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RE: And that is by design
>What remains is the area heat affects, like the tunnel in the
>ashes of nowhere, or when a room is on fire or recently was on
>fire and is very hot. You get the same heat damage but the
>mantle does not kick in.

I'll spell this out for you, since you still don't get it.

Fire damage from AN EVIL SOURCE will heal you. One more time for those who are slow.

FIRE DAMAGE from AN EVIL SOURCE will heal you.

Remarkably...that's why it is a Maran power.

Rooms are not evil.
Warlocks are not evil.
Good-aligned invokers are not evil.
Any whacked out way you think you can try and abuse this to heal is not evil.

This was all thought up in the design phase, and has been this way since day 1.

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