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RE: osprey dive bug
Far above the Dragon Sea
The air rushing under your wings is cold, and smells strongly of
salt. You slow the flapping of your wings and glide for a moment,
to marvel once again at the view. No matter how many times you
see it, the view from above the clouds still invokes a childlike
reverence in you. The cloud cover here is sparse, giving you a
wide view of the ocean below. Blue-Green water spreads out below
you as far as the eye can see. This far out to sea, you see no
whitecaps, rather, the waves do not break at all, giving the
appearance of rolling hills. Occasionally you do see a square of
white, in the form of a sail atop a majestic sailing vessel. You
are far enough out to sea that there is no land in sight, but from
the position of the sun, you can tell that far off to the east lie
the shores of Arkham, while the city of Hamsah Mu'tazz and environs
lie off far to the west.

(PK) an osprey Far above the Dragon Sea
(PK) a vulture Far above the Eastern Road
(PK) Ghuljun The Open Sea
(PK) Grumby The Open Sea

dive ghuljun
You can't fly to people in cabals.

This happened in several similar squares of open sea.
no cabal there so I should be able to dive to him.

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