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RE: Creaking shifter bones.
<93%hp 48%m 19%mv 2310tnl> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 33 hours.
Power: 'mantle of the phoenix' for 20 hours.
Power: 'mantle of the phoenix' for 20 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 11 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -5 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 1 hours.

<93%hp 48%m 19%mv 2310tnl> c shape rhino
You flicker and blur into the shape of a black rhinoceros.
Your bones creak and snap under the strain of your trauma as you shapeshift.
Your shapeshifting mauls you.

<88%hp 35%m 19%mv 2310tnl> rev
You concentrate a moment and return to your normal shape.
Your bones creak and snap under the strain of your trauma as you shapeshift.
Your shapeshifting mauls you.

I waited it out and tried like 10 ticks later just to make sure it wasnt something I couldnt see.

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