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RE: Bug or by design?
A Burnt Hallway

(Invis) (Translucent) A great cloud of flames smoking with dark images of twisted
faces erupts with cries of torment revealing a horned demonic figure.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by Graazur'Ukal!'
Graazur'Ukal fades into existence.
Graazur'Ukal DISMEMBERS you!
Graazur'Ukal DISMEMBERS you!
Graazur'Ukal sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Graazur'Ukal's bash hits you.
Graazur'Ukal is in perfect health.

<745hp 398m 440mv 24029tnl> fle

Graazur'Ukal leaves north.
Graazur'Ukal is in perfect health.

I'm not complaining mind you, but he walked right out of combat.

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