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RE: Hillcrest Conjurer guildmaster
notice the kick.. and I've yet to see her cast any conjurer spells..
maybe they should do a little flash action (the guild guard does magic missile 'occasionally' I'd imagine they should do it more often since it is most of a conjurers offense.

Your acrid stream of vitriol scalds the Mistress of Conjuration's flesh!
You fade into existence.
Your stream of acid >>> ANNIHILATES <<< the Mistress of Conjuration!
The Mistress of Conjuration's magic is powerless against you.
The Mistress of Conjuration's kick injures you.
The Mistress of Conjuration has some small but disgusting cuts.
{01:32:54} <437hp 928m 686mv> <12 AM> (indoor-fighting) ^719 -342hrs:
Your acrid stream of vitriol scalds the Mistress of Conjuration's flesh!

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