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RE: Phase Door
Should you hit snares, entrance traps, etc., when you use phase door to enter the room? Example of this is below. Bug or by design?

You create a shimmering door and step through it.
A field of rocks and brush

Some makeshift armguards from a white worm rest here.
Leggings made from a midnight dragon lie here.
Boots made from a midnight dragon lie here.
A cloak lays here, its fine embroidery evident.
(Glowing) A large moonstone ring lies here, bathing you with a silvery glow.
A silver longsword flares brilliantly here in the darkness.
(Ghost) Agraemas is resting here.
(Charmed) A huge tree has uprooted itself at the bidding of Voronil.
A patch of overgrown briar entangles your feet and legs!
The briar's entanglement EVISCERATES you!

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