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RE: Grouping a sylvan beast call
Random spam is cut, I missed the part where Vly vanishes away, and this is right after the beastcall

A huge gray wolf joins Flarkle's group.
An elven guard is covered with bleeding wounds.

<100%h 65%m 50%v 3 AM wilderness fighting 3424> c magic

Flarkle leaves south.
An elven guard is gushing blood.

A huge gray wolf yells 'Vly! Now you die!'
An elven guard is gushing blood.

<100%h 63%m 57%v 4 AM wilderness fighting 3424>
Vly yells 'Help! Flarkle just tripped me!'

An Immortal suggested I post what I had. Vly mor Flarkle would have a better log I am sure

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