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RE: trophy
killed them in town, I know they had not died for a while if that means anything, here is the entire last part of log

he special guard's slash devastates a lion!
The special guard's slash maims a lion!
The gods protect a lion from a flesh golem.
The gods protect a lion from a zombie of an imprisoned arial.
The gods protect a lion from a zombie of an imprisoned arial.
Your caustic slime MUTILATES a lion!
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Your caustic slime *** DEVASTATES *** a lion!
A lion is DEAD!!
A lion hits the ground ... DEAD.
Berlitz's bones creak and snap as he shapeshifts.

656hp/957hp 358m 737mv 14224tnl 8 PM
A flesh golem gets a mithril ring from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A flesh golem gets a mithril ring from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A flesh golem gets an adamantite-tipped long spear from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A flesh golem gets a pair of armguards from the snow worm from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A flesh golem gets a shield from the hide of a snow worm from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A flesh golem gets some leggings from the snow worm from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A flesh golem is burned by a silver coin and drops it.
A flesh golem fades into existence.
A flesh golem's burning hands toasts it.
A flesh golem gets 19 copper coins from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a shield from the hide of a snow worm from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a pair of black steel gauntlets from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a black steel bracer from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a black steel bracer from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a captain's hat from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a suit of silver-gray platemail from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a sandy-brown desert cloak from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a sandy-brown desert cloak from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a large sack from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the burnt corpse of a lion.
A zombie of an imprisoned arial gets a loaf of bread from the burnt corpse of a lion.
The special guard gets a cloak of wizardry from the burnt corpse of a lion.
The special guard gets boots of Electricity from the burnt corpse of a lion.
The special guard gets a belt of Thermatology from the burnt corpse of a lion.

656hp/957hp 358m 737mv 14224tnl 8 PM trophy corpse
This corpse is not worthy of a trophy.

****and yes i did look and yes it was correct corpse****

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