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RE: Looks like I could be missing a charge for my unholy
<10 AM full civilized outdoor> HP:573 MN:633 MV:712 > ic

Odelius's kick devastates you!
A squirrel darts under your legs, and scurries up a nearby tree.
Vexoffesz's pierce maims you!
Vexoffesz's pierce maims you!
Your flaming bite maims Vexoffesz!
Your flaming bite devastates Vexoffesz!
Your flaming bite devastates Vexoffesz!
Vexoffesz is writhing in agony.

<10 AM full civilized outdoor> HP:474 MN:633 MV:712 >

Vexoffesz lunges at you and stabs you with his dagger!
Vexoffesz's stab DISMEMBERS you!
Vexoffesz is writhing in agony.

<10 AM full civilized outdoor> HP:412 MN:633 MV:712 >
Mystic frost manifests itself at your hands before you send it forth in a frigid
explosion of snow and ice.
Your iceball devastates Vexoffesz!
Your iceball EVISCERATES Odelius!
Vexoffesz is convulsing on the ground.

<10 AM full civilized outdoor> HP:412 MN:618 MV:712> ic

Vexoffesz's defilement devastates you!
Vexoffesz's defilement MUTILATES you!
Your infernal power decimates Vexoffesz!
Your flaming bite devastates Vexoffesz!
Your infernal power devastates Vexoffesz!
Your flaming bite MUTILATES Vexoffesz!
Vexoffesz is DEAD!!
Vexoffesz's head is shattered, and his brains splash all over you.
Odelius has some small but disgusting cuts.

<10 AM full civilized outdoor> HP:341 MN:618 MV:712 >

Looks like I got the last hit with my dual wield, but didn't get any echoes about him being to weak to get a charge, or that I got a charge.

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