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RE: Wimpy kicking in early after trip?
This looks like a(nother) case of the infamous lag bug of recent years, where the wolf's wimpy kicked in only 1 round later after a trip:

You trip a gray wolf and he goes down!
Your trip scratches a gray wolf.
A gray wolf is gushing blood.
The elven healer's kick decimates a gray wolf!
Your slice DISMEMBERS a gray wolf!
Your slice DISMEMBERS a gray wolf!
A gray wolf's claw maims the elven healer!
A gray wolf is convulsing on the ground.
The elven healer closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
A soft golden light shines from the elven healer's wounds.
A gray wolf is convulsing on the ground.
The elven healer's slice mauls a gray wolf.
A gray wolf has fled!
The elven healer says 'You aren't allowed in there!'

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