peril. }(

- Single-person where has some limitations. This is still true with duo dimension.

- Re: Archangel housing Ravon: I'm not seeing a bug here, and for what it's worth the detail that I think that you're missing is not specific to the conjurer class.

- Yes, charging up STSF by sparring may help you accidentally kill your allies later. I'm not saying we won't ever consider changing this but it's working as designed presently.

- Yes, people can vis themselves.

- Okay, now that I'm to the second post on that Silent Tower thing, depending on how I'm feeling, it's either not a bug, or it is a bug and you got off easier than you should have. You definitely were supposed to take it in the pants when you did. Sorry. What you were doing had the potential to yield high rewards but it also came at a risk/cost.

- That skill comes from an exotic weapon.

- Right, you're not supposed to be able to waylay under those circumstances. You can do something about it if you want.

- Hi, the bug board is for bugs, not 'stuff I want coded.'

- A spellbook may work for some characters but not others. In this case, your class is probably the issue.

- You thought wrong.

- Yes, yes it is.

- RNG. See 'help skill improvement'.

- Damn those sailors! They do that.

- You can't request everything.

- Undeads are full of spooky negative energy.

- Undeads are also a diverse and multicultural people.

That all amounts to 77 bug board posts. I'll try to get the queue below 200 (possibly with some actual fixes) another night!

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