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RE: Not sure what happened here...
<74%h 31%m 85%v 12278tnl 11 AM> z
You tell your elemental to 'shockwave'.
An air elemental shifts violently and a sudden explosive blast ensues!
Grumby is sent flying by the strong blast!
An air elemental's shockwave maims Grumby!
Grumby leaves.
Grumby is covered with bleeding wounds. <50%-74%>

Either Grumby was not lagged at all and not even taken into combat, or the shockwave had a buffet like effect. If the second is true, I think it would make sense to see what way Grumby went. I am pretty sure that the line: Grumby is sent flying by the strong blast!
is the same every time I shockwave.

Other things that might help: Grumby is a gnome druid level 26 or so, and I am a level 28 human conjurer.

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