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RE: Strange dashing?
dash e dash e dash e dash e dash e dash e dash e dash n dash e dash n dash e open n

A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
A throne of thatched wood with a base of polished skulls, stands here.
The Destructor of magic is here, daring you to cast a spell.
(White Aura) A healer is here tending to the wounded.
{00:20:38} <781hp 586m 784mv 14290tnl> <4 PM> (indoor-standing) ^135 -250hrs: Blood Square

A short sword made from good steel with heron markings on the blade is here.
White cloth bearing the Flame of Tar Valon is folded here.
Before the pillar of legends

A towering pillar of stone stands here, casting its shadow down upon you.
You're too tired to dash that far!

I end up moving two rooms, and losing all my movement.. normal?

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