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RE: Bear Kinship not camouing
**Expected Bedouin summoned bear through bearkinship camouflages in desert.
**Actual, it doesn't.

You attempt to camouflage yourself.

wilderness DESERT outdoor standing> whe
People near you:
(PK) NAME The Rocky Desert

The Rocky Desert
The shifting dunes of red and tan sand, born by dry winds, flay your skin
mercilessly. As a particularly strong gust of wind blows grit into your
eyes, you notice a huge jag of rocks exposed by the shift of a dune.
Enormous, impassable mountains rise to the east, blocking the wind and
funneling it back to swirl about you with increased force. Each step is
agony as you walk into a wall of tearing sand, your feet moving over
broken rocks.

A hidden stash is camouflaged within the sands here.
A dusky colored sand ursine is here, poised to strike.

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