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RE: Sleeping corpse guard?
Drakgrak yells 'Die, Palmer, you sorcerous dog!'
Someone utters the words, 'grzzs'.
Drakgrak's legs buckle, and he suddenly slumps to the ground and sleeps.

<87%hp 92%m 99%mv 4519tnl (49.56%) 5 AM>
Someone zaps Drakgrak with a sickly green wand.
Drakgrak yells 'Help! Someone just zapped me!'

<87%hp 92%m 99%mv 4519tnl (49.56%) 5 AM>
Draktel sacrifices a clump of hair from Draktel to the gods.

<87%hp 92%m 99%mv 4519tnl (49.56%) 5 AM>
butcher corpse
Drakgrak notices your movement and grabs your wrist to stop you.

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