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RE: Wizinvis bug.
(99/591hp 130/620m 733/821mv wilderness 4 AM) w
On the Side of a Mountain
You cling precariously to the side of a gray stone mountain, your fingers
desperately seeking tiny jags and splits in the rock. Gusting winds tug at
you, whipping your clothing about your body. The wind seems to swirl
hungrily around you, attempting to throw you to the jagged rocks far below.
Mountains rise to the north and there is nothing but open air to the west.
A small ledge leads up the mountain to the east, and seems to slope down
to the south.

(Glowing) A thaumaturgic circle is inscribed upon the ground.
A ghastly little quasit skulks here, hissing to itself.
A lean mountain lion is here, clinging precariously to the mountain side.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
Ilivarra the half-elf is here.

(99/591hp 130/620m 727/821mv wilderness 4 AM) whe
People near you:
(PK) Beltantis On the Side of a Mountain
Ilivarra On the Side of a Mountain

(99/591hp 130/620m 727/821mv wilderness 4 AM) nod
You nod.

(106/591hp 152/620m 778/821mv wilderness 4 AM) recal

An Immortal goes to sleep.

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