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RE: Deathtrap in moat, Items weren't returned at pit
>I'm only of the 8th level and I had alot of kick arse
>equipment, I fell into the moat on the walls of seantryn and
>into it's deathtrap. Waited at the pit for my stuff to get
>back for 20-25 minutes and it never showed up. Tried it agian
>with some other equipment, and that equipment didnt show up
>either..asked on the newbie channel if that was supposed to
>happen and they said i shoulda got my stuff back.

01/24/2004 21:42:40 : (8 ranger) Coroth killed by (NPC) a sharp spike at 15574 by hit
01/24/2004 22:00:04 : the corpse of Coroth just decayed in room 15574 into the donation pit

01/24/2004 22:12:49 : (8 ranger) Coroth killed by (NPC) a sharp spike at 15574 by hit
01/24/2004 22:33:04 : the corpse of Coroth just decayed in room 15574 into the donation pit

Looks like it's working properly to me.

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