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RE: neurological disrupt muscle
Is the mob supposed to rewied after both being held and disrupted like that? seems vastly unfair that a warrior could get a weapon by dirt and disarm while a mage cannot? with much the same affecting the creature?.... I know neurological and dirt are different, but being held should grant me the time to snatch the weapon? not shure if this should be gameplay or bug but ?

You violently disrupt a goblin patrolman's nervous
A goblin patrolman's limbs appear heavy and slow.
A goblin patrolman is unaffected by your neurological disruption!
A goblin patrolman is in perfect health.

You parry a goblin patrolman's stab.
A goblin patrolman dodges your smash.
A goblin patrolman is in perfect health.

You parry a goblin patrolman's stab.
You parry a goblin patrolman's stab.
Your smash decimates a goblin patrolman!
Your smash devastates a goblin patrolman!
A goblin patrolman is covered with bleeding wounds.

You disrupt a goblin patrolman's muscles!
A goblin patrolman's arm spasms, and he drops a rusted iron dagger!
Your disruption MASSACRES a goblin patrolman!
A goblin patrolman gets a rusted iron dagger.
A goblin patrolman wields a rusted iron dagger.
A goblin patrolman is convulsing on the ground.

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