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RE: Mind Control Poison Question
I am sure this is probably by design, but wanted to let you
guys know just in case.  When mind controlled, and knocked
out, it is possible for a thief to order me to 'nofollow
pets'. This releases my guards (Tribunal). When normally
knocked out or sleeping, I can not 'release guard'. The guards
are not really pets, they are a cabal power. It doesnt seem
very IC that a thief would be able to order me, while knocked
out, to tell them to go home. ICly, they should stay there,
and guard my body until such a time as I awaken and tell them
to do something, or until the Thief Mind Control Poisons them.
 I hope what I meant to say was clear. I dont mind them being
driven away, but the thief should have to mind control them,
and not use 'nofollow pets' to get them to leave my side.

Thanks for a great game! I love it! You guys do awsome things
to give us a great world to play in, and I really apprecaite

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