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RE: Bug or me just not wanting admit stupidity?

613hp 188m 497mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
Flixsotopeck has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.
You spin the shaft of a dual-bladed silver battle axe, hitting a mongoose with its points.
Your whirling axe DISMEMBERS a mongoose!
A mongoose is gushing blood.

613hp 188m 497mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
The special guard yells 'Icthaen is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
You parry the special guard's slash.
The special guard yells 'Icthaen is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
You parry the special guard's slash.
You parry the special guard's slash.
The special guard yells 'Icthaen is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
You parry the special guard's slash.
The special guard yells 'Icthaen is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
You dodge the special guard's slash.
A mongoose is gushing blood.

613hp 188m 497mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
A mongoose continues to bleed from his wounds.
A mongoose's bleeding mauls him.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
You are thirsty.
The burden of being sequestered has lifted.
Your skin feels soft again.
Your hunger injures you.
A mongoose is gushing blood.

602hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
You parry the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
The gods protect you from Calrohir.
The special guard's slash MUTILATES you!
You parry the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
The gods protect you from Calrohir.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
Flixsotopeck fades into existence.
You parry Flixsotopeck's burning touch.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
You dodge Flixsotopeck's burning touch.
A mongoose's bite wounds you.
A mongoose dodges your attack.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A mongoose is gushing blood.

542hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
Flixsotopeck utters the words, 'yaftze diesilla'.
Flixsotopeck's hands crackle with electricity as he unleashes a forked bolt of lightning!
The gods protect the special guard from Flixsotopeck.
The gods protect the special guard from Flixsotopeck.
The gods protect Calrohir from Flixsotopeck.
Flixsotopeck's forked lightning *** DEVASTATES *** you!
A mongoose is gushing blood.

393hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
You dodge the special guard's slash.
The gods protect you from Calrohir.
You parry the special guard's slash.
The gods protect you from Calrohir.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
Moving quickly, you avoid the special guard's slash.
You dodge Flixsotopeck's burning touch.
You dodge a mongoose's bite.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A dual-bladed silver battle axe trails a brilliant arc of silvery flame as you cleave a mongoose!
Your flaming bite RAZES a mongoose!
A mongoose is gushing blood.

393hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM A mongoose dodges your disembowel.
A mongoose is gushing blood.

***Ok...here's my question. Shouldn't that have been <A mongoose is in no condition to be disemboweled> and no lag associated? Clearly I was lagged two rounds by entering the command...which in effect was stupid on my part I admit....but I didn't think it'd lag me if he wasn't writhing. It that a perk to the mongoose form? If it's by design i'll shut the hell up. I feel stupid enough already :) ***

393hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM flee

Calrohir looks at you.
A mongoose is gushing blood.

393hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
Flixsotopeck utters the words, 'yaftze diesilla'.
Flixsotopeck's hands crackle with electricity as he unleashes a forked bolt of lightning!
The gods protect the special guard from Flixsotopeck.
The gods protect the special guard from Flixsotopeck.
The gods protect Calrohir from Flixsotopeck.
Flixsotopeck's forked lightning >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you!
That really did HURT!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You parry the special guard's slash.
You parry the special guard's slash.
The gods protect you from Calrohir.
You parry the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
The gods protect you from Calrohir.
You parry the special guard's slash.
You parry the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
Flixsotopeck's burning touch RAZES you!
Silvery-white flames flare brightly along your wounds.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge a mongoose's bite.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A mongoose dodges your attack.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A mongoose dodges your cleave.
A mongoose is gushing blood.

183hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
The edges of a mongoose's being stretch and twist and he becomes a tiger.
A tiger's bones creak and snap as he shapeshifts.
A tiger's shapeshifting decimates him!
A tiger is gushing blood.

183hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
You dodge the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
The gods protect you from Calrohir.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
The gods protect you from Calrohir.
You parry the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
You dodge the special guard's slash.
You parry Flixsotopeck's burning touch.
You dodge a tiger's claw.
You parry a tiger's claw.
You dodge a tiger's claw.
A tiger dodges your cleave.
Your cleave EVISCERATES a tiger!
A tiger is gushing blood.

183hp 183m 535mv 24350tnl civilized 10 AM
Flixsotopeck utters the words, 'yaftze diesilla'.
Flixsotopeck's hands crackle with electricity as he unleashes a forked bolt of lightning!
The gods protect the special guard from Flixsotopeck.
The gods protect the special guard from Flixsotopeck.
The gods protect Calrohir from Flixsotopeck.
Flixsotopeck's forked lightning >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
Better stand up first.

Thanks for any input. I hope it doesn't sound like i'm moaning because I died. Ah well.

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